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Thread: TWD 2x01 "What Lies Ahead" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #16
    Fresh Meat Vulture Lives's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Its already been established that the zombies remember things about their past. Its been canon for a long time so zombies sitting in a church in that part of the country shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
    When was it established? I don't recall it ever being established in the Walking Dead universe.

    EDIT: Come to think of it, in last year's season premiere, Morgan's zombified wife seemed to exhibit a bit of memory retention (although it could be argued that something simply alerted her to their presence in the house). Those zombies in the church, though... it was something about their body posture... I don't know, the moment just felt false.
    Last edited by Vulture Lives; 17-Oct-2011 at 04:23 PM. Reason: To add another thought

  2. #17
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Interesting discussions....but what I want to know is why everyone wanted to save Andrea at the CDC...but nobody seemed to care that Jacqui decided to stay too. I actually liked her character a lot..she seemed like a strong "everyday" kind of woman who did what had to be done.

    I personally have worked in suicide prevention for 15 years and if I ever heard anyone say "I saved your life...arent you grateful" after someone else thought about or attempted suicide...I woudl freak.

    While I totally believe in being on the side of life, in the FICTIONAL world of the living dead.....Dale went too far. But is all for dramatic effect and plotlines!!!

    I still dont know why nobody "saved" Jacqui. LOL LOL LOL
    Last edited by GRMonLI; 17-Oct-2011 at 04:15 PM. Reason: Spelling Corrections
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  3. #18
    Being Attacked

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    Overall I really enjoyed the episode and think it bodes well for the new season. I thought the first section was very tense and scary as the zombie herd went by. At first I was a little disturbed by them hiding under the cars since they made such a big deal of the zombies using smell in season one but I thought Kirkman explained it pretty well on 'Talking Dead' and I am willing to accept his reasoning. I did have a big problem with the RV attack tho, even though I thought it was certainly scary. Several things have been mentioned here and I agree, the biggest issue was why only one zombie happened to enter? Especially after the quite loud fighting and screaming was going on? Isnt that exactly the kind of sounds that would draw the rest of the horde immediately? And in my opinion Andrea proved she couldnt be trusted with a gun by the fact she obviously would have used it in the RV to kill the one zombie, thereby drawing the attention of the hundreds passing outside and likely dooming the entire party.

  4. #19
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    Dale went too far. But is all for dramatic effect and plotlines!!!

    I still dont know why nobody "saved" Jacqui. LOL LOL LOL
    Really, he should have waved goodbye to her and said: "Well, guess you've decided you want to kill yourself. Take care! Adios, amigo!" and then headed off with the rest of them? You don't do that to someone you love as Dale obviously loves Andrea. I think he's going too far in putting her into the role of a daughter as she is not his daughter (i.e. the "who holds the gun debate") but the wrong move would have been in letting her kill herself when he obviously loves her. It took great courage and strength for Dale to say: "You know what? The hell with it, if you're not leaving I'm not either." and plopping down beside her and I give the man great kudos for it. He had the guts to stand up to telling her how much he really cared. And good for him for saving her life. He should be commended for the action, in my opinion.

    Saying she should be grateful is completely accurate, she should be, and if she doesn't end up running off somewhere there will be a time somewhere down the road I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't realize how grateful she is in still being alive and how much she owes to Dale for still being around.

    Of course, I could be wrong, she could be cursing Dale as she's ripped apart by zombies.

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  5. #20
    Fresh Meat Vulture Lives's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Its already been established that the zombies remember things about their past. Its been canon for a long time so zombies sitting in a church in that part of the country shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
    You know, it really hasn't been established, in the Walking Dead universe, that zombies remember things about their past. In last year's season finale, Jenner goes into detail about his research on the zombified brain. He specifically states that nothing about an individual returns. Memories are gone. Remember the display of his wife's brain?
    Last edited by Vulture Lives; 17-Oct-2011 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Grammar

  6. #21
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Is it just me or is Andrea not turning into a major bitch? I felt bad for Dale

    EDIT: I just thought of this, but it bugs the hell out of me: WHY WERE THERE DEAD PEOPLE SITTING IN THEIR CARS THAT WEREN'T ZOMBIES? Did they die from Captain Trips that broke out the same time as the zombie apocalypse? If they were attacked by zombies and partially devoured they WOULD HAVE BECOME zombies; but they were not! They were just dead people sitting in their cars. Can someone please logically explain this to me?

