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Thread: Robert Rodriguez rebooting Predator?

  1. #31
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Wait, wait...everyone is taking this from different angles. The above makes it sound like a species vs. species debate, when it seemed to start out as a debate about who would win a one on one fight. I mean shit, no one has even qualified if we're talking about a drone, a queen or a freaky-ass fast alien from Alien 3 (I've heard it mentioned as a new take on the alien drone, but not sure if it really is supposed to be a different breed or not).
    Straight up, ordinary alien from the very first film. It'd smack the predator back to the stone age with his tale alone, then bend over and wipe his acid ass with that dudes dreads.

  2. #32
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by octo7 View Post

    In terms of a fight the only fair way to decide would be to strip a predator of its armor and weapons and put it in a caged ring with an alien.
    In this geek's opinion, that's not fair at all. If an Alien is a super-evolved killing machine, then the Predator should get to use all the tools and fruits of his species evolution and their intellect--including their technology.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  3. #33
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Let's face it, the Alien shits on the Predator. Don't take a major nerdy scientific discussion to realise this. Everyone (well one person) talks about Aliens not being as strong as the Predator but what about the facehugger. Loads of the little bastards running about. What's a shitty spear gonna do against 100 of those, eh?

    The predator has a mask.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Straight up, ordinary alien from the very first film. It'd smack the predator back to the stone age with his tale alone, then bend over and wipe his acid ass with that dudes dreads.
    I was kinda referring to species but yeah, the 'original' Alien from the Nostromo would still kick fuck out of any Predator.

    I mean this...

    ...or YMCA boy over here?

  5. #35
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    They do? I've only seen them do minor things like kill the power or use their own blood to escape something. Other than that they just run around looking for lunch.
    They don't exhibit civilised intelligence, but the original concept was that they possess an intelligence that - just like their biology - is so vastly different to our own that we cannot fully comprehend it. This concept was watered down somewhat in the sequels though, I'll grant you.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    As I stated before....I don't think this subject is ever covered in the four alien films or two AVP films. There's no proof that they don't see. In fact, there are several instances throughout the films that point to the fact that they could possibly have sight.
    They have no visible eyes. Part of what makes them frightening is their alien-ness - and part of that is the suggestion that they have sensory abilities that we don't know about. This is the thing, when the Alien is done well (i.e. NOT AVP ) it is a total enigma. It is the unknown. We don't know what it's capable of, and it will always pull something unexpected out of the bag.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Bitch, please. The predator has minor armor and carries around a portable operating room on his belt.
    Again - it surrounds itself with technology to make itself a badass. If the Alien films have taught us anything, it's that "all the technology of the future couldn't protect them". The Alien is the very symbol of a ferocious force of nature in a hostile universe, overcoming every technological obstacle that rational intelligence can put in its way. The Alien itself needs no technology, it is "born" with everything it requires. It is the ultimate survivor, created or evolved perfectly to kill anything it encounters, anywhere, in any environment from planet Earth to the cold vacuum of space.... I'm nearly shitting myself just talking about it!

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    You could very well be right about this, but I can't seem to remember any examples. I remember them running into doors, but never cutting them with claws.
    After they bashed the door inwards and it fails to give way, the tear a hole in
    the middle of it with their claws. They also tear through the Marines' futuristic better-than-Kevlar battle armour, and in at least one case, one of those pheumatic jaw-phallus things punch through a soldier's helmet.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    The predator has many different visual settings. And his "normal" vision as well. But remind me when the films establish that the aliens have no body heat?
    Okay, I'm gonna look very geeky here. But according to James Cameron on the Aliens DVD, the geeks at,31.0.html and (I believe) the original script/character concept, the creature does not radiate heat higher than its surrounding environment.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Bad Attitude? He's a noble warrior that only kills for sport or self defense. If anything has the bad attitude, it's the pissed off alien that goes around killing for nothing.
    The Alien is not pissed off. In fact, we have no evidence that these creatures exhibit anything that we might term emotion (apart from the agitation of the Queen on the destruction of her eggs). And it certainly does not kill for nothing - it kills because that is part of its life cycle. For the Alien, killing means reproduction. Killing is what it does, killing is what it exists to do. The Alien's life-cycle is "make love not war" turned on its head - it has no love... no hate, no fear, no sense of honour, no compassion - murder and rape are what it does to procreate.

