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Thread: Evil Dead (film) remake

  1. #91
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    And WTF was with the after-credits sequence? Was that really necessary? And what purpose did it serve? Oh yeah... none.
    Now you guys understand why my buddy was annoyed, after the Bruce stinger. The look on my buddy's face was priceless, though. It was worth that, alone.

    Btw, the script had a different ending.
    Last edited by slickwilly13; 19-Aug-2013 at 01:50 AM. Reason: typo

  2. #92
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I'm not sure which was worse - this one or the Texas Chainsaw remake.
    A Nightmare on Elm Street.

  3. #93
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Thought it was OK. But, I was never a fan of the original anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    A Nightmare on Elm Street.
    The pinnacle of name-rape remakes ... what a load of bollocks that was.

    As for the post-credits scene, I think it's really just a little wink to the fans of the original and nothing more really - or it could be a hint at 'hey, if this works, we might get AOD2 out of this'.

    I think it was wise to keep Ash entirely out of the remake - you can't beat Bruce, so why bother trying? I think it would have been too weird for newcomers for BC to suddenly turn up via a portal tacked into the finale - I want Ash kicking arse in the original series for an entire movie, not slap-dashed into the remake.

    It was interesting watching the extras - Raimi and Tapert were up for it, but Campbell was dead set against it until they said they wouldn't include Ash.

  4. #94
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    A Nightmare on Elm Street.
    Touche' moon! You are more correct than you know..

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    As for the post-credits scene, I think it's really just a little wink to the fans of the original and nothing more really - or it could be a hint at 'hey, if this works, we might get AOD2 out of this'.
    All it did was remind me how awesome the originals were, how much I wish there was more Bruce/Ash flicks, and how terrible this current remake was.

    To even use Bruce as a link to this POS remake is... well... blasphemy on a level I don't care to describe.

    And, we'll never get an AOD2. As much as I'd LOVE to see it happen, it's just not going to.

  5. #95
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I have more faith than you, Lou - they're working on a script for AOD2, and I think all the key players would want to give it a bash - the fans are certainly clamouring for it in droves.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I have more faith than you, Lou - they're working on a script for AOD2, and I think all the key players would want to give it a bash - the fans are certainly clamouring for it in droves.
    Yes, I agree. You have WAY more faith than I do, MZ!

    The fans (me included) really do want it, but sticking with my typical curmudgeon attitude, I have to ask - how often do we, the fans, get what we really want? I've heard ramblings about an Evil Dead 3 for years, and what do we get instead? This remake. Now there's talk of an AOD2 script - but will it ever see the light? I'd bet my next paycheck it never gets past the script stage.

    Call me skeptical, but I think I have very good reason to be.

    ***edited to add: MZ, your description of the ANOES remake ("The pinnacle of name-rape remakes") couldn't be more spot on.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 16-Aug-2013 at 06:34 PM. Reason: .

  7. #97
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I've heard ramblings about an Evil Dead 3 for years.

    ***edited to add: MZ, your description of the ANOES remake ("The pinnacle of name-rape remakes") couldn't be more spot on.

    /couldn't resist

    2) ANOES2010 was the definition of pointless. Badly structured, not scary, and it just took a bunch of scenes from the original and did a direct copy - but made the scenes infinitely worse - and there was the clearest definition of why CGI isn't better than practical - the shape coming out of the bedroom wall. It was a bit of spandex with a light under it in 1984, in 2010 it was obvious CGI that clearly wasn't occupying the same space as human beings. Feckin' stupid movie ... Samuel Bayer should stick to making music videos.

    Ugh ... what an awful, awful movie ... a real floater that just won't flush.

  8. #98
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    2) ANOES2010 was the definition of pointless. Badly structured, not scary, and it just took a bunch of scenes from the original and did a direct copy - but made the scenes infinitely worse - and there was the clearest definition of why CGI isn't better than practical - the shape coming out of the bedroom wall. It was a bit of spandex with a light under it in 1984, in 2010 it was obvious CGI that clearly wasn't occupying the same space as human beings. Feckin' stupid movie ... Samuel Bayer should stick to making music videos.

    Ugh ... what an awful, awful movie ... a real floater that just won't flush.
    There's a reason I threw that one into the discussion. After years of resisting I finally broke & started catching all the remakes when they hit the $5 bins, out of scientific curiosity if nothing else. Most of them I found to be mediocre to ok to not bad. ANOES was by far the worst of the lot IMO. So if you're going to throw out bad remakes Lou, don't hold back. ANOES is the one to beat IMO.

