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Thread: TWD 2x01 "What Lies Ahead" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #106

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    I agree JDFP (about the longer posting, I mean. I respect for you it.),
    I thank you for your kind words, and it means a good deal to someone in my situation to know my voice is heard and at times appreciated, or even helpful. I'll also say that I respect the MANNER in which you express yourself, even when you are vehemently disagreeing with someone, a great deal.

    I'll try to address my responses point-by-point as you have.

    I. The Individual's Right of Self-Determination Vs. The Needs of the Many Outweighing that Right:
    JDFP: I get what you're saying on this issue. In other words, you're basically saying "Desperate times call for desperate measures." It's the same basis as the premise for imposing Martial Law on a society in distress. However, our Founding Fathers (some at least, and maybe more that we simply don't retain documentation on) vehemently disagreed with this premise. Benjamin Franklin was the most eloquent of these, printing in his famous Poor Richards Almanac "A society willing to sacrifice freedom for security deserves neither."

    That's an intellectual disagreement though. Here's what I feel personally: Should "the Many" get what they need by "suspending" the individual's right to choose for themselves even once, the Many will soon find justification to "suspend" personal liberty again to get what they need, and then again, and again, and again. Until finally the Many no longer even bother to pretend They are "suspending" this or that individual's freedoms, and at last do away with the very notion that ANY INDIVIDUAL has a RIGHT to their personal liberty. Oh yes, the Many may well survive the Apocalypse by resorting to these means. By then, however, the MANY will have become something that....if it were within MY power, I would PERSONALLY consign to extinction and RIGHTFULLY SO. Why? Because the Many have become nothing but a mass of bodies dominated by, and dominating ALL OTHER BY mob-rule. In other words, the lowest sort of tyranny. The kind the French have GOOD REASON to refer to in their history as The Terror.

    Suspension of personal liberty for group needs, taken to its logical conclusion leads only to the DESTRUCTION of all liberty and freedom of any sort that makes the individual secure in their person.

    I'll continue this later. My back is KILLING ME, and I don't see a Save Draft function.

    II. The Dale and Andrea conflict:
    JDFP, I respect your right to your own opinion and would even fight to defend your right to have that opinion. HOWEVER, as someone who sacrificed HIS FUTURE to save a young woman from irreparable emotional/psychological harm and in all likelihood her actual life by taking on all FOUR of her would-be-gang-rapists late one night at a LARPing Convention alone, I possess the moral authority as someone who's "been there, done that" to say the following:

    You CANNOT and SHOULD NOT FORCE what you consider to be "saving" on another human being. Furthermore, if the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are self-evident as we as a society have agreed they are, and a great many of our forefathers fought, lost their futures (As I have, though not in service nearly as exalted as theirs), and died to defend, then implicit in those last two rights is the RIGHT of the Individual to die on terms of their own choosing in the event such choice is made with a sound mind, and that choice is being made to escape a fate WORSE than simple death.

    Andrea was not hysterical. She was not exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, a Major Depressive Episode (this one I'm INTIMATELY familiar with), or any other psychological pathology that the law recognizes as rendering an individual "not of sound mind, or a danger to themselves or others". Now, before you seize on that 2nd part, let me say that just as in your opinion the extraordinary circumstances occurring in TWD-world justify otherwise unjustifiable acts, I believe the EXTREMELY HIGH and DAILY threat of being EATEN ALIVE by 1 or more unnatural monsters for so long as her natural life continues, constitutes more than sufficient justification for an individual choosing to die instantly, painlessly, and at a time of their own choosing.

    I do not accept, and if necessary would fight to the death until my very last breath any attempt to deny someone their Right to Die under such circumstances. In our world of therapy, courses of medication to control mental pathologies alone or as supplement to such therapy, and a society 99.85% free of the danger of being torn apart and eaten alive. In OUR world, the case can be made that "self-euthanasia" is NOT JUSTIFIABLE, on the SOLE GROUNDS that reasonable alternatives and methods of relieving daily suffering are available. In the event they are not (such as in the cases of those afflicted with terminal and/or quality-of-life-destroying disease) I believe the Right to Die is valid, humane and moral.

    How can I say this, yet claim to believe in God, Christ and His/Their Word? This is how: The Bible describes a Suicide as "a sentry deserting their post." In the event the Sentry is dying, or about to become incapable of taking any positive action due to the aforementioned diseases, the Sentry is ALREADY ABSENT from their post.

    In other words: I do not believe the loving God I put my faith in would demand I lay in a bed being diapered and changed when I unknowingly soil myself as I lay twitching, insensible and moaning in unremitting agony that has destroyed whatever remnants of Self the disease did not, for the next 50 years of my life.

    Do you JDFP? Does anyone?

    I'm glad we agree on the issue of Dale stealing Andrea's gun, and will have more to say about that later in the Bloodletting Thread.

    Courteously awaiting your reply.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 24-Oct-2011 at 02:44 AM. Reason: Continuing my reply from earlier.

  2. #107

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    i completely lack things like empathy & compassion for other people and there are emotions that you take for granted that i cannot even experience and probably wouldn't recognize even if i did. i also cannot feel the reciprocation of emotion back from other people most of the time. that's the worst part of the entire thing.
    Merle is definitely a sociopath and would be the downfall of any group he was attached to. Unless it were a group of other people of the same mindset, but that would be more like a pack of scavengers than an actual group. Everyone would be out for themselves only, they'd act on impulse and put themselves and others at risk for little to no gain. That group would not make it far at all because everyone would throw the person next to them under the bus until there's only 1 left. Then that person would end up making an impulsive decision that would be their downfall.

