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Thread: The Holiday; Kate Winslet is funnier than Cameron Diaz

  1. #1
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Mar 2006

    The Holiday; Kate Winslet is funnier than Cameron Diaz

    Ok, this probably goes into Unpopular Opinions, but TNT is running this half decent comedy on tube right now so ... what the heck.

    Understand that as a rule the bulk of romantic comedies are crap. The jist is that two selfish people whine and moan for about two hours until they finally decide by the last frame to whine and moan together. But that's for another post.

    For those who haven't seen it, The Holiday is about two women, Winslet in Surrey, and Diaz in LA, both suffering from Mr. Wrongitis who decide to switch houses for Christmas, thus leading to the inevitable Fish Out of Water, sleeping with the first man who knocks on the door ... oh wait! That's the Cameron segment.

    For Kate, her story is actually more subtantial, her romantic past alot more interesting, and she generally just has a much better time with the part. More acting less mugging. The meeting with the old hollywood scribbler and friendship with the jingle writer( underplayed by Jack Black ) is actually fun to watch.

    So what we have is half a good movie. In one memorable scene, Kate has this three way with Jude Law( as her brother ) and Cameron ( on the phone you pervs. ). It becomes pretty fun because of her mix ups as to who she's talking to, and her reaction is priceless.

    Thus the title of the post. Jumping between the two, Kate wins hands down against Cameron.

    Honestly, if you guys are looking for a decent film to watch with your lady, this ain't half bad. But she'll probably like Cameron over Kate.
    That's my holiday contribution.
    Have a Good One, folks.

    Wayne Z
    " I have great respect for psychiatry and great contempt for amateurs
    who go around practicing it. "
    The One and Only Santa Claus (Edmund Gwenn ) from Miracle on 34th St (47)

  2. #2
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why would the chicks root for Cameron Diaz instead of Kate? I mean Kate's got Titanic on her resumé! Cameron's got what... The Mask?


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