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Thread: What HORROR Movies have you seen? (besides the "Dead" series) Here's My List

  1. #1
    Being Attacked LadyOfDarkness's Avatar

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    "What are your FAVORITE Horror Movies?"

    I've changed my thread to

    "What are your FAVORITE Horror Movies?"

    I realize that we have ALL seen ALOT of Horror Movies and I started a list below but I am now asking people to just list their FAVORITE HORROR MOVIES (not all the horror movies they've seen) lol, that would fill up probably ALL the HORROR thread space we have on here and we don't want to make Andy ummmm, upset lol

    I will add more of just my FAVORITES to this list later.


    1) Halloween (1, 4 & 5)
    2) Friday the 13th (the original)
    3) The Last House on The Left (scared the HELL outta me! - was a teenager when I saw it - on the BIG screen! hard to watch)
    4) Motel Hell (very gorey - saw it on the BIG screen too)
    5) The Hills Have Eyes (OMG one of the SCAREST movies I've ever seen!)
    6) The Hills Have Eyes remake (which I thought was even better then the original & scarier!) Part 2 (not so good)
    7) The Hitcher (the original)
    8) The Hitcher 1 & 2 remake (not as good)
    9) Creepshow (excellent ofcourse)
    10) Resident Evil (1-3 - I loved them because I love the video games)
    11) Silent Hill - (same as above)
    12) Pet Sematary (good one)
    13) Pet Sematary 2 (sucked)
    14) Joy Ride
    15) Joy Ride 2 (liked both of them)
    16) Final Destination (1-3 liked all of them)
    17) Alone in the Dark (good)
    18) 28 days later (excellent Zombie movie)
    19) Wolf Creek (scared the pants off me! hard to watch)
    20) Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer (hardest movie to watch -esp when they kill the kid - seems so real like watching a "snuff film"- scared me to death)
    21) Saw (one of the goriest movies I ever "saw" lol)
    22) 30 Days of Night (vampires-not sure horror but good movie)
    23) I am Legend (Loved it! Good Zombie end of world movie)
    24) The Mist (Excellent!)
    25) The Exorcist (I was a kid when that came out so I had to wait to see it until I was older, lol but wow what can you say - classic horror! That movie startled alot of people!, lol)

    OH and I have to mention (someone here told me to - that I did see "Dawn of the Dead" on the BIG screen. I was too young to get into the threatre so a parent took me and a friend of mine to see it but it was AWESOME!!! Anyone else here see that on the BIG screen?

    And.....has anyone seen the movie series "Faces Of Death"? It was SUPPOSED to be REAL acts of MURDER on film. I saw the first couple in the series and OMG ......I had nightmares of that poor little monkey with his head stuck in hole in the table in that restaurant while those people sat around it beating him with hammers as he screamed.......until he was dead...then they cut the top of his head off and ate his brains. This was back in the 80's...but I'll never forget it....I wish I never watched it. It was horrible. That was definately the WORST movie I ever saw. Just wondering if anyone else saw those films?

    Last edited by LadyOfDarkness; 14-Nov-2009 at 02:22 AM. Reason: I want to change the title to "What are your FAVORITE Horror Movies?"
    "Lady Of The Knife"

  2. #2
    Twitching deadpunk's Avatar

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    If MZ tries to post that list, the server is gonna crash for sure...

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Good lord, where would I even my parents old place I've got over 1200 movies on VHS alone stashed away (not all horror, but probably 25- 50%?)

    I've seen a lot of horror movies...

