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Thread: post-apocalyptic govt...

  1. #16
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    I wouldn't want any governemt at all. I would hope that once the attack is over, I'd be the only one left.

    A person can be smart; people are stupid. Without exception. Once they band together, you will get problems and bullsh*t. Better for the human race to die with me.

  2. #17
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    I wouldn't want any governemt at all. I would hope that once the attack is over, I'd be the only one left.

    that'd be one way to deal with the problems human groups bring with them.

    and you're right - groups of people tend to act in ignorant ways that a single person never would even think about.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #18
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    If you've got something that can help the greater good of the people, you WILL share it with them or else we WILL take it from you. It's that simple.
    Good luck with that.

    A survivalist I know on a forum has managed to prepare food supplies for 6 people for 2 years at a cost of 12.50 per person per month. If you don't seem to think you are worth 12.50 per month, WTF makes you think that you are entitled to his food? He, by virtue of planning and preperation has earned his lifeboat, while you have not. The greater good is for those who failed to see hard times ahead and prepare leave this mortal coil.

    A man buys a years supply of staple foods. If he takes in another person, the food runs out in 6 months, 3 people, 4 months, 4 people, a mere 3 months, etc.

    If the SHTF in late fall, they're all starving by spring. How is that the greater good?

    As far as taking it by force, defensive obstacles, mantraps, fighting positions, not that difficult to build. There are a variety of improvised explosives and incendiary devices that will add a new level of hell to anyone seeking to take what does not belong to them by force.

    In fact, there are many books out there that tells one how to make such weapons as mortars and poison gas out of easily available materials.

    The only thing you will take from such people is your earned ticket out of the human race for being a armed robber and dickhead.

    Fact is, Communism is a failed ideology, that does not take into reality that humans are a bell curve-you have the Bill Gates, the Tiger Woods, the Steven Speilbergs, and you have the great majority of people who take no more risk than buying a lotto ticket, no more reward than being a parent, spouse, worker, and then the people who are overpriced at .02, the habitual criminals, the mutigenerational welfare recipients, the life failures.

    Name me a successful, true Communist system. You can't because none exist. Even in Russia, China, Cuba, there were the party elites, the connected people, and the regular folks, and the worthless. I've read stories of Russians showing up drunk and sleeping at their jobs. Why should a man who can't be bothered to show up sober and do his job get the same as the man who comes up with a better idea on how to do something, or who consistantly exceeds his quota?

    Mikhail Kalashnikov has medals for his invention, the AK-47. Eugene Stoner has millions from his copyrights.

    No, capitalism works now, and it'll work in an emergency. Granted, there might be some changes to the system, different forms of credit, a system of quid pro quo, but capitalism will work a lot better than Communism.

    For example, right now, a farmer sells his grain to a mill which sells it to a bakery. When the dead walk, or any other number of catastrophes, the people who would have bought the bread at the bakery come up and harvest their own grain and plant next years crop under the farmers direction. It's mutually beneficial-they eat, the farmer didn't have to kill a whole lot of starving townies Those who refuse to harvest grain should starve, since they can't seem to be bothered with feeding themselves. The level of charity shown to those who can't should depend on what others are willing to provide, not what is mandated by some government stooge. And arrangements for those who otherwise are serving the community but couldn't harvest-the town security force, the town doctor, should be that they are paid for their services in a tax of grain.

  4. #19
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wooley View Post
    A survivalist I know on a forum has managed to prepare food supplies for 6 people for 2 years at a cost of 12.50 per person per month. If you don't seem to think you are worth 12.50 per month, WTF makes you think that you are entitled to his food? He, by virtue of planning and preperation has earned his lifeboat, while you have not. The greater good is for those who failed to see hard times ahead and prepare leave this mortal coil.
    Sorry to say, but if you're going to want to ensure the survival of the human race, it's not a question of communism vs. capitalism. It's a question of wether what's right or wrong. Communism? When has it worked? Oh, I don't know, perhaps in the place in time which we WILL revert back to for a brief time after the crisis: The hunter-gathering society?

    Don't be silly. It's not as if someone would say "Here ye, here ye, capitalism has failed, the dead have risen, it's time to start up the flame of communism!"

