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Thread: NY Becomes Sixth State To Approve Same-sex Marriage

  1. #16
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    same sex marriage, sure. adoption by gay couples, no. that is my stance, so what of it?

  2. #17
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post

    I have no issue with same-sex marriage mandated by the state for legal status. On a secular level I don't have a problem with it at all. By state standard it's a piece of paper for taxation purpose (and also for medical/insurances purposes as well -- no problem from me in insuring partners no matter the sex are afforded the same insurance rights and medical rights as well) - so no issue with me there at all.

    It's only when the state begins to regulate that religious institutions must recognize same-sex marriage or have it shoved it upon them that I have a major issue with it. I just don't believe that state marriage and the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony are the same thing, they aren't. So, I have no qualms with the state-approved legal status of homosexual marriage at all, only the sacramental aspect of it when I don't recognize as being a legitimate marriage as in Holy Matrimony.

    I'm not a flaming Neo-Conservative and generally despise interference of religious institutions on civil matters being that I'm an old fashioned paleo-conservative. Religion needs to butt out of civil matters. So, I say bring on legalized state approved "marriages". The church should stay out of it. Likewise, the government needs to get the hell out of religious matters completely and should have no jurisdiction or hand in the matter of sacramental and liturgical issues.

    OK I get ya....
    But also, doesn't the bible say something about women being banished from town centres when they are on their period? Shit like that? Christian religion of the last 300 years has changed faces completely...I mean if we put ourselves in our current lifestyles in front of a man of God from 300 years ago we'd be fuckin' executed right away for our evil, sinful ways...

    So don't you think that religion should evolve at all? Or you think it reached a pivotal point 200 years ago and shouldn't have moved from then? It seems you're blinding yourself to the fact that Christianity is FAR more tolerant now than 100 years ago, then 200 years ago etc etc etc etc - its always moved along. I guess you're saying it should maybe move along without government interference? There's a whole other world of discussion based on that subject in history...

    Personally, I think anyone who denies a gay person EXACTLY the same religious and economical rights as a straight person, for whatever reason, I don't really care what, is nothing more than a bigot in my eyes. end of. No rationale is acceptable.

    -- -------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    same sex marriage, sure. adoption by gay couples, no. that is my stance, so what of it?
    I'm just glad you don't have the power (I assume) to deny loving parents the right to a child.
    Last edited by SymphonicX; 26-Jun-2011 at 01:10 PM. Reason: awedawd
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  3. #18
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    OK I get ya....
    But also, doesn't the bible say something about women being banished from town centres when they are on their period? Shit like that? Christian religion of the last 300 years has changed faces completely...I mean if we put ourselves in our current lifestyles in front of a man of God from 300 years ago we'd be fuckin' executed right away for our evil, sinful ways...

    So don't you think that religion should evolve at all? Or you think it reached a pivotal point 200 years ago and shouldn't have moved from then? It seems you're blinding yourself to the fact that Christianity is FAR more tolerant now than 100 years ago, then 200 years ago etc etc etc etc - its always moved along. I guess you're saying it should maybe move along without government interference? There's a whole other world of discussion based on that subject in history...

    Personally, I think anyone who denies a gay person EXACTLY the same religious and economical rights as a straight person, for whatever reason, I don't really care what, is nothing more than a bigot in my eyes. end of. No rationale is acceptable.

    -- -------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------

    I'm just glad you don't have the power (I assume) to deny loving parents the right to a child.
    The whole argument of: "Well, it also says in Leviticus that if you wear clothing of two different kinds of material it's an abomination to God and you should be stoned! Or, if you lie with a woman who is menstruating you should be stoned! Or, if you eat pork you should be stoned!" is all regularly used to argue for the justification of same-sex relationships for a long, long time now because these are all seen as archaic Mosaic law that are no longer followed. So hey, if homosexuality is wrong it equals that we should also be killed for wearing clothing of two different materials because that was wrong too but we mostly all do it anyway. The problem is that this is a false comparison to begin with which doesn't exist.

