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Thread: 5th episode - "Wildfire"

  1. #16
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Okay, that sneak peek was actually pretty cool.

    However, I hope the final thing we see is:

    (don't open this spoiler if you haven't read the comic)

    Them discovering the gated community.

  2. #17
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    amy and andrea's scene was amazing, i think i was holding my breath the entire time. rick and shane's hunting trip was interesting, for sure. and i was very please with the way jim and his story were almost identical to the comics.

    as for the CDC, that was a bit out-of-sync with the established tone and style of this show, but was good regardless. and next week's preview on AMC certainly looks interesting. it appears my prediction about the ending of season 1 is going to be wrong, according to recent magazine articles and interviews. very interested to see how they wind this season down and where they leave us hanging on for a long wait till season 2.

  3. #18
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    I'm actually disappointed they didn't explain how the zeds manage to evade the wires, and how they managed to get up the camp without, making a sound.

    And is it me or did the RV get magically fixed as, soon as they left Jim?

  4. #19
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Oh wow. Wonderful episode. Really really good stuff.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  5. #20
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Ep. 5 was sooo cool!
    Did anyone notice that the American flag in the back of the RV was upside down?
    I found that to be interesting, maybe a signal of distress? I mean everyone is under distress in TWD...why put the flag upside down?

  6. #21
    Just been bitten Ghoulman's Avatar

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    Absolutely WOW! I loved this ep!! This was most definitely another very moving installmemnt and as mentioned above the exiting caravan music was so spot-effing-on it literally gave me goosebumps! As an avid reader of the comic I thought the CDC arc was an unexpected and exciting new turn and I thank them (so far) for surprising the source material junkies with it. I believe the CDC story arc is intended for closure purposes only (remember we are talking about a television series that, until a few weeks ago, did not have a definitive future) and Season 2 will find the group continuing roughly along the path put in place by the comics. But I could be wrong.

    Now THAT is the Shane that comic fans know and hate!

    ---------- Post added at 05:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 AM ----------

    Was it me or did it feel like we missed something when Shane went to look up ahead at the possible gas station for an RV radiator hose fix? Next thing we see is Rick talking to Jim immediately follwed by Shane and the rest of the group discussing Jim's fate. I know it's wishful thinking, but I hope there's an added gas station scene with another ghoul beatdown for the DVD.

  7. #22
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Nice episode, liked it better than the previous one. Well written, nice acting. The Jim storyline was a season highlight for me.
    This CDC thing has got me a bit worried though. I REALLY hope they're not going to give us some scientific explanation as to why this is all happening. Could be too hokey/scifi...
    Please get to the prison in season two
    Last edited by krisvds; 29-Nov-2010 at 06:35 PM. Reason: spelinck

  8. #23

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    I dunno,
    Maybe it's just lack of info, but the CDC thing jarred me so much it knocked me out of the immersive feeling every other episode has elicited. I just couldn't imagine any circumstances that would lead to the CDC having only ONE GUY in it. I mean, the CDC would've had people on-site and working on samples collected by field teams from pretty close to the beginning. When they had that small outbreak of Hanta Virus in the Southwestern U.S they had a full team + a contingent of military doctors that coordinate with the W.H.O on it within 3-5 days. I just don't see that level of protracted all-out last-stand-being-overrun conflict starting and finishing in less time than it would take for the CDC people to lock down the building with teams inside.

    Just my perception, but otherwise I felt the CDC doc's reports to the camera were a compelling portrait of a man given into despair. What I DON'T get is why he was like "Just go away."
    At that point, wouldn't taking the chance on ANYONE be preferable to living however long you have left isolated and alone?

    Still, pumped to see what they end it on until Season 2. Hope AMC comes to their senses, but know they won't.

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Just my perception, but otherwise I felt the CDC doc's reports to the camera were a compelling portrait of a man given into despair. What I DON'T get is why he was like "Just go away."
    At that point, wouldn't taking the chance on ANYONE be preferable to living however long you have left isolated and alone?
    I took it as a scientist/quarantine kind of thing. I'm sure he's trained in that sort of situation not to let anyone enter the facility for fear of contamination, but he was lonely and ready to give up so much that he let them in anyway. So basically he wanted to let them in from the start, but he knew it was against the rules. Then he just threw the rules out the window in favor of company.

    I'm thinking that maybe he was being kept isolated for a reason while he did his research. Whoever he was talking to on that camera has actually been watching and now that the facility has been "contaminated", they'll send in the cavalry that we see in the preview for episode 6.

    Still, pumped to see what they end it on until Season 2. Hope AMC comes to their senses, but know they won't.
    Come to their senses how?

    EDIT: BTW.....was I the only one completely shocked by the way Carol went off on Ed's head?!? Sweet Jesus that was graphic for TV. would've been graphic for an R-rated feature!
    Last edited by bassman; 29-Nov-2010 at 02:39 PM. Reason: .

  10. #25

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    I think he means that they come to their senses and don't wait almost a year before starting the next season, thus losing a lot of momentum that the series has developed with the people watching.

    I loved the episode, I was with it the entire time...until the gentleman from the CDC put in his appearance. Don't get me wrong, I think exploring what happened to the rest of the world would be a fascinating storyline, just not in The Walking Dead. What makes the comics so great is that they're extremely gritty and you don't necessarily get the answers to all of your questions. The characters are completely adrift in the world without any real guidance except for their own experiences. I just feel like it would have been so much stronger if they never would have shown the guy inside the building (but the camera still moves when it did to show that there was indeed someone alive in there) and the door wouldn't have opened to let them in. It just all seemed so out of place that it really did affect my enjoyment of the episode.

    Up until that point, though, I thought it was quite possibly the best episode since the series premier.

    On a completely random note, when the door first opened and it was nothing but white light, I immediately thought of Close Encounters. Not exactly where my mind should have been going during a zombie-based television show.

  11. #26
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchified View Post
    I think he means that they come to their senses and don't wait almost a year before starting the next season, thus losing a lot of momentum that the series has developed with the people watching.
    Well if that is what he means....I'm not sure why he thinks this show would be any different from most others. It's usually about a year, if not more, between seasons. And just like every other show with a good fanbase, those fans will tune in during the second season whether it is one year or three years after the first. Not to mention they will surely be re-airing all of the first season episodes before season two starts...

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Well if that is what he means....I'm not sure why he thinks this show would be any different from most others. It's usually about a year, if not more, between seasons. And just like every other show with a good fanbase, those fans will tune in during the second season whether it is one year or three years after the first. Not to mention they will surely be re-airing all of the first season episodes before season two starts...
    Which I agree with completely. Shows like Breaking Bad, Dexter, and Heroes kept going strong even after long times between seasons. I don't see why The Walking Dead would be any different in that regard.

    Although Heroes started dying off because the writing became so crappy around the midway point of the second season, but that's a different story.

  13. #28
    Dead DEAD BEAT's Avatar

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    i must say...still an interesting series but this last episode left me a little limp! "Action was to a bare minimum in this one!"

    I'm guessing it must be that the finale is gonna kick some serious ass!

  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD BEAT View Post
    i must say...still an interesting series but this last episode left me a little limp! "Action was to a bare minimum in this one!"
    I'm cool with that. Episode two covered enough action for this entire six episode season....

  15. #30
    Dead DEAD BEAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I'm cool with that. Episode two covered enough action for this entire six episode season....
    I thought by episode 4 we were gonna leave behind all the sentimental pleasantries shit and move on to pure annihilation!

    Oh well i guess now that they left their camp site its on guys know once survivors leave their comfort zone that bad shit's a bout to go down! lol

    "Episode 6....let's do it!"


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