    I was on Andrea's side in that conversation and a really well written dialogue piece it was too. Yep, I did feel bad for Dale, but I like the Dale character. But, she's correct. She'd made her choice clearly and wanted to go out quick. I certainly see her point. She gave up her choice because Dale force her to do so, with the threat of losing his own.

    On a side note, though, I am not entirely happy with the Andrea opting out of the group plot line. It doesn't really make any sense to me, other than to write into the story a part where she and Shane become an item. If that's the case, I'll puke. Shane needs to die and that soap opera crap needs to end fast.

    As for the dead people in some of the cars, perhaps they took themselves out, but we didn't see the wounds. Funny, my wife said the same thing when the wee lad was bending over the corpse to get the bunch of machette-like weapons.

    -- -------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Finally - RV zombie! Best zombie in this show thus far, in my opinion. I loved the emotion of the bike zombie, but this dude was just awesomely terrifying.
    Yeh, agree, he was a creepy git. I think the guy playing him did really well too. It was like he sort of recognised where he should be going, as if he owned an RV before, ha ha.

    10/10 for the make up, no doubt. Nicotero is working his socks off.

    -- -------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by mpokera View Post
    At first I was a little disturbed by them hiding under the cars since they made such a big deal of the zombies using smell in season one
    Yeh, that entered my head too. Which is why I thought it was a fantastically dumb idea, both in the book and the series.

    It just endows the living dead with a super sense that going to come around and bite the show on its arse.
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  7. #22
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    About the dead bodies in the cars thing...what if someone died of a brain aneurysm? Technically, isn't that death due to brain trauma? Would that keep someone from reanimating? I don't think that's ever been addressed in any zombie film. Maybe the bodies in the cars that didn't reanimate were people who couldn't handle the stress and died from a brain aneurysm?

    Also, the issue of people coming back as zombies even when not bitten thing wasn't immediately known in the comic for a bit, either. At the start, it was assumed only the bitten became zombies. I think this is a reveal the show is holding off on for a bit...

  8. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Really, he should have waved goodbye to her and said: "Well, guess you've decided you want to kill yourself. Take care! Adios, amigo!" and then headed off with the rest of them? You don't do that to someone you love as Dale obviously loves Andrea.
    You're right, you don't. What you should do is everything you REASONABLY can do to PERSUADE your loved one to make what *you* FEEL is the right decision in the time you've got (in a time-limited situation such as that), but I'm sorry it's JUST WRONG in my vehement yet humble opinion to emotionally blackmail someone into passing up an instant and absolutely painless death for what, in all likelihood from everything they knew then and what they know now, will be one of two equally horrible deaths. Either A) Suffering the terror and excruciating pain of (temporarily) surviving a vicious flesh-rending attack by one or more flesh-hungry "drooling freaks", and then having to experience a slow, demonstrably miserable and agonizing wasting sickness that forces you to choose between experiencing a violently brutal "euthanasia" before dying and subsequently reanimating, and/or foregoing said bullet or blunt trauma and, but being tortured mentally and emotionally by the thought of what your body will become once the sickness finally kills you. Or B) Experiencing the equally, albeit different, horrifying sensation(s) of being EATEN ALIVE a mouthful at a time (a 1-2 Walker attack), or ripped apart as you scream, gurgle and, finally, gasp out your last agonizingly conscious breath before the small blessing that is severe shock finally drives you blessedly from consciousness so you don't have to experience the last few moments of your life as a hunk of meat and viscera being fought over by your ravenously mindless pack of ghoulish slayers. Do I, and would I, understand the temptation to "make the right decision" (In my opinion, assuming for a moment I felt as Dale was portrayed as feeling at that time) for my loved one in such a situation because I, selfishly, didn't want to lose them/go on with life without them? ABSOLUTELY!!! However, that's not the most important question to be asked about such a situation, and the choices one could/would make as a result of that situation. The most important question to be asked (Again, IMO) is: "Do I/Would I HAVE THE RIGHT to give in to that temptation and take such an INCREDIBLY VITAL DECISION **AWAY** from my loved one in THAT situation? For me, and again in my very-strongly-held opinion, the answer is a definitive, unequivocal, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! To do so is, (one more time: IMHO) a greater violation of said Loved One (Andrea, in Dale's case) than if he'd held her pinned to the ground and RAPED HER. What Dale did in robbing her of her self-determination by victimizing her via playing on her desire not to be responsible for HIS death wasn't simply WRONG, it was EVIL.