    It's more like someone would say: "Uh, you have alot of stuff that this group of people need to survive... And you're just one. If we die, so do you, be extention. You're just being stupid, now share or we'll just take it. Because the survival of the human race is more important to me, than your personal integrity."

    In the end, when we're starting to rebuild, whoever starts thinking of individualism is really, really so much a relic of a past that they might actually be dangerous.

  5. #20
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post

    It's more like someone would say: "Uh, you have alot of stuff that this group of people need to survive... And you're just one. If we die, so do you, be extention. You're just being stupid, now share or we'll just take it. Because the survival of the human race is more important to me, than your personal integrity."

    In the end, when we're starting to rebuild, whoever starts thinking of individualism is really, really so much a relic of a past that they might actually be dangerous.
    Still trying to justify extortion and theft, huh? Good luck with that. Monsters can always justify their actions. Those who prepare to survive, deserve to survive. If 12.50 is too much for you to buy your own survival insurance, don't be surprised when the other thing you get from the prepared is .50 of copper covered lead. Oh, and individualism is dangerous? So, what are you going to do, hunt them down? Force them to leave the group? That might be better so that there is someone left when the malingerers and cowards who find refugee in communism bring down your group.

  6. #21
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wooley View Post
    Still trying to justify extortion and theft, huh? Good luck with that. Monsters can always justify their actions. Those who prepare to survive, deserve to survive. If 12.50 is too much for you to buy your own survival insurance, don't be surprised when the other thing you get from the prepared is .50 of copper covered lead. Oh, and individualism is dangerous? So, what are you going to do, hunt them down? Force them to leave the group? That might be better so that there is someone left when the malingerers and cowards who find refugee in communism bring down your group.
    Right, and all this logic holds up perfectly well when you're stockade is overrun by the undead, or hit by a meteor, and all your stocks are destroyed and you have to seek help from others. Don't they, Mr. Spock?

    If you see it as theft and extortion, so be it. It's the right way to do it to ensure the human race survives. I'd rather see that, than people dying because of greed.

    If a .50 hit my head, I'd at least die knowing that we got the supplies and we saved the human race. Small price.

    Oh, and if they left the group, I wouldn't worry about them bringing us "down", because they wouldn't survive. We'd of couse invite them to stay and live in our society. But if people like that left our group? I'd never have to worry about them again, because they'd die within days. People who won't cooperate with others will die in such a situation.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 03-Aug-2008 at 09:30 PM.

  7. #22
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    Have to say Im with EvilNed on this although Wooley does make some good points but the problem with youre argument wooley is that the rules changes as the circumstances things we cant do normally become accesible in an emergency such as this. If I go and kill someone on the street Im arrested, go to court and eventually jail if the dead were stumbling around you think the goverment would take as much notice? They would be focused on controlling the crime.

    Yes it is theft and indeed murder but as EvilNed said its what takes for humanity to survive, yes it would be a crime but sometimes you need to look over youre morals for the greater good. So when a mother stumbles off the road with her three children and comes knocking on youre door you intend to poke youre head out and say "Its only 12.50 you cheap bastards" and lock up youre keep? Sorry but somethings are better in theory than practice.

    Of course law and order is needed here more than ever but realistically you would share one way or another. Reminds me of the scene in the new war of the worlds were the protagnoist is driving through the crowds but because of the people he cant move and they begin smashing the windows. People will do whatever it takes to keep them and theirs breathing.
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  8. #23
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    How about the folks who need suplies from mr survivalist offer him something of value for his hard earned stash instead of stealing it?

    I'm with wooley on this one...the folks who would take mr survivalists stuff are no better than the biker gang in dawn, thieves, bandits and scum...not the sort of folks one wants to rebuild society, not the sort of folks one wants to teach a future generation about the way to conduct themselves
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  9. #24
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    Ooo the board is split on this one. What if those in need of the supplies have nothing to offer in exchange only the clothes on their back? The family I said coming off the road and knocking on the survivalist`s door what can they trade? I understand what youre saying Legion and currency is a must but not everyone is going to have anything. People will just be fleeing, admittdly they should have been prepared but the dead are rising for fecks sake who woulda thunk it?...........Well cept for you guys
    Why arent you laughing?

