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Thread: anyone in the states working monday?

  1. #16
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    LOL too funny...

    I've been on a fairly odd shift here lately (work: 8 hr on monday and friday, 12 hrs on saturday and sunday. Off: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), sweet gig I might add...but anyways, If I was being paid "hourly" I wouldn't give a damn what days I work as long as I'm getting a big fat paycheck. I've been there....working holidays. Hell, I've missed alot of Holidays. We always had our family get together the day before or day after.

    Now, If I ask for the day off...and get screwed over....The floor is open to bitching.

    Edit: I'll throw in that not all the holidays I've missed had make up days.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 29-May-2011 at 03:17 AM. Reason: ...

  2. #17
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchified View Post
    This coming Monday is a holiday, Memorial Day. A lot of businesses, including the banks and a lot of the government offices, are closed for it.

    I'll be working, however. Joygasm.
    I work for a major Banking institution. . . and I am working. Fraud never sleeps. . .and apparently neither should I. . . .
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  3. #18
    Chasing Prey

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    this is what i have to go into work and see on holidays. so the bastard owners can be out on the rivers living it up.

  4. #19
    Fresh Meat

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    Folks, I'm a Vet and I'm working on Memorial Day. So the boo-hooing about working a retail job....not getting to me. My suggestion work your way out that gig, and remember the reason for the holiday. Whether your work it, or enjoy it with friends and family. To alot of people (Wives,Husbands,Sons,Daughters,Mothers,Fathers, Brothers/Sisters, & Brothers in Arms) this is a very solemn day. A day they remember and honor the sacrifice of a dear loved one. So do them the small, but significant, honor of thinking of them and they're loved gone, but not forgotten.

    Thank you and enjoy all your Freedoms, they were quite expensive.

    Sua Sponte
    MJ Griff

  5. #20
    Chasing Prey

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    while i work, my bastard bosses are out on the rivers and lakes in this thing. nice company,eh?

  6. #21
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MJ Griff View Post
    Folks, I'm a Vet and I'm working on Memorial Day. So the boo-hooing about working a retail job....not getting to me. My suggestion work your way out that gig, and remember the reason for the holiday. Whether your work it, or enjoy it with friends and family. To alot of people (Wives,Husbands,Sons,Daughters,Mothers,Fathers, Brothers/Sisters, & Brothers in Arms) this is a very solemn day. A day they remember and honor the sacrifice of a dear loved one. So do them the small, but significant, honor of thinking of them and they're loved gone, but not forgotten.

    Thank you and enjoy all your Freedoms, they were quite expensive.

    Sua Sponte
    MJ Griff
    While I completely agree with your sentiment here, I have to ask: Did you create an account here just to come by and post this message? I see this is your first post here. Or, did you happen to create an account and then stumble across this topic after just creating your account?

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  7. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by MJ Griff View Post
    Folks, I'm a Vet and I'm working on Memorial Day. So the boo-hooing about working a retail job....not getting to me. My suggestion work your way out that gig, and remember the reason for the holiday. Whether your work it, or enjoy it with friends and family. To alot of people (Wives,Husbands,Sons,Daughters,Mothers,Fathers, Brothers/Sisters, & Brothers in Arms) this is a very solemn day. A day they remember and honor the sacrifice of a dear loved one. So do them the small, but significant, honor of thinking of them and they're loved gone, but not forgotten.

    Thank you and enjoy all your Freedoms, they were quite expensive.

    Sua Sponte
    MJ Griff
    As much as I appreciate what the members of the Armed Forces do (and I really do), I don't think anyone on this thread is forgetting the "true meaning" of Memorial Day. That doesn't mean that people can't think it stinks that they'll be stuck at work on a day that most people get to miss work so that they can spend time with their families. Again, with all due respect, your post kind of sounds like it comes with a sense of entitlement.

    And just to highlight a small piece here:

    So the boo-hooing about working a retail job....not getting to me. My suggestion work your way out that gig
    I work retail because I enjoy doing so, and because I'm extremely good at it. I support my family with it, and I make good money from it. When someone in this area lays down for the night and gets a good sleep from a new bed, I'm probably the one that sold it to him or her. So no belittling retail, please, because those of us that do it provide a service just as necessary to this country's way of life as the one you perform.

