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Thread: Wow! Tough justice! 15yrs for $100!

  1. #31
    Twitching MaximusIncredulous's Avatar

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  2. #32
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusIncredulous View Post
    Whoa, they actually had to go back 22 years to find charges of speeding over the limit and DWI? Our elected officials have similar charges on their 'sealed' rap sheets, so I suppose Roy Brown is now qualified to run for office.

  3. #33
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusIncredulous View Post
    Armed robbery, aggravated battery, fugitive, violation of protective order ... why don't one of you folks who feel sorry for Mr. Brown send the judge a letter saying that Roy can come and stay at your house until he gets over his problems? It'd be the right thing to do.


  4. #34
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Armed robbery, aggravated battery, fugitive, violation of protective order ... why don't one of you folks who feel sorry for Mr. Brown send the judge a letter saying that Roy can come and stay at your house until he gets over his problems? It'd be the right thing to do.

    i think the thing that disturbs me the most about this rap sheet is the "criminal neglect of family" charge that came with a bond of $0.00

    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post
    Again, that's a perfect example of the miscarriages of justice that go on in this country. And it's not even a racial thing, it's more economic than anything. If you have the money you're going to skate
    yep, i think it's more about money and class standing that anything else. to share a personal story: i have an albatross of a younger brother, whom i love but at the same wish would fall into a volcano. he used my name and SSN at the scene of a serious traffic accident that he caused, because he had a warrant out on him. well, yours truly, found himself not only charged with a multitude of vehicular offenses (some of them damn serious) but sued as well by the people that aforementioned idiot brother had injured. it was a complete and total mess.

    i bit the bullet and went to one of the better lawyers in cincinnati and basically said to the guy, "make this go away, i don't care what it costs." he was like "that'll be $4,000 up front and $400 an hour after that." fine with me. i paid up. so i go to court in cincinnati and if you are familiar with cincinnati, you know it is one of the most racially divided and segregated cities in america. so, i'm in the courtroom, surrounded by black folks all of whom are waiting for the magistrate like i am (i don't know how most other states work but in ohio, most often you appear before a magistrate who then decides if the case against you can proceed). my attorney goes up to the bailiff, talks to him for a bit and magically, i am not only the first case called but the magistrate, after a bit of sweet talk by my lawyer says the magic words "case dismissed." "sorry this happened."

    while i felt relieved that it was over, i was a bit embarrassed because it seemed like the fact that i had cash to afford a good attorney made me go the head of the line.

    oh well, i got a measure of revenge on the "system" a couple of years later when i was called to serve jury duty. i repeatedly voted "not guilty" in a drug case (the guy had like 7 pounds of weed in his house- his defense was that he lived with several other people and he was the only one charged) over and over for hours upon hours. finally after like 12 hours of this, i just simply said, "i'm not changing my vote, no matter what. i wasn't asked my opinion on weed laws in the voir dire. if had been i would've answered truthfully - there's no way i would ever vote to put someone in prison over smoking or selling weed. period." it spawned possibly my greatest classics reference ever -"we can sit here until dionysus is born from zeus' other thigh for all i care, i say not guilty and nothing is changing that." that got a bunch of blank and angry looks, man people really know nothing about their cultural history. anyhoo - hung jury. mistrial. i don't know whatever happened to the guy or if he was tried a second time but i know that i didn't help put him in jail and that is something i am completely comfortable with.

    that is one of the great things about juries in my opinon. they can nullify the law if they want. they need not feel bound by what "legislators" have decided is "legal" or not.
    Last edited by Mike70; 16-Feb-2009 at 04:01 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #35
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    i think the thing that disturbs me the most about this rap sheet is the "criminal neglect of family" charge that came with a bond of $0.00

    A true prince, this cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    i bit the bullet and went to one of the better lawyers in cincinnati and basically said to the guy, "make this go away, i don't care what it costs." he was like "that'll be $4,000 up front and $400 an hour after that." fine with me. i paid up. so i go to court in cincinnati and if you are familiar with cincinnati, you know it is one of the most racially divided and segregated cities in america. so, i'm in the courtroom, surrounded by black folks all of whom are waiting for the magistrate like i am (i don't know how most other states work but in ohio, most often you appear before a magistrate who then decides if the case against you can proceed). my attorney goes up to the bailiff, talks to him for a bit and magically, i am not only the first case called but the magistrate, after a bit of sweet talk by my lawyer says the magic words "case dismissed." "sorry this happened."

    while i felt relieved that it was over, i was a bit embarrassed because it seemed like the fact that i had cash to afford a good attorney made me go the head of the line.
    Money well spent. The case against you was BS. Better to get it out of the way so you can get back to work paying taxes.

    The others can wait a few minutes to pay their fines for jay-walking, spitting on the sidewalk, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness, openly selling drugs in public, DUI, disrupting public transportation, etc ... I see this kind of crap almost daily.


  6. #36
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Money well spent. The case against you was BS. Better to get it out of the way so you can get back to work paying taxes.

    The others can wait a few minutes to pay their fines for jay-walking, spitting on the sidewalk, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness, openly selling drugs in public, DUI, disrupting public transportation, etc ... I see this kind of crap almost daily.

    yeah, i don't regret the cash i shelled out. the true thing i regret is that my brother and i, even though 2 years apart are so alike in looks, voice and manner that we are often mistaken for twins. that is one of things that made this whole thing so messy, people who don't know us can't tell us apart at a casual glance, nevermind strangers that've been through some hugely traumatic traffic accident. it's fricking weird man, like looking in a mirror that's saved a two year old reflection of you.

    when i turned 21, my brother used to "borrrow" my drivers license to buy alcohol and even get into bars. no one even remotely questioned it nor would anyone who hadn't grown up with us or been related to us. the only real thing that separates my brother from me is the fact that he is about 2 inches taller than i am. ugh.
    Last edited by Mike70; 17-Feb-2009 at 03:11 AM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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