  10. #25
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Fair question CC, and personally speaking, I'd probably more inclined to give to a needy person who asked or was willing to earn it than somebody who demanded it and would murder me and my family for it, in fact, in mr survivalists place, I'd rig my suplies with some plastic explosive and blow them to kingdom come rather than hand them over to thieving scum...the likes of EvilNed and his posse would die for hot ashes and melted plastic.

    And another question is important here, if those sort of folk are willing to kill and steal to "save humanity" what lengths would they go to to "repopulate humanity"...for the greater good and all that...
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  11. #26
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    Fairpoints to you their legion. I was assuming people would ask because although there would be guarnteed assholes who would look to take rather than bother to ask I was thinking more of the everyday survivor. I mean if I was stuck in a pinch and I was desperate with my family begging for food at the doors of a survivor who has enough ration packs to last him and his family for over a year Id take it if I could. If I had the choice between letting my family die or stealing some food to save them I would do it in a second. Thats how I percieve it, I dont approve of the bikers and the looting and Im not talking for the people who would see it as a way to get rich and think they deserve the world and more. Lazy bastard on job seekers would be zombie food in couple of hours and if the **** hits the fan then and Im starving Ill be sure to come knocking at youre door Legion and Ill be sure to be the most polite person on the face of the earth ( and to look out for trip wires )

    How far would people go to repopulate humanity? Thats a terrible/question. Good for the discussion terrible because of the answer. There are always those that wont take no for an answer and in a situation like this makes sense the same people who would be stealing would also be taking women. Hmm now Im torn between camps...
    Why arent you laughing?

  12. #27
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CornishCorpse View Post
    Ooo the board is split on this one. What if those in need of the supplies have nothing to offer in exchange only the clothes on their back? The family I said coming off the road and knocking on the survivalist`s door what can they trade? I understand what youre saying Legion and currency is a must but not everyone is going to have anything. People will just be fleeing, admittdly they should have been prepared but the dead are rising for fecks sake who woulda thunk it?...........Well cept for you guys
    They have more than the clothes on their backs. What did they do for a living? What were their hobbies? A nurse or a guy who liked to wood carve could be useful, and I might find something for them to do and pay them in food. If nothing else, they have the ability to cut firewood, muck out an outhouse, or other manual labor tasks. They can trade labor.

    And if they make it up to Mr survivalist's door to knock without being stopped by a sentry or something, his security sucks.

    But the fact is, people SHOULD have more than the clothes on their back in an emergency. We are only reminded daily of crises, small and large around the globe where a supply of nonperishable food, a water filter, a first aid kit, and other odds and ends, none terribly expensive, and all so useful, would make a difference.

    But they are caught up in spending their every penny they have, and a lot they don't have, on material wants, rather than useful needs, and suffer greatly in the aftermath of a hurricane, or other disaster.

    Hence my 12.50 comment. He was able to put back food for 6 people for 2 years. That's not even two grand. Yet, what does a plasma screen tv cost? Yet, they guy with the plasma screen that hasn't had a broadcast, much less been on in 6 months should get some of that guy's food?

    That's the point. Our society has become so specialized, so interconnected, and so fragile because of it, that a major crisis will result in a massive die off of people. It's called carrying capacity. Modern farming and other things have increased the carrying capacity of our planet far, far beyond what it could have been with say, hand plows and such.

    Take modern farming, dependent on fuel, seed, and fertilizers, as well as pesticides, and billions will know hunger, and hundreds of millions will starve.

    The guy with food isn't going to be able to feed everyone. Hell, he might not even be able to feed himself if the situation outstrips his supply. A guy on another board had preps for himself and his wife for a month or two, but had 30 people show up after Katrina and they were gone in two days. Now, how does everyone starving help anyone?

    It doesn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Fair question CC, and personally speaking, I'd probably more inclined to give to a needy person who asked or was willing to earn it than somebody who demanded it and would murder me and my family for it, in fact, in mr survivalists place, I'd rig my suplies with some plastic explosive and blow them to kingdom come rather than hand them over to thieving scum...the likes of EvilNed and his posse would die for hot ashes and melted plastic.

