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Thread: The Walking Dead (video game) - Telltales

  1. #166
    Being Attacked

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    looks interesting....But i will go with "back to future"..I'm not much in Zoombies and all

  2. #167

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    This game failed so hard for me. I tried to get into it, but I disagree with nearly every decision TellTale went with. It just seems like this company makes a shit-ton of excuses to make lazy, hack products.

    For example, the graphics are awful. And they used the excuse "We're trying to capture the look of the comic." Well you failed miserably, in my opinion. Charlies work is dark. The game looks and even feels way too much like a Saturday morning cartoon. And I don't think adding color is what gave it this edge - they just failed at capturing Charlies work, IMO.

    "The story is what matters, not the gameplay!" Ok, you want to put story first? Fine by me. But the gameplay shouldn't bore me to tears. There should be SOME redeeming qualities in it, from a gameplay standpoint. But instead, nope...just point and click, and stumble through boring, awkward conversations that don't even give you enough time to read your options to respond with. And what's even MORE....

    The voice acting sucks. The voices feel fake, makes it feel even MORE cartoony. The entire opening in the police car, I was thinking, "Oh no...this feels way too kiddish...maybe it'll get better." I grit my teeth through Hershel's farm. That kid...I forget his name, Goose maybe? Or Duck? He was annoying. So fucking annoying. Enough for me to immediately regret buying the game. Then I got to choose between him and Hershel's son, so I was like, "FINALLY, a satisfying gameplay element. I can get that little asshole kid killed." NOPE. Didn't mean shit. My decision was predetermined by the game. CRAP. CRAP. CRAP.

    Kept playing, and now I'm holed up in a store with some ridiculously over-the-top character trying to kill the shitty kid. Now I want him to die just as much as the little kid. I AGREE with him, Duck should be shot in the face, but his voice acting and delivery is so hack, I want HIM to die as well.

    This is a poor game, I'm sorry. If they wanted to make a zombie show for little kids, they shouldn't have sold it. It should've been free on Cartoon Network.

  3. #168
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i, for one, was pleasantly surprised by this game...while it has its issues, it's far better than i expected. my gf really likes it too. definitely planning to download the final episode tomorrow.

  4. #169
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    This game failed so hard for me. I tried to get into it, but I disagree with nearly every decision TellTale went with. It just seems like this company makes a shit-ton of excuses to make lazy, hack products.

    For example, the graphics are awful. And they used the excuse "We're trying to capture the look of the comic." Well you failed miserably, in my opinion. Charlies work is dark. The game looks and even feels way too much like a Saturday morning cartoon. And I don't think adding color is what gave it this edge - they just failed at capturing Charlies work, IMO.

    "The story is what matters, not the gameplay!" Ok, you want to put story first? Fine by me. But the gameplay shouldn't bore me to tears. There should be SOME redeeming qualities in it, from a gameplay standpoint. But instead, nope...just point and click, and stumble through boring, awkward conversations that don't even give you enough time to read your options to respond with. And what's even MORE....

    The voice acting sucks. The voices feel fake, makes it feel even MORE cartoony. The entire opening in the police car, I was thinking, "Oh no...this feels way too kiddish...maybe it'll get better." I grit my teeth through Hershel's farm. That kid...I forget his name, Goose maybe? Or Duck? He was annoying. So fucking annoying. Enough for me to immediately regret buying the game. Then I got to choose between him and Hershel's son, so I was like, "FINALLY, a satisfying gameplay element. I can get that little asshole kid killed." NOPE. Didn't mean shit. My decision was predetermined by the game. CRAP. CRAP. CRAP.

    Kept playing, and now I'm holed up in a store with some ridiculously over-the-top character trying to kill the shitty kid. Now I want him to die just as much as the little kid. I AGREE with him, Duck should be shot in the face, but his voice acting and delivery is so hack, I want HIM to die as well.

    This is a poor game, I'm sorry. If they wanted to make a zombie show for little kids, they shouldn't have sold it. It should've been free on Cartoon Network.
    If it makes you feel any better,
    Duck is bitten later in the game and there is a scene where you shoot him in the head.

  5. #170
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i, for one, was pleasantly surprised by this game...while it has its issues, it's far better than i expected. my gf really likes it too. definitely planning to download the final episode tomorrow.
    It's out? Sweeeeeeet. I don't/haven't played any of them, but they are pretty cool to watch on Youtube on the big screen.
    I'd be happy if there was a toon out there like this on tv. Can't wait to see how it all ends for Lee.

  6. #171

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    I think I just had expectations too high for the game. I think making a point and click game is kind of wasting the rich universe Kirkman created. An open world like GTA? Now THAT would've been cool. Hell, Kirkman should've hired Rockstar! Especially after Undead Nightmare!

    Or a FPS RPG like Skyrim. Big open world.

    I think if I had played this game BEFORE everyone was going on about how good it was, I would've enjoyed it more. But my expectations were so high I bought all 4 episodes at once. It fell flat for me in every department, unfortunately. Although, I also had just finished playing through Assassins Creed II and Assassins Creed III for the first time. (Slept on that series until III came out.) And I think almost every other game would seem disappointing after playing AC III. I'll give it another go eventually, but I don't see what all the fuss is about it.

