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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises (film)

  1. #16
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    Well, I see the Anne Hathaway bashing has started, but clearly not as bad as I've heard the Heath Ledger bashing was.
    They're both from Brokeback Mountain. Coincidence? I think not.

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  2. #17
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    We're in stage one of the nerd reaction, and it's basically "what the fuck is Nolan doing?"

    It'll be followed by stage two: lining up on opening night anyway.

    Stage three will either be the following: "Wow, I knew Nolan would pull it off all along," or "Batman is so 2008, this movie sucks and Nolan should retire."


  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Erm ... I thought Nolan had said Cat Woman wasn't going to be in his movie?

    He said that there'd be one female villain, and one female goody ... plus Hardy as Bane (cool) ... and I figured Raz-al Ghul's (sp?) daughter was gonna be the baddie, not that I'm in-the-know on the comic's history.

    So I'm a bit confused about some of this. Tom Hardy should do a ruddy good job though. He was rather good in Inception, and absolutely tip-top in Bronson.

  4. #19
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Catwoman isn't necessarily a "villian". She teeters the line between being a villian and a hero. She's just shades of gray.

    Forget that freakshow in Burton's Batman Returns. That was NOT catwoman, but something from Burton's world of the unnecessary. Depending on the direction Nolan and company take it, she's probably not going to be a villian in the typical way.

    And yeah, I've heard rumors that there will be another female villain, possibly Ras' daughter, Talia.
    Last edited by bassman; 21-Jan-2011 at 12:20 PM. Reason: .

  5. #20
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    I actually like Burton's version of the character, but yeah she was defiantly not a faithful version of the character. The best one I've seen so, far is the animated series version. In fact, I'll go as far as saying I pretty much prefer all the animated series incarnations. It will be interesting what Nolan does with Bane after what's-his-face ruined him in Batman and Robin though.

  6. #21
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    It will be interesting what Nolan does with Bane after what's-his-face ruined him in Batman and Robin though.
    You mean Frankenbane?

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  7. #22
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Did you have to bring that up, dude?!?

    That thing is NOT, I REPEAT: NOT what Bane is. If that's what anyone is expecting in TDKR, go ahead and get that out of your head. Shumacher took a complex character with just as much intelligence as strength, and turned him into a green , mute gorilla with a mask.

    Not to mention if you're familiar with "Knightfall", he definitely gives Batman a run for his money.
    Last edited by bassman; 21-Jan-2011 at 02:52 PM. Reason: .

  8. #23
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Oh, I agree from what little I know of the character, the Shumacher version certainly was not "the man who broke the Bat."

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  9. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    You mean Frankenbane?

    Apparently Bane gets his Venom through a silly straw while guarding Bruce Willis as two other guys rape Ving Rhames in another room. Also, he appears to be wearing the mask from Spiderman 2099.

    Bane needs to be portrayed correctly or the entire thing is just going to be awful. He needs to be shown to be every bit as intelligent as he is powerful. After all, this is the man that figured out Bruce Wayne was Batman just by watching Bruce Wayne walk. Mindless brutality is fine for characters such as Killer Croc and Amygdala, but Bane isn't Batman's equal, he's his SUPERIOR in many ways. A master tactician and manipulator that enjoys the chance to get his hands dirty.

  10. #25
    Chasing Prey

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    Seems I'll be making a cultural movie faux pas if I mention Anne Hathaway?

    Well, I'm not one to go with the grain so I'll go against it...or is that with it...depends on which side of the fence you stand.

    Whilst I don't *hate* the first two Nolan Batman films, I certainly am very very far from loving them - but fuck it, you watch it when it's on the movie channels - just like I watched 2012....

    But Anne Hathaway...has anyone actually seen her act? Omg. She first pissed me off royally in The Devil Wears Prada - just saw her as a Julia Roberts clone...annoying, gangly, prancing fool. Then she popped up in Alice in Wonderland - walking around all pithy with outstretched hands like Jesus as he broke the bread....horrible. I hate her.
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  11. #26
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    Can any hardcore Batman fan tel me the hate with deformed Batman Returns Penguin, and the Batman: TAS continuing that aspect of the character? I know he was just an ugly mobster before, but I don't exactly get the big fuss about it. Atleast, it gave him something unique then just being another Rupert Thorn.

  12. #27
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    Can any hardcore Batman fan tel me the hate with deformed Batman Returns Penguin, and the Batman: TAS continuing that aspect of the character? I know he was just an ugly mobster before, but I don't exactly get the big fuss about it. Atleast, it gave him something unique then just being another Rupert Thorn.
    I guess it can go both ways. On one hand I can see why you think it works better and it definitely fit Burton's crazy "artistic" film, but it's just SUCH a deviation from the core comic character that it barely resembles him at all. The Penguin wasn't born with flippers, he didn't live in the sewers, he wasn't raised by penguins(that's a big WTF?), he wasn't cold blooded, he didn't eat fresh raw fish, he didn't spit black goo, and he wasn't just an all around monster like the one seen in Returns. He was civilized and often called a "gentleman of crime". Just like most of Returns, he was a creation from Burton's mind rather than a translation of an existing character.

    Not only did Burton change too much of The Penguin character, but he also made Batman a cold blooded killer. Which is a big, big, BIG no-no. That violates everything Batman is about and around 99% of the character's history.
    Last edited by bassman; 27-Jan-2011 at 01:23 PM. Reason: .

  13. #28
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  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Thirty pounds of muscle in just two months sounds a bit extreme but i've never been a body builder. Looking at his appearance in Bronson, he can definitely bulk up...

  15. #30
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    Simply cannot wait. Hardy as bane? Yes, I think he can pull it off and I hope the strategic ex con Bane is portrayed as he is one of my favourite comic characters ( Currently reading through the secret six one more time, if you like comics then its worth a glance or two ). Hathway as Kyle? Mhm. Intresting but I think she can pull it off and as always love to see Nolans spin on the characters. Still : Raises Flame shield : didnt enjoy the joker in TDK but Bane? Oh Bane could be amazing but I just hope he doesnt try to push to much into it the last film. I heard about a possible robin being in it? And Bane backing the bats back in the film? Please no. It would just be running and back and forth with continuity, make him the new King of Gotham and let him be done with it.
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