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Thread: Looking for some general tattoo advice

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Looking for some general tattoo advice

    So im finishing university soon and im thinking of commemorating being the first person in the family to be a university graduate by getting my first tattoo. Ive thought about getting tattoo's since i was young, but never have because, well im a retard, but im not stupid. God knows that 16 year old at my old work regrets the skull with a topknot that everyone thinks looks like a snake with wil wheatons face fucking a coconut.....
    -Anyway, i figure im mature enough not to get some crap like that and ive had certain designs running through my head since i was 15 or 16 and think this is an event worthy of the excuse to get one. Im not talking anything big, something small on my lower leg or ankle, but i know very little about the actual process and was looking for some advice, god knows you got a good chance of asking a group of horror enthusiasts that some will be inked so anyone got any general information or sage advice i might not find when a-googlin'?

  2. #2
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    One mistake that a lot of people make is that the don't do any research before getting a tattoo. A majority of people just walk into any random shop and let the artist do their thing. The problem is, not all tattoo artists are equal. There are some very good artists out there and there are some god awful artists out there. Because this is going to be a permanent piece on you, I would suggest researching the places and artists in your area before going out. Make sure that it is a clean shop that takes all the necessary precautions to sterilize their instruments. Also, make sure that you have seen the artists previous work and that you feel that he or she will do a good job with whatever you want. A quick way to test your selected artist is to walk into their shop and tell them what you want. If you have to provide a small design, do so, but do not give them the full design up front. Just give them details to go off of. If their are a good artist, they should be able to draw you up something out of their head that should fit what you want. If they can not do that, don't go with them. Also, don't be afraid to make adjustments or completely reject what they have drawn out. Don't be afraid to tell them how you really feel. You need to trust the artists and be comfortable with their design and talents before moving on. Like I said, this is a permanent piece and you want to make sure that everything is right before it goes on you.

    I hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    110% on all of the above. Only thing I could add is don't cheap out. Quality has it's price, so don't be afraid to pay what it's worth.

  4. #4
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    110% on all of the above. Only thing I could add is don't cheap out. Quality has it's price, so don't be afraid to pay what it's worth.

    Forgot about that.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    General advice:

    Don't get one. Get a t-shirt made; it's a lot cheaper, and can be easily removed or replaced.

  6. #6
    General advice:

    Do what Capn does. Cover yerself in the c**ts.

    But be original Dan. Make sure it's something that you really want.

  7. #7
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    i had all mine done when i was 19/20, im 27 now & still dont regret them because they still look good & werent really "passing fad" tattoos,im getting one of them changed soon not because i dont like it,but because i'd like it to come down my arm a bit further
    I know a lot of people who had tattoos of red devils & tasmanian devils,cartoon characters,band logos,girls names & "football hooligan" style british bulldogs done in the late 90's/early 2000's who really regret them now but they were just bad choices!I also think in a few years time a lot of people are going to regret getting absolutely covered in stars like seems to be the passing trend now as well (although i got completely slapped down on another forum for suggesting that last year), you must have seen them all over though,girls & lads in their early 20's absolutely covered in stars

    They do look quite cool,and subtle ones probably still will in a few years,but i definitely think a lot of people are going to regret getting covered in them,especially in places where they cant cover them when their older!ive noticed another trend among girls in their late teens is getting tattoos on their hands (stars,flowers or music bars mainly) which again is a bit of a passing trend they will likely regret in future when job hunting etc!
    I probably sound a bit anti-tattoo there but im really not,i love them and they are definitely addictive when you get them done!but i can spot ones easily that people are going to regret or see as childish once they start getting towards their 30's and emo tats definitely fall into that category!
    Mine are tribal designs on the top of both of my arms,and tribal designs although were a bit of a fad at one point,seem to be far more future proof!

    So like has been said above,do your research,choose a good artist, & pick a design that you really like!& although it seems a long way off,consider how you may feel about the design & its location in 10 or 20 years time,enjoy!

  8. #8
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    I think u are being VERY smart by starting
    off getting a small tat in a place not so

    Some people think at the time that a huge
    tat covering thier entire back of an eagle
    carrying a dead pig over a desert is THE
    coolest thing ever, only to realise its not.

    Avoid trendy.
    Don't put any females name on u unless its ur
    kid or ur mom.

    Definititely check out the work of the
    person doing the tat. The best way is to
    find a friend with good tats and have him
    or her take u to where they go.

