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Thread: The Walking Dead: Episode 2: "Guts" (SPOILERS!)

  1. #76
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gemini View Post
    anyone know how the episode 2 ratings did?!

    Slight drop from the pilot, but not enough to really notice. Very impressive.

  2. #77
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post!

    Slight drop from the pilot, but not enough to really notice. Very impressive.
    Nice, thanks.

  3. #78
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Not to be confrontational, but didn't I just suggest a multi-faceted Prey Recognition mechanism as a possible explanation of how zombies determine who to chew and who to ignore/stagger alongside of in search of someone to chew?
    Yes it was a good post. I was also talking about the intelligence factor not just the senses.

  4. #79
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I thought Ep 2 was full of warts. It's still entertaining but I found it wanting.

    The bad...
    1) Shane is a jerk. They're way overdoing his jerkyness. He's become an uninteresting character and he's draggin Lori down with him. I honestly do not care one iota about the camper people.
    2) Dixon was ridiculous. I don't care if that guy exists in real life. It was an uninteresting angle and a predictable cliche character. Might as well hand Glen a camera and make him say harro.
    3) Yes, leaving Dixon handcuffed with the hacksaw nearby is obvious foreshadowing. I hope it doesn't turn into anything. He just needs to die up there. Like the horse did.
    4) Dousing yourself in zombie guts and walking past them. No. Please lord no. Is that where we are now? They looked ridiculous. The actors trying to act that way looked ridiculous. The characters looked ridiculous. The zombies trying to pretend they don't notice them but kinda do notice them looked... oh, I give up.

    The neutral...
    1) I was having a hard time buying that they were screwed. There didn't look like enough zombies to really be a total no-win. I kinda felt like the two guys with bats could beat a path through them. However, once Rick and Glen were running it became obvious that the zombies could run pretty fast too. I hadn't really realized that.
    2) The N word. I feel it's AMC trying to shock us. "We showed you a kid getting headshot. We showed you a body getting axe'd to pieces. AND we're gonna use the N word. Oh, yeah, that's us, we're bad." Not a big deal, but it felt forced and unnecessary.

    On the opposing...
    1) I liked T-Dog. He was complex enough to rise above a racial stereotype.
    2) Glen was pretty awesome.
    3) The creepy trapped feeling was nice. That "how would I get out" feeling was pretty darned good. It's been a long time...

    Oh, and I just have to say it... how amazing is it that they found the ONLY 2 VEHICLES in the WORLD that still had gas???
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  5. #80
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    The bad...
    1) Shane is a jerk. They're way overdoing his jerkyness. He's become an uninteresting character and he's draggin Lori down with him. I honestly do not care one iota about the camper people.
    They're kicking it in a bit early in the tv series, but I think it matches up great with the character from the comics. If you don't agree with the character now, you're in for a big let down later on.

    As for the gas....who says those were the only two cars? I imagine a bunch of cars in the city still have gas. In the comics, they're constantly syphoning gas out of cars they come upon...

  6. #81

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    I was actually more shocked that the car batteries hadn't lost their charge.

    T-Dog is only an acceptable character if he is NOT replacing Tyreese. If it is a replacement, I swear that I'll never watch the show again.

    ...Okay, I'll keep watching the show, but I'll shake my first at the screen a couple of times while saying, "You're not Tyreese!"

  7. #82
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    Shane is much more of a jerk in the TV series than in the comic but he also get more Tv time. It will be interesting to see if the writers can save the dynamic between Shane and Rick if they can at all. Lori... My god what have they done to that woman. She went from having done some mistakes to becoming the sluttiest of sluts. She risks her own life to get some of Shane, in this TV series she should stay with Shane even if Rick makes it to her.

  8. #83
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yes, hopefully t-dog is NOT tyrese. in the comics, tyrese isn't met till later on, but i realize they are deviating from main storyline a bit.

    it can't be tyrese....there's no way tyrese would've got his ass kicked by dixon. no way.

  9. #84
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I thought Ep 2 was full of warts. It's still entertaining but I found it wanting.

    The bad...
    1) Shane is a jerk. They're way overdoing his jerkyness. He's become an uninteresting character and he's draggin Lori down with him. I honestly do not care one iota about the camper people.
    I agree they may be overplaying that hand a bit, but I hope they will bring things back around to paint a fuller picture of his character in time. We'll see how it plays out compared to the comic.

    2) Dixon was ridiculous. I don't care if that guy exists in real life. It was an uninteresting angle and a predictable cliche character. Might as well hand Glen a camera and make him say harro.
    It was a bit cliche, eh? Still, doesn't bother me per se.

