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Thread: Multi-Author Fiction - "We have a problem"- Discussion

  1. #1
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Post Multi-Author Fiction - "We have a problem"- Discussion

    Here's our first stab at a multi-author fiction contribution. For the contribution (story) itself, click here:

    This thread should be used for all discussion regarding the contribution, such as ideas, and to work out the author rota.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  2. #2
    Being Attacked

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    Can we get a roll call of all people intending to contribute and start doing a round robin to see what we want?

    I wrote the initial section of the story to be as generic as possible for another short story. Basically a dead body in a funeral home resurrects. Since the body has been embalmed, it does not resurrect into an ass biting zombie, but rather one that barely shows signs of activity. Considering how embalming chemicals work, the body will likely cease all movement over several hours to a day or two.

    No, I am not a death junkie, I actually looked up most of the stuff I used in the first chapter off of the net in an attempt to get a good hook for the readers.

    We have two votes for Romero rules. One for fast zombies, one for slow, and a proposed compromise of initially fast, rigour sets in and they become slow after.

    I do not want to seem pushy, and this sounds like fun. I will go with whatever the majority decides.
    Last edited by brer; 01-Jun-2011 at 02:32 PM. Reason: adding content

  3. #3
    Being Attacked

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    I will obviously participate.

    And I'm going to read the first part (if its posted in the main thread) in just a few minutes.

    I also like the idea of initially fast, and then they turn slower.

    ---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

    btw that first chapter was very well done, I think it was a great start. Your research was impressive. I think we should maybe just start with a bunch of perspectives from the beginning of the outbreak, from a various number of people. I think that's what the plan was for this anyways or what would have happened.

  4. #4
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AngryNeighbour View Post
    I think we should maybe just start with a bunch of perspectives from the beginning of the outbreak, from a various number of people.
    Reminds me a bit how I started the entire fiction section 14 or so years ago -
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  5. #5
    Being Attacked

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    14 years ago holy. And yeah that's a very interesting way to go about it, and also handy because it could give us a bunch of other directions to branch off into.

    Neil do you want to take the next chapter of the story?

    I have had an idea for a post apocalyptic zombie story for a little while now, and I think I'm going to take one of the characters that I had come up with for itand use him in this story as somewhat of a a back history that I can refer to in my actual story since my actual story will be years after the original outbreak and in the novel he won't be the main character, rather more of a mysterious one that the main character meets.

  6. #6
    Being Attacked

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    I am not sure about Neil. Adding characters and sub plots as the story develops will likely pose no problem if we stay on our toes. If you are more comfortable working post apocalypse then so be it. Almost all things can be worked around if we work together. At worst, your story starts a bit later than the others.

    We can also add it to the round robin and see who wants to see civilization fall. If enough people are uncomfortable enough with it, we can do a quick down and dirty chapter two that puts us in the Zombie Post Apocalypse World(ZPAW).

  7. #7
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by brer View Post
    I am not sure about Neil. Adding characters and sub plots as the story develops will likely pose no problem if we stay on our toes. If you are more comfortable working post apocalypse then so be it. Almost all things can be worked around if we work together. At worst, your story starts a bit later than the others.

    We can also add it to the round robin and see who wants to see civilization fall. If enough people are uncomfortable enough with it, we can do a quick down and dirty chapter two that puts us in the Zombie Post Apocalypse World(ZPAW).
    I wasn't saying I was going to do Post Apocalyptic...I was saying my own seperate idea was going to be like that, but I would use one of my characters from that in this thing we're doing to show where he was at the outbreak and how he got to where he was in MY thing. Get it? :P well who wrote the first part, you or Neil?

  8. #8
    Being Attacked

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    I wrote the first chapter. It is basically proposed and can be removed by a consesus.

    As I said before, this was to be basically a generic first chapter to get us started and as a hook for the readers. The origin was a very creepy thought at a funeral parlor when I actually had to go in the back rooms. If you want something different, talk about it so we can start working on plot lines or submit one.

    The reason we are having a round robin is to try to get a consensus from the writers about what they want. I am willing to be as flexible as possible to work with the other writers and help them work with each other. This whole thing about writing in a group is that it is going to be a group effort.

    I am not trying to assume a leadership role in this. Truth be told, I make a far better cheerleader.

    What are you wanting? Trust me, I can get from my chapter one to where your story is set pretty quick if needed.

    I am pretty much envisioning different story threads by different authors to give us each as much creative power as possible starting out. We link the stories by interaction and maybe assimilation of plot lines. For a first group story, I think this will be best while we learn to work with each other and it will provide a lot of flexibility.

    As a group, we need to talk to see what we want.

  9. #9
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    I'm in.

    I'd like to know some rules/guidelines for this though.

    -- -------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

    Where does the story it takes place (Fictional/Real city)? Personally, I think we should go fictional. If it's fictional, we could create a map and people could pick different parts to have their characters start and work with others where to meet up. Also, funeral home needs a name.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 02-Jun-2011 at 07:16 AM. Reason: ...