    Here's one of the Definitions of Evil I found on Wikipedia: This being the source link: or 13. (Peck: 1978/1992,p.298):
    Abuses political (emotional) power ("the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion")

    Dale certainly imposed his will upon Andrea by overt coercion. This makes his act, however the character or another might justify it, by the statements/viewpoints and definition given (Peck's/Wikipedia's and mine) by literal definition: Evil. Now, whether one can make a successful and valid argument that Dale's act of Evil is justifiable as an act of "Necessary Evil" is a question I will reserve judgment on until I've read what the proponents of the Dale-character's decision have had their say.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I think he's going too far in putting her into the role of a daughter as she is not his daughter (i.e. the "who holds the gun debate") but the wrong move would have been in letting her kill herself when he obviously loves her. It took great courage and strength for Dale to say: "You know what? The hell with it, if you're not leaving I'm not either." and plopping down beside her and I give the man great kudos for it. He had the guts to stand up to telling her how much he really cared. And good for him for saving her life. He should be commended for the action, in my opinion.
    I agree that Dale compounds the problem (and the negative effect of his actions upon Andrea), as well as Andrea's perception that she no longer belonged with the group once Dale pulled Shane into the argument and Shane gave his little (and obviously hypocritical then and there to both the Andrea-character and myself) speech about not wanting guns floating around the group in the hands of the untrained members of the group, even as Shane advocates giving the guns of the people he doesn't think should have them to Dale, who has no more training than Andrea, in the same breath. Dale treating Andrea not only as a daughter-figure, but a daughter figure he sees it as only right and proper that he continue to determine what is in her best interests for her, in the same way he considers it right and proper to dismiss and/or ignore her attempts to choose and act for herself as the grown woman she is only continues to compound the damage Dale is doing to both Andrea's mental and emotional states.

    I will go a step further and restate my opinion that Dale loving Andrea justifies his coercing her out of the choice she'd made about as much as a stalker's "love" justifies said stalker in killing the boyfriend of the object of his affection after said stalker witnesses said boyfriend being unfaithful to his girlfriend, who the stalker is obsessed with. To put it another way, Dale's "love" in NO WAY justifies forcing his forcing her to live by entering into an unwanted "suicide pact" ("You die, I die" is exactly what that is) with Andrea against her will. It didn't take great courage and strength for an old, terribly lonely man, who's been terribly lonely for years before the dead began to rise, to choose to end his life if Andrea refused to continue easing his loneliness. Once he did that, Dale had put himself in a "win-win situation" FOR HIMSELF. Either his effort to selfishly coerce Andrea into continuing to live until dying a horrible death she was DESPERATE TO AVOID would succeed because Andrea was a far more ethical, principled individual than himself, and Andrea would still be around to ease the loneliness he felt and continue to give him a purpose (trying to make Andrea's decisions for her "for her own good" as if she were a child), or his coercion would fail and he wouldn't have to face his pain and loneliness without her because he'd be dead too. Simultaneous with achieving this win-win situation for himself, Dale (again, selfishly and fearfully) placed Andrea in a lose-lose situation. If she didn't give in to his coercion she'd suffer guilt for her last moments instead of the peace Dale had torn away, and if she did give in as it turned out she chose to because of an ethical and principled nature utterly foreign to Dale, she was forced to continue struggling through each terror-and-misery-filled day until the probability of her unimaginably horrible death (the fear of not knowing exactly when it would arrive having been with her every moment from the time she left the CDC with her blackmailer and would-be keeper until that unspeakable death finally arrived to claim her.