  4. #4
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Yeah, it's probably easier to list the horror movies that I havn't seen.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  5. #5
    Being Attacked LadyOfDarkness's Avatar

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    come'on ya big chickens.......... hehe

    "Lady Of The Knife"

  6. #6
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyOfDarkness View Post
    And.....has anyone seen the movie series "Faces Of Death"? It was SUPPOSED to be REAL acts of MURDER on film. I saw the first couple in the series and OMG ......I had nightmares of that poor little monkey with his head stuck in hole in the table in that restaurant while those people sat around it beating him with hammers as he screamed.......until he was dead...then they cut the top of his head off and ate his brains. This was back in the 80's...but I'll never forget it....I wish I never watched it. It was horrible. That was definately the WORST movie I ever saw. Just wondering if anyone else saw those films?
    You'll be glad to hear that the Faces of Death movies were largely put together using fake, staged footage. There were bits and pieces of real documentary material - an airplane exploding, a girl jumping from a building, a parachute failing to open, rotting corpses in catacombs, autopsies, soldiers shooting each other in WW2, etc. - but the majority of the "big, gross scenes" were done using special effects. This includes the monkey scene (the money was genuinely terrified during the shooting of the scene, but they didn't actually hit it or kill it), the police shoot-out, the electric chair sequence, the "leaked" footage of Satanic sacrifices, and the crocodile attack.

    I suppose you could look at it as "re-enactments", like on TV crime programmes or whatever.

    There are, however, a lot of never videos and websites that DO have a lot more real death footage - there's the Traces of Death video series, as well as Faces of Gore. But DO NOT take that as a recommendation. Both of these are absolutely sickening, mostly because they have voice overs that actually make fun of the victims. Watching them really makes think - what if these poor people were my family or friends, and thousands of assholes were sitting around laughing at their deaths?

    Faces of Gore is probably the worst of the bunch, because it's much more grotesque - the director only picked footage that was extremely bloody, gory and disturbing such as foetuses, burned bodies, etc., as opposed to Traces of Death where it's mostly stuff like boxing accidents, car crashes, suicides, etc. But, on the other hand, you don't see anyone actually die in Faces of Gore, it's just aftermath footage of people who are already dead, whereas in Traces you see people die over and over in slow motion.

    These are NOT nice films, and I do not advise you to seek them out. Even I regret seeing these movies.

    Of course, there are also supposedly "snuff movies" where people are actually killed for the the purpose of making a movie (unlike the real death films, which are just collections of documentary footage). Unless you count stuff like Taleban execution videos or the Dnepropetrovsk video, no police force has ever found a commercially available snuff movie, so they may not even exist.
    Last edited by krakenslayer; 10-Nov-2009 at 11:38 PM.

  7. #7
    Dying Ghost Of War's Avatar

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    Let's just say I've seen most of them. If I sat here listing every horror film I'd ever seen, I'd get the sack from work.
    Kill 'em All

  8. #8
    Chasing Prey

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    Same here...being a fan of the genre I've seen more than I can remember...even recently I have one of those moments where I go "OMG, I remember that!!"

    Only things I tend to avoid is slasher movies, other than that anything else is golden.
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

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  9. #9
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Yeah, I've seen hundreds of horror films. But I'm nowhere near seeing everything...

  10. #10
    Being Attacked LadyOfDarkness's Avatar

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    First of all, krakenslayer

    Thank you for letting me know that the "Faces of Death" movies were not REAL and just "recreated" death scenes. I am SO relieved - especially after hearing that that poor little monkey didn't get torturted and die, thank God! I feel much better now. Yeah, the corpses rotting in the tombs didn't bother me so much, that's life, or shall we say "death". It's a part of life and I worked at a funeral home as a secretary for awhile so I've seen "dead people". Yeah, I was younger when I saw these movies and it was creepy but NOTHING like seeing people actually "dying" on screen a real death.

    Yeah, believe me I will not look for the other movies you mentioned. That would put me back in the postion I thought I was in with "Faces of Death" back then (and they sound alot worse then that series was) plus they ARE real. Besides I can hardly watch some of those "Shocking videos" they show on "True Tv" lately even.

    Yes, I've heard of those "Snuff Films" of men raping and killing women on film just for some sick pleasure and then selling them. There are some really sick freaks out there in this world. Pretty scarey.

    As long as I know the blood and gore is fake I'm okay with it. Like everyone else here, I enjoy it because it comes along with horror which consists of a good scare, suspense, a monster (or bad guy or guys) and consiquently killing. There is usually at least one surviver and we cheer them on the whole time not knowing which one will survive but hoping its a certain person we choose and expecting alot of close calls along the way which makes for some heart-pounding action and suspense throughout the entire movie which keeps us on the edge of our seat. This is the nature of the horror movie and we fans thrive on it.

