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Thread: A new HPOTD fiction challenge

  1. #1
    Being Attacked SgtSteve's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    A new HPOTD fiction challenge

    Been a while since I've been here but I've had an idea in the back of my head I thought would be fun for everyone. I have always thought that writers always put themselves in the stories that they write. Also, who here has not thought about what they would do if the dead did come back to life.

    Here is the challenge. The dead have begun to rise RIGHT NOW. Your story can be the beginning of the or up to, lets say two weeks after but you only get to use what you have with you right now. If you don’t have gold plaited, laser guided repeating ninja sword in the closet right now; you don’t get the gold plaited, laser guided repeating ninja sword. If you have a completely tricked out assault rifle that you just bought for $5000 but have not got around to getting ammunition for it yet; then you have a $5000 club.

    Don’t use real names of people in your life or your exact location. The story can be titled “OUR STORY:” and the general region that you live in.

    Please do not fall into the trap of everyone around you is freaking out but you know what to do because you watched all the GAR films and dammit you knew that the cute girl there has always had a secret crush on you. If you do this, I am sure that comments from other readers would be quite scathing.

    Just be honest and try to keep it as real as the genera will allow. Have fun with it.

    Who is game and Neil how does this sound to you?
    I meant retard in a nice way.

    The only french you need to learn is, "I accept your surrender.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ocala, Florida
    United States
    I could go for something like this.
    A friend of mine and myself have been collaborating on a story with this exact theme for quite some time, so I have quite a bit of interest in the topic, albeit I'm an unusual case IRL.

    Let me know if you get this project off the ground.


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