    And another question is important here, if those sort of folk are willing to kill and steal to "save humanity" what lengths would they go to to "repopulate humanity"...for the greater good and all that...

    Exactly. A needy person who asked me for something, and was willing to barter with me, either goods or labor as I explained above, is likely to get something, unless I'm really hard up and can't spare it.

    A guy who comes to the gate and demand or threatens me? Well, **** him. A soft pointed .223 Remington slug will settle his ass down permanently.

    My thoughts have always been to break up one's stash into small, man packable loads and spread them around one's area post-crap fan impact. That way, one won't make a tactically foolish decision to stand and fight a much larger, better armed and tactically superior foe. One retreats, and rigs what can't be taken with with boobytraps, and comes back to pick up the pieces later.

    Won't RedNed and his biker posse be surprised when they pick up that MRE box and find it's been rigged with a pound of homemade explosives rigged to a trembler switch, which closes the circuit when disturbed, like the tilt switch on a pinball machine? Or that the food they stole was laced with a slow acting poison? That the box of ammo they took from me had been rigged to blow up the gun and kill the shooter that uses it, like a US operation that inserted boobytrapped ammo into the North Vietnamese Army supply system? Which was also used by others?

    As far as how far RedNed would go to repopulated the earth... We all know. We don't need to speak the answer, but we know, and we know that if that's the method used, it'd be better we just go extinct. If armed robbery and murder and slavery and god knows what else is his way of preserving the human species, then it's better we just leave planet earth. If we have to sacrifice what makes us human-empathy, reason, etc to survive, then it's just better we go.

    Quote Originally Posted by CornishCorpse View Post
    Have to say Im with EvilNed on this although Wooley does make some good points but the problem with youre argument wooley is that the rules changes as the circumstances things we cant do normally become accesible in an emergency such as this. If I go and kill someone on the street Im arrested, go to court and eventually jail if the dead were stumbling around you think the goverment would take as much notice? They would be focused on controlling the crime.

    Yes it is theft and indeed murder but as EvilNed said its what takes for humanity to survive, yes it would be a crime but sometimes you need to look over youre morals for the greater good. So when a mother stumbles off the road with her three children and comes knocking on youre door you intend to poke youre head out and say "Its only 12.50 you cheap bastards" and lock up youre keep? Sorry but somethings are better in theory than practice.

    Of course law and order is needed here more than ever but realistically you would share one way or another. Reminds me of the scene in the new war of the worlds were the protagnoist is driving through the crowds but because of the people he cant move and they begin smashing the windows. People will do whatever it takes to keep them and theirs breathing.
    I don't think the rules change as much as people think they do. There would still be 'justice'. Ned rips off my place, and it's six months after everything went to hell, no, there's no cops, no courts, but I do gather my neighbors, the ones I'm working with, and we go hunt Ned and his clan down because we all realize we could and when we find Ned, there's no courts, no trail, just a short dance at the end of a long rope. Sooner or later, we'll run out of people who need such a permanant attitude adjustment.

    The trick to survival is that in order to see the sunrise tomorrow, you need to sleep tonight. Now how well will Ned and the others who resort to armed robbery and murder sleep? You need to balance survival with being human.

    As far as mom and her kids, like I said above, what did she do for aliving? Hobbies? She's got some skill, and the kids too, and I'm not talking about that.
    If nothing else, she'll trade labor cleaning animal pens or something for their meal. Yes, "It was only 12.50 yah cheap bastards!" would be great, but then I'd have a Ned type on my hands, and even at $0.50 cents each, the bullets would be expensive, especially on my conscience. To see tomorrow, one must sleep tonight.

