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Thread: Video from my recent holiday in Scotland...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Smile Video from my recent holiday in Scotland...

    A musical montage of video and pictures of the seaside town of North Berwick. We got an absolutely lovely day to visit the town, blue skies and sun shining with only a brief bit of wind. Really clear skies too so you could see for miles all the way over to the opposite coast (the following day when I went to Edinburgh castle was even clearer, and the view from the castle is so good you could actually see North Berwick from there).

    As for North Berwick, it's not a cheesy seaside town at all, no silly arcades or anything lame. It's more like a town from decades ago but in the present day with present day shops and people. It really is a lovely place, and if any of my fellow Brits (or even far-travelling Americalanders) go to Scotland in the future, I'd highly recommend visiting North Berwick on a day with good weather.

    You can also view it on YouTube in 720p HD.


    (I'll be upping a video of footage and pics of Edinburgh, done in a similar fashion, soon).

  2. #2
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Nice vid, MZ! Some pretty shots in there, too.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Cheers dude. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, so the town was viewed in its best possible light so-to-speak. It's a lovely town and I've been there numerous times throughout my life.

  4. #4
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Musical montage? Fuck that! I wanted Scottish burrs from Gaelic lasses.

    The footage looks beautiful, MZ, but I'll have to listen when I get home for the musical accompaniment. Dazzling colors & clarity, though!
    Last edited by AcesandEights; 21-Oct-2010 at 02:20 PM. Reason: Hrm...

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    hehe, well I thought that seeing as so many people moan about Scottish traditional music (personally I like bagpipes - but they have to be in Scotland, as that's the point really), I'd put in some more atmospheric/ambient music (a lovely royalty free piano track I found online).

    Footage wise I did augment it a bit with Magic Bullet, but not by too much. There's a little bit of white diffusion (which isn't particularly noticeable in most shots, just a nice little hint of it), and the colours have been punched up a little bit, so they feel more realistic to how they are in real life on such a gorgeous day (so now the sea and sky, for example, is a deeper blue like they were on that day, and the sand on the beaches has a richer tone). Not bad for a pocket videocamera too. If anyone's thinking of getting one, I'd highly recommend the Kodak Zi8. I'd say it's the best pocket video camera out there.

    I'll be putting up a video of footage and pics from Edinburgh itself, so there'll be plenty in that video (lots of pics too - the views from the castle were superb).

    Back to bagpipes for a moment though, being that it was Festival season in Edinburgh when I was up there, there were bagpipe players in full regalia on several corners with screeds of tourists taking photos by them, hehe. In that setting it was ideal, it really has to be in the correct setting and played by someone with talent too, for the bagpipes to work well.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Burke & Hare too (with Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis) so I can see which parts of Edinburgh I recognise and so I can say "I've been there!", hehe, and that reminds me, there was an exhibit on B&H at the Edinburgh Dungeon too.

    So glad you're enjoying this video, and keep an eye out for the Edinburgh one that I'll put together soon.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The last of the musical montages I've been editing together recently, this one is also from my recent holiday in Scotland - this time the Scottish capital of Edinburgh.

    Watch it on YouTube in 720p HD.

    HD Embed (I think):


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