    About pricing.
    Yes u want to pay for quality but
    its very common for them to over charge u
    if they know its ur first tattoo.
    A freind went to get a tribal lizard tat on his
    shoulder about 8 inches and the guy wanted $250.
    We went back with him and told the guy we wanted some
    of his drugs and he ended up doing the tattoo for $120.
    I guess the main point is if u have a friend who can take
    u where they go, u have a better shot at both quality and price.

    And u know the basics, after u get it u have to keep
    it covered in vaseline, and it will scab up, dont pick the scabs,
    depending on the size of the tat and ur body how long that
    process takes but they inform you when its done.

    A small tat on the back of ur leg is a good way to start
    cuz as stated, its pretty permanant. Let us know how u make
    out and good luck Danny.

  9. #9
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I've been getting tattoo's for about six or seven years now. My right arm is [finally] almost done it's half sleeve. My left arm has almost had a finished half-sleeve for about 4 years now... I'm just too lazy to get it finished.

    Don't listen to what people say when they're like "how are you going to feel about that tattoo when you're 50 years old?" because when you're 50 years old, you're going to regret never getting one! You only live once, so do it.

    A common mistake people make is leaving the cellophane on WAY too long. The artist only wraps your arm in cellophane so you can get from the shop to your house without getting it dirty. I've heard of people that leave it on for hours, which is OKAY, but ideally you should take it off when you get home. I've also read horror stories of morons leaving the cellophane on for a week or more! This is BAD, as your tattoo needs to BREATH... it is a giant wound on your body.

    Also, do not completely saturate the tattoo with A&D ointment. It will draw the ink out of your skin. Just put a thin layer of the ointment on, enough to moisturize. I've been a first-hand witness of a friend who over-applied A&D (even with my warnings) and had to get his entire tattoo completely redone because the ointment completely fucked up the ink.

    Finally, don't worry about the tattoo having meaning to it. I think people who say ALL of their tattoos have meaning are pretentious as shit. If you think something looks cool, get it! Just think it over for a few weeks/months to make sure it's not something that you think looks cool on paper... then you realize you have it tattoo'd on you for life.

    I'd post some pics of my stuff but right now I'm too hungover/lazy. But, make sure you post a picture of yours when it's done!

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    great replys so far, just thought id mention, i was in skeggy on the east coast today and saw a carnie offering "bargain £8 body art memories", knowing im scoping out this stuff lately a friend said i should look into it-

  11. #11
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    So im finishing university soon and im thinking of commemorating being the first person in the family to be a university graduate by getting my first tattoo. Ive thought about getting tattoo's since i was young, but never have because, well im a retard, but im not stupid. God knows that 16 year old at my old work regrets the skull with a topknot that everyone thinks looks like a snake with wil wheatons face fucking a coconut.....
    -Anyway, i figure im mature enough not to get some crap like that and ive had certain designs running through my head since i was 15 or 16 and think this is an event worthy of the excuse to get one. Im not talking anything big, something small on my lower leg or ankle, but i know very little about the actual process and was looking for some advice, god knows you got a good chance of asking a group of horror enthusiasts that some will be inked so anyone got any general information or sage advice i might not find when a-googlin'?
    Want some tattoo advice?

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  12. #12
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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  13. #13
    Banned User

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    Get a zombie Geisha. Have her all colorful and oriental looking, like the MILLIONS of other Geisha tats, but put your own morbid spin on that favorite Japanese whore everyone loves to ink themselves with.

    I'd have her in a real colorful komodo with her eyes sewn shut and blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. Have her beautiful slender neck showing signs of decay, and a partially exposed spine barely keeping her zombie head attached. It would be morbidly beautiful.
    Last edited by Pógmothóin; 07-Jun-2009 at 06:45 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  14. #14
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    My mates just had a very similar one to the one on the left of this pic but as a sleeve

    It looks pretty good & its a bit different!not something i'd have done though, i dont like much colour in my tats,black is the way forward

  15. #15
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    I've never understood the point in tattoos. I just don't get it. I mean, I'm a total metal head and hang out in bars where almost everyone but me is covered in ink, but I just don't understand what's supposed to be fun or exciting about tattoos. Tattoos don't make you look tough or cool anymore cos every poser has at least a couple now, and it's all well an good to say that you're getting it done for your own expressive need but you're either gonna get sick of looking at it or if its in a hidden place, you'll forget it's there most of the time and no one else is gonna see it or or give a shit about it even if they can.

    I dunno, I guess I just don't understand the desire to have one or what purpose they're supposed to fulfil.


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