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Thread: Wow. This movie was crappy.

  1. #61
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post
    That scene was pulled off very well. It had humor, tension and the closterphobic feeling in the barn that some say the movie lacked.
    I thought the warehouse scene had it too. I don't see why people say this film didn't have that feeling. Obviously it didn't have as much of it as his old films, but for a "on the road" flick, I thought it covered it well.

  2. #62
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I thought the warehouse scene had it too. I don't see why people say this film didn't have that feeling. Obviously it didn't have as much of it as his old films, but for a "on the road" flick, I thought it covered it well.

    If you think about it dawn, night and day all had a closed in feeling. Land felt that way as well at times. I know they went outside the city but it was at night and you really couldn't get a feeling of open space or the landscape around them. This was a good change up if anything.

    I just got back so i don't know if it's already been discussed but what do you guys think about the social comentary in this film? And then as compared to the others?

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  3. #63
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I like the commentary in the film, but it was a bit heavy at times. Especially the narration. I feel it would have been better to cut out the narration and let the events/characters mention the commentary.

    I absolutely loved the gun/camera "It's too easy to use" lines. The "If it's not on camera it's like it never happened" line shouldn't have been used so many times and Romero should have let Jason's dialogue cover that.

  4. #64
    Being Attacked

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    To those saying it lacked the claustrophobic feel of the other films, does that mean you basically wanted more of the same rather than something a little different?

  5. #65
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I didn't like Diary very much. The first two pages of this thread had a wealth of good points that I agree with.

    I will add one:
    - Screw the whole "road movie" mentality. It didn't work for me. There was no sense of entrapment, no feeling of peril, no tension whatsoever.

    I really hate to say this, but I think I liked Land more than Diary. And I reaaaaaally disliked Land.

    I'd go a step further and say that Diary made me appreciate Land more. Land had fatal failings for me but in spite of that it still had some really great moments and some standout characters. Everything in Diary was either neutral or bad for me. Nothing terrible, but nothing great. A whole lot of meh.

    I'm not interested in any Romero non-zombie movies. There are plenty of other directors making non-zombie horror movies but there's only one Romero to make Romero zombie movies. Even with my recent lack of enjoyment regarding Land & Diary I'd still pay money to see more.
    I mostly agree, but at least in Diary, they got the zombies right. And you can't tell me you wouldn't like to see Romero do another Creepshow, come on man!!

    Like I said before, it had some decent tension scenes. The barn and the warehouse are some. I personally felt very tense when they went to the dorms, nothing happened but the scene was well set up.
    Last edited by clanglee; 28-May-2008 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  6. #66
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy911sc View Post
    Someone just watched life after people...the whole movie (Diary) took place in just 2 I don't think everything would go to hell that fast. People are probably still going to work at this point. Remember the National guard? Some smart peeps are preparing ala the black panther patrol...
    haha you really think so? I don't at all. There are to many nut cases like us that watch these movies. As soon as I hear the dead are getting up and eating people work aint on my list of things to do. Also, look at all the stuff that was online in the movie before they reached the idiot in the mummy suits house. The dead were killing all over the world.
    Also, you forget that everyone had left town for the black panther patrol to take over. Hence my point of things falling apart very quickly. There are alot of areas that get their power from coal (they'd go dark really fast). Not to mention that by the time they got to the black panther patrol the nuke plants would have went into over load and shut down. America would be a very dark place in two days. Not to mention all the folks trying to leave in a hurry hitting phone poles that aren't going to get fixed. Now 'life after people' was a cool movie.

  7. #67
    Just been bitten Mikey's Avatar

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    You guys make some good points.

    The more I read through the threads, the more I realize I agree with a couple of things.

    I think someone said earlier that it was too fast too soon for the world to be going to hell. I agree, after two days you probably are still showing up to work. Black Panthers probably aren't that ready and National Guardsmen are more than likely still doing there job.

    Can I get an Amen?

    I really don't mine the POV stuff if done right. I thought it was absolutely ABSURB ****ING ABUSRD that the idiot holding the camera wouldn't put it down to help the Texas Blonde Chick when moron mummy zombie was chasing her. How ****in' stupid is that, George??? Really, then to yell "dead things don't move fast" was a bit too much. In fact, it almost made me like the DAWN remake a tad more.
    "Totally Togepi!"

