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Thread: Recommended traditional zombie books

  1. #16
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Listen Hear DEADPUNK. I've been coming to HPOTD since I was in high school in 2002.
    I'm not much of a keyboard warrior, but I visit the forums a few times a week for the last 8 years.

    I have also read and watched almost anything and everything with a zombie in it.
    I know My zombie stuff. I finished Pariah and was so impacted I had to share. I'm no spammer. Just helping YOU and all the other fans towards great Zombie fiction.

    Now is that such a crime?

  2. #17
    Fresh Meat Jan Kozlowski's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    The Northeast
    AcesandEights, I agree that Patient Zero (and the follow up Dragon Factory) aren't Maberry's most character-centric stories, but then I think he was going for more of thriller/horror genre blend for these books. I happen to really like thrillers, so perhaps that's why they appeal to me. If you are willing to give him another shot one of these days, I'd suggest Ghost Road Blues, the first of his Pine Deep Trilogy. His main character Crow, still sticks with me months after I finished the books.

    Besides Recht's PLAGUE OF THE DEAD:THE MORNING STAR STRAIN, which I'm putting on my TBR list, any other books you highly recommend?

  3. #18
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    simply walking into mordor
    David moodys autumn series is great, 5 books, all pretty damn creepy. That and feed by mira grant, set in a world with the zombies are incredibly contagious and before entering and leaving a house you need a blood test, its about two proffessional bloggers, this worlds new freelance journalists who have types based on there job, like irwins who done helmet cameras and get up and bait the zombies, some write fiction in the safety of there home and others write traditional articles. its about a government conspiracy around a presidential election campaign. its really good and the 2nd book of the 3 is out soon and i cant wait.


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