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Thread: Game of Thrones (TV series) excitement

  1. #496
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Here "Hand" was out with the other group to discuss "terms"? Maybe she feared him being killed if Dany's Hand was killed?
    Aye, fair point, and Cersei's "Hand" has been very useful to her with all his nefarious experiments and inventions in his creepy dungeon.

    I also wonder if there's an element of Public Relations to it. Tyrion is, after all, her brother and might the populace not take kindly to that. Sure, Tyrion killed Tywin, but with the bit earlier in the episode where Cersei is "protecting" the populace but actually using them as shields, there's a delicate balance to be struck. Killing a wayward son of Kings Landing could have untold ramifications in terms of PR, whereas killing some random nobody in King's Landing knows who is part of an invading force seemingly hellbent on using dragonfire to obliterate the innocent people of the city is a win-win for Cersei (in that moment at least) as she can prove her strength to her city and get some satisfaction out of it.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 09-May-2019 at 10:06 AM.

  2. #497
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I actually feel bad for the crew about the whole coffee cup thing. It’s such a huge production and they’re so crushed for time, you just know they’re working themselves to death if something like that can go unnoticed all the way to broadcast. I really don’t see it as a big deal either, because you know it’ll be digitally erased for home video and all future releases....

  3. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I actually feel bad for the crew about the whole coffee cup thing. It’s such a huge production and they’re so crushed for time, you just know they’re working themselves to death if something like that can go unnoticed all the way to broadcast. I really don’t see it as a big deal either, because you know it’ll be digitally erased for home video and all future releases....
    Yeah. It's fun for us to see that, but it's not as if other shows haven't done that (e.g. the infamous Downton Abbey promo picture prominently featuring a plastic water bottle on the mantle). I never even saw the cup until it had been pointed out, because I was looking where intended - i.e. the character's faces - and no doubt that's what everyone involved in the production was doing as well. I'm a bit surprised that Emilia Clarke didn't notice it - being that it was right in front of her - but yeah, with so many bodies roaming around doing all sorts of jobs on a film set and always racing against time to get their shots for the day, it's easy to slip up somehow.

  4. #499
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    I just don’t see Cersei caring about anyone but herself at this point.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 11-May-2019 at 12:31 PM. Reason: Queen
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  5. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I just don’t see Cersei caring about anyone but herself at this point.
    Quite, but the things I mentioned in my post(s) would all be in service to helping her position in the grander scheme of things. She never does anything selflessly, but she always has a reason (and that reason is her success).

    King's Landing is already a place where the ruling elite are not liked (even outright hated), but they are feared. A bit of good P.R. would only help her cause, and she's able to make it appear that way while surrounding herself with human shields of the populace of the city.

  6. #501
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Tyrion negotiates with Monty Python:

  7. #502
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    Ah, the Holy Grail is always good for a mash-up.

    Well, that was quite an episode!!!


    So I was wrong about the end of Cersei, but the way she went out was quite satisfying. It was sad to see Jaime revert to her when he'd had a chance at something better, but evidently he didn't feel like he deserved it, and deep down his love for Cersei burned too brightly. To seem them (but especially her) crushed beneath her empire was delicious. There was an element of Shakespearean tragedy to those two and it was a fitting end, albeit a hard blow for fans of Jaime who turned his back on the chance at something better.

    It seems like Arya will be facing off with Dany now, who has gone full blown Mad Queen and committed heinous atrocities. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and such is the case here. There have been some fans whining about that, but it's in-built with the Targaryen bloodline (hence the Mad King), and it's been quite an arc. She started out being traded to Drogo, gained power (and dragons), became a benevolent freer of the enslaved, but the realities of ruling in her fashion started to compromise her, and now she's full blown gone over to the dark side as it were. It was nice to see Arya turn away from death and revenge (when The Hound successfully discouraged her from following him to their deaths), and towards life in her attempt to save those people, but events have conspired to turn her back towards death and revenge. Hopefully she'll succeed in taking out Dany and make it out alive, and perhaps Jon will help her out.

    Lots of deaths in this one. 'Clegane Bowl' was awesome. If The Battle of Winterfell was World War II, then The Battle of King's Landing (really the Massacre of King's Landing) was akin to Vietnam.

  8. #503
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    Well, that was quite the heel turn.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  9. #504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Well, that was quite the heel turn.

    Do you mean regarding Dany becoming a Mad Queen?

    Well, I wouldn't say that. We've seen hints of this coming since about season 6, if not earlier, with certain decisions she made skewing more towards making people fear her than love her or respect her. She's been driven nuts with this quest for the Iron Throne. The news about Jon Snow's real lineage is one of several things to push her right over the edge (along with the death of another dragon as well as Missandei ... who, let's be honest, can now get fucked because of her "Dracaris" final word to Dany. Missandei is as a result partly responsible for every innocent life lost in King's Landing.

    It's a poisoned chalice in some ways and I think it's quite a satisfying arc to see this once lowly figure rise up only to knock herself down with the trappings of power and corrupt everything she had stood for.

  10. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Do you mean regarding Dany becoming a Mad Queen?

