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Thread: Land of the Dead 2?

  1. #16
    Fresh Meat

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    You can concede that it is flawed, but I don't hold such a light opinion of it. I stand my ground when I say it was garbage but in respect for your grammar sensitivity and vocabulary preference, I will instead say that

    I hate Diary of the Dead and thought it was (insert whatever negative word suits you or satisfies you, simply replace the words total garbage)

    That seems fair since you don't like my use of the word garbage. And to make you feel better, I won't use it again on these forums.

    Note: I might accidentally use the word garbage because I can't possibly be expected to remember this rule for the rest of my life, but I will try not to use it in the manner I used it and if I do use it, just come into my thread and remind me, hey you said you would give up that word and I'll be like oh yeah i remember.
    Last edited by Cruxdustrial; 30-Mar-2009 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #17
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruxdustrial View Post
    You can concede that it is flawed, but I don't hold such a light opinion of it. I stand my ground when I say it was garbage but in respect for your grammar sensitivity and vocabulary preference, I will instead say that

    I hate Diary of the Dead and thought it was (insert whatever negative word suits you or satisfies you, simply replace the words total garbage)

    That seems fair since you don't like my use of the word garbage. And to make you feel better, I won't use it again on these forums.
    Oh boy, here we go again...

    "Grammar sensitivity" or "making me feel better" has nothing to do with it. I have an opinion (OPINION) which is just as valid as anyone else's. I simply stated that I think this is a bit of an overreaction (much like the reply in question...) & gave some films for comparison. And I didn't do so in a patronizing or condescending manor either.

    Part of having a discussion forum is that not everyone is going to agree about the same films. I can recognize & respect that, even if others can't. And I'm not going to change, or fail to voice, my opinion even if someone feels compelled to lash out in some kind of retaliation just because I don't agree, or call their opinion into question.


  3. #18
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Part of having a discussion forum is that not everyone is going to agree about the same films. I can recognize & respect that, even if others can't. And I'm not going to change, or fail to voice, my opinion even if someone feels compelled to lash out in some kind of retaliation just because I don't agree, or call their opinion into question.
    This is why HPotD is my favorite forum to visit. For the most part this place is 99.9 percent more laid back than everywhere else. Good group of folks!

    So welcome to HPotD, crux. The best part about this place is that you don't have to be uptight about what you or others say.

  4. #19
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    This is why HPotD is my favorite forum to visit. For the most part this place is 99.9 percent more laid back than everywhere else. Good group of folks!

    So welcome to HPotD, crux. The best part about this place is that you don't have to be uptight about what you or others say.
    Exactly. It's ok for everyone to have their own opinion, & we can agree to disagree! And we don't even have to throw down Thunderdome style about it either!

  5. #20
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    And we don't even have to throw down Thunderdome style about it either!

    Last edited by bassman; 31-Mar-2009 at 12:14 AM.

  6. #21
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

    "Two men enter, one man leaves!"
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 30-Mar-2009 at 11:11 PM.

  7. #22
    Fresh Meat

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    What do you mean here we go again? You guys totally lost me. I was just rectifying a statement I made due to the complaint of another. And somehow both you and I managed to derail this entire thread. I already conceded that everyone is entitled to their opnion, there is and was no reason to restate a previously stated fact. I did not mean to start a fight either but it looks like you were looking for ANY reason or NO reason at all to flame me. Could we please get back on the topic of this thread, which is not concentrated on human rights (and if you want to continue this discussion with me perhaps we could PM each other or create a thread dedicated to Josh vs. Moonsylver). By the way Moonsylver, you already win by default because I'm too tired to fight. I don't have enough energy.

    P.S. Geez, I wish the original posters would come back...they were actually nice...
    Last edited by Cruxdustrial; 30-Mar-2009 at 11:43 PM.

  8. #23
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    I think what the others were trying to say Crux, is that although Diary might be garbage in terms of GAR's usually excellent films, the zombie genre does indeed encompass a lot of films that are many, many times worse than Diary.

    But I also see where you are coming from - whether or not it is good compared to Raiders of the Living Dead or Zombi 4, the movie was nowhere near what you expected to be. That has left you (and a lot of people) feeling very let-down and that disappointment - of disliking a movie you wanted to love - hurts a lot worse just than watching a shitty movie you never expected to be good in the first place.

