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Thread: A Question relating to the flight path in Dawn

  1. #1
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    A Question relating to the flight path in Dawn

    I was just wondering....OK, we all know that our intrepid heros end up in Monroeville, PA, but the name of that town is never mentioned in the movie (even though I guess you could say it is implied because you can see the Monroeville Mall stickers on the doors). Even taking that into account, they mention that they went through Harrisburg and Johnstown, which is logical because they are in a straight line between Philly and Pittsburgh. But when Flyboy enters the room where Fran is, and she overheard them talking about the abortion, during their discussion she says "So, I guess we can forget about Canada?" The only reason for her to say that is that there was an off camera discussion between her and Flyboy (or all of them) that Canada would be a good choice of where to go. But they were not flying toward Canada. How come? Flyboy must know how to read a compass, and if they all lived in Phlliy, they must have realized they were flying West, not North, simply because of the towns they were passing.

  2. #2
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Maybe she was just being ironic, not actually meaning they had ever planned going to Canada. Maybe they knew that there weren't any good airports in a straight line from where they were originally at and Canada, and thus had to take another route?

    Can't say I hold all the answers.

  3. #3
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    I believe she mentions canada because the phenomenon has only, at that point, shown up east of the Mississippi and I'm guesing since they worked for a tv studio, reports from Canada must have shown that no zombies had appeared that far north and they figured Canada was the way to go.

    Or, she could have mentioned Canada and he blew it off or told her why its not a good idea. But here's another question, why did they fly in the direction they did? where they headed out west somewhere where there weren't reports of zombies yet?

  4. #4
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Dawn of the Dead takes place 3 weeks after the edidemic starts. It's definetly world wide by this point.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    Maybe she was just being ironic, not actually meaning they had ever planned going to Canada. Maybe they knew that there weren't any good airports in a straight line from where they were originally at and Canada, and thus had to take another route?
    Could be a "leftover joke" about "war". You know, the folks that "fled to Canada to dodge the draft or avoid getting involved in a war" thingy.

  6. #6
    Just been bitten DeadCentral's Avatar

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    Well if you notice..even in LAND Canada is mentioned... I'm thinking maybe they were looking to find some remote area futher north where the canadian population was more sparce, therefore, less zombies. You know, deep in the woods where they may be able to hold up and live of the land with less need for ammo, electricity etc etc ... Grzzly Adams style maybe
    As far as the direction they were actually flying, I think its said that they were looking for some of the smaller private airports that may not be manned, to fuel up at along the way... but i don't know the area at all so I really couldn't say...just my speculation....

    Sometimes dead is better....

  7. #7
    Being Attacked

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    The "Canada" comment by Francine was, in my opinion, a mention of a dashed hope that she and Stephen had obviously discussed at some point over the past weeks. Roger was likely added after the original discussion; Of course, Peter as well... and who knows what else shifted on the homefront? Things don't always go as planned, and the shiny jewel in the distance often gets delayed or disregarded altogether in light of the situation at hand. In the scope of Dawn, Canada was one of those final dreams that got lost along the way.

    If you want to get technical... when it came right down to actually "running," dreams got shelved for the time being, and Stephen probably just flew in a way that was most familiar. He was obviously an experienced pilot in the general Pennsylvania area, and probably just headed in a direction where he could feel that he knew "exactly" where he was.

  8. #8
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Apocryphism
    The "Canada" comment by Francine was, in my opinion, a mention of a dashed hope that she and Stephen had obviously discussed at some point over the past weeks. Roger was likely added after the original discussion; Of course, Peter as well... and who knows what else shifted on the homefront? Things don't always go as planned, and the shiny jewel in the distance often gets delayed or disregarded altogether in light of the situation at hand. In the scope of Dawn, Canada was one of those final dreams that got lost along the way.

    If you want to get technical... when it came right down to actually "running," dreams got shelved for the time being, and Stephen probably just flew in a way that was most familiar. He was obviously an experienced pilot in the general Pennsylvania area, and probably just headed in a direction where he could feel that he knew "exactly" where he was.
    Thats true, plans and life seemed to change or become non-existant in a 3 week period.

    We dont' know enough about Flyboy's past to know whether he came from Western PA or knew that that part of the state was less densly populated and the smaller airfields would get them farther then just going northwest. Maybe his plan was to hit Pittsburgh and then north to Canada or something further west. Even when Peter asks him, "Do you know where we are?" And Flyboy answers, noone asks him "why" he is going there, it could have been explained off camera.

  9. #9
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Let this one fry your Noggen...

    Why did it take 2 days to fly from Philly to Pittsburgh? By car it is 6 hours.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  10. #10
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    Let this one fry your Noggen...

    Why did it take 2 days to fly from Philly to Pittsburgh? By car it is 6 hours.

  11. #11
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Actually, the more I think about it, the Canada discussion had to have occured off-screen while all 4 of them are together. Peter was obviously not part of the original plan, Roger invites him from the basement, and Flyboy says "who's that?" when he sees Peter. However, in the begining, Flyboy goes to tell Fran that they are leaving that night at 9 pm, tells her to meet him, then leaves, so they had not discussed this beforehand. Fran seems shocked and says "Stephen we cant" (actually she says "David" we cant first, then Stephen right afterward, another flub). They meet at nine, and Roger and Peter show up a few minutes later. The cigarette guy says "Where you headin'" and Flyboy says "Staight up". The makes it apparent that at that particular point in time, they had no plan. Something else I just thought of....Flyboy says "We've gotta find fuel, maybe near Cleavland." Two things....1) If they turned from Pittsburgh to Cleavland, that is heading toward Canada, but they would have to cross Lake Erie to get to Canada. Maybe that way is just as short as going North. But Cleavland is quite a distance from Pittsburgh, so why would he act like they were in need of fuel right away, then suggest an area that is not close?

  12. #12
    Just been bitten Monrozombi's Avatar

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    I'm beginning to wonder if there was no discussion other then "we need to get out of Philly now" He had the chopper, they could spot airfields and refuel and keep going west/northwest until they came to an area that didn't look infected with zombies. but in the end it didnt turn out that bad when they saw the mall, it was probably something they were looking for just on a smaller scale, a self contained community to ride it out, until the bikers came anyway

  13. #13
    Banned theERADICATOR's Avatar
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    I agree with monro in the sense that in the huge state of chaos and confusion, they were in a haste to go just anywhere! all above posts are super great ideas that all make sense really. but given the amount of actual physical and verbal flubs, perhaps GAR didnt think out every little detail of the flight path because he didnt assume one day people would be disecting it like us! haha afterall you can hear through their comments once they find the mall that they dont really know what their doing. thats obvious. but definatly winging it at this point.

  14. #14
    Twitching MaximusIncredulous's Avatar

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    Flyboy wasn't familiar with the layout of Canadian airports that would have jet fuel for the Ranger II he was flying. The US would have a greater concentration of airports and fuel compared to Canada, so he decided to play it safe by sticking to an area he was familiar with. He might also have reasoned that any chance at escaping from the zombie plauge in Canada would necessitate flying deep into Northern Canada, well beyond the range of the aircraft.

  15. #15
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    yea, most of the canadian population is at the border with the U.S. Basically, the farther north you go, the less people there is, but it gets MUCH colder....He could've ment Northern Ontario or the prairies where very little people live...


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