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Thread: Acorn

  1. #1
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Wasn't Barack Hussein Obama once an organizer for this group of criminals? And, yes, they are criminals -- trespassing on private property and breaking into a home that doesn't belong to them.

    So, what happened here? This woman defaulted on her mortgage, lost the house, and is now going to reoccupy a dwelling that no longer belongs to her until Hussein sends her (my) money to pay her bills? Why not rent an efficiency apartment, get back on her feet, repair her credit, and wait until she can afford another house? Admit she made mistakes with her finances, live and learn. Wouldn't that be the responsible, adult thing to do?


    $2,200 income vs $1,995 mortgage payment. Very wise.

    I've also noted that the house in question has already been sold, so these thugs are not actually occupying a foreclosed property, they've broken into someone's house. Hussein better put a stop to this before ACORN decides to force their way into a house where the new owner is armed and not willing to submit to these intrusions.



    ps -- hauntingly familiar: Is this really Grace Mugabe, or is it Michelle Obama in disguise ...
    Last edited by strayrider; 23-Feb-2009 at 04:02 AM.

  2. #2
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    Didn't ACORN also just get 5 million or billion from the stimulus too? Remember how they were involved with registering the dead and cartoon characters to vote in the last election? Something smells funny.

  3. #3
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    I was going to write something, but honestly why even bother? We elected Bush and got a guy who 48% of the nation thinks is a criminal--so now we elect Obama and get a guy connected to more scandals and career-ending(for anyone else, but not this guy) hijinks than any five other presidents in our history, and the same numbnut bunch of &%#$tards who hated Bush love this guy.

    God damn, sometimes I hate my fellow Americans.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  4. #4
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by J0hnnyReb View Post
    Didn't ACORN also just get 5 million or billion from the stimulus too? Remember how they were involved with registering the dead and cartoon characters to vote in the last election? Something smells funny.

    I'll correct my earlier statement that Hussein was an organizer for ACORN. He was not. He represented them in the mid-90's as a private attorney in a voter registration case.

    I'm also not suggesting that King Hussein advocates the actions of ACORN (except in jest ), however, I believe that ACORN is feeling cocky that "their man" is now in office, hence the home invasion tactics. I fully expect Hussein to "condemn" these tactics to save political face before the "unwashed masses" rise up in protest.

    After all, there's tons of money in the pipeline earmarked for deadbeats. No need to jump the gun and get everyone all worked up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcades057 View Post
    I was going to write something, but honestly why even bother? We elected Bush and got a guy who 48% of the nation thinks is a criminal--so now we elect Obama and get a guy connected to more scandals and career-ending(for anyone else, but not this guy) hijinks than any five other presidents in our history, and the same numbnut bunch of &%#$tards who hated Bush love this guy.

    God damn, sometimes I hate my fellow Americans.
    Don't hate, dude, it'll eat you alive. Let "them" do the hating.

    I wasn't a big fan of W, but at least he gave me back some of my money instead of, as Hussein will do, give it someone else.


  5. #5
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Yeah, I really thought a Federal investigation of Acorn and Obama's links to it would be one of the big things that could have really turned media opinions against him, but it didn't happen.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  6. #6
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    Because it wasn't covered as meaningfully as, say, Palin's wardrobe or McCain's previous divorce. The media chose Obama as the next president and there was nothing we could say or do about it to stop it--any attempts to the contrary won those opposing the Messiah labels like racist.

    Had the mainstream media honestly and factually covered Obama's associations with groups like ACORN and people like Wright and Ayers, who knows? Perhaps we would have known who we were electing.

    Instead any mention of his associations with these men and others was covered in a "look at what the silly conservatives are worried about: Lord High Poobaa Obama was once a friend of William Ayers, this guy who once blew up the Pentagon, had plans to blow up a dance hall filled with soldiers and civilians, and had further aspirations of causing terror and harm to Americans, and once for 20 years, was a member of Wright's church Wright was also Grand Lord and Master of All He Surveys Obama's spiritual counselor! Most experts call this "needless, racist and utterly irresponsible, even for Conservative Republicans, who have been known to KILL IRAQI BABIES AND DRINK THE BLOOD OF IRAQI WOMEN WHOM THEY HAVE RAPED AND TERRORIZED IN ABU GRAIB (insert those prison pics here). We've asked a few experts on the election for their opinion. Here are former president Bill Clinton, noted CNN news contributor Susan Estridge, Paul Begala, Dennis Kucinich, and some dude who once walked past a church, so he's the right-wing guy."
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  7. #7
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    More on victim of banking greed Donna Hanks.

