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Thread: Red Dead Redemption (incl. new Zombie DLC)

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    because they really got your adrenaline going in dead rising
    Actually they did, Senoir Jaded-Pants.

    See, this is the problem, runners came along and most people just forgot how to bother making shamblers terrifying. What complete and utter bullshit.

    Dead Rising has hoardes of the fuckers, and that's a good thing. You'll be thinking you're fine, and then all of a sudden the one you've not been paying attention to grabs you, then another, and another, and you're fucked.

    Anything running at you is scary - and it's lazy on the part of the creator as well.

  2. #32
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Actually they did, Senoir Jaded-Pants.

    See, this is the problem, runners came along and most people just forgot how to bother making shamblers terrifying. What complete and utter bullshit.

    Dead Rising has hoardes of the fuckers, and that's a good thing. You'll be thinking you're fine, and then all of a sudden the one you've not been paying attention to grabs you, then another, and another, and you're fucked.

    Anything running at you is scary - and it's lazy on the part of the creator as well.

    NNNnnnnnO!, bad!, dont make me roll up this newspaper!

    Slow zombies were boring for one reason, if you died there was a continue, slow zombies are all about cornering you in, its the constant trudging, claustrophobic nature that denotates the inevitability of your own demise- but when theres absolutely no possible bad outcome for this then it quickly becomes moot.
    another reason why valve had to make there infected fast, shamblers wouldnt have worked in games as they do in film. if someone dies in a film there dead. if they die in a game, reload, no longer dead. unless its a plot point you have no control over, and thats not scary because there is no possibility of failure on your part.
    In a film like dawn of the dead you put yourself in there shoes, at points when they are just glanced by the outreaching, snapping fingers of a lumbering ghoul you tense up. its an "oh shit" moment if you can put yourself in there shoes. whilst at the same time you have no major control over the situation and thus feel helpless. In a videogame where i can crowd walk on there heads and the worst punishment for failure is a reload there is no fear. Left 4 dead would be terrible without its hectic nature and again the only negligible penalty is losing time, which i suppose is ironic really.

    I think people dont really think about how a game would be made, just a finished product. Making a game is very different to a movie, it relies on the audiences input, not just output. You can direct there attention sure, place lights to illuminate a certain area to subconsciously draw the players eye. but the long and short of it is this: a film has direct control on everything you see, every eventuality. In a game it is a wholly different experience based on the player, will they want to explore? will they look over every nook and cranny instead of heading the desired way. In what is essentially a dead world for the player you NEED extra input to direct and focus the audience. dead rising had its human psychos, left 4 dead had its runners and specials. resident evil had the dogs and tyrants and everything in between.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Anything running at you is scary - and it's lazy on the part of the creator as well.
    as for this, have you ever tried programming a.i for a videogame? a single enemy? i have and its difficult alone for an amatuer, for a pro the larger the number of enemies the more they HAVE to simplify the ai of the enemy. Each one has to take a small portion of the usage to process what its going to do. In the words of a number of games developers i know "the easiest thing to make in terms of a.i is the 'zombie' you can use it from dogs to dinosaurs, all it does is beeline at the player and attack".
    If you want a big game with lots of zombies then you need to make the process' of said zombies scripted a.i routines to be that much simpler to cope with the larger numbers.

    Though this isnt impossible of course, theres always ways around the limitations, silent hill coped with its incredibly short draw distance by adding fog. In left 4 dead the zombies are "pop-ed in" as you progress and have designated spawn points for hordes.
    So whilst a massive sandbox wouldnt be impossible the zombies would have to be simpler for a large multiplayer environment. Which is why you have infected like the smoker and charger to keep players from getting too far apart and why the a.i would be kept, most likely, at the basic bee line zombie type. which in a slowzombie just doesnt have the same pop as 50 snarling, rabid ghouls tear arseing it at you and snarling and hissing. its not the best for movies i know, but in games design terms its just the best for the job entertainment wise and its current constrictions the reason why i think a sandbox game would be full of boring slowbies.

    You could use the jaded fallback, sure. But a videogame with slow zombies could not work as a completely serious, actually scary videogame. it just doesnt translate to another medium without warranting change. in this case thats fast zombies.

    The defense rest's.

  3. #33
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    To hellsing, in his favourite language that is meme, I am disappoint.

    With a side order of face palm.

  4. #34
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    I think any dead-blooded person would love to see the sort of open world zombie game Minion is on about, though thinking about the actual possibility of it any time soon I have to agree with what Hells has said too.