    3) Yes, leaving Dixon handcuffed with the hacksaw nearby is obvious foreshadowing. I hope it doesn't turn into anything. He just needs to die up there. Like the horse did.
    Well, he's in the series now, so I hope he's used well as things progress, regardless of what happens with him.

    4) Dousing yourself in zombie guts and walking past them. No. Please lord no. Is that where we are now? They looked ridiculous. The actors trying to act that way looked ridiculous. The characters looked ridiculous. The zombies trying to pretend they don't notice them but kinda do notice them looked... oh, I give up.
    This clearly did not bother me the way it did a few people here. It opens up some serious questions about how TWD zeds work, but not a big deal for me.

    The neutral...
    1) I was having a hard time buying that they were screwed. There didn't look like enough zombies to really be a total no-win. I kinda felt like the two guys with bats could beat a path through them. However, once Rick and Glen were running it became obvious that the zombies could run pretty fast too. I hadn't really realized that.
    I think being in the city and having seen the way zeds can swarm pretty quickly in the tank scenario and how dangerous the zombies can be riled up, the still somewhat soft humans were right to feel a bit of the 'oh shit!' given their situation.

    2) The N word. I feel it's AMC trying to shock us. "We showed you a kid getting headshot. We showed you a body getting axe'd to pieces. AND we're gonna use the N word. Oh, yeah, that's us, we're bad." Not a big deal, but it felt forced and unnecessary.
    I agree this may very well be the intent for going the racial angle so early on. It was pretty cliche and ham handed and would have been much better for something like this to crop up later amongst established characters, which would add to an actual sense of drama were they going to go this route at all.

    On the opposing...
    1) I liked T-Dog. He was complex enough to rise above a racial stereotype.
    The character is okay, but not if he is supposed to be the early introduction of a different character from the comic, which would piss me off--as they will have drastically changed the persona.
    2) Glen was pretty awesome.
    Completely agree.
    3) The creepy trapped feeling was nice. That "how would I get out" feeling was pretty darned good. It's been a long time...
    Yeah, I liked it, and especially liked the evac out of the building into the truck, I was on the edge of my seat for that.

    Oh, and I just have to say it... how amazing is it that they found the ONLY 2 VEHICLES in the WORLD that still had gas???
    Oh, there was some gas out there, even though the pumps ran dry in certain areas (as we had seen), a lot of cars would just have been left or never returned to by their former owners (abandoned by choice or by way of the former owner having died).

    "Do I take my work truck, or the sportscar? Truck, okay. Do I siphon off the 1/4 tank of gas from the sportscar? No, don't have the time, gotta get out of here."

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  10. #85
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchified View Post
    I was actually more shocked that the car batteries hadn't lost their charge.
    Car batteries should last months!!?
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  11. #86
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Car batteries should last months!!?
    Yeah. And it's only been roughly a month since it all started. Batteries should be just fine...

  12. #87

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    See, I was under the impression that it had been longer than a month since it all started. Now, this assumption was going off of the comics, not the show, since the show was fairly vague about it.

    In the comics, Morgan makes the comment that all media shut down after a few weeks, and that he hasn't heard any word from anyone since. That combined with how much some of the zombies have decayed always gave me the impression that we're talking three or four months since everything started. Plus there was Lori's, erm, "mistake" with Shane, and given her personality in the comics I can't imagine that happened almost immediately after the zombie outbreak began.

    Hence the comment about the car batteries. I was surprised that the cars just started right up after being hotwired. If I missed something in the show that changed the timeline, then whoops.

  13. #88
    Twitching BillyRay's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchified View Post
    Hence the comment about the car batteries. I was surprised that the cars just started right up after being hotwired. If I missed something in the show that changed the timeline, then whoops.
    Those aren't real problems, Sam.

  14. #89
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Yeah, I liked it, and especially liked the evac out of the building into the truck, I was on the edge of my seat for that.[/I]

    And for all the disagreements we have on the series even at this early stage, this is the prize.

    Seriously, when was the last time a zombie movie made you do that?

    Me and my kids were actually sitting there like "Oh god, oh god. They're not gonna make it!?!"

    And that my friends is priceless. That's what we watch the 100 crappy zombie films for. If it's just to get a sliver of this stuff. With the hope that if only one out of the hundred can elicit feelings like that.


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  15. #90
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    As for the gas....who says those were the only two cars? I imagine a bunch of cars in the city still have gas. In the comics, they're constantly syphoning gas out of cars they come upon...
    That was tongue in cheek since I got shouted down over saying that he shoulda been able to find gas when he took the horse. Everyone said all the cars would be outta gas.

    After seeing the "wearing zombie guts" angle I'm getting better with the horse all the time.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.


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