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Thread: "I Am Zombie Man 3" - remember that?

  1. #31
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Y'know MZ, that one pic you posted on your blog with ZM and all the colors around him - he looks like he's on a bad acid trip or something.

    I can see ZM is 'indulging' again. Guess he didn't learn from the first bender he went on.

  2. #32
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Good news folks. The pre-score edit of IAZM3 is done! I had a right old session this afternoon (and indeed late last night when I intended to "just do a little bit", but ended up going far longer than I'd planned) and got it cracked out - indeed I even figured out how to use this "masking" business for one shot. I was determined to use masking for one of the shots, and I did (yay me, mini victory!), and I was royally determined to get this film in at 10 minutes - and I sodding well did that too - 9 minutes 58 seconds.

    Lou, Deej, keep an eye out for a link that'll be winging its way to you shortly for your scoring purposes.

  3. #33
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    *furiously rubs hands together and begins to drool uncontrollably*

    It's DONE?! Holy batshit, batman! I didn't think you'd have it cranked out yet! GO MZ!

    I impatiently await linkage so the Dj-meister and I can get to work on scoring..

  4. #34
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    *furiously rubs hands together and begins to drool uncontrollably*

    It's DONE?! Holy batshit, batman! I didn't think you'd have it cranked out yet! GO MZ!

    I impatiently await linkage so the Dj-meister and I can get to work on scoring..

    I read that as "furiously rubs one out" initially, haha ... eww.

    Aye, as I was saying a while ago it was going to take as long as it took, but equally as it was going to be a 10 minute long film, it's impossible to take ages to edit 10 minutes, you know?

    Plus I've been on a right old roll of late, so I seized the wind blowing in my sails and barged forth. Next up I'm going to edit together a cobbled together gag reel/behind the scenes/whatever type video that'll go up on YouTube along with the film.

  5. #35
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Eeeewwww, MZ! That's just wrong.

    Well, sometimes you struggle and fight to get things right and sometimes they flow out of you like a fast-moving river - when you come upon those moments, it's best to grab 'em and hang on for your dear life 'cause you're going for a ride!

    Not sure how editing goes as I don't do enough of it myself, but when it comes to composing music, usually the best material is the stuff that comes to you instantly and just "pops out" for lack of a better term. When you slave over a piece of music, usually it doesn't come out as good as you want. Seems like you were on a roll and went for it. I can say the end result (minus the music since it's not done) is awesome.

    Folks, after reviewing the music-less edit that MZ sent us for scoring (Hmmm, just realized - "MZ"? "ZM"? one in the same? *scratches chin to ponder the idea*) I can tell you, ZM is not in good shape physically, but he's still sharp mentally, like Jason Vorhees' machete! This is gonna be a good one.

    I can't wait to see the gag reel.

    ...and on that note, I'll shut up before I give too much away.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 13-Jan-2010 at 03:57 PM.

  6. #36
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Hey everyone, figured I'd pop in and give an update on where things are at on the music/scoring side of the flick since MZ has been done the filming for a few weeks (yeah, we're holding him up. ).

    DJ and I have the majority of the music complete for the film. I'm working on the last piece of "full rock band" type of music, and when that is complete, Dj and I have to collaborate on 3 more pieces and we should be done.

    MZ has been very patient with the scheduling FUBARs here on our side of things (thanks MZ, and sorry for the delays), but I assure everyone, this'll be the best score yet for a ZM flick. We're gonna send him off in style!

    A few more weeks and we'll be complete. Then get ready for the inevitable return (and decomposition) of our favorite Zombie Man.

  7. #37
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Good to hear!

    Thanks for the update, Lou.

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  8. #38
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    One of the first completed tracks done is one for a montage sequence - and man, I love it, it kicks arse.

    I've also been hearing early renditions and such of other tracks, and likewise the music is gonna punch a lot of bottom.

  9. #39
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    Yeah, the 'montage' scene came out so good, I couldn't be more pleased! We were trying to recreate a certain popular movie soundtrack song that already exists, but, in order to keep the copyright people at bay, we had to switch the song around so it's different, but enough like the original that you instantly recognize what it is. Talk about walking a fine line! I think we managed pretty well, and in context with the scene, it's flat-out hilarious.