    There's a difference between laws between chukim (laws or decrees which don't really make logical sense to us in the 21st century such as not eating pork or shatnez which argues you can't wear two different types of clothing), mishpatim (laws of obvious social implication), and eduyot (or laws that are for the basis of religious observance/holidays). With the coming and resurrection of Christ I believe that chukim was completely done away with. Thus, we don't kill people for wearing cotton and polyester together or eating pork or observing non-necessary laws any longer as Christians. However, homosexuality is *not* chukim but is rather mishpatim. As such, most mishpatim laws have carried over from Judaism to Christianity and are still followed as part of Christianity today (such as the 10 Commandments). Technically, the only laws a Christian must obey are: "Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, strength, mind, and love your neighbor as yourself." -- however, in following this most of mishpatim still remains. So, the comparison between eating pork or wearing clothes of two different kinds with homosexuality is a false comparison. Sorry for the long winded response to this, but I just wanted to lay this out there.

    I do believe that Christianity DOES evolve a great deal over time. This isn't necessarily due to a change in dogma and doctrine at all though, I believe dogmatic truths remain the same, but interpretation of said law certainly changes with the history of time and the changes of society and the world in which we live.

    Back on topic for a second: I must apologize if I've come across as being an asshole who doesn't like homosexuals. I have NOTHING against homosexuals who want to have a secular marriage or secular ability to have equal rights and protection afforded by the secular laws and courts. The U.S. should protect all and all citizens should have equal rights under secular concerns. The issue for me isn't a secular one when it comes to religious Holy Matrimony as opposed to state-sanctioned marriage though (which again, are not the same thing), so I just wanted to sum that up.

    EDIT: I believe homosexuals should be afforded the same equal rights as other Americans when it comes to social secular law and economic ability (such as not being passed up on a specific job or ability due to sexual orientation). So I agree it would be bigoted to hold against someone their sexual persuasion when it comes to society and secular law. However, we'll have to agree to disagree on religious equality because I do not believe that homosexuals should have the same right to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (as opposed to secular state-approved marriage) or equal bearing within religious matters as they do not from my perspective. If I come across as a bigot in this way I guess I'll have to accept it, but it's where I stand on the issue.

    Last edited by JDFP; 26-Jun-2011 at 03:06 PM. Reason: aye
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  4. #19
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I agree with JDFP. The state should steer clear of the church. The more we ignore it, the quicker it will go away.

    And in case there was any question in anybody's mind: Good Job, New York City. Welcome to the 21th century!

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I agree with JDFP. The state should steer clear of the church. The more we ignore it, the quicker it will go away.
    Oh, I agree with your first half. That's a first, Ned and I agreeing on anything! The state and the church should remain separate. The state should make no regulation against the church in any way except ensuring the protection of all Americans to worship in the way they desire to worship as protected. As far as the second half...

