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Thread: Most disturbing film

  1. #91
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    this didnt bug me too much but fucking shat my mates right up when we watch it projected on a sheet in the woods on halloween: The Strangers. Never before has home invasion been so thoroughly disturbing.

    'cept maybe home alone 7

    Last edited by Danny; 17-Nov-2011 at 05:36 PM. Reason: eff

  2. #92
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Andy - DeadGirl (2008) -

    Here's what I thought of the movie when I watched it last December:
    A fellow Homepage of the Dead poster mentioned this undead indie flick, so I took a punt and checked it out on DVD. A couple of high school outcasts ditch school and go to the local abandoned mental hospital to drink, smoke and cause havoc. During their exploration of the basement they discover a naked girl bound to a metal gurney - but as it turns out, she's undead.

    I'm sure from that sentence you can surmise what happens afterwards, and it is indeed bizarre at least, and rather gross at most. Turns out this is from the Trent Haaga's back catalogue of banked screenplays - Haaga being one of those who has had a lot of experience at long-running exploitation merchants Troma. Indeed at times it feels like a Troma movie - but only after an entirely different, more serious coming-of-age tone has been established - and this is where the movie feels uneasy, but not in terms of the content (as disturbingly weird as it is). When these 'Troma moments' strike (albeit rarely) you feel wrong-footed, so ultimately the film feels a little confused as to what kind of horror flick it wants to be - but nevertheless by the final act it's gotten itself back on track and figured itself out to a solid conclusion.
    It's got Shiloh Fernandez (from Skateland) and Noah Segan (from Cabin Fever 2, and Brick) in it.

  3. #93
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Has anyone seen the 2009 japanese film "Grotesque"? I hear its supposed to be very disturbing, i also beleive its one of the few movies still banned in the UK.

  4. #94
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Has anyone seen the 2009 japanese film "Grotesque"? I hear its supposed to be very disturbing, i also beleive its one of the few movies still banned in the UK.
    Haven't seen it, and I don't have much interest in it either - and yes, it was banned by the BBFC. - be warned there are 'plot' spoilers on the page, but here are some non-spoilery comments from the BBFC:

    The chief pleasure on offer in viewing GROTESQUE appears to be the spectacle of sadism (including sexual sadism) for its own sake. The work has minimal narrative or character development and presents the viewer with little more than an unrelenting and escalating scenario of humiliation, brutality and sadism.
    After careful consideration, it was judged that to issue a certificate to GROTESQUE, even if statutorily confined to adults, would involve risk of harm within the terms of the VRA, would be inconsistent with our Guidelines and would be unacceptable to the public. The BBFC considered whether cutting the work might address the issues but concluded that as the unacceptable material featured throughout, cutting was not a viable option and the work was therefore refused a classification.
    You can find the trailer on YouTube (looks like it's all about gore and violence) - colour me uninterested.

  5. #95
    Dying fulci fan's Avatar

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    The house by the cemetery.
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    Men Behind the Sun
    Nanking Massacre
    the baby burning scene in Daemonia
    the dick cutting scene in I Spit on Your Grave (the og)
    I haven't seen Siberian film or Salo

  6. #96
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    remembered this, this apparently bugged the shit out of my uncle when he was little

  7. #97
    Just been bitten jded's Avatar

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    I've seen films with disturbing scenes, yet as a whole they are not.
    Two come to mind that in my opinion are disturbing throughout.

    Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer and High Tension

    I know for sure there's more but I'm having trouble remembering them at the moment.

    Have any of you heard of or browsed at
    If you dig this stuff they got it there and a whole lot more. And just to let you know they have A Serbian Film.
    I don't think I'll be checking this one out, but be my guest, they got it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Indeed, one of my favourite movies is The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, which has a very stately pace to it, but it's bloody brilliant.
    You knows it! Got that right! One of my favorites also. It's a long one too but you could care less. It grabs hold of your attention.
    Last edited by jded; 19-Nov-2011 at 09:17 AM. Reason: ????
    "You stick your head in the sun, they're gonna come up behind you and bite off your ass."

  8. #98
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Ive caught quite a few of the films mentioned here, probably the sadist psychopath inside me but whenever i hear about a banned or disturbing movie, im compelled to see it

    To be honest i think the infamy of these movies far outstretches the actual movie itself. Grotesque, audition and the guinea pig movies especially have reputations which far exceed what you actually see, i would say none of these films are any worse than hostel or classics like i spit on your grave and last house on the left.

    And yes im aware the 3 examples i gave are all japanese horror, i like japanese horror

  9. #99
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    one film that i've not seen mentioned in this thread is "Hotel Rwanda." if you are not disturbed/moved by that movie, you should probably check your pulse.

    being a father, the end of "the mist" is absolutely and totally unsettling.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  10. #100
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    To be honest, I thought Shooting Dogs was more disturbing than Hotel Rwanda. I thought they played it down a bit in that one.

  11. #101
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    To be honest, I thought Shooting Dogs was more disturbing than Hotel Rwanda. I thought they played it down a bit in that one.
    i've not seen Shooting Dogs and to be honest, one film about rwanda plus all the documentaries i've seen is enough.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  12. #102
    Being Attacked

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    for me
    1.the exorcism of emily rose
    2.the last house on the left original

    cant really think of anymore lol

  13. #103
    Fresh Meat Arco's Avatar

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    Spoilers ahead...