  9. #24
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Stop being so damned reasonable, Krakenslayer!

    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!
    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!
    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!
    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!
    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!
    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!
    Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  10. #25
    Fresh Meat

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    I don't see anything reasonable about it. Honestly, I don't know what I did but I don't have the energy for this. I won't be logging in anymore or posting on these forums anymore. I'm going back to being a spectator, I'm sick and tired of this. Very sick and tired. So no more cruxdustrial, I'll see if I can delete this account. Sorry to have bothered everyone and somehow, some magical way caused so much strife. You win Thunderdome, MoonSylver, congrats for whats it worth. I didn't even realize I was in a match or in Thunderdome, until you came in out of nowhere, swinging your axe and chopped my fucking head off. Bye, peoples.

    P.S. Anyone know another GAR fan site where people aren't at each other's throats, PM me real quick before I ask the admins to delete me.
    Last edited by Cruxdustrial; 31-Mar-2009 at 12:18 AM.

  11. #26
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruxdustrial View Post
    I don't see anything reasonable about it. Honestly, I don't know what I did but I don't have the energy for this. I won't be logging in anymore or posting on these forums anymore. I'm going back to being a spectator, I'm sick and tired of this. Very sick and tired. So no more cruxdustrial, I'll see if I can delete this account. Sorry to have bothered everyone and somehow, some magical way caused so much strife. You win Thunderdome, MoonSylver, congrats for whats it worth. I didn't even realize I was in a match or in Thunderdome, until you came in out of nowhere, swinging your axe and chopped my fucking head off. Bye, peoples.

    P.S. Anyone know another GAR fan site where people aren't at each other's throats, PM me real quick before I ask the admins to delete me.

    Dude...a little bit of an overreaction? No insult intended or inferred, other than the fact after posting what I felt was a reasonable rebuttal to the OP the reply in return seemed a bit harsh. Maybe I read something into the that verbiage wasn't there? I can't say. And even in my reply, I didn't post anything that I would consider flaming or insulting. If that's what you took away from it then I'm sorry for that.

    Believe me, flame wars are NOT what I'm interested in. We've had plenty of that in the past. I like good discussion, where both side make rational, non inflammatory, relatively hyperbole free arguments & support them. There's no need to get this upset. They're just movies, & they're just opinions.

    The rest was just jokes back & forth between other posters. I do believe I mentioned that there WASN'T a need for all of this.

    Exactly. It's ok for everyone to have their own opinion, & we can agree to disagree! And we don't even have to throw down Thunderdome style about it either!
    It really is a nice community & there's lots of good discussion. The threads are usually pretty fast & loose w/ lots of interplay back & forth.

    Again, no insult intended or inferred. You gave an opinion, I gave a counter-opinion. You replied, I replied in kind. There was no intentional attack or slight of any kind. If that is what you cam away with, my apologies.

    Now...what were we talking about again?
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 31-Mar-2009 at 12:54 AM.

  12. #27
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Moon, your compassion and attempt at communication is duly noted, but sometimes the things we say fall on deaf ears. So don't beat yourself up over it

    I mean...

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I don't think you have too much to worry about, Dude. We do tend to joke a lot, fair warning that there may well be some of that. And, admittedly, there have some ridiculously intense debates about Land, as well as Dawn 04 and, to a lesser extent, Diary.

    Just realize that often people here will be kidding and not being mean, though feel free to call them out when you disagree, of course.

    And welcome, btw.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  13. #28
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    How the hell did I miss this thread?!?!?

    I think somebody wins the "overly sensitive" award!!!

    Um. . Crux. You are not being attacked in the slightest. Really, we are nice bunch of people here. I think you might have missed the point of Moon's (one of the most rational and polite people on here) post. But If you react this quickly and decisively against the board because of a small misunderstanding, well. . I'm afraid I can't help you there.
    Last edited by clanglee; 31-Mar-2009 at 02:47 AM.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  14. #29
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I'd think people could clue in to the tone of someones post by the viewing of the emoticons being used, but I guess a winking tongue out smiling face means fuck your shit, get out.

  15. #30
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    ...just cuz a guy likes land.


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