    As a little side note, I always imagined the Alien as something that had evolved not on a planet, but in space itself. The abandoned extraterrestrial craft in the first two films suggested this idea to me.

    Imagine that for millions of years, there have been hundreds of thousands of now (mostly) long-extinct space-faring races traversing the universe. Out there, over vast distances and colossal spans of time, pests and diseases and vermin from countless worlds, hitching rides on billions of spacecraft, spread out across the intergalactic trade routes. Just like rats and mites and weevils on Earth's olden-time sailing ships, these vermin adapted to their new environments, each species competing with others for specific ecological niches, adapting to survive all attempts to exterminate them (like modern day super-bacteria), adapting to kill all competitors, adapting to the environments of hostile worlds and the vacuum of space.... Wouldn't it be awesome if the aliens "homeworld" was not some rocky planetoid, but an infinity of derelict spacecraft of a billion extinct races, floating endlessly in the darkness of space. That would be fitting.

  6. #36
    At the end of the day, the Predator is USELESS without weapons. Yeah, right, sure, okay, end of. Same power as a human, really.

  7. #37
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Kraken, I love you and your alien-geekiness. That was the coolest explanation for why the alien wins ever.

  8. #38
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Kraken, I love you and your alien-geekiness. That was the coolest explanation for why the alien wins ever.
    Indeed, the Alien is the pants-shittingest movie monster ever.

  9. #39
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Not bad. Good answers for the most part.

    The marines took down hundreds of aliens with machine guns, and you're saying that a super advanced predator couldn't take down one? Fuck off with that nonsense...

    But since I'm being ganged up on, I'm gonna slowly back out of the thread. But you're all insane for thinking one alien could take on a predator.

  10. #40
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Well, if I remember correctly (and this is probably the only thing I do remember from AvP) one alien took down two predators at the same time.

  11. #41
    Banned octo7's Avatar
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    yeah but avp does not count because it sucks

  12. #42
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    True. Piece of shit film.

  13. #43
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Not bad. Good answers for the most part.

    The marines took down hundreds of aliens with machine guns, and you're saying that a super advanced predator couldn't take down one? Fuck off with that nonsense...

    But since I'm being ganged up on, I'm gonna slowly back out of the thread. But you're all insane for thinking one alien could take on a predator.
    No, no. I'm not saying that a single Predator couldn't take down one of the swarming multitude in Aliens. But if you look at the films, the behaviour and even the physiology of the Alien differs depending on the situation. In Aliens, when in combat, the marines did get their assess handed to them but yeah - they were able to kill many of the frenzied beasts. But not only were there about fifteen or twenty soldiers all packing pulse rifles, flamethrowers and smart guns, also it was almost like the aliens were going: "Protect the Queen! Kill the intruders!" and launching themselves mindlessly at the Marines. The behaviour of the single creature in the first film is very different to this. It remains completely hidden as it stalks its victims, only emerging at the last moment before the kill, by which time it's too late to take any countermeasures. Their tactics, therefore, differ depending on whether or not they are "solo" or "hive drone", so I think a single alien actually has a better-than-average chance of taking down a Predator.

    Obviously a lot if it depends on the environment and whatnot - if this was taking place in a jungle or open terrain, then there's a good chance the Predator would spot the Alien from a mile off as soon as it made any kind of move towards attacking, and blast it with a plasma bolt before it got close. But in a derelict spacecraft, or an underground tunnel system, or any enclosed space, I reckon the Predator is toast.

  14. #44
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Fair points, kraken.

    But think of THIS!

    The predator gets wounded by the aliens. Tinkers with his arm computer thingy for a minute. Boom. All aliens gone. Predator wins.

    Disclaimer: That wasn't a point to contribute to the arguement. Just thought it was funny.

  15. #45
    The fact that disclaimer's are needed...

    ...but yeah, what if the Alien was armed with the same thing.


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