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Thread: Too many of them, not enough ammo!

  1. #16
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Dudes, having taken a little bit of Kendo in my youth, I can tell you that it is not easy to be able to cleave something in half with a Katana.

    I remember a demonstration given by my Sensei: They would roll up several straw mats (called "tatami" mats) together and then stand these up. Apparently, these were supposed to approximate a human body's resistance to a sword blow. Given that he was a master, the Sensei was able to slice straight through the mats, however when one of the stronger kids in the group (bigger and older than the rest, but still on our beginner skill level) gave it a shot, he barely made it a quarter of the way through. It was mentioned that many (not reproduction) original Katanas had been broken throughout the centuries while attempting to slice through a human body. Bones, flesh, muscle, apparently, can snap even the finest sword if that sword is used improperly.

    Not having stuck with Kendo, with the little insignificant training I received I would probably end up breaking my sword if I tried to cut a ghoul's head off, or even if I tried to lop off it's arm or cleave through the longbones of the legs. Even with an original, master forged and folded carbon steel Katana, chances are that I, and most of you all who also are not trained in swordsmanship would risk snapping the blade or hurting yourself by landing a glancing blow.

    So if I was going to use a blade of some sort, it would have to be something a little more forgiving than a Katana, like an axe or something along those lines.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  2. #17
    Being Attacked dirtydwarf's Avatar

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    I wouldn't trust a slashing blade. Too likely to get stuck in bone or break. Would carry A nice strong knife though for utility or a last resort weapon.

  3. #18
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydwarf View Post
    I wouldn't trust a slashing blade. Too likely to get stuck in bone or break. Would carry A nice strong knife though for utility or a last resort weapon.
    Exactly. Which is probably the only right way to view a bladed weapon in spite of what those who take Max Brooks as gospel might say. In the real world, with the exception of the Congo, bladed weapons are used in combat only as a supplement to firearms.

    Even affixed as a bayonet, most bladed weapons require some amount of training in order to be useful.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  4. #19
    Just been bitten bd2999's Avatar

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    Yeah, there are lots of people around. Best bet in everything is to not shoot anything unless you need to, trying to be a mans man and kill them all is just not going to fly unless you pretty much have a military base to yourself that is full of ammo and weapons for your use and you are good with them all.

    Otherwise it is going to be rough.We thought about a similar idea the other week. Even with a thousand rounds of ammo and consider you are in a small town of a few thousand. If they are all dead and walking then even if you get one shot one kill there are still several thousand more in the general area alone.

  5. #20
    Fresh Meat

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    I don't want to get close enough to smell them much less close enough to use a blade!

    Heck, think about it...swinging a sharp implement, handling it, with vile fluid on it...ew!

  6. #21
    Just been bitten triste realtà's Avatar

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    Ginsu cuts clean.

  7. #22
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    Well I tried to embed a youtube vid but was unable...must research this more...

    I like the idea of keeping the zeds as far away as possible...however I think a hand to hand weapon is a necessity maybe a sickle

  8. #23
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimStories View Post
    Hello, been gone for a while, completed a few big projects and got stuff done, back for a visit.

    OK, so here's something I used to put numbers and distance in perspective when it comes to writing and thinking about the living dead. It's a silly exercise, but an eye opener.

    While on a short drive at dusk on a weekend...not a week day when there's lot of traffic, but go a few miles in the suburbs and count the headlights that you meet oncoming. One pair of headlights equals one walker...I figure that this is a good indication of interval and numbers for scattered living dead through the same area, if you're moving rapidly on foot...why? Why not? This gives you a small percentage of the number of people in an area, perhaps as many as would be wandering the streets after our's not overwhelming, so it seemed reasonable. Just count the cars coming toward you in that short distance for thinking about later.

    Anyway, I figure that even as a good shot, I'd need maybe four or five shots to snap shoot a low moving but small target at closer ranges. What shocked me is within a half mile or so, with a few dozen cars coming my way, I realized a person would be emptying magazines regularly...going a mile or so with even light traffic, I couldn't carry enough magazines to go a few miles. Even at night the traffic might astonish you. This doesn't take in to consideration fatigue, weather, fear, and the fact that once you start firing everyone of them that's mobile will come toward you.

    It's a silly thing to do but if you just count the cars on the road and realize that in the suburbs and urban areas there's multiples of people out there, it almost makes the notion of shooting your way out pathetic.

    Very true, and that's not all we have to worry about:

    In addition to the randomly-staggering locals, you have the urban sprawl effect. That is, dead from the cities leaving those cities, pursuing the masses of panicked live ones that fled. Once on that trail, they won't just turn around and go back to the city. They will continue down the roads out into the rurals. That means that while you're walking down the highway dodging locals, you have a horde coming along behind you, closing the distance every time you stop.

    Also, zombies move in all directions. You may be walking down the road, but they probably won't be. On a rural highway, you have thick foliage on both sides of the road, no more than 20 feet off the shoulder. Many of them will be staggering through that. So, while you're looking down the double-yellow line, you'll have these freaks climbing out of the woodwork on both sides of you. Not a good scenario.

    It is literally a case of being surrounded at all times, and you're never very far from the nearest ghoul. And if you fire your gun, like you said, the bumrush is on.

    And the whole "swing a sword" idea will get us eaten in hours. It isn't possible to physically slice or bash very many of them. Try throwing just your fist, as hard as you can, just 10 times. Notice how weak you got?

    After a dozen ghouls, you'll be pathetically setting your weapon harmlessly onto a zombie's head, your strength gone. Then, it's lunchtime.

  9. #24
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    well put.

  10. #25
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    would dipping bongholio, chaos, steve, and socal in barbecue sauce and using them as human shields be a valid defensive strategy?
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  11. #26
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    aww that's just mean. I liked Bong he was interesting.

    as for the others, sure why not.

  12. #27
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    would dipping bongholio, chaos, steve, and socal in barbecue sauce and using them as human shields be a valid defensive strategy?
    no, but i'd question what sort of sexual fetishes you have.

  13. #28
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    no, but i'd question what sort of sexual fetishes you have.
    none that involve these 4 of that i can fully assure you. i was more thinking about throwing the ghouls something akin to human snausages, whilst i make my escape.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #29
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Personal opionon but due to living in the uk guns are pretty hard to come (if you ignore the papers these days) so even if I do manage to get a gun I would hold onto it and the ammo and use only in the most extreme of circumstances. For two reasons 1. due to the noise and level of attention it would attract. 2. having to maintain it more use means more maintenance (though even with no use I would have to clean and oil it regs). I would probs try and keep silent, in an out of the way area sleeping high above the ground in a hidden area. My main weapon of choice would be a cudgel/club/baseball bat for small numbers of ghouls a sword ('most any type) for hostile humans either armed sim or unarmed and gun when I have to make a quick break through a small crowd (15+) of ghouls to open an immediate gap or when a large number of hostile humans appear. Hopefully I would be meeting only the friendly kind of human. This is all based on GAR's zombies

  15. #30
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimStories View Post
    [I]... it almost makes the notion of shooting your way out pathetic.


    Hi again, and welcome back again, of sorts

    Secondly, i couldn't agree with your closing statement more!

    In that particular scenario, i guess your best option would be a brisk walk without firing ANY shots at all.


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