  7. #172
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    I think I just had expectations too high for the game. I think making a point and click game is kind of wasting the rich universe Kirkman created. An open world like GTA? Now THAT would've been cool. Hell, Kirkman should've hired Rockstar! Especially after Undead Nightmare!

    Or a FPS RPG like Skyrim. Big open world.

    I think if I had played this game BEFORE everyone was going on about how good it was, I would've enjoyed it more. But my expectations were so high I bought all 4 episodes at once. It fell flat for me in every department, unfortunately. Although, I also had just finished playing through Assassins Creed II and Assassins Creed III for the first time. (Slept on that series until III came out.) And I think almost every other game would seem disappointing after playing AC III. I'll give it another go eventually, but I don't see what all the fuss is about it.
    I have found certain elements of the gameplay very frustrating and tedious. Click X , then Y, before time limit for Z runs out... Fail 3-4 times... before success... Repeat!

    But as for the graphics, story and voice acting, I've enjoyed it. That said, I've not played it for about a month or so now... But I will go back to it and finish it at some point!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  8. #173

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I have found certain elements of the gameplay very frustrating and tedious. Click X , then Y, before time limit for Z runs out... Fail 3-4 times... before success... Repeat!
    Yes, that's what I'm talking about. That kind of stuff draws me out of the story. I'm much more impressed when a game manages to tell the story through exploration. Left 4 Dead, surprisingly, had a really good way of telling a story through the setting. When you explore the world, so much is told through the writings on the walls, for example. If only they had a Romero-esque shamblers mod for that, without any special infected and only headshots kill the Zeds. It boggles my mind they didn't release that as an official game mod, it wouldn't be hard at all for Valve to make, it'd probably take a full two weeks of work to get that mod running crisp and clean. I'm disappointed in them, they've had so many "INFECTIONS" too, and still haven't made this one happen

    But as for the graphics, story and voice acting, I've enjoyed it. That said, I've not played it for about a month or so now... But I will go back to it and finish it at some point!
    I might like it better when I try it again. It felt like it was aimed at a PG-13 crowd, as opposed to the NC-17 crowd. Not saying there should have been tits and ridiculous levels of swearing, just that...the TONE feels cartoony. I was expecting dark. But I didn't make it very hard in the game, there were roadblocks (such as the inexcusable "Duck" character) that were too much for me to hurdle, and I dropped it after maybe a half-hour to an hour of play. Right now I'm supposed to find a pace-maker, but I got too bored with the game to continue and started Skyrim for the first time instead, and now that game has my full attention

    For Zed games, I enjoyed Dead Island and Undead Nightmare immensely. Hell, I even loved Resident Evil 6 - Leons campaign was some of the best SHTF gameplay in a long time. Felt like Resident Evil 2 in a lot of places.

  9. #174
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    I just got to see it all. Without spoiling it, I will say there was a little coda at the end that left for a nice cliffhanger for season 2, no?
    This was definitely a kickass ending to it all. I wish someone would just piece it all together as a movie because I loved it.
    Although they strung the episodes out over months, it always left me wanting more/wondering what was coming next.
    Can't wait for more. Doubt I'll ever play them, but as long as they churn more out, I'll check out the finished product on Youtube.
    Thumbs up all the way. The guy I saw playing it out was actually somewhat crying at times. Very emotional.
    Him and the ending...

  10. #175
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Havent played it yet, but ive seen screencaps that have shown certain things in the backgrounds of every episode taht hint to an entirely different story taking place, and its not the walking dead comics, makes you wonder if theres a season 2 planned to run chronologically concurrent to lee and clems story.

  11. #176
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    while i didn't shed any tears, the ending definitely packed a punch.....hell, this whole game did. the death of characters felt so real compared to any other games i've played, and this game sure did kill off a lot of people.

    i'm sure they're going to release a season 2, and if they do, i'll be right there.

  12. #177
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Have to say, this could be game of the year material with the last couple episodes.

    People complaining about the gameplay would probably prefer playing Call of Duty or some other FPS if it's constant action they want.

    This is a flavour of game that is more like an interactive movie, and has some amazing senarios that make you go "FUUUUUCK." or "DIE YOU BASTARD!"

    I don't think I have teared up at a game for a long time, but this one had my eyes stinging at the end.

  13. #178
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Talk about love it or hate it!

    Quote Originally Posted by LoSTBoY View Post
    Have to say, this could be game of the year material with the last couple episodes.
    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    This game failed so hard for me.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  14. #179
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Although Jon has bought the game, it sounds like he only got to the start of chapter 2:

    "Kept playing, and now I'm holed up in a store with some ridiculously over-the-top character trying to kill the shitty kid"
    A lot of people disliked Duck and definetly hate Lenny. It's part of the story, you are not expected to get on with every character in it.

    Play the game. All the way through. Then come back here and tell me I'm wrong.

  15. #180
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    It's funny to read back in this thread and see how many people here were immediately hating on it. It's also funny to see those same people praising it now! I play this game when I can, though I wait for my fiance to be with me so she can watch me play it...she actually likes to watch, and has gotten into it more than I have. Gonna finish episode five tomorrow...cannot wait!


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