    Napoleon was once speaking with a bishop and said: "I intend on destroying the church!". The bishop laughed and said: "We haven't managed to destroy it ourselves despite our best efforts for 1800 years, how exactly do you intend to do it?". Of course today fundamentalism and radicals still attempt to destroy the church and the teachings of Christ, but we'll still be around and will continue to prevail no matter the trial or tribulation.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  6. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Back on topic for a second: I must apologize if I've come across as being an asshole who doesn't like homosexuals. I have NOTHING against homosexuals who want to have a secular marriage or secular ability to have equal rights and protection afforded by the secular laws and courts. The U.S. should protect all and all citizens should have equal rights under secular concerns. The issue for me isn't a secular one when it comes to religious Holy Matrimony as opposed to state-sanctioned marriage though (which again, are not the same thing), so I just wanted to sum that up.
    One wonders what the purpose of state-sanctioned marriage is anymore. Part of me thinks the state should just get out of the marriage business. Maybe provide civil unions - a purely civil institution - for whoever wants one. Whether that union is also a "marriage" is up to the people involved.
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  7. #22
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Publius View Post
    One wonders what the purpose of state-sanctioned marriage is anymore. Part of me thinks the state should just get out of the marriage business. Maybe provide civil unions - a purely civil institution - for whoever wants one. Whether that union is also a "marriage" is up to the people involved.
    i would imagine it part of census and taxation stuff and keeping track of people- not in a tin foil hate way but just a method of keeping track of people and families i'd suppose.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Publius View Post
    One wonders what the purpose of state-sanctioned marriage is anymore. Part of me thinks the state should just get out of the marriage business. Maybe provide civil unions - a purely civil institution - for whoever wants one. Whether that union is also a "marriage" is up to the people involved.
    I agree. It's all a tax and insurance ploy really. A great amount of state-sanctioned marriage really isn't recognized by the church (no specific church, just churches in general) anyway, so you have to ask yourself what the point is anyway other than tax/insurance purposes. With the onslaught of radical feminism in the last 40 years there really isn't a valid reason for at least a man to get married anyway (especially with no-fault divorces and generally getting the "right" to see your children on some weekends) except for religious customs (which can and should be done apart from the state anyway). A man serves to lose just about everything from getting married and gains very little from it. If you're concerned about medical/insurance issues you could just get power-of-attorney for someone else on a legal state-matter and be done with it.

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  9. #24
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    same sex marriage, sure. adoption by gay couples, no. that is my stance, so what of it?
    Why are you against adoption by gay couples? Is it because the kids will turn into homosexuals and then THE WHOLE COUNTRY WILL BE TAKEN OVER AND THE HUMAN RACE WILL DIE OFF!?!?!

  10. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    i would imagine it part of census and taxation stuff and keeping track of people- not in a tin foil hate way but just a method of keeping track of people and families i'd suppose.
    Civil unions could keep track of households the same way. In fact it would do a better job than current "marriage," as it would be more politically feasible to craft civil unions in such a way as to encompass households with more than two adults, with related adults, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I agree. It's all a tax and insurance ploy really.
    Right, and it's hard to see what the public gets out of the tax benefit, except when minor children are involved. And that could be handled by an expanded dependent exemption instead.
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  11. #26
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Can't believe we got this through in NY. I was shocked, but pleased.

    Reform those tax laws, get government out of marriage and let individual religions decide who they want to marry.

    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    same sex marriage, sure. adoption by gay couples, no. that is my stance, so what of it?
    Dunno, a gay couple who own property adjacent to the shorehouse that has been in wife's family for generations have an adopted child (just saw them this weekend, as we were up to the shore) and I find it hard to believe the kid will live a life worse than he would have as a parentless orphan in a 3rd world shithole.

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  12. #27
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Two gay people can raise a kid just as well as two straight people. I've got two gay aunts that raised a girl who is now a successful (straight) doctor with two kids. Suggesting that two gays would some how "corrupt" or hurt a kid's chances is insane. Loving and responsible parents can come from all angles. Not just two straight people.

    Anyway.....good for NY. Hopefully the rest of the country will follow. Although I have a hard time seeing it approved in this corner of the country....
    Last edited by bassman; 27-Jun-2011 at 01:43 PM. Reason: .

  13. #28
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Why are you against adoption by gay couples? Is it because the kids will turn into homosexuals and then THE WHOLE COUNTRY WILL BE TAKEN OVER AND THE HUMAN RACE WILL DIE OFF!?!?!

  14. #29
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Hey, legal marriage by the state is just a piece of paper with no merit anyway except tax purposes, so why not?

    I have no problem with state sanctioned marriage as long as the state keeps their hands out of the church completely on this matter. "The separation of church and state" is intended to protect religious institutions from the infringement of the state.