    No, great courage and strength on Dale's part would have been wanting her to live so he wouldn't be alone again and so he wouldn't have to grieve for her, but after every one of his reasonable and ethical attempts to persuade her to come with him had failed would have been saying: (Dale): "You're sure this is what you want kiddo?" (Andrea): "100%,....I just...don't want to die being ripped apart by a bunch of drooling freaks!" Then (Dale): "I wish there was something more,...something I could say or do that'd convince you to come with me....but I can't force you to live for my sake when this is what you want. I...I love you Andrea, and I'm going to miss you more than I could ever say. Please...." (Andrea): "Dale...don't do this to yourself. It's my decision, and I'm choosing to go and be with Amy. As Rick would say, this is on me, not you. Now go, before it's too late. The others still need you...I love you too, but I just can't live this nightmare one more day. I hope you'll understand, and maybe forgive me for running out the back door, but either way, this is something I have to do. (Andrea & Dale hug, tears trickle down the old guy's grizzled unshaven face and he tentatively starts for the door, stops, but as he starts to turn back Andrea gives him a gentle shove towards the door. Dale leaves, breaking into a lumbering lope with his head down as he rushes from the building seconds before being thrown to the ground a couple dozen feet from the hole Rick blasted in the window when the bomb(s) go off. Woodenly, numb and all but expressionless, Dale climbs aboard the RV and the remaining survivors move out and away from the collapsed and still-burning CDC.)

    THAT would be great wisdom AND strength. To realize if he REALLY loves her, and he's convinced she's lucid and knows what she's doing, that he has to let her go for her sake...however hard it will be for him without her. It would've taken great courage to climb behind the wheel of that RV and slowly head out with the rest of the convoy, when it feels like a part of him just died too, and it's tearing a great chunk out of his heart and leaving behind a hole it doesn't feel like it will ever close to go on, but go on he does, because he knows he has to look to the needs of the living even as he mourns the dead.

    No, what Dale did didn't take guts. All it took was being too selfish to be able to TRULY empathize with just how badly Amy's loss had broken Andrea, because he was too busy focusing on the fear of losing someone who'd become HIS anchor. All it took was being more afraid of facing the loneliness he'd known since his wife's death PLUS the current nightmare-reality than he was afraid of dying. Plopping down next to Andrea, and in doing so forcing her hand....that was about Dale and his needs. Not Andrea and her needs.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Saying she should be grateful is completely accurate, she should be, and if she doesn't end up running off somewhere there will be a time somewhere down the road I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't realize how grateful she is in still being alive and how much she owes to Dale for still being around.
    So, to recap: Andrea should be GRATEFUL that, on the heels of her sister's tragic loss...that was part of an event that demonstrated just how sudden and brutal, or slow and agonizing the end could come, and how arbitrary who made it through another day and for who today was THE DAY it would all end so hideously...That Dale ripped a choice she was at peace with away from her by threatening to douse her hands with his blood, and that to really grind the salt into the wound his actions had torn wide open in her he casually plucks away her threadbare safety blanket, because HE "isn't comfortable" with her having her father's gun. Demonstrating definitively and absolutely so far as Andrea is concerned that all Dale gives a damn about is how Dale thinks things should be. That she's just supposed to shut up, let him pat her on the head and say "Don't worry sweetie, Daddy is here to make all these big bad decisions for you. Now, give Daddy a smile and run along, and maybe when you've shown me you can be a Good Girl I'll let you have your Ga-Gun back.