    Now, that said, I made my feelings known for ED when I saw it in theaters. I'd like another viewing on DVD. Honestly I thought it was far above average for a remake, that some effort was put into making a good horror movie, & that they generally succeeded. True it pales compared to the originals, but that was always bound to happen most likely. There's a reason cult classics are so few & far between. You can't manufacture lightning in a bottle. But I still contend this one was a solid effort that didn't flinch from delivering the horror goods.

  9. #99
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    A fair assessment there, Moon - it's by no means dreck, but it isn't up there with the very few remakes that have been worthwhile - with ED2013 they get some things right, but get other things wrong ... ... I wish someone would have at least gone over the dialogue though (clearly Diablo Cody's hiring for a 'polishing of the script' was pointless - the woman who's known for good dialogue is totally absent here ... so we end up with thudding moments like "you know I'm your brother" and other such dud lines) ... throughout I was thinking "don't say that, say this", "you should have stopped that exchange a sentence sooner", or "say nothing at all here - just play it on the face!" ... ... it's only some of the dialogue, but the gear crunches in the script are quite loud and distracting when they happen.

    Otherwise though it is - as you say - a solid remake. It is though, naturally, nowhere near the same league as the original trilogy - and I absolutely adore the first film - but there were numerous things I liked about the remake, it was just a pity that there were some easily avoidable pitfalls that were stumbled into along the way. A few tweaks at script stage, and some slightly bolder direction in other places during production, would have blew off the dust and placed a cherry on top. Hopefully the inevitable sequel will sidestep these issues ... as well as bring AOD2 along with it.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    So if you're going to throw out bad remakes Lou, don't hold back. ANOES is the one to beat IMO.
    While I agree to an extent... I see your ANOES and raise you one RZ's Halloween. THAT was as much of an abomination and a spit in the face of the original as ANOES' remake was.

    *sees MZ begin to retort* Don't even try pal, I'll tear it to shreds.

    Moon - you seriously thought the ED remake was 'far above average for a remake'? Damn dude, I knew you had some screws loose, but I didn't realize the engine was broken.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Aug-2013 at 04:51 PM. Reason: .

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    *sees MZ begin to retort* Don't even try pal, I'll tear it to shreds.

    Tried to find something appropriate ... that's the best I could do ... well, could be arsed to do, anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Moon - you seriously thought the ED remake was 'far above average for a remake'? Damn dude, I knew you had some screws loose, but I didn't realize the engine was broken.
    Considering most remakes are feckin' awful hunks of shit that just refuse to be wiped away, no matter how much paper you shove between those cheeks, Evil Dead 2013 stands way above that lot. Although it's not in the very rarified atmosphere of Hills Have Eyes 2006, Piranha 2010, or The Crazies 2010.

    1) HHE2006 - I like the original, but the remake is actually a bit better in my personal view. The 3rd act is certainly superior to the 3rd act of the original ... although that sequel-to-the-remake that followed was abominable ... but so was the original HHE2.

    2) Piranha 2010 - I saw the original for the first time the other week and it's alright, but only alright ... I was a bit bored by it, to be honest, even if some bits were quite cool. The remake though just takes the essential (the killer fish) and does it's own thing, and does it very well. It's pure bawdy fun filled with gore ... it's a shame that the 3DD sequel was just utter, inept trash.

    3) The Crazies 2010 - equal to the original. Each version does things better and worse than the other, so in the end it's a tie - and I was initially opposed to the remake, but was very pleasantly surprised.

    Evil Dead 2013 is definitely below the above levels, but it's way above ANOES2010, The Fog 2005 etc.

    There are other remakes that I like and enjoy - but consider to be nowhere near the same league as the original. I love the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I quite enjoy the remake, even though it is in no way better ... although Jessica Biel in a soaking wet tank top and arse-hugging jeans is a jolly good try. ... I also rather enjoy Halloween 2007 (and even have a bizarre likeness for H2, which really gets Lou fired up ), but that said, it's still nowhere near the brilliance of the original. Were they necessary? Nope. But did I enjoy them? Yeah - but with the caveat that they're inferior products by comparison.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Tried to find something appropriate ... that's the best I could do ... well, could be arsed to do, anyway.

