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Thread: Steve Jobs died

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Steve Jobs died

    Well its a shame but i cant say im surprised. the dude was looking increasingly worse with every appearance in public.

    Damn shame though, he worked for as long as he could on his baby till he no longer could.

    As an apple user this makes me wonder what direction the companies going to take from now on.

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    As I said in the shoutbox: Cancer.....what a mother f*cker. It gets the best of us....

    Not a mac fan, but he did help create one of the best animation studios in history - Pixar. For that I salute his memory.
    Last edited by bassman; 06-Oct-2011 at 12:25 AM. Reason: .

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    Dec 2006
    Yeah I got an iphone...and I've realised a few things since owning it.

    Steve Jobs did his level best not to innovate - but to copyright, to lock down, and patent every thought and word that ever came from the Apple camp. Releasing bits of kit that are so user-locked that it coined the term "jailbreaking". He made imprisoned devices. Since jailbreaking my iphone, it's a far better piece of kit. Sorry he's dead, but f**k him and his awful bits of kit that lock out aspiring and established software providers, the open source market, and f**k his 60/40 share of everything on the App store that OTHER PEOPLE have made.

    The guy was a marketing genius.
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

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  4. #4
    Banned User

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    This is too bad, yeah... Oh well, moving on.

  5. #5
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    Yeah I got an iphone...and I've realised a few things since owning it.

    Steve Jobs did his level best not to innovate - but to copyright, to lock down, and patent every thought and word that ever came from the Apple camp. Releasing bits of kit that are so user-locked that it coined the term "jailbreaking". He made imprisoned devices. Since jailbreaking my iphone, it's a far better piece of kit. Sorry he's dead, but f**k him and his awful bits of kit that lock out aspiring and established software providers, the open source market, and f**k his 60/40 share of everything on the App store that OTHER PEOPLE have made.

    The guy was a marketing genius.


    I hate Apple and I hate Macs, but worse of all, I hate i-Zombies who buy all the shite that Apple chuck out the door and try to tell me that "Macs are better than PCs", "i-Pods are better than MP3 players" and so on.

    I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone though.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  6. #6
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post

    I hate Apple and I hate Macs, but worse of all, I hate i-Zombies who buy all the shite that Apple chuck out the door and try to tell me that "Macs are better than PCs", "i-Pods are better than MP3 players" and so on.

    I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone though.
    You got that right, I know quite a few of them, my sister and her boyfriend for a start! They were looking at a HTC product in one of the sunday magazines a few weeks ago, cant remember what it was but it was an impressive piece of kit, but rather than comment on how good it may be, they just kept going on about when Apple will be releasing something similar and how it will be so much better than the HTC one. Its like everything else is steaming shit if it doesnt have that Apple logo on it and everytime Apple release a new product they ooh and aaah over it and immediately start saving and making sacrifices so they can buy it. Apple don't make bad products at all, everythings very shiny & neat looking & definitely innovative, I just cant stand the whole cult thing thats built up around it!
    Shame about Jobs regardless though, not a nice way to go

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm not fan of Apple's products by any stretch of the imagination, so I won't get into that, but when it comes to Pancreatic Cancer - one of the most horrible versions of an utterly horrible thing - he was one of the lucky ones (an extremely relative term) to have survived for several years after having that transplant. I wonder why Pancreatic Cancer is one of the toughest cancers to treat...

    Indeed, we lost a member of our family this year to Pancreatic Cancer ... it's an awful, awful thing.

  8. #8
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    Yeah I got an iphone...and I've realised a few things since owning it.

    Steve Jobs did his level best not to innovate - but to copyright, to lock down, and patent every thought and word that ever came from the Apple camp. Releasing bits of kit that are so user-locked that it coined the term "jailbreaking". He made imprisoned devices. Since jailbreaking my iphone, it's a far better piece of kit. Sorry he's dead, but f**k him and his awful bits of kit that lock out aspiring and established software providers, the open source market, and f**k his 60/40 share of everything on the App store that OTHER PEOPLE have made.

    The guy was a marketing genius.
    I Think its VERY unfair to say he wasnt innovative, Back in the 80's the mac set the standard for all computers, it changed the way computers worked and paved the way for windows and later machines. In the early 90's he started pixar and revolutionised the use of CGI and animation in general and again, paved the way for all future CGI movies. In 2000 he did the same with the ipod and itunes, the invention actually changed the way people buy and store music and whether you like the iPod or not, you cannot deny the innovation. In 2007 he did the same with the iphone, again whether you like the iphone or not you cannot deny the innovation behind it, it paved the way for all your android, htc and windows mobile phones, it pretty much brought the smartphone to the mass market.

    Of course he wanted to make money, everybody does, he did what he could to maximize his own profits but you cannot sit there and say he wasnt innovative. Like him or not, like apple or not, steve jobs changed modern technology and shaped alot of household electronics today. I use a mac and a iphone personally, not becuase i buy into the cult of it all, i bought my mac cheap and fixed it up myself and restored it to working order and i my iphone is a original 3g about 3 years old now lol, but i use them becuase they are superior products. Windows is still learning from Mac OS to this day.

    Jobs was a brilliant mind and a great loss to the technological world.

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I Think its VERY unfair to say he wasnt innovative.

    I didn't say that, I said he didn't do his "level best" to innovate....
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  10. #10
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    It is sad when anyone dies not from old age. However, I have heard some real horror stories of how horribly Jobs would treat employees with demeaning and profane outbursts and firing people just because he didn't like them. If this is true, karma was visited upon him for what he had done.

  11. #11
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    R.I.P. steve. i'm a life long apple user, so like danny, i wonder what direction/effect this will have on the company.
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