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Thread: Living Dead Movie Timeline?

  1. #46
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    None of the movies are connected at all, particularly Diary which is a whole other thing in the same idea.
    Actually the first 3 films, the original trilogy, are loosely connected (not directly) through comments, scenes and loose jokes.

  2. #47
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Actually the first 3 films, the original trilogy, are loosely connected (not directly) through comments, scenes and loose jokes.
    And yet GAR has explicitly stated they're not connected...

    An off-the-cuff, for-the-fans side-joke doesn't link them. They all have the common theme of zombies, but they're not connected at all.

    GAR - the chap who created these movies - says as such.

  3. #48
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman_Deluxe View Post
    Oh god ... not this topic again!

    Despite some peoples insistence that this issue has not yet been resolved, it has, several years ago or more.

    I can only presume that the people still whittling on about this were either not here at the time it was resolved, were here and didn't listen, were here and couldn't accept it, or are just plain stupid!
    Deadman, though I lurked for many years, I only became active in 07, and therefore are among the damned souls who are relatively new. As a result of my short time I was not privy to the outcome of this argument, and my searches have yet to reveal the definitive answer. Therefore, for the clarification of this newbie could you please clarify and share the outcome of this with me and the rest of the folks here?
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  4. #49
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    Deadman, though I lurked for many years, I only became active in 07, and therefore are among the damned souls who are relatively new. As a result of my short time I was not privy to the outcome of this argument, and my searches have yet to reveal the definitive answer. Therefore, for the clarification of this newbie could you please clarify and share the outcome of this with me and the rest of the folks here?

    at 884 posts you are hardly a newbie but there really isn't a set answer. a lot of people have different ideas.

    there are folks like yours truly who don't think there really is a "timeline." who think that romero was simply using a time period to tell a story and comment on american society at that time

    then there are the folks who believe there is a definite linear timeline to the movies.

    then there is the camp that wishes we would all shut the f*ck up.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #50
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    HW: Many horror sequels bring back previous survivors to fight the evil once again...
    George: Yeah
    HW: ...yet you have never done this in your Dead films.
    George: No.
    HW: Is there a reason for that?
    George: Well you know, they were never... I never did anything with the period. I could have set them all in 1968 [laughs] and since they weren't connected in time... Well, in other words, I just used the period. I shot one in the 70's and the background was 70's - I shot one in the 80's and the background was the 80's - and this one this background will be 2000. So I don't feel that you can continue the same characters. The thing that continues is just the phenomena and I try to put a different spin on it that reflects the time when the film is made, rather than try to keep the same characters going, it just wouldn't make any sense unless they were all done in the same period.
    HW: So you would never considered bringing back a character?
    George: No, they're too far apart... well, I might. Actually at one point I thought about bringing back Peter from Dawn, but it would have to be 20 years later - and of course the actor would look right for it because he's 20 years older.
    Is there some other GAR proclamation about the movies not being connected? Because I don't see how this quote implies that the movies are not connected at all. All he's saying is that the movies are not connected in time. That is, that the backdrop changes to whatever is current.

    The idea that the characters could not continue from one movie to the next seems to be a practicality issue based upon the length of time between movies vs. the length of time into the outbreak, not a conscious decision to disconnect the movies from one another.

    He says right there that he'd bring back Peter from Dawn if it made sense from the perspective of the timeline vs. the actor's age.

    As to Day being on an island - I don't think so. They talked about leaving and finding an island. Hard to believe they'd need to do that if they were already on one. And the general sense of the movie was that they were trapped inside the base. I cannot imagine the military going stir crazy in that base if all they had to do was clean off an island to have more room.

  6. #51
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Blades appears in both Dawn and Land. SAME CHARACTER. In two different movies. What did he do, find a Stargate? They're connected.

    Same deal with the same tv broadcast being in both Night and Diary. Same exact news brief. Obviously, the people in both movies are watching the same channel. They weren't watching the Interdimensional News Network.

  7. #52
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    ^ nice

  8. #53
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    Blades appears in both Dawn and Land. SAME CHARACTER. In two different movies. What did he do, find a Stargate? They're connected.

    Same deal with the same tv broadcast being in both Night and Diary. Same exact news brief. Obviously, the people in both movies are watching the same channel. They weren't watching the Interdimensional News Network.
    OR.........they're just little nods to the earlier films? That happens alot....

  9. #54
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76
    Blades appears in both Dawn and Land. SAME CHARACTER. In two different movies. What did he do, find a Stargate? They're connected.

    Same deal with the same tv broadcast being in both Night and Diary. Same exact news brief. Obviously, the people in both movies are watching the same channel. They weren't watching the Interdimensional News Network.
    Ah, good point about the Night/Diary connection. I have not yet seen Diary, or heard much specific info about it, so I would not be able to use it in my discussions. I hope top see it soon.
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    And yet GAR has explicitly stated they're not connected...

    An off-the-cuff, for-the-fans side-joke doesn't link them. They all have the common theme of zombies, but they're not connected at all.

    GAR - the chap who created these movies - says as such.
    Many people use the "GAR stated they are not connected" comment to try to make a claim that the movies are not connected in any way whatsoever. This is a faulty argument. There are many reasons why my statement here makes sense.

    1) Firstly, GAR did not put the time and effort into thinking about the logic/timeline/connection/etc. that we fans do. He is simply a guy that was making movies, with limited resources, and did an excellent job, which I think we can all agree on. He did not create a "canon" to refer to as he continued with his various projects. He did not emerse himself in small details; he did not attempt to create an impenetrable storyline where nothing was in doubt, and every single solitary thing would make perfect logical sense in a grand discussion about his works. Other films makers have in fact tried this, and even then, there are details that hardcare fan discussions later reveal to be inconsistent, illogical, etc. It would be extremely difficult to create a film, much less several films, that was perfect in every way, even when you were purposely trying to. Without purposely trying to, it would be that much more unlikely that perfection could be achieved.

