It sucks this movie failed so hard, there actually was some generally awesome ideas presented, it just seemed like such a rush-job that it all fell flat on its half-eaten face. The biggest detractor of the atmosphere was definitely the film-score. When it sounds like Danny Elfman (he composes music for Tim Burtons films, most famous likely as composer of "The Simpsons" theme song) is leading the orchestra, everything just comes off as extremely hokey. I like my zombie movies CHEESY, not CORNY.

Some of the dialogue was just cringe-inducing. And some of the characters were even worse than the dialogue itself. "Who knows? Maybe some day I'll be as big as you." Every interaction that smarmy little hipster douchebag had seemed so forced and awkward. He might've been the worst actor of the movie. "What would you do with a million dollars?" How about absolutely NOTHING, considering it's the zombie apocalypse? Asshole. "You call that a computer?" STFU, let the man enjoy his laptop.

I also felt they kind of forced the rednecks into drawing so they could kill them.

The ending, with the guy opening the canal, seemed completely out of place and tacked on.

Here's a few of the things that could've WORKED, if they put more care into the making of the film...

- Swimming in the zombie infested lake to get to the ferry, while getting shot at? Very tense moment in an otherwise bland film. The idea was better than the execution.
- The zombie starting up car was actually pretty well done, and a lot more believable than the horse-back riding zed. Kinda reminded me of the line in Day of the Dead, "I saw one of those things trying to drive the freeway. It didn't make me wanna try and be friends with it." It could have been creepier, but it was decent enough.
- I like the fact there was some traveling, before they settled upon the idea of going to the island. There should be more of this in zombie films...more travel, less "fortifying a stronghold to wait out the apocalypse." Screw the upstairs AND the basement, lets see some road rage!
- The infection being caused by someone biting a zombie in self defense was an interesting concept.
- SOME of the humor was all right...the man heartlessly shooting his daughter was funny. The whole "change your life" shpiel the Hispanic guy used to get in the hot lesbians pants was pretty funny too. Seemed like this movie was trying to be a comedy, but almost all of the jokes fell flat.

This movie made Diary look REALLY good in comparison.