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Thread: Patriot Act gets final congressional approval

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    That reminded me of something on Five News earlier - thing about solvent abuse. Not sure whether it's at all true, but they were saying how more people die from solvent abuse ("the forgotten drug") than do from cocaine...and a couple of other drugs, can't remember now.

    Well, I'm sure concaine etc is far more addictive, but apparently 41% of solvent 'first timers' die - so perhaps the initial mortality rate is much higher than say coke.

    Speaking of coke, what's the big deal? Now, I will state clearly that I have never done cocaine...and I don't plan on it either...but I've seen it being done at Uni. They paid a extraordinary amount of money for a tiny little 'bag' (shrink wrap) of the stuff - probably highly mixed with baking powder or something - and it was all gone between three people (mainly two) that night.

    One of my housemates tried it - because that's what you do at Uni, lol - and he didn't like it, didn't see what was the point and was put off by the tingling (or whatever cocaine does). Meanwhile another housemate (who is 'that guy who's tried a lot of drugs') tried to say it was great - "it tastes like **** but it makes you well happy" - great selling point, haha - meanwhile his mate from out-of-town is quite a drug-head (and currently on anti-depressants for marijuana-dependency).

    And then my housemate who's 'into trying stuff' said one snoot lasts like 10 minutes and gives you a buzz - why bother - just have a couple of beers like everyone else, it's much cheaper.

    Though they say cocaine is really cheap in the UK now - well it certainly wasn't this time last year! lol.

    Wait...why am I chattin' 'bout drugs again? lol...damn my memory sucks.

    To be honest I felt pretty much the same before and after 9/11 - I quite removed from any terrorist target, even 7/7 didn't make me feel "less safe" - there's a constant stream of crime and murder and rape and robbery on the news every night - that makes me feel "less safe".

    A terrorist bomb, at least here in the Western world, is one of those "one in a million" things - while crime, rape, murder, robbery - that's much 'better' odds of happening and can happen to anyone.

    I'm not 'downplaying' the tragedy of 9/11 or 7/7, they were terrible events, but I'm looking past the hype - it's all talk and no put it in a not-so-good way. It's all over the news, politicans jabber on about it to pass legislation which completely disregards all sense (*cough* ID Cards *cough*) and yet we see very little terrorist activity, no more than we usually do (bar 9/11 - that was a pretty big deal).

    After 9/11 - in fact a few years after it - I thought about how things had changed since, and I'll say that things feel much more f'ed up now than they did before - but it was crap before too, but for different reasons. But things feel more f'ed up because of the media frenzy which goes unabated, because of all this legislation and because it's been made into such a huge deal - we've faced many more serious challenges before.

    McDonald's is a more relevant ticking time bomb to Western society than terrorism...that's my tuppence anyway.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 03-Mar-2006 at 06:08 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. #17
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    At least coke supposedly gives you a buzz!

    To me the biggest crock is cigarettes. Just pure addiction, no payoff. I quit smoking 9 years ago btw

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Agreed, fags are stupid (I'm I can say "fag" to mean a ciggie, lol). That's why I 'get' weed - there's a reason to smoke it, you get a 'pay off' and a buzz and you can chill out with it - as long as you just do it now and then at a gathering...when you're waking up and smoking all day long that's when it's bad - too much of everything is a bad thing - but even a little bit of ciggies is bad...and not just for you, anybody in the vicinity as well.

    Speaking of coke - it was hilarious how Kate Moss became the bad guy for snorting some coke...meanwhile nobody mentioned how the fashion industry sits atop a giant mountain of snow, booger sugar, the white stuff - coke is nothing new in fashion, Moss just got caught...and now she's just as famous and rich as she was before she lost a couple of contracts.

  4. #19
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmbfanintn
    I'll chime in with my 0.02 here.

    The United States has ALWAYS kept thier citizen in fear of SOMETHING. From Communism to Drugs to Terrorism to whatever. Our history has proven this.

    The reason so many people (myself included) get up in arms about the wiretap thing is that regardless of wether you have anything to hide or not, this is America! The land of freedom and liberty. It is against our Constitution to wiretap citizens without a warrant. IT IS AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION TO WIRETAP CITIZENS WITHOUT A WARRANT!!!!!!!

    Do I need to type that again? The administration is BREAKING THE LAW!!!!!!!

    Simply as that, no other explanation needed. I have nothinbg to hide either, but our elected officials are BREAKING THE LAW, that is why I have a problem with it.

    Compound that with all the other things this administration has done (or not done) and it becomes an issue.

    On the terrorism thing, I agree, what terrorism. This administration has created more terrorism than we ever faced before, but I guess when you make the kind of money off terrorism that they do, then creating it is benificial.

    To truely understand where GWB is coming from, one must look to the past at the action of his Grandfather, Prescott Bush. He really made his family's fortune off the Nazi's and Americans during the war. His bank was actually shut down and he charged under the Trading with the Enemy Act. Don't believe that, do some research on Prescott Bush.

    the Bush family has been getting rich off war for 3 generations!

    Questions to all in America, do you feel safer NOW than before 9-11?

    How safe did you feel BEFORE (not on) 9-11? Was terrorism even a fleeting thought in your mind?

    The admin lkes to throw out "there hasn't been a terrorist attack since 9-11" how many were there before 9-11? OK city don't count, that was an American inside job! I'll talking outside foriegners "attacking us"

    I can't wait until Nov when the mid-terms roll around and the democratic party takes the majority, can we say IMPEACHMENT??????

    If you can attempt to impeach a president for lying about a blow job, then surely you can impeach one for lying about reasons for war and getting over 2200 american sodiers killed in the process.

    Crime against humanity, the United States has killed more INNOCNET iraqis that Saddam ever dreamed of!

    This is exactly why i FRIGGIN Hate the Bush administration... Although our history shows gov't keep everyone in fear, this administration uses it as a re-election tactic to further screw our country and way of life in the ground. If you ever wanted to know what it was like to live in a communist state... if you live in the USA... you now know.

    Someone listening to your calls, telling you how to think, how to feel, and whom to fear.

    Ya know what is funny... I am more scared of BUSH and CHENEY than I ever would be of Saddam and Bin Laden.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*


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