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Thread: SURVIVORS: The Webisodes

  1. #61
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    Some critisism is needed for EVERY movie EVER made. One can pick out flaws or make suggestions about every movie ever made. But, when you start picking at them too much, then, the ability to enjoy movies is no longer there. This Master Critic (dethhead) is probably the kind of person that is looking for "the Perfect Movie" whether its an indie or a mainstream. That movie does not exist.
    I personally enjoyed your project (and I'm one of those nit-pickers, if that tells you something) and so has everyone I've shown it to. Of course, we make suggestions or point out "shoulda haves", but the "read a book" comment(s) made by Master Critic (dethhead) was uncalled for. Would Roger Ebert or Gene Shalit say something so snide or base? No.
    Getting ideas from "Books on movie-making" is a great idea as long as you stick with YOUR original visions and ideas and don't start jumping on the bandwagon like so many of todays artists. (Peter *cough* Jackson)
    One can critique without appearing to have the childish intention of belittling the film-maker.
    I agree, I like when people offer constructive comments, but when you nit pick the hell out of something just for the sake that you don't like it, then don't say anything at all.

  2. #62
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I have only caught up to Webisode 4, but to the man with most harsh of criticism.

    No film is perfect, right off the bat you can tell the film had no budget and it was a first feature film for the director. There are ways to critique and ways to just plain be an ass. You chose to be an ass.

    In lowbudget filmmaking you have to take many things in too account one being lack of equipment. Another is experience. You took none of that into account which makes you the worst critic on the planet.

    Since you are so quick to jump to judgement over the mans efforts... why don't you show us what you have accomplished int he world of film. Cause all i see is a bunch of words from someone who just made himself out to be an ass in front of an entire internet community.

    The film may not be perfect but it kept my attention from what i have seen so far. If any film, including a low budget flick like this can keep my attention, I am impressed.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #63
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    I have only caught up to Webisode 4, but to the man with most harsh of criticism.

    No film is perfect, right off the bat you can tell the film had no budget and it was a first feature film for the director. There are ways to critique and ways to just plain be an ass. You chose to be an ass.

    In lowbudget filmmaking you have to take many things in too account one being lack of equipment. Another is experience. You took none of that into account which makes you the worst critic on the planet.

    Since you are so quick to jump to judgement over the mans efforts... why don't you show us what you have accomplished int he world of film. Cause all i see is a bunch of words from someone who just made himself out to be an ass in front of an entire internet community.

    The film may not be perfect but it kept my attention from what i have seen so far. If any film, including a low budget flick like this can keep my attention, I am impressed.
    Tell 'em Steve-Dave!

    I've got to get the audio working on this computer so I can watch this stuff

    Anyone know why a computer that used to have audio would come back from a repair shop without audio? Help!

  4. #64
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311

    Anyone know why a computer that used to have audio would come back from a repair shop without audio? Help!
    sound-card screwed up?

  5. #65
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    sound-card screwed up?
    It wasn't when I took it to "Geek Squad". It worked fine that I got it back, I can't get it to work. Everthing else is fine....just the audio.

  6. #66
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311
    It wasn't when I took it to "Geek Squad". It worked fine that I got it back, I can't get it to work. Everthing else is fine....just the audio.
    I don't mean to come off as a smart ass, but, this happened to me once, "The volume control was checked to mute" Have you checked that? (NOTE: again, I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I know I do that alot)

  7. #67
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    I don't mean to come off as a smart ass, but, this happened to me once, "The volume control was checked to mute" Have you checked that? (NOTE: again, I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I know I do that alot)
    Yeah....I've checked that.

  8. #68
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311
    Yeah....I've checked that.
    OK,....sometimes those comp shops like to play innocent pranks like that.....sometimes the solution to a prob is something simple like that.

  9. #69
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Re-download the sound drivers... Or it is possible they accidently misplaced a jumper on the motherboard for sound.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  10. #70
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    Re-download the sound drivers... Or it is possible they accidently misplaced a jumper on the motherboard for sound.
    dude....I'm clueless when it comes to computers....