  10. #10
    Fresh Meat

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    [/COLOR]The problem I have with the idea of a multi-author story is that one's basically stuck with what earlier contributors have created. Say there's a character, Mr X, whom everyone has pushed in one direction, as the Tough Survivalist With A Heart Of Gold. Now, suppose I see Mr X as a Selfish Conniving Bastard. How do I work the change? Will it be acceptable to anyone else? Stories by committee have never worked for me for this reason.
    Last edited by BillTheButcher; 02-Jun-2011 at 10:36 AM. Reason: double post
    Morons of the World, unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains...

  11. #11
    Being Attacked

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    The problem I have with the idea of a multi-author story is that one's basically stuck with what earlier contributors have created. Say there's a character, Mr X, whom everyone has pushed in one direction, as the Tough Survivalist With A Heart Of Gold. Now, suppose I see Mr X as a Selfish Conniving Bastard. How do I work the change? Will it be acceptable to anyone else? Stories by committee have never worked for me for this reason.]
    The main reason I am wanting to go multithreaded in the plot is exactly for this reason. As I see it, your characters should be your own to do with. A multithreaded story also allows us as a group ways out of a bad plotline without killing the whole story.

    As an example:
    Ch1 is in the funeral home with two characters that are likely never heard from again.
    Ch2 is John Smith, principal of local high school, permanent character that is revisited time to time. Bill the butcher's character
    Ch 3 is Dr. Linda Scott, head of the emergency room at the local regional hospital. Mr. Clean's character
    Ch 4 is Farmer Joe. Farmer extraordinare. Brer's character.
    Ch 5 is Studs Mczedkiller, amateur hero. Angry Neighbor's character.
    Ch6 is back to John Smith and is Bill's part to write

    The idea is that we each create our own plotlines subject to a consensus. Effectively we are each writing our own short story, but are also linking our characters to the other stories.

    Characters are created and killed on the fly. Some characters are constantly revisited. If a character and his story is not working well or he is abandoned by a lazy god/author, feed him to the undead majority. No killing or otherwise using another writer's primary or secondary characters without permission of that writer.

    That being said, Bennie and his niece are up for grabs if anyone wants to use them. If not, they will likely not appear again.

    Where does the story it takes place (Fictional/Real city)? Personally, I think we should go fictional. If it's fictional, we could create a map and people could pick different parts to have their characters start and work with others where to meet up. Also, funeral home needs a name.
    We have the whole world as our oyster if we want. For the purposes of a first group effort, I agree that having it all happen in one city will simplify things. I also agree with a fictional city. This pretty much allows us to make stuff up as we go along rather than have to do any research. Everyone else: Agree or disagree?

    The funeral home is not likely to appear again unless someone wants to continue that storyline or uses it with one of their characters. If you want it, you can name it. I was figuring that since the owner, Bennie Petros, ran it as a family business, it would likely be named "Petros Funeral Home" or something like it. As a minor addition, Petros is a name given to some of the darker forces involved in Voodoo, not that I am an expert.

  12. #12
    Fresh Meat

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    I could almost get onboard with this thing in this case, Brer, though I've never hidden my own anti-zombie genre feelings. In this case, it might actually be interesting. Let me think about it. Do you have any other contributors lined up?
    Morons of the World, unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains...

  13. #13
    Being Attacked

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    Yeah exactly as Brer said. Everyone has their own characters and subplots they work the most we will tie them in, but I don't think anyone should be able to write for another person's character, unless they ask that author for his permission on what they are doing.

    I also agree with having one fictional city and the map idea sounds great.

    Also Brer, I really liked your first part as said before, so let's keep it. Just think of a name for the Funeral Parlor and we'll be gold.

    I think maybe though, we should just let everyone write a part, and see what setting they create for their characters and plotline, and then create the map around that.

  14. #14
    Being Attacked

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    Only the ones that have volunteered so far.

    Mr. Clean
    Angry Neighbor
    Brer (me)
    Possibly you
    Anyone else that wants to jump in, the more the merrier.

    I'm figuring a week or so to allow writers to hop onboard and time to figure out what the majority wants before we even start writing.

    I think we should maybe just start with a bunch of perspectives from the beginning of the outbreak, from a various number of people. I think that's what the plan was for this anyways or what would have happened.
    This is what I am wanting also, subject to the majority. The best movies and stories IMHO include the initial outbreak and spread. It will require a bit of flexibility on the part of the writers, but if we are writing as a group, no one has to carry the full load of everything that happens.

    Angry Neighbor
    Thanks for your appreciation. One of the main reasons I am setting the Bennie and Alice aside is due to the amount of research needed to make them sound competant. Looking up typical funeral home furniture, preparation of bodies, and typical layouts and names of rooms in a funeral home is a PITA.
    Last edited by brer; 02-Jun-2011 at 02:18 PM. Reason: adding content

  15. #15
    Being Attacked

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    Well is Neil not onboard for writing it, I thought maybe since he created the two threads he was? ahahah

    Well I think for now Brer, you should leave the funeral parlor characters alone, but maybe far down the road I think it would be cool if like the niece reappeared and we found out her story and what happened on that fateful day at the parlor, cause I do find them to be interesting characters, considering they're apart of a very crucial point of the story, the beginning.


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