    And the arrest of Louis "Boltcutter" Beverly, ACORN's B&E specialist. Don't worry, folks, Louie will be made a martyr over this, not a common criminal.,2933,498669,00.html

    Also of interest.

    From this:

    To this:

    Why aren't these people living within their means?


    ps -- still waiting for Hussein to denounce all of this. Should I hold my breath?

  8. #8
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    This shit's hilarious!

    Oh, breaking in is the only way to "stay in our homes". Really? I've got another way: PAY YOUR FUCKING BILLS! How about that? Gee, how simple.

    If you only make $20,000 a year, why in hell is your stupid ass going to the bank for a loan to buy a 5 hundred thousand-dollar house, in the first place?! That's not "predatory lending". That's "your stupid ass tried to buy more than you can afford".

  9. #9
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    You know, I got into credit card debt pretty badly due to me living outside of my means. Wound up with a credit limit of $30k, had a pretty decent job, thought I was all good.


    I'm not getting a bail out due to my own stupidity--and I wouldn't even think of asking for one; I'd rather pay it off on my own over time, that way I own me, and not someone else. But this sort of thinking is now foreign to too many people in this country.

    It's no longer left versus right or democrat versus republican: It's right versus wrong thinking. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a republican who believes that Bush did the right thing in bailing people out prior to leaving office, just as you'd find it difficult to find a democrat who believes Obama bailing out anything with half a pulse is a good idea.

    Yet in a few years we'll all, myself included, have forgotten about this and we'll be supporting either the guy with the (D) or the (R) because he's got that letter before his name.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  10. #10
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    More on victim of banking greed Donna Hanks.
    Also of interest.
    Are you ever capable of thinking outside the blog? Michelle Malkin is potentially useful if you're only interested in frothing-at-the-mouth idiocy that doesn't look like Bill O'Reilly.

    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Don't hate, dude, it'll eat you alive. Let "them" do the hating.
    You could have fooled me.
    Last edited by DubiousComforts; 25-Feb-2009 at 05:42 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Are you ever capable of thinking outside the blog? Michelle Malkin is potentially useful if you're only interested in frothing-at-the-mouth idiocy that doesn't look like Bill O'Reilly.

    You could have fooled me.
    Actually Michelle Malkin is pretty intelligent, you should actually read what she has to say sometime. Dismissing her simply because shes hard core conservative only reduces you chances to learn by closing doors.

  12. #12
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by J0hnnyReb View Post
    Actually Michelle Malkin is pretty intelligent, you should actually read what she has to say sometime. Dismissing her simply because shes hard core conservative only reduces you chances to learn by closing doors.
    I have read what she has written and have heard her speak, as well, thanks very much. She's close-minded, idiotically extremist and hardly "conservative." She tells one faction of the population exactly what they want to hear, which explains the "best-selling" books. I'm certain Ann Coulter is quite intelligent, too.
    Last edited by DubiousComforts; 25-Feb-2009 at 06:21 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    I have read what she has written and have heard her speak, as well, thanks very much. She's close-minded, idiotically extremist and hardly "conservative." She tells one faction of the population exactly what they want to hear, which explains the "best-selling" books. I'm certain Ann Coulter is quite intelligent, too.
    Ann Coulter is intelligent I have met her she has a massive IQ when you get to talking to her without just hearing sound clips.

    And you sound a little closed minded yourself.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by J0hnnyReb View Post
    Ann Coulter is intelligent I have met her she has a massive IQ when you get to talking to her without just hearing sound clips.
    Nobody is disagreeing that Ann Coutler and/or Michelle Malkin are intelligent. They are certainly gifted at using their intellect to make money for themselves, which doesn't mean that either is a viable source of unbiased information. You could certainly say the same for any political pundit.

    Quote Originally Posted by J0hnnyReb View Post
    And you sound a little closed minded yourself.
    I know you are, but what am I?

    (Let me know if we now operating at your proper grade school level of debate.)

  15. #15
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Are you ever capable of thinking outside the blog? Michelle Malkin is potentially useful if you're only interested in frothing-at-the-mouth idiocy that doesn't look like Bill O'Reilly.
    Uh, Doob, I included the link only because it contained Hanks' documents concerning her "housing problem".

    This is a discussion about ACORN's B&E tactics, or if you wish, poor, "homeless" Henrietta Hughes.



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