    1 thing about this group though for being survivors, they can't scrounge for shit! That freeway had cars with full luggage racks, SUV's packed with supplies, they barely take anything it seems. It takes Shane a little while to realize there might be water in that truck. Doesn't Shane have a military background? There's no scouts, nobody knows what to do when separated, seems like nobody is thinking.

  3. #108
    Chasing Prey

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    What a phenomenal opening to the second season. Very creepy, suspenseful, very well done indeed.

    Seems I've rucked up at the end of this very existentialist, philosophical discussion on this episode which I can't be bothered to read, so I'll leave it there. Good episode, character motivations again seem pretty spot on, no annoying antagonists using wafer thin justifications to move the plot forward - it's a dream really, taking everything Romero has done and moving it into it's much needed modern space.
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  4. #109
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Zombie View Post

    I just remember the church bells!!! tell me how the hell that sound system would be going off when there's no power?! Inconsistencies much?
    Not sure why there was power for the church bells. Perhaps I was still dizzy wondering why a methodist church would have JC on its cross inside the church. Methodist churches display a simple cross without the figure of JC upon it. When the TWD writers drop the ball, they usually do so like a football player who just scored a touchdown in the end zone. Wow!
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 24-Oct-2011 at 09:32 PM. Reason: ed
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  5. #110
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Someone else mentioned that Dr. Jennar should have been knocked out and dragged out of the place if necessary. I agree and I applauded at the comment.
    Glad to hear at least one person agrees with me on this! And took to the time to spell out the same reasons I gave but in greater detail, thanks and I agree totally.

    As for Dale and Andrea, again I think him taking and keeping her gun was totally out of line. As for manipulating her out of the CDC, totally different matter. Suicide isnt even allowed in present times folks. Try telling a police officer you are planning to go home and kill yourself and see what happens. They will certainly prevent you, including if necessary taking away your precious freedom to choose, "for your own good". And thats in a world where there are way too many people already, the situation they are dealing with is approx. 10,254,741,415 times worse! I think, as stated before, the only mistake was in only coercing Andrea and leaving the other two.

  6. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpokera View Post
    Glad to hear at least one person agrees with me on this! And took to the time to spell out the same reasons I gave but in greater detail, thanks and I agree totally.

    As for Dale and Andrea, again I think him taking and keeping her gun was totally out of line. As for manipulating her out of the CDC, totally different matter. Suicide isnt even allowed in present times folks. Try telling a police officer you are planning to go home and kill yourself and see what happens. They will certainly prevent you, including if necessary taking away your precious freedom to choose, "for your own good". And thats in a world where there are way too many people already, the situation they are dealing with is approx. 10,254,741,415 times worse! I think, as stated before, the only mistake was in only coercing Andrea and leaving the other two.
    Under NORMAL circumstances, one would attempt to prevent another's suicide. As far as Dr. Jennar and (almost) Andrea who are hopelessly trapped in a world infested with hungry walkers, I would think that it should be totally their choice whether to check out or not. Their choices are between a quick virtually painless death and a slower terribly agonizing one. Dale only rescued Andrea because HE couldn't bare for her to check out. He wasn't rescuing her for her own sake. Just my opinion of course.
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  7. #112
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Just re-watching 1-3 in anticipation of the 4th series...

    What happened to the boat/canoe that was on top of the RV in Series 1? It was still there when they left the CDC...

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzbomb View Post
    Just re-watching 1-3 in anticipation of the 4th series...

    What happened to the boat/canoe that was on top of the RV in Series 1? It was still there when they left the CDC...
    Maybe they ditched it to trim some of the fat from the RV to save weight?

    It's a shame that not every single bit of deleted footage was included on the DVD set - we saw a glimpse of it in the season 2 comic-con trailer (with Shane running from a horde of walkers, shooting his shotgun, on a highway). Perhaps it was shown in there somewhere - maybe it fell off?

    I should have my Blu-Ray of season 3 shortly (first time getting TWD in HD), so I'm looking forward to giving that another spin (I did seasons 1 and 2 again in the last couple of weeks).

  9. #114
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    It's a shame that not every single bit of deleted footage was included on the DVD set - we saw a glimpse of it in the season 2 comic-con trailer (with Shane running from a horde of walkers, shooting his shotgun, on a highway). Perhaps it was shown in there somewhere - maybe it fell off?
    Supposedly, they were going to go back to the Vatos but quickly learned that they had been overrun by the walkers. Shane running and the scene where Rick says "To hell with the noise" before firing his gun were all filmed there but was scrapped and they went straight to the highway for the 2x1 opener.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Supposedly, they were going to go back to the Vatos but quickly learned that they had been overrun by the walkers. Shane running and the scene where Rick says "To hell with the noise" before firing his gun were all filmed there but was scrapped and they went straight to the highway for the 2x1 opener.
    Aye I know that stuff, but my point is that not all of that footage makes it into the Deleted Scenes section of the DVD. Some of it does, but not all it (such as Shane with his shotgun running from the walkers on the road - seen in the trailer, not seen in the show or the deleted scenes). I wonder why.


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