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I thought the warehouse scene had it too. I don't see why people say this film didn't have that feeling. Obviously it didn't have as much of it as his old films, but for a "on the road" flick, I thought it covered it well.
    The reason it didn't work for me was the way the camera shot it. Yeah there were tight spots at times but there was never a feeling of 'oh my god' visually. Take the first 20+ minutes of Saving Private Ryan. The camera was all over the place which gives you a feeling of being overwhelmed, that at any second you were going to die. Heck, take any video shot in an active war zone. Diary never had that feeling to it. While a lot of people hated the Cloverfield movie I felt the POV camera in it was fantastic. Good acting as well helped. A gaint monster, hahaha not so much.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I'm not interested in any Romero non-zombie movies. There are plenty of other directors making non-zombie horror movies but there's only one Romero to make Romero zombie movies. Even with my recent lack of enjoyment regarding Land & Diary I'd still pay money to see more.
    Couldn't agree more.

  10. #70
    Just been bitten bd2999's Avatar

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    I really liked Diary, I mean its not Night or Dawn but nothing I have ever seen is.

    I thought the warehouse scene had it too. I don't see why people say this film didn't have that feeling. Obviously it didn't have as much of it as his old films, but for a "on the road" flick, I thought it covered it well
    I agree. I mean I thought the barn scene especially had alot of that feeling to it. It was an on the road sort of movie all the way though. Even the hospital sort of gave an erie vibe to it. I thought it was all covered fairly well.

    Can I get an Amen?

    I really don't mine the POV stuff if done right. I thought it was absolutely ABSURB ****ING ABUSRD that the idiot holding the camera wouldn't put it down to help the Texas Blonde Chick when moron mummy zombie was chasing her. How ****in' stupid is that, George??? Really, then to yell "dead things don't move fast" was a
    The Stephen King cameo was awesome, the amen made me think of it. "Get on your knees, get on your %*&@ knees!" Crazy religous guy.

    I took that as being part of the message of the film really. In reality I agree that the guy probably would have done more, but at the same time someone would have hit the camera guy filming too after a while. Anyway, they got done with the narration about how it basicly let them be immune to what they were seeing. I saw it as a form of detachment from what was really going on. He was filming the movie, so to him there was a buffer. He did come out of it but not completly.

    The dead things move slow was a jab, but it was set up early in the film and was just a repeat thing for a good laugh moment.

    My big problem with the message was some of the narration. At times it was fine. I got the movie within a movie and thought the message was there but, as others have said, is to heavy handed at times. The whole if its not on camera thing got old real fast really, once was enough for saying that sort of thing and some of her narrations were sort of strange and redundent, but I found them to be ironic. She more or less became what throughout the movie she was against all along. Not to mention the own spin they put on things.

    One of the big things I find to be good is that they are filming this to put on the internet. How long would that even last? The towers in the one area were down and no internet so keeping filming is just fulfilling some other need.

  11. #71

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy911sc View Post
    Someone just watched life after people...the whole movie (Diary) took place in just 2 I don't think everything would go to hell that fast. People are probably still going to work at this point. Remember the National guard? Some smart peeps are preparing ala the black panther patrol...
    Where'd the National Guard get those ****ing jeeps from? Those things went out of circulation twenty years ago!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikey View Post
    The more I read through the threads, the more I realize I agree with a couple of things.

    I think someone said earlier that it was too fast too soon for the world to be going to hell. I agree, after two days you probably are still showing up to work. Black Panthers probably aren't that ready and National Guardsmen are more than likely still doing there job.

    Can I get an Amen?

    I really don't mine the POV stuff if done right. I thought it was absolutely ABSURB ****ING ABUSRD that the idiot holding the camera wouldn't put it down to help the Texas Blonde Chick when moron mummy zombie was chasing her. How ****in' stupid is that, George??? Really, then to yell "dead things don't move fast" was a bit too much. In fact, it almost made me like the DAWN remake a tad more.

    That was the worse scene of the movie, what was he thinking? Damn shame about that Texas chick leaving, she would have been great for passing the time in the panic room.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I like the commentary in the film, but it was a bit heavy at times. Especially the narration. I feel it would have been better to cut out the narration and let the events/characters mention the commentary.

    I absolutely loved the gun/camera "It's too easy to use" lines. The "If it's not on camera it's like it never happened" line shouldn't have been used so many times and Romero should have let Jason's dialogue cover that.
    God almighty was the commentary heavy! Over and over it was emphasized until I almost turned the movie off altogether. If it came down to carrying that worthless guy with the camera or "accidently" shooting him, the bullet would have won the toss.
    Last edited by jim102016; 29-May-2008 at 02:21 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  12. #72
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AnxietyDilemma View Post
    To those saying it lacked the claustrophobic feel of the other films, does that mean you basically wanted more of the same rather than something a little different?
    Yes. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I prefer my Romero zombie movies to stick to the formula that made the original movies great. Keep the zombies consistent from movie to movie. Keep it survival horror. Keep the characters and their actions sensible.