  11. #71
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by livingdeadboy
    I agree, I like when people offer constructive comments.
    shouldnt that be

    Quote Originally Posted by livingdeadboy
    I agree, I like when people offer positive comments.

    arent i the first person to give any negative comment about your film and you automatically start flamming me isnt right and shows your lack of maturity. ill give you a tip if your serious about making films, you have to take peoples criticisms and reflect on your own work about how you can make your future films better and stop adopting a 'people that dont like my film are wrong' attitude.

    and another thing, even if everyone that likes you film is right and that it was a good film made within a low budget theres still one thing they(and obviously you) forgot about. thats the story. you dont need thousands or millions of dollars to write a good story. yours wasnt.

  12. #72
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dethhead
    shouldnt that be


    arent i the first person to give any negative comment about your film and you automatically start flamming me isnt right and shows your lack of maturity. ill give you a tip if your serious about making films, you have to take peoples criticisms and reflect on your own work about how you can make your future films better and stop adopting a 'people that dont like my film are wrong' attitude.

    and another thing, even if everyone that likes you film is right and that it was a good film made within a low budget theres still one thing they(and obviously you) forgot about. thats the story. you dont need thousands or millions of dollars to write a good story. yours wasnt.
    Just like everyone else're not criticizing. You're just being an a**hole. I guess it's easy on an internet message board, huh?

    If you have some criticism to give about the guy's film, the least you could do is be polite about it.

  13. #73
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311
    Just like everyone else're not criticizing. You're just being an a**hole. I guess it's easy on an internet message board, huh?

    Quote Originally Posted by
    crit·i·cize ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krt-sz)
    v. crit·i·cized, crit·i·ciz·ing, crit·i·ciz·es
    v. tr.
    1. To find fault with: criticized the decision as unrealistic. See Usage Note at critique.
    2. To judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate.
    i am criticizing

  14. #74
    Fresh Meat

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    Okay, at the risk of having my head bitten off by both sides of the argument, I'm going to wade into this.

    Firstly, I think that "Survivors" is an awesome job for a student-produced effort. I just wish I'd had the stamina (and the technology) to pull off something like that when I was your age.

    BUT, it is not without flaws. Yes, there are problems with lighting, camerawork, sound, etc. The important thing, which unfortunately I don't think I've seen livingdeadboy admit to yet, is that he acknowledges that there are flaws, and says that he's learnt from them, rather than immediately going on the defensive.

    Edit: My bad, he actually did say that way back on page one of the thread.

    dethhead's critique was somewhat tactless, and could have been couched in better language. I think his main problem is that he is not allowing for the fact that this was a student effort, a learning experience, and should therefore be cut some slack. Not simply praising it without pointing out flaws, but pointing out the flaws in a more constructive manner.

    But commenting quite broadly on the overall plot and characters could hardly be called "nitpicking"

    I, too, would suggest that livingdeadboy reads some books on cinematography and scriptwriting. Not because I think his work sucks, but because I can see a good deal of potential in his work that could become even better by honing his craft. To the person that suggested livingdeadboy shouldn't do these things otherwise he risked becoming "Hollywoodised" a la Peter Jackson; most filmmaking rules exist for a good reason. Before you break those rules, you should learn what they are and know why you're breaking them.

    You will only improve if you are honest with yourself, and figure out ways to strengthen your weaknesses. For example, my short "The Final Word" which I posted a link to a while back. Several of you have given it nice feedback, for which I thank you. But personally I'm not entirely happy with the performance of the lead actor, and I think the script ended up being too "talky" (it was one of those things that "looked good on paper"). I'll take these factors into account when I put together my next film.

    And one final note - it is quite possible to get a decent looking image out of today's handycams, without having access to the "millions of dollars they have on Hollywood movies". The first thing to do is switch off all those nifty "automatic" features and learn how to make the camera do what you want it to do.

    Keep makin' those films, kids.
    Last edited by Ozhair; 21-Jun-2006 at 03:29 AM.

  15. #75
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    well i just watched 4 to six and i like dthe idea of the main character having a brain tumor so hes dead either way, very cool, but as i said with the girl laughing i gueesed shes either nuts or *whispers*-retarded-*whispers* (political correctness and all that) and i thought if she is shell let the zombies get smeone so that was predictable the only other gripe i have is the blonde using the same prhases a few times like "once again blah-blah-blah" then 3 mins later "once again blah blah blah", aside from that its all good man!


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