    People say things a lot that are over-dramatic on our beloved forums, but I'm serious ass a heart attack about this. If I was in Andrea's shoes and Dale had done what he'd just done, and THEN taken my gun and forced me to feel vulnerable and exposed and (hatefully) dependent on others, I would have stabbed him right in the throat with the pig-sticker they "approved" of me having. Worst they could do would be a bullet to the brain, and a) I would have delivered justice for how Dale had violated me, and b) Gotten back my right to go out without being ripped apart alive. Quick and painlessly.

    THAT is what I think of Dale's sanctimonious "Not thinking a little GRATITUDE would be asking too much!!!" Yay, I'm stuck in a group primarily consisting of the opposite sex, one of whom believes they have a Divine Mandate to make even the most fundamentally, intimately personal of choices for me via the most despicable sort of coercion. Now, just to remove all doubt that, despite having demonstrated myself to be among the calmest, most level-headed members of the group, I'm a second-class-citizen of this little village on wheels and I'm expected to be GRATEFUL for having my most important decision made for me and forced into being infuriatingly dependent on individuals who've all demonstrated they're either psychologically or morally deficient compared to me. Then, just for giggles, they continue to underscore just what bullshit their little "No guns for untrained people" argument really was, as Lori is casually offered first Rick's hand-cannon, and then the snub-nose Daryle took off the suicide-camper.

    Yea, homicide is sounding more and more reasonable with every passing moment. After all, at least if I kill the bastard trying to turn me back into a child the rest of the group will have to stop and take stock of just how vile the treatment I'd been subjected to in the course of deciding what to do about me.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Of course, I could be wrong, she could be cursing Dale as she's ripped apart by zombies.
    Realistically, expect the cursing. Looking at it from Andrea's perspective it wouldn't matter to me if life improved a million times over. I still wouldn't EVER forgive Dale for what he did, and wouldn't so much as yell a "Dale, behind you!" if a Walker was staggering up behind his old sanctimonius self. Andrea's being WAY more tolerant and forgiving than I would be by simply making plans to bail. No doubt in the wake of Carl's shooting the group control-freak He-Men will only grow even more neurotic about who has "the right" to carry a firearm.

    That said, TV being what it is: I wouldn't be surprised if you turn out to be right about some completely unrealistic touchy-feely reconciliation between Andrea & Dale. I'm still aggravated she didn't just assault Dale and take her gun back. He's an old guy, and she's in her prime. The argument about the Walker-Herd hearing the shot if she'd had a gun is VERY tenuous IMO. Worst-case, they woulda swarmed the RV. No reason to believe that would've lead to anyone else being discovered.

    Total non-sequitor: Have you noticed Daryl is almost entirely out of X-bow bolts? Wonder why he hasn't been retrieving them given the penetration they've gotten. With the broadhead entirely out the back of the skull, by definition the wound tract is wide enough to pull the bolt straight through undamaged.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 17-Oct-2011 at 08:22 PM. Reason: Error corrections, Quotes, More to say.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vulture Lives View Post
    Those zombies in the church, though... it was something about their body posture... I don't know, the moment just felt false.
    I apologize for quoting myself, but I wanted to clarify my point. Whether the zombies retain any memory or not (according to Jenner and TS-19, they don't), there was still something wrong with their body posture as they sat in the church. They sat perfectly upright and stared straight ahead. That would require good muscle memory. Zombies never seem to be that coordinated. I would imagine the zombies to be more crumpled and listless in their seats.