    Call me "homophobe" or whatever you want with not being as accepting of a mockery of marriage as you, but I just find it laughable. I don't have anything in the world against whatever people do in their bedroom but I think it should be kept there and private. I'll be damned before I ever refer to two women as "wives" or two men as "husbands".

    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    I'll call you a homophobe for referring to gay rights as a "mockery".

    -- -------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

    God damnit this has angered me SO much. I'm trying to find reasons why you'd say this. This is the a-typical response from a homophobe. "I don't care what they do just do it in private" - is the usual response from someone who'd have no problems with a straight couple doing the same things in public such as showing affection. That makes it a discriminatory belief. By the same theory you should be condemning straight couples who get married to private ceremonies? I'm confused by this.

    What makes this such a "mockery" in your eyes J.p?
    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I'm with Symphonic on this one. You've also confused me, though. You say you have no problem with same-sex marriage, but then you go on to say you aren't accepting of it because it's a mockery (by your religion's standards).

    This whole thing reminds me of the end of segregation. Back then, a large percent of the population was livid over blacks integrating with whites, however now it's just a miniscule percentage that feel this way. I bet 40-50 years from now when [hopefully] every state allows same-sex marriage, people will look back on these times and think the large population opposing this were being feeble (for lack of a better term).

    I understand where you're coming from JP. It's funny how certain societal issues make "strange bedfellows" (no pun intended), huh?

    I won't sugarcoat it and be PC the way he is, cause that just wouldn't be my style. He gives different reasons for feeling the way he does so I'll speak for myself. I feel that if you are a citizen of the united states of America you should have equal protection under the law regardless of race, religion creed, political affiliation, gender or sexual orientation. I believe that homosexuals, if they are american citizens, should have the right to marry that their heterosexual counterparts do. However, it grosses me out to see two guys in a relationship of that manner. If that makes me a homophobe, then bite me (not directed at anyone in particular). And In 50 years it's still gonna gross me out.

    If I'm at a movie and two gents are going at it hot and heavy, Hell yeah I'm turning away. Alot of things gross me out such as people kissing their pets and picking their noses in public. Does it mean they don't have the right to do so? Of course not, do it all day long. I just don't want to see it. And if that makes me a nose-pick-a-phobe as well, then so be it.

    Now don't get it twisted, I lean left and I'm happy for them. I don't think it's an abomination, I don't think they should burn in hell. Them getting married doesn't affect my life in the least.

    And I know that I'm in the minority here, but it takes more guts to take an unpopular position than to say something P.C. that you think everyone wants to hear and is the acceptable societal position. But To quote the great Austin powers it's just "not my bag baby".

    -- -------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    That cracks me up too. All this sanctity of marriage bullshit used as an excuse to basically just say what I said.

    All these politicians who are on their third marriage, who cheat on each other left and right and send stranger pics of their privates all full of it.

    The biggest abomination of all is a hypocrite. Oh yeah, nad Jesus is on my side with that one too.


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  15. #30
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    About time too, homophobia has no place in society these days. Growing up in a small town surrounded by small minded ignorant f**kwits I used to be a bit homophobic in my teenage years, just because I was surrounded by people with that attitude and just thought it was right to go on about "fudgepackers" "shirtlifters" and jeer at people who were gay at school etc. Then I got into my 20's, massively broadened my horizons and began mixing with better people and thankfully my attitudes to things like race & sexuality changed completely, I then got to know a gay lad 4 or 5 years ago through my sister and we've become best mates, we go out drinking all the time, both of us play guitars so I'm regularly round his having a jam, I go on nights out with his other gay friends etc & to me and my mates he's just one of the lads, no issue! which is how it should be. I cant understand why people take such an issue with it, I think theres a lot of truth in the saying that people who are passionately homophobic are actually gay themselves and cant accept it. The only gay people I'm not keen on, and even my gay mate hates these type and regularly calls them "bloody mincers", is the extremely effeminate camp men, they're just irritating!


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