    Movies like the Dead Trilogy, Friday the 13th movies, Halloween movies, even giallo or slasher flicks are all kind of monster movies to me. Even stuff like the Prowler, or My Bloody Valentine are monster movies to me. There's usually a clear enemy, an [I]other[I], something or someone to defeat, and perhaps even survive. Even if it's another living human doing the killing, not a vampire or a swamp creature or something, that human is crazy. A simple enemy with a simple objective.

    Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer, was one of the first films I saw that kind of bothered me. I wanted some final girl to kill him, or at least beat him, like he was Jason Vorhees, but nobody did. It was annoying. I love horror like nothing else, but I like some kind of return to normalcy at the end. The killer should usually be stopped or killed or escaped from, except in rare cases. But now everything has to be such a fucking downer.

    And it sucks, because I'm one of those people who, if I hear about how disturbing something is, I'm genetically hardwired to check it out. But I'm almost always annoyed and disappointed.

    I recently saw Martyrs and A Serbian Film. They were both well-executed films. The production values were good, the acting good, the gore good, the tension level high, all that stuff. They were good movies. But fuck both of them.

    In A Serbian Film, the protagonist and his family are put through some of the most awful shit imaginable. Then they die.

    In Martyrs, the protagonist is put through some of the most horrific shit imaginable. Then she's skinned alive and presumably dies. What's the point?

    In Human Centipede (In my estimation, a black comedy anyway), the victims are put through suffering beyond the pale. Then they die.

    Even those stupid Final Destination movies. Everybody always dies. There's no real way to survive. In those Japanese ghost movies, the ghosts are almost always invincible. Everybody dies.

    What's the point of such horror, if there's no resolution or redemption or triumph? Maybe I'm old fashioned. But I don't need my movies that realistic. I already know that there are incredibly awful things happening to people right this very minute all over the world with no justice, redemption, or triumph. I, personally, don't feel that my entertainment needs to reflect the horrors people inflict on each other in such a true light. If I want truth, I'll read the news.

    I guess movies like this don't disturb me as much as piss me off for reminding me what kind of world I live in when I just want to be entertained.

    I like when Fran and Peter fly off in the helicopter. I like when Sarah and the boys are chillin' on the island at the end. I like when Dr. Loomis blows himself and Michael Myers straight to hell, and Laurie survives. After all the killing, all the horror, what's so wrong with a happy (or Happyish) ending every once in a while?

    Like I said, I'm old.
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  14. #104
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I've never seen A Serbian Film, and I don't want to either. Just a description of it depressed me so much it took me hours to shake the funk.

    Martyrs on the other hand I found to be a haunting slice of French horror. It's an incredibly tough film at times, but I guess the whole "point" of the film is...
    ...attempting to reach a place of such total, abject pain and torture, that the victim crosses over the line between life and death, and can report back to the vicious upper class society types who run this heinous experiment ... no doubt seeking immortality ... there's also parts of a revenge film in there, with elements of obsession getting the better of you and so on.

    I've only seen it once mind you, but found it to be quite effective ... it was grim, and it did linger in the mind uncomfortably for a little while, but ultimately I thought it was something a bit more clever in the 'torture porn' genre (ugh, hate the descriptor).

    The Human Centipede was full of style, but the film itself was shite. Dieter Lazer was great as Dr Heiter, and it looked really good, but the plot (as minimal as it was), was boring and you didn't care one shit about the victims who just seemed to be wretched arseholes, aside from the Japanese guy at the head of the sequence ...
    ...although when that guy shoots himself, I shouted out "you selfish bastard, you had the easiest place in the sequence, now you've condemned two other people to a slow and torturous death!"
    ... no interest in seeing the second movie, which appears to be shock over substance, and good god there's going to be a third friggin' movie.

    I know what you mean about getting some sort of redemption ... I don't mind a bleak ending to a horror movie, but I do feel you as a viewer, sat there for 90 minutes or so, deserves some sort of 'achievement' for the victim ... I recently watched "F" and...
    ...not only do you not find out who the parkour hoody hoodlums are, only one of the gang gets killed (presumably at least, he is stabbed repeatedly in the stomach) ... meanwhile the rest just get away with it. That said, the ending had a nice sting in the tail. The protagonist has finally saved his daughter from the besieged school and is now having to get her to hospital before she dies, but then they see her mother's car outside the school ... the father chooses to leave the mother and save the girl - so it was a nice, bleak (ever-so British in that way) ending, but it was too little too late as the rest of the flick relied far too much on sparse plotting, a lack of tension, and cliched, idiotic characters and plot contrivances.

  15. #105
    Fresh Meat Arco's Avatar

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    I understood what Martyrs was about, but I guess what annoyed me was that I would have liked to at least get an inkling of what the martyr whispered. It was very important. Especially after hearing the rhetoric of the nuts and watching their methods and seeing the effect of whatever was whispered. It seems to me that the writers couldn't come up with anything and decided to 'let' us come up with our own conclusions. Weak.

    Anyone seen 'The Woman?' It was a disturbing little flick. It also had a somewhat more decent resolution than most new horror movies.
    Furious Front Facer!


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