    And before we stick the first 3 movies into the "more of the same" category remember that plenty of people around here won't even compare them one against another because "they're so different." Sticking to the formula doesn't necessarily mean making the same movie over and over again.

    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Like I said before, it had some decent tension scenes. The barn and the warehouse are some. I personally felt very tense when they went to the dorms, nothing happened but the scene was well set up.
    I didn't like the barn scene. The horde of zombies that appeared out of nowhere. The Texas chick becoming Mr. Goodwrench. Sam sticking himself through the head. It could've been a good scene but nope.

    Likewise, I didn't like the warehouse scene. Jason and buddy got lost walking back from the room at the end of the hall. Coincidentally at the same time the black guy with the heart condition died and they lost track of him. What a godawful plot contrivance. The only thing that would've made it better is if the narrator had come on and said, "You see Jason got lost and is wandering around not knowing that there's a zombie loose in here..."

    Not to mention - the warehouse in the middle of the town full of zombies... had no zombies beating on the doors?? No, I'm sorry man. The scene just lost me.

    I did like the dorm scene. That was well done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikey View Post
    ...and National Guardsmen are more than likely still doing there job.

    Can I get an Amen?
    AMEN!! I was reaaaally irritated that the National Guard would be looting canned food from college kids in an RV the second day of the catastrophe.

    Quote Originally Posted by jim102016 View Post
    God almighty was the commentary heavy! Over and over it was emphasized until I almost turned the movie off altogether. If it came down to carrying that worthless guy with the camera or "accidently" shooting him, the bullet would have won the toss.
    And an AMEN for you too!!!

  13. #73
    Dead Skippy911sc's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jim102016 View Post
    Where'd the National Guard get those ****ing jeeps from? Those things went out of circulation twenty years ago!
    You do realize all the new stuff is over seas

  14. #74
    Just been bitten

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    I found it funny how all those zombies showed up at the barn and the house with the panic room yet the hospital had very few. By the way to all the people that continue to say the world wouldn't fall apart so quickly. You weren't watching this movie.

    If this was all starting to happen and people would still be going to work then why was the hospital so empty? The hospital would be one of the early over run places in the first few days not some barn and house out in the sticks. Or were all those zombies going to all the work places for a bite to eat? Wouldn't a hospital have people showing up left and right early on.

    There is no way people would still be going to work with all that stuff being played over the air. Heck, the warning at the very start would have caused everything to fall apart. I really don't think this movie was thought out very well at all. By the way, why wasn't the Black Panther area crawling with zombies? If a barn out in the middle of B.F.E. was crawling with dead people that area would have been wall to wall with zombies.

    Another thing that was off was the guy in the mummy suit. He was very shady when they got there before he changed. Almost criminal. Also, why did it take him so much longer to change while the kid at the hospital changed faster. Both suffered one bite. These are just a few things that stick out after watching Diary a second time.

  15. #75

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy911sc View Post
    You do realize all the new stuff is over seas
    I know it all too well, I saw those vehicles in person! The HMMWV replaced the jeep in the 80s, I guess those guys in Diary stole them from a museum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redman6565 View Post
    I found it funny how all those zombies showed up at the barn and the house with the panic room yet the hospital had very few. By the way to all the people that continue to say the world wouldn't fall apart so quickly. You weren't watching this movie.

    If this was all starting to happen and people would still be going to work then why was the hospital so empty? The hospital would be one of the early over run places in the first few days not some barn and house out in the sticks. Or were all those zombies going to all the work places for a bite to eat? Wouldn't a hospital have people showing up left and right early on.

    There is no way people would still be going to work with all that stuff being played over the air. Heck, the warning at the very start would have caused everything to fall apart. I really don't think this movie was thought out very well at all. By the way, why wasn't the Black Panther area crawling with zombies? If a barn out in the middle of B.F.E. was crawling with dead people that area would have been wall to wall with zombies.

    Another thing that was off was the guy in the mummy suit. He was very shady when they got there before he changed. Almost criminal. Also, why did it take him so much longer to change while the kid at the hospital changed faster. Both suffered one bite. These are just a few things that stick out after watching Diary a second time.

    You're right, that mummy guy was quite mobile and shady as he was dying. I can't recall a bite victim acting like that in any other movie (GAR). He walked around until he just dropped over dead. Very strange.
    Last edited by jim102016; 30-May-2008 at 05:25 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


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