    I've said for years (since I was a teenager) that watching horror movies is an "escape" from the real world we live in today and it helps us get through our own daily lives (trials and stress that we deal with daily) and after we walk out of that theatre (or finish watching that video) we feel destressed somehow and it's like getting off a rollercoaster - we feel refief. We somehow feel like if we can get thorugh that (although it may have been fake) - then we can now conquer the rest of the day (or wharever kind of challenge awaits us in the real world).

    That's my take on it anyway. A little secret about me though - in "real-life" I'm squimish of needles. When they take my blood I can't look. And I hate hospitals. Blood and guts gross me out big time! So I could never be a nurse. heheheheheheheheheh

    Anyway, let me rephrase this POST to say:


    We don't want to crowd up the ENTIRE BOARD with all of our lists of how many horror movies we've each seen (1,000's) and have Andy go nuts on us do we? hehe

    "Lady Of The Knife"

  11. #11
    Fresh Meat

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    I have watched "Splice" movie last time.It's very horror able movie.I have watched this movie in night with our friends.

  12. #12
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Whoa, this thread has deadpunk in it. I forgot about that guy. Anybody know what happened to him?

    On topic with Faces of Death... I own original copies of the first three TRACES Of Death on VHS. Found them all at a mom&pop video store that was going out of business, for $3 a piece. They're all in great quality, too. Not sure what they're going for now, but when I first obtained them they were selling for A LOT of money on the internet. Watched each one of them once and don't think I could ever put myself through that again... I saw some things that completely fucked up my brain for life... I definitely would not recommend it to anyone.

  13. #13
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i'm intrigued, mike...such as? i recall seeing a faces of death video long ago but i don't recall much of it or how authentic any of it was....

    and what's really funny to me about the re-emerging of this thread is all the drama, hilarity, and bullshit that came about during the op's brief visit here...

  14. #14
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i'm intrigued, mike...such as? i recall seeing a faces of death video long ago but i don't recall much of it or how authentic any of it was....

    and what's really funny to me about the re-emerging of this thread is all the drama, hilarity, and bullshit that came about during the op's brief visit here...
    Such as the footage of Bud Dwyer committing suicide on live television. The footage in Traces is far longer than any other source I've seen it from. You really just watch the life slip away from his body, by means of the muscles in his face becoming increasingly relaxed. Truly a traumatic thing to view. That image is forever imprinted in my brain.

    I can't recall LadyOfDarkness causing any drama... care to refresh my memory?
    Last edited by MikePizzoff; 30-Sep-2010 at 06:07 PM.

  15. #15
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    well, just in the way she conducted herself. the big deal went down in a thread titled "i'm new here" or something. as this site is mainly guys, we generally welcome any female contributions and input with open arms...but she was replying to every single comment in a cutesy flirtatious manner.

    it got ridiculous, people posting pictures of puppy dogs, she'd gush about it, post some cute smilies, the person would reply back, more lame flirting and smilies...until i opened my big mouth and called her out on being an attention whore who was doing nothing but coming here to flirt with zombie fans...and dudes were falling over their dicks, and as mike70 put it, she was not a winner in the looks department...nothing to get that worked up about,...long story short, she was an attention whore, i was the first to call her out on it, she called me a rude asshole (and even started another thread about it, if i recall), other people started bitching for each side (asshole vs. attention-whore), and she got all pissy and left.

    edit: and oh yeah, i've seen that video. disturbing stuff. there was a discussion a while back where i mentioned the website, and that was one of the vids on that site....that site is pretty brutal and offensive, in case anyone is thinking of checking it out....just a warning. and again, my experiences overseas in iraq and a few other accidents i've witnessed, as well as being a student with a lot of coursework on human anatomy, are what drives my curiosity about stuff like that, not some death-fixation.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 30-Sep-2010 at 06:36 PM.


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