    I was going to post a dog getting swatted with a rolled-up newspaper, but you didn't give me the chance... Darn.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Considering most remakes are feckin' awful hunks of shit that just refuse to be wiped away, no matter how much paper you shove between those cheeks, Evil Dead 2013 stands way above that lot.
    I am much more harsh on remakes. There are a few, an extremely limited few (probably counted on one hand) that might be better than or come close to the originals, but most fail on epic levels. Not saying ED failed on an 'epic' level, but it just feels like, to me, it didn't even live up to the name on the title card.

    As a side note: I've seen you mention and profess your love this flick before, as has Dj and others, but what is your guys obsession with Piranha? I mean, if you liked that, you should be watching Sharktopus, Two-Headed Shark Attack and Sharknado and singing their praises! C'mon, MZ. It's fun to shame yourself!

    Oh, wait. I see you already did watched... Piranha.

    *pokes head back into room*

    Did I hear someone mention RZ's Halloween 2 being good? *tightens fist around rolled-up newspaper* I DIDN'T THINK SO.

    *wanders back out of the room*

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Aug-2013 at 07:00 PM. Reason: .

  13. #103
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    While I agree to an extent... I see your ANOES and raise you one RZ's Halloween. THAT was as much of an abomination and a spit in the face of the original as ANOES' remake was.
    I know you'll go thermonuclear, but once I actually saw it, I didn't think it was so bad, IF you completely remove the original from the equation & make no comparisons what so ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Moon - you seriously thought the ED remake was 'far above average for a remake'? Damn dude, I knew you had some screws loose, but I didn't realize the engine was broken.
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Considering most remakes are feckin' awful hunks of shit that just refuse to be wiped away, no matter how much paper you shove between those cheeks, Evil Dead 2013 stands way above that lot. Although it's not in the very rarified atmosphere of Hills Have Eyes 2006, Piranha 2010, or The Crazies 2010.


    There are other remakes that I like and enjoy - but consider to be nowhere near the same league as the original. I love the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I quite enjoy the remake, even though it is in no way better ... although Jessica Biel in a soaking wet tank top and arse-hugging jeans is a jolly good try. ... I also rather enjoy Halloween 2007 (and even have a bizarre likeness for H2, which really gets Lou fired up ), but that said, it's still nowhere near the brilliance of the original. Were they necessary? Nope. But did I enjoy them? Yeah - but with the caveat that they're inferior products by comparison.
    MZ for the win. I didn't even have to lift a finger. Thanks for taking care of the light work. Glad ONE of you gets it.

  14. #104
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Both 'The Hills Have Eyes' and 'The Crazies' remakes were excedingly better than the originals. They both show how a remake can be done well, when in the right hands and when not just a cash in. Although 'The Evil Dead' had more than a sniff of "name rape" about it, it was still done rather well. I have to admit, though, that I watched it on the laptop, while having my arse beaten by Rafa Nadal on the xbox, so I don't know how I'd rate it, if I'd sat down to it properly.

    It certainly came out better than any number of recent genre remakes that anyone would care to mention, that's for sure and the opening was great. The decent amount of gore and wince moments were appreciated, even if the protagonists seemingly brushed off their wounds with remarkable ease. But, in this time of PG13 bollocks, it's quite refreshing to have a bit of guts thrown about the screen.

    As I said though, I was never that pushed on the original and frankly, it only enjoys an inflated reputation because of its video nasty days. It's really not that good. In any case, Sam Raimi's films, like Wes Craven's, are lack luster to say the least and usually leave me with the words "try better next time FFS" in my mouth, 'A Simple Plan' and 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' excepted, of course.

    If most remakes actually reached the level of 'The Evil Dead', I'd be happy with that.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  15. #105
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    *pokes head back into room*

    Did I hear someone mention RZ's Halloween 2 being good? *tightens fist around rolled-up newspaper* I DIDN'T THINK SO.

    *wanders back out of the room*

    There's huge problems with it, but then in some scenes - particularly in the Director's Cut (RZ's DC's are always better than the theatrical versions IMHO) - are just great. I have a perverse liking of H2 in spite of all it's flaws.

    Piranha 2010 - what's not to like about that flick? The original was no masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, and doesn't hold up terribly well, but the remake just wants to have fun and it certainly has an awful lot of fun, delivering lashings of gore and a shed-load of tits in your face. What's not to like?!

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    MZ for the win. I didn't even have to lift a finger. Thanks for taking care of the light work. Glad ONE of you gets it.


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