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Thread: Film finished, but far from being released:

  1. #1
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central Ohio
    United States

    Film finished, but far from being released:

    Of course, that depends on a couple of factors.

    The sequel to my first film has been in the bag since last year. We had a cast party/first screening last October, around Halloween 2010. Several dressed up for the occasion. I hope to post some pics at a later date.

    I used a projector and we watched it in my family room on the wall. It was an exciting time, with plenty of cheers all around.

    I wish to get this sent out to distributors soon, but here is the problem and it is really my own dumb fault for it. You see, a couple of years back, I contacted a couple of local musicians to use their music in the film. They sent me there cds and the soundtrack is perfect. It is pretty much all instrumental and fits each scene so well. The problem is trying to get ahold of them to sign off on which songs I used!

    Thank God though, I did recently find their mailing addresses that the cds came in, so hopefully they still live where they did!

    Keep your fingers crossed, because if I can't get their permission, I will have to change all of the music, and of course that will delay the film.

    I just recently moved as well, and most of my crap is packed in totes, but I am weeding through it all.

    BTW- It has been awhile since I posted, good to be back.

    - Dawg

    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  2. #2
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Columbus, Oh
    United States
    Welcome back (again). It's turning onto a regular reunion around here.


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