    Well, I wouldn't say that. We've seen hints of this coming since about season 6, if not earlier, with certain decisions she made skewing more towards making people fear her than love her or respect her. She's been driven nuts with this quest for the Iron Throne. The news about Jon Snow's real lineage is one of several things to push her right over the edge (along with the death of another dragon as well as Missandei ... who, let's be honest, can now get fucked because of her "Dracaris" final word to Dany. Missandei is as a result partly responsible for every innocent life lost in King's Landing.

    It's a poisoned chalice in some ways and I think it's quite a satisfying arc to see this once lowly figure rise up only to knock herself down with the trappings of power and corrupt everything she had stood for.
    Oh I agree with everything you said. I found it funny how fans were criticizing the writers for turning that character mad in just two episodes lol.

    That character arc definitely didn’t feel rushed to me.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  11. #506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Oh I agree with everything you said. I found it funny how fans were criticizing the writers for turning that character mad in just two episodes lol.

    That character arc definitely didn’t feel rushed to me.
    Ugh, these fucking Twitter experts and their, ironically, rather lazy criticism about GoT.

    Season 8 is, essentially, all third act - it's the third act of the entire show. We've had seven whole seasons building up to these last six episodes!

    Yeah, there's an awful lot to get through, but "rushed"? Did they not see the first two episodes of the season? They complain about the Wight Walkers being dealth with quickly, as if we'd never had a skirmish or battle or encounter with the Wights before - erm ... except Hardhome, and the one where they went to capture a Wight, oh and the big ass battle at The Wall at the close of season 7. Sheesh!

    Another thing - Arya's kill list and the different coloured eyes, another thing that was set up seasons ago when she met Melisandre at one point. It was then brought back in the library with new understanding of "blue eyes" being on the list of kills for Arya. Hell, the Clegane beef has been set up since season one and here, finally, in the penultimate episode we get Clegane Bowl and it was awesome.

    Seems there's a lot of these vocal morons just pissed off their theories didn't pan out, meanwhile a lot of these decisions will have been built in from very early on, and are indeed written into the show. Bron asks Jamie how he'd like to die: "In the arms of the woman I love" he responded. That's exactly what he got. The end of Cersei was quite poetic, as I've previously said on here - literally crushed beneath her empire and not in some defiant last stand (she's Royalty, not a flippin' warrior FFS!) but with all her power and arrogance and support stripped away. Indeed, I would imagine that perhaps Arya (and maybe Jon) will be tasked now with taking down a different Queen - Dany.

    Some other chumps complained that the dragons didn't do enough damage in 8x03 (nevermind the Wight Dragon, and the huge snow storm that made it almost impossible to fly about let alone see from any decent distance!), meanwhile in 8x06 they complain that the dragon was able to do too much damage!!! Really? Christ on a bike!

    It seems like the "cool" thing to do now - whine about GoT's final season ... and, indeed, use shitty little Tweets from chumps nobody's heard of, but who shout very loudly, to cobble together some crappy click bait 'article' blowing it up into a bigger thing.

    I'm glad that season 8 is all killer and no filler. Does anyone remember the trudge fest that was season 5? You literally had Brienne sat on her arse for most of the season waiting for a candle in a window!!! It wasn't all duff, far from it, but by comparison to the rest of the show season 5 was the clear low point (relatively speaking). Ironic, too, that some of the people complaining about the writing are themselves incapable of stringing a sentence together. I'd love to see how they'd fare having to wrap up ten years worth of programming. The show's writers went from having these weighty tomes full of detail to having to write it according to just notes and GRRM's notions for what's to come (he's still writing the penultimate book).

  12. #507
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I agree with yous fellas. The whining about this episode is so completely out of hand. If you don’t enjoy the episode or certain elements, that’s fine, but the overall notion of “they ruined the show!” is just batshit crazy. There were certain things that I wasn’t the biggest fan of, but I still found enjoyment with the episode and look forward to the next.

    It’s also hilarious that people are saying Dany just flipped on a dime. Did they not listen and watch her character throughout the show?!? Her behavior was perfectly in line with everything that came before....

  13. #508
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    I have to say my instant reaction was to not like this and I still don't like it. I loved every episode up until this one but as soon it finished i felt like everything had been wasted. I know she flipped and the mad king etc but it was just wanton massacre that seemed out of place to me. I thought the white walker episode a couple of weeks ago was magnificent television for context. This one just felt like wrong decisions were made storywise and slightly out of character on every level.
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  14. #509
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    I was watching a video about the episode, on IGN or something like that I think, and they theorised that perhaps some of the 'turned on a dime' reactions are down to Dany being depicted too heroically in previous seasons as this powerful and positive figure. I can kinda see how some people would have that reaction to her, although we did see various moments along the way that questioned her ability to rule, her style of ruling etc ... I suppose it would have been nice for these recent episodes to be, say, ten minutes longer to allow for certain scenes (talky bits, essentially) to have a bit more room to discuss certain things.

    For example, the talk between Tyrion and Varys about Dany, you could have had them explore her history a bit more, going to-and-fro in a pro/con kind of manner. The things she got right (reasons to stick by her) versus the things she got wrong (reasons to ditch her). Just a bit more context and some reminders for the audience ... although personally I've only watched each episode once and I've never watched the "story so far" specials, and I'm fine with the arc of her story.

  15. #510
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    I’m more mad about Jamie’s long redemption arc leading nowhere. Now that was a waste.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."


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