    2) As you watch various interviews that GAR has given over the years, you can see that he is a very friendly person who is speaking off the cuff. He is not coming across as a pompous blowhard, thinking that his films are the greatest of all time, and extolling the virtue of his own excellence. He is not referring to notes. He is not worried about if his every word is making sense to the thousands of fans who disect his films ad nauseum. Any of us that have listened to his commentaries where other people are on the commentary also have notices how sometimes he gets details wrong and the other person corrects him. This is not slight on GAR, how much do you remember about details of something you did 25 years ago? Sure, you have general recolection, but you do not remember every single thing. If you mispeak (and not a Hillary Clinton mispeak, but a real mispeak), and your friend points out your error, and you admit yes you are correct, that does not mean you are an idiot, just that you did not remember that particular small detail and they did. When he says that the Fran helicopter scene was never shot, and Savini says it was, then pictures surface showing what appears to be that scene in action, what is the real truth? Was it shot, lost, and GAR forgot? Was it just set up to be shot, tested, but never shot, and Savini mispoke, remembering it set up and assuming it was shot? No way to know for sure, we were not there, and no one was filming all the actions of the film making process for posterity, so we only have what we have. The point being, that anyone one of us speaking off the cuff in bound to make comments that are inaccurate, downright wrong, etc.

    3) So what does he mean when he says they are not connected? I myself have heard those words come from his mouth in an interview. I have seen and heard many GAR interviews, and do not remember which one, or ones, I have heard him say this in. Without context, it is hard to know exactly what any quote from anyone may mean. To my recollection, I took it that he was referring to the fact that they were not direct sequels, that the characters from one movie did not occur in the next, as is many times the case in a sequel. That is part of the appeal of a sequel to begin with, seeing Arnold as the Terminator again, seeing Marty and Doc traveling to the future/past again, etc. But with GARs dead films, the characters continuing is not what is important, but the outbreak continuing is what is important. In fact, since most all of the main players end up dead anyway, which makes logical sense due to the nature of the outbreak, most characters couldnt continue anyway, except as a zombie themselves (as the Blades character did in fact do). When GAR was addressing the issues on connectivity, he was usually answering a direct question, many times by a media type that is obviously not a GAR fan the way we are, asking typical media questions. So GAR was answering the questions in that context, not giving deep insight to long time fans, but explaining simple concepts to an uneducated interviewer. GAR understands how media works...when someone asks him "so is this project a sequel to your last one" it is not even intended as a deep thought provoking question, just a typical media question to get the star of the interview to say something. They are not looking for an hour long discussion addressing issues we discuss here, they want a quick soundbite to play on TV, radio, etc. Rather than giving a long answer (such as I am in the middle of typing) he simply says they are not connected, as in the characters from Dawn are not in Day.

    4) And I also say that the films are in fact obviously connected in many ways. First GAR wrote all of them. Connection. Savini in involved in many of them. Connection. Nicotero is involved with some of them. Connection. Cletus and his wife did the set design in some of them. Connection. They are deal with a universe where the dead are rising and want to attack the living. Connection. Head shots kill the living dead. Connection. So obviously, they are connected. Less obviously, using a logical argument that people would usually not even think to voice, it that they must be connected in the grand scheme of movie story-telling. What I mean is that at the least they are connected in the same way as the Bridges of Madison County and Aikelah and the Bee are connected. Well, how the hell are those 2 movies conneceted? Two old people finding love, and a girl from Crenshaw entering a spelling bee? Both of those movies exist in a universe that we all already know about without any explanation, our own. The characters do not interact, the stories have no bearing on each other, yet they are connected in the same way that all life on earth is connected. When watching those movies, you have to assume that gravity exists, there is a President of the United States, cars run on gas, etc. There is no need to tell the auidence any of these facts because we already know this, and it is not crucial to those particular stories. They exist in "the real universe", whereas GARs dead films exist in the "GAR dead universe". They must be connected in this way.
    Last edited by Philly_SWAT; 10-Apr-2008 at 03:38 AM.

  10. #55
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    OR.........they're just little nods to the earlier films? That happens alot....
    Exactly. I think I even remember GAR saying he put that in there as a little nod to the fans.

    It's so incredibly brief too. A nod & wink to the fans doesn't mean they're all connected, especially when GAR himself says they aren't - he f*ckin' wrote and directed them, if anyone knows for sure - IT'S HIM.

    Take his f*ckin' word on it people ... baaaahaahwahaagghhhhh!!!! ... *goes insane, unsubscribes from thread, cusses for four hours in the woods, then goes on a rampage somewhere 'out there', never to return...*

  11. #56
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    Blades appears in both Dawn and Land. SAME CHARACTER. In two different movies. What did he do, find a Stargate? They're connected.

    Same deal with the same tv broadcast being in both Night and Diary. Same exact news brief. Obviously, the people in both movies are watching the same channel. They weren't watching the Interdimensional News Network.
    So while the apparent different time epochs does not count as an argument, a similar newscast does?

  12. #57
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    So while the apparent different time epochs does not count as an argument, a similar newscast does?
    Not "similar", the same exact one. Track was taken off one movie, and put right into the other.

    The time differences can't be helped, when the movies are filmed 10 years apart.

  13. #58
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I think that philly_swat's take on the connection between movies posted above is the one I agree with the most and worthy of a read if you skimmed past it.


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