    It's a heck of an interesting project. The score is going to have everything from synth-based music to full on, kick you in the balls rock/metal type of tunes. It's pretty eclectic, but completely appropriate based on the scenes MZ shot.

    It's been some serious fun working on this. The worst part about it though is MZ finished the filming right around the time that both mine and Dj's personal schedules went completely haywire.

    That's ok though, just like Jell-O, there's always room for Zombie Man.

    Oh, if anyone wants to hear a 'sneak peek' at some of the stuff we've been recording for this, we played a couple songs from the recording sessions on our latest Wet 'N Wild Radio Podcast, which you can listen to here:
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 03-Feb-2010 at 12:21 PM.

  10. #40
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quick update:

    Dj & I got together again this weekend and recorded more music for TIDOZM. We're almost done. We recorded 2 tracks on Saturday, and over the next week I'm going to be finalizing everything we've put together for this project.

    If all goes right, by early next week MZ will have everything he needs score-wise to complete the film.

    We were derailed a few weeks ago thanks to "Snowmageddon" here in the states where Dj and I live (we were dumped on by 40+ inches of snow within 3 days! A record-setting, unheard of amount of snow for our area) so that put things off track for a week or so, but we're back to working on it and hopefully Zombie Man will be eating your flesh in the very near future.

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 22-Feb-2010 at 01:55 PM.

  11. #41
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed ... there'll probably be some working out to do on the closing track (as I mentioned in an email to you just now, Lou), but aye - it's all coming together.

    I was doing some more work on the film last night, replacing a couple of lines of dialogue and slotting in the musical tracks that have been completed so far (four of them, and they're kick ass).

    At this point we just need to finish off the music (Deej and Lou spinning their magic ... and me placing it on the timeline ), and tweak the colouring a bit. So we're close, real close folks.

    I should hope to be unveiling IAZM3 - or rather "TIDOZM" - very soon.

  12. #42
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    UPDATE - 02/24/10

    Welp folks, we're one song and one sound effect away from the completion of the score for The Inevitable Decomposition of Zombie Man! I just got approval on the last track from MZ and have some mixing to do on it. Once that is done and this sound effect (actually, it's a 'sting' of sorts) is complete, MZ can go about doing his thing to put it all together in one nice neat little package.

    The last song is actually still in what I call the "demo stage" but all the basic tracks are complete and just needs a few sound effects and a good mix. That should be completed and sent to MZ this weekend.

    If all goes right, it looks possible that TIDOZM might just see a February release!

    I have to admit, this was a tough one to score, since MZ had very particular ideas of what kind of song/mood was needed for each scene, but let me tell you, it was worth the struggle. The end result is quite exciting and I feel is an excellent 'send off' for Zombie Man.

    I think we did his rotting face (skull?) proud.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    UPDATE - 02/24/10

    Welp folks, we're one song and one sound effect away from the completion of the score for The Inevitable Decomposition of Zombie Man! I just got approval on the last track from MZ and have some mixing to do on it. Once that is done and this sound effect (actually, it's a 'sting' of sorts) is complete, MZ can go about doing his thing to put it all together in one nice neat little package.

    The last song is actually still in what I call the "demo stage" but all the basic tracks are complete and just needs a few sound effects and a good mix. That should be completed and sent to MZ this weekend.

    If all goes right, it looks possible that TIDOZM might just see a February release!

    I have to admit, this was a tough one to score, since MZ had very particular ideas of what kind of song/mood was needed for each scene, but let me tell you, it was worth the struggle. The end result is quite exciting and I feel is an excellent 'send off' for Zombie Man.

    I think we did his rotting face (skull?) proud.
    You can even see how close we are right here in the attached screen grab from the edit. Those three gaps in Track #6 - those need filling, and then some gamma correction ... and then the matter of rendering & uploading to YouTube and it'll be done.

    So Zombie Man fans won't have to wait much longer.
    Attached Images

  14. #44
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    MZ - Just curious, are you going to upload a HD version onto YouTube too?

  15. #45
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    MZ - Just curious, are you going to upload a HD version onto YouTube too?
    Err, just how I usually do it, Lou (like with "Skinner") - which allows you to watch it in "HQ" rather than "HD".

    Otherwise it'd take like 38 years to upload the fucker on my slow-ass connection ... I've been meaning to ask Dj for his tips on settings for rendering out the best looking MPEG-2 I could do though, for my records and the master DVD copies like.


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