    Like I said, the idea behind the scene was to momentarily trick the audience into thinking that the main characters possibly happened upon other living people. The zombies sit with good posture to sell the idea... it just seemed like the show abandoned staying true to zombie behavior for the sake of cheap suspense.
    Last edited by Vulture Lives; 17-Oct-2011 at 09:22 PM. Reason: Grammar

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vulture Lives View Post
    Like I said, the idea behind the scene was to momentarily trick the audience into thinking that the main characters possibly happened upon other living people. The zombies sit with good posture to sell the idea... it just seemed like the show abandoned staying true to zombie behavior for the sake of cheap suspense.
    I agree the idea was for the momentary flash of hope of them being living people followed by the shock of them being zombies. That being said, I dont think there was a need for them to be sitting perfectly to accomplish the same thing. They could have easily been slumped forward across the pews and still would have been just as effective I think. This is still nitpicking IMO though and I am perfectly willing to suspend disbelief on small points like this on such a well made show.

    As for the Dale/Andrea debate I have to weigh in on Dale's side here. I understand Andrea's point and her feelings but I believe suicide to be a selfish option and a mortal sin in any case, and in the situation they are in? Where only a very small number of people remain anyway as far as they know? We are talking about the very survival of the species here, for someone to just 'check out' is the most selfish thing they could possibly do. Andrea is a vital capable member of the party and the rest of them count on her, not just Dale. The dynamic between the two of them seems way different than the comic as he does seem to feel much more paternally toward her.

    Now that being said, I agree that they should have felt just the same toward the others wanting to just stay and die, even Jenner. He was a scientist, with certainly quite a bit of medical knowledge, think that could come in handy when people get hurt/sick? If I am in Rick/Shane's shoes Jenner is coming with us even if we have to knock him out and drag him. Yes its wrong to kidnap people, but the whole point of this show is that the old rules dont apply now, its the apocalypse people! Im not going to mistreat him, but his knowledge is something we have to have.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpokera View Post
    I agree the idea was for the momentary flash of hope of them being living people followed by the shock of them being zombies. That being said, I dont think there was a need for them to be sitting perfectly to accomplish the same thing. They could have easily been slumped forward across the pews and still would have been just as effective I think. This is still nitpicking IMO though and I am perfectly willing to suspend disbelief on small points like this on such a well made show.
    I agree that we're nitpicking here, but if the zombies were slumped over and more lifeless looking, the audience would probably be more inclined to think that something is wrong right off the bat. Anyway, I don't mean to harp on this particular nitpick. It was far from my biggest issue with the episode.
    Last edited by Vulture Lives; 17-Oct-2011 at 11:11 PM. Reason: Grammar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mpokera View Post
    As for the Dale/Andrea debate I have to weigh in on Dale's side here. I understand Andrea's point and her feelings but I believe suicide to be a selfish option and a mortal sin in any case, and in the situation they are in? Where only a very small number of people remain anyway as far as they know? We are talking about the very survival of the species here, for someone to just 'check out' is the most selfish thing they could possibly do. Andrea is a vital capable member of the party and the rest of them count on her, not just Dale. The dynamic between the two of them seems way different than the comic as he does seem to feel much more paternally toward her.
    Now that being said, I agree that they should have felt just the same toward the others wanting to just stay and die, even Jenner. He was a scientist, with certainly quite a bit of medical knowledge, think that could come in handy when people get hurt/sick? If I am in Rick/Shane's shoes Jenner is coming with us even if we have to knock him out and drag him. Yes its wrong to kidnap people, but the whole point of this show is that the old rules dont apply now, its the apocalypse people! Im not going to mistreat him, but his knowledge is something we have to have.
    So what you're saying then is: "In the wake of society's collapse, the ends justify the means, and the only rules/taboos that matter are the ones you feel should go on mattering, and are quite willing to use FORCE to MAKE others abide by your rules/taboos.

    Andrea WAS a vital and capable member of the group. Now she's just Dale's pet. Her right to choose for herself no longer exists, and she's been forced into dependance on the others since they've disarmed her and made her rely on people she wants to leave at the first opportunity.

    You can't FORCE someone to "Opt In" for "the good of the species." You can do your best to persuade them to go on, but once you begin forcing people to go on against their will you're doing it to serve your needs, not what's in their interests. Dressing it up as being "for the survival of the species" is just a justification. The bottom line of what you expressed is this: "If someone is useful to me and mine, we will use force to make them continue to live as our indentured servants, because we need their know-how or the increase in productivity their presence gives us."