  8. #23
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchified View Post
    I work retail because I enjoy doing so, and because I'm extremely good at it. I support my family with it, and I make good money from it. When someone in this area lays down for the night and gets a good sleep from a new bed, I'm probably the one that sold it to him or her. So no belittling retail, please, because those of us that do it provide a service just as necessary to this country's way of life as the one you perform.
    LOL I salute you and every other person who works retail that's not a bastard and enjoy what they do. People can be pushy as hell...I hope I never have to work retail again though the career I'm looking at, people tend to always be difficult. I LOVE to see an asshole customer at wal-mart giving a cashier a hell of a time and stepping in and completely shitting all over that person's shoes in defense of the helpless cashier. Always pissed me off when I was working at the grocery store and people would be complete asshats and I couldn't do anything about it.

    I did have a few victories as a helpless retail worker though. My favorite one was some lady strolled in 5 mins before we closed the store and walked around for about an hour and a 1/2 after closing. When she first came in I asked her to please hurry and she said she would. 15 mins later, I said she could have another 10 mins and I would have to ask her to leave. When the 10 mins was up I told her to either come to the register now or leave with nothing. She turned into mega bitch and said she'd do what she wanted to do. I closed down the registers....When I got done with everything else, I went up stairs and watched her on the security feed. By this time she had pretty much made it around the whole store with only about 10 items in the basket. Pretty funny watching her walk around looking for someone to check her out at the register not to mention leave the store with locked doors! LOL. She left empty handed and super pissed...

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    while i work, my bastard bosses are out on the rivers and lakes in this thing. nice company,eh?
    They're most likely the boss for a reason. So that in some way makes them entitled to the holiday.

    Anyway, I'll be enjoying the day grilling and drinking with family and friends. Of course also paying my respects to those service members that have passed on. One of my childhood best friends lost his life in Iraq a few years back, so he's definitely going to be on my mind.
    Last edited by bassman; 29-May-2011 at 11:21 PM. Reason: .

  10. #25
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    They're most likely the boss for a reason. So that in some way makes them entitled to the holiday.

    Anyway, I'll be enjoying the day grilling and drinking with family and friends. Of course also paying my respects to those service members that have passed on. One of my childhood best friends lost his life in Iraq a few years back, so he's definitely going to be on my mind.

    yea, because their father willed them the company. no other reason. and they're losing their asses right now. shady shady business is all im saying.

  11. #26
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    yea, because their father willed them the company. no other reason. and they're losing their asses right now. shady shady business is all im saying.
    Hey now.....if it's a family business that doesn't necessarily mean the new generation was spoonfed the business without any troubles. I've inherited a family business and its not as easy as "here ya go". I don't know the specifics of your business of course, but it gets on my nerves when people think anyone going into a family business is getting the easy way out.

  12. #27
    Fresh Meat

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    Not belittling retail. It is, much like most services in the world, a necessary, or at least highly desired function or service/need. The original posting (and a few others) were gripping about having to work retail gigs on the holiday (which happens quite often in our system of Holiday=sales day). A job is a job, if it puts food on your table, keeps shelter over your head, takes care of your families needs it's good. If it happens to also satisfy a personal feeling of self worth or purpose in life....bonus! And it's no longer a job, it's profession and way of life!

    And no I didn't create an account to post on the page. I've had a previous account and because I am functionally retarded (just barely) and getting a bit senile (too many schwacks to the head) I've forgotten both callsign and password. So new account it is. This site, and few others, are my source for Zombie (and other) free fiction, as I am once again back in the middle of F'all (but with internet this time!!!). Happened to see the thread title, got curious (always a clear danger sign) and went to reading. Memorial Day, and it's lack of understanding by the general public, are a bit sore spot with me. Alot good men and women have given thier all for us, and correspondingly they're families have also suffered that loss for the defense and prosperity of the nation as a whole.

    I am not big fan of public notice, but to quite a few vets' and family members of fallen Soldiers/Marines/Sailors/ can mean a whole helluva lot when a stranger recognizes their sacrifice with so simple a thing as "Thank you". So, damn sure not for me, but those folks with the empty chairs at the dinner table, if folks could take a minute think about those folks, say a prayer for the families (is so inclined ), heck just remember/acknowledge the great sacrifice they have made. That's all. If I offended anyone, it was not my intention. The point was remembrance, and maybe an appreciation for what we do have (Lives, jobs, families) instead of what we don't have.

    Again thank you, have good'un.

    Sua Sponte
    MJ Griff

    ps-I think about the old fella who sold me my bed quite a bit, that is whenever I get a chance to sleep in it. I quite like my bed, and I damn sure love my sleep!. I hope you continue to provide peaceful rest for all the nice folks in your community, as I will continue to to do the opposite for the not so nice in other communities.


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