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Thread: Very humbling story

  1. #1
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Very humbling story

    Fair play to the girl for sticking with him, she could very easily have walked away. Whether it will last is anyones guess but I hope for his sake it does

  2. #2
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    where eagles dare
    United States
    wow, that's incredibly moving...i know a few guys who lost a few fingers, maybe a hand, another who lost a portion of his leg. sounds like he was very fortunate, i recall an evening when a guy in another company in my unit lost both legs but was dead when we arrived on the scene to help the ambushed platoon evac. same sort of job (engineer), with almost the exact same sort of incident (close proximity bomb blasting).

    when i was over there, that was my biggest fear, more so than dying, to come back missing major pieces and have to learn to live missing a leg/arm/etc. it's something i try to keep in my mind every day about how fortunate i am (and we all are really, given that these sort of injuries could befall any of us i.e. car accidents, freak mishaps at work, etc) to have all my parts and pieces. having lived through and witnessed first-hand the devastation of some of those IED's, i can tell you, they're fucking lethal if made correctly...

    great to see the young man still positive about life and a truly beautiful woman there by his side to help him with his struggles. this made my day, thanks man....puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post

    Fair play to the girl for sticking with him, she could very easily have walked away. Whether it will last is anyones guess but I hope for his sake it does
    Pretty impressive. This is my favorite quote:

    ‘I’m still with the Army but looking at doing an engineering degree with the Open University. I want to work. I can’t stand *people who scrounge off benefits — who twisted an ankle four years ago and they’re still claiming because they can’t be a**ed to get a job. Even though I’m in a wheelchair, I don’t want to be one of those lazy people.’

    That should be the new test for people who want essentially permanent benefits. Call it the Weston Test: "Do you have at least one limb? Right, sorry then, get a job!"
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  4. #4
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Feb 2006
    The worst part I think is that the sacrifice he & the other thousands of badly wounded or dead troops have made will all have been for nothing , its pretty clear to everyone but the politicians that the Afghan campaign is never going to be "won" in a conventional sense despite the intense bravery & sacrifice of all who have served out there, and will probably end in the Taliban taking control back eventually. Then lads like him will have to grow old disabled & forgotten by the people who sent him there. Im starting to see what all the anti-war movement in the 60's/70's was about now, when it was clear Vietnam was a lost cause.


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