    A small example: in GTA the pedestrians are little more than cannon/car fodder, that's why if you run round the block you'll see a different set of pedestrians has spawned where you started, and that's fine for GTA, but for an open world zombie game (particularly with shamblers where the threat comes from their numbers and/or getting cornered by them) you'd need the game to keep track of hundreds of AI zombies for them to ever really pose the sort of threat they do in films or books.

    It blows my mind to think how complicated it would be, such a game would end being a gargantuan undertaking for a developer to say the least.

  5. #35
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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  6. #36
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    This is the most excited i've been for a game since Ghostbusters or GTAIV.

  7. #37
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Yeah, the more I see, the more I like.

    Bring it on!

    (Also, I agree with Hellsing's points above, he is not Fail!)

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  8. #38
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm rather looking forward to RDR.

    I wonder what their version of getting into trouble with the law is - like, in GTA IV you have your star rating and various types and amounts of rozzers come after you - so I wonder what it'll be in this game. Surely it can't be anywhere near as robust as GTA IV in that respect?

    Although you do get yourself a reputation in the game from being good or bad, perhaps that's the replacement for such stuff.

  9. #39
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I wonder what their version of getting into trouble with the law is - like, in GTA IV you have your star rating and various types and amounts of rozzers come after you - so I wonder what it'll be in this game. Surely it can't be anywhere near as robust as GTA IV in that respect?
    You'll get a high star count and the cops on horseback will start ramming into your horse.

    After seeing this law trailer i'm afraid some of the characters may be too over the top. Like the fat one that sounds mentally ill. I hope they're not going too GTA OTT with it. I want a serious western world to inhabit. Not a one-liner shoot out with Mad Dog Tannen.

    Still though, it's going to be interesting to see how this respect aspect of the game changes the experience. Hopefully it will make it worth several run throughs. I've already decided to take the honorable route the first time through and then play it over again as an outlaw.

  10. #40
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    hehe, aye, I figure I'll be "good" the first time round (I seem to gravitate to that way of doing things anyway - such as in Fallout 3), and then might try being an utter "cuntbox" (copyright Capncnut ) the second time round ... mind you, I said I was gonna harvest all the little sisters on my second playthrough of BioShock, but just couldn't do it.

  11. #41
    Dying fulci fan's Avatar

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    I hope the hunter outfit wins the vote thing. Will the other two outfits be thrown out?

  12. #42
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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  13. #43
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    houston, we have a problem...

    well, who didn't see this coming?

  14. #44
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    there holding it back to generate marketing buzz? thats asinine, its not a movie, theres isnt a limited time to go get it. they do an advert run, the magazines and sites review it and from then on its word of mouth. every game has day one or two people who have been following the game and the rest are people who havent who have had there interest peked by the ads. anyone who wants it after a weeks advertising wont want it more after 2. honestly i can see this working for films, or hell, even fast food seasonal specials, but home entertainment that will be on the shelves for ages? yeah market it, but more market it for longer? when its in the game stores on the shelves? thats like marketing a book or cd for longer people will buy it or they wont, the same ads for longer wont do anything but possibly put some people off.

    clearly this is advertising the alan wake way.

  15. #45
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    there holding it back to generate marketing buzz? thats asinine, its not a movie, theres isnt a limited time to go get it. they do an advert run, the magazines and sites review it and from then on its word of mouth. every game has day one or two people who have been following the game and the rest are people who havent who have had there interest peked by the ads. anyone who wants it after a weeks advertising wont want it more after 2. honestly i can see this working for films, or hell, even fast food seasonal specials, but home entertainment that will be on the shelves for ages? yeah market it, but more market it for longer? when its in the game stores on the shelves? thats like marketing a book or cd for longer people will buy it or they wont, the same ads for longer wont do anything but possibly put some people off.

    clearly this is advertising the alan wake way.
    What a retarded-ass idea. Delay it by 3 weeks ... WHY do that when you're now gonna release it ON THE SAME DAY AS ALAN WAKE?!

    All this log-jamming of games at the same time is stupid too - surely it'd make more financial sense to space yourselves out, they keep going on about competition, well well done Rockstar & Co, you've gone and put yourself out on the SAME DAY as one of the biggest releases this year! Duuuuuuuuh...

    I was looking forward to getting RDR and hopefully getting it bashed out before Alan Wake, not anymore.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Mafia 2 lot said "we're gonna release on May 18th/21st too!" ... that'd just be hilariously stupid enough to actually happen.


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