    Yes, self preservation is hard wired into each of us, which is why it irritates me so much that survivalism much less disaster preparedness is so uncommon.
    I'm far from what I'd like to be, but I'm so much better off than many.
    Last edited by Wooley; 06-Aug-2008 at 12:14 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  13. #28
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Right, and all this logic holds up perfectly well when you're stockade is overrun by the undead, or hit by a meteor, and all your stocks are destroyed and you have to seek help from others. Don't they, Mr. Spock?
    They're called caches Ned, and improvisation, and wild edibles, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    If you see it as theft and extortion, so be it. It's the right way to do it to ensure the human race survives. I'd rather see that, than people dying because of greed.
    Survive as what, Ned? Isn't that George's usually hamhanded message in the movies, that people are the real monsters here? And you go right ahead and prove him right. And who said anything about greed? We work something out, even if you're mucking out animal pens or pulling weeds by hand, or I'm using your midlife crisis hotrod for raw materials for any number of other projects, but no one eats for free. Who shall not work, shall not eat, according to John Smith, and that's good enough for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    If a .50 hit my head, I'd at least die knowing that we got the supplies and we saved the human race. Small price.
    That was supposed to read $0.50, which is the price of new .223 Remington ammo, like what my AR-15 rifle eats. Cute, Redned thinks himself a martyred prolatariat Robin Hood in a war against the greedy bouguios. When you're really just an armed robber, shot dead in self defense, like a methhead who tries to knock over a liquor store and gets lobotomized by the clerk's Glock 19. And you didn't get anything. You and your raider puke pals all got shot down or blown up or burned up. You kinda glossed over my improvised weapons and defensive works line, didn't you? And it's a big price, because anyone of your pals who is still breathing is going to be questioned by me or the security force and then we're going hunting for the rest of your band. Actually, we'll probably be able to just backtrack you, as I doubt you know how to really hide a trail. When we find the rest of your band, all will die, most likely, probably by something I cooked up, probably potassium cyanide smudge pots. Bad way to go that, but ironic, since it's what is used in the gas chamber. A pack of criminals dying a criminal's death. And again, survive as what? A pack of armed robbers and killers? Great plan that-didn't Bonnie and Clyde do that, oh yeah, look how they ended up

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Oh, and if they left the group, I wouldn't worry about them bringing us "down", because they wouldn't survive. We'd of couse invite them to stay and live in our society. But if people like that left our group? I'd never have to worry about them again, because they'd die within days. People who won't cooperate with others will die in such a situation.
    Fail. Who said anything about not cooperating? I said quid pro quo, not that fail called Communism. As far as the drop outs, they'd leave because they'd be tired of being taken advantace of in a system that rewards mediocridy. Why work hard, do well, and get ahead when you get the same slice as the lazy, failure who is contnet to wallow in his own wastes? Of course, we'd snatch such folks up in a heartbeat, because they'd do well in the system I forsee.
    Last edited by Wooley; 06-Aug-2008 at 12:36 AM.

  14. #29
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    How about the folks who need suplies from mr survivalist offer him something of value for his hard earned stash instead of stealing it?
    That's the whole point. Working together. Sorry, but anyone who hoardes and then expects to be able to rightfully keep it from people who have gotten their supplies ripped from them is in for one big surprise.

    This is the kind of mentality that would cause the human race to die out. But hey, if that's what you prefer, sure go ahead.

    Personally, I'm flabbergasted that anyone can think that personal belongings should have the same value then, as they have now. Now that's capitalism gone wrong, when you put YOUR THINGS infront of saving the HUMAN RACE.

    Wooley, as for your imaginative description of how you'd deal with robbers, let me just say I found it highly amusing... As a piece of fiction. But yeah, you're so cool, with your defences and stuff.

  15. #30
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wooley View Post
    Still trying to justify extortion and theft, huh? Good luck with that. Monsters can always justify their actions. Those who prepare to survive, deserve to survive. If 12.50 is too much for you to buy your own survival insurance, don't be surprised when the other thing you get from the prepared is .50 of copper covered lead. Oh, and individualism is dangerous? So, what are you going to do, hunt them down? Force them to leave the group? That might be better so that there is someone left when the malingerers and cowards who find refugee in communism bring down your group.
    Some people pack up on bottled water toilet paper and tins of soup. I stocked up on ammo, guns and items to make explosives. I can justify theft and murder by my own hands in a post apoc world by the simple fact that the government and civilization will have broken down and its now a survival of the fittest. If you think someone like me is going to go hungry while someone hordes their food supplies, you are grossly mistaken I will take what he has wether he wants to give it or not. THAT is how the world will operate under those circumstances. Right, wrong, moral, immoral or not is all up for grabs.


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