    Helluva way to save the species. Assuming you survive the rise and fall of the undead, long before the zombies are finished you will have created a huge slave-class out of all those who don't want to go on that you think you can get some productivity out of. History is on your side however, since enslaving those with less firepower than yourself has lead societies to centuries of vastly increased productivity. Of course it's a sin....but hey, not a sin you think is important to avoid right?

    Slippery slope eh?

  13. #28
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Great start to the season! I really liked how most of the characters were given the spotlight and not just reserved to the background.

    Daryl helping T-Dogg was a great example on how smart and tactical he really is. He's not just a dumb racist redneck. I'm really looking forward to where his character goes this season.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  14. #29
    Just been bitten bd2999's Avatar

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    I liked the episode quite a bit. Everything seems to be going pretty well overall in regards to the show.

    I do agree with some here saying Andrea was being a bit of a you know what. They were caught offguard so her initial surprise is ok, although probably not totally inexcusable. Others could not warn anyone because the threat of everyone dying. It was panic on her part to try to keep putting the gun together in the bathroom while the ghoul wandered around outside. If she could not get it together when all was calm now was not the time to try. It was the time to hide and hope that you were not found. She got herself caught and nearly killed everyone. She was making to much noise anyway with her screams. Dale did save her, or at least give her a chance with the screwdriver. If the gun was together I think she would have shot the zombie and it would have been the end of her and everyone.

    So I think Dale was in the right to a point there, she does not seem that responsible with a firearm. That said she has a right to be mad at him for stopping her from killing herself. I guess if that is what she wanted he should not have stopped her. But at the same time that is a very final decision to make, down the line she will likely thank Dale for keeping her alive. Even if now she does not. Even if she never does it does not give her the right to potentially take everyone's life in her hands and kill them all because she wants to die. I honestly think they should just give her a gun and tell her to go off if she wants to die that badly.

    I think gun training would be best for everyone, at least the ones who are not used to using them. What are the chances they could get a head shot unless something is right up on them? Good episode.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post

    Helluva way to save the species. Assuming you survive the rise and fall of the undead, long before the zombies are finished you will have created a huge slave-class out of all those who don't want to go on that you think you can get some productivity out of. History is on your side however, since enslaving those with less firepower than yourself has lead societies to centuries of vastly increased productivity. Of course it's a sin....but hey, not a sin you think is important to avoid right?

    Slippery slope eh?
    Yes, its a terribly slippery slope, I agree. And all of your points are quite valid Wraith, what I was trying to get at is what I feel is a central theme of the comics. How much Rick is forced to abandon the old societal norms, many times being forced into choices that would have been considered wrong, maybe even evil in order to keep his charges alive with a chance. How much he finds himself being forced to turn into something he hates because he is the one always forced to make the hard choices.

    As for the marginilization of Andrea, or 'Dale's Pet' as you say, I completely disagree with Dale withholding her gun, I never said I supported that part, and I think Shane was wrong to take his side without at least getting more information. She certainly had ample opportunity to use the gun on herself before that point anyway, and I agree he certainly had no right to keep her personal gun from her, certainly not without discussing it with the other members of the group which is what he should have done if he had concerns in that area, why did he just now decide this?

    The idea of a 'huge slave class' is ludicrous by the way, the whole point is that there is only a very small amount of people left now, and if someone is totally dedicated to leaving or 'opting out' by suicide there will certainly be ample opportunities for that. But I dont think anyone can be allowed to make a spur of the moment decision like that in this situation.

    Accepting the role of leader of a band such as that in a horrible situation like that means that one will have to make horrible decisions sometimes. Again I think it is the very nature of what makes the show so entertaining, sure zombies are awesome, but its seeing the people being forced through horrific situations that no one should ever have to be in and watching them try to survive while retaining as much humanity as they can.


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