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Thread: Idiots in the cinema...

  1. #16
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    That is why I watched the first early showing of The Thing prequel. I figured most idoits would either be at school, home, eating lunch, or work. There was probably about 30 + adults and most seemed like older people. Gen X and Baby Boomers.

  2. #17
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    *i never before or since lost my shit, but i was a huge kevin smith fan at the time and really, really wanted to see that movie.
    Good to hear you lost all that weight.

    I've had my share of assholes, and my share of telling people to shut the fuck up or else.
    I'm starting to get to where being louder than the offender works as well. If they can't hear their phone call they go outside to finish the chat.
    Lately we've been seeing some movies after they've been out awhile. We're usually the only ones there. Me likeys...

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Whenever I go to the cinema, I attend matinees - it's a bit cheaper (although it's all just bloody expensive these days), and you don't get any gloyts.

    Bassman - it all depends, like anywhere I guess, what cinema you attend, where, and when - the one I often go to is in Wales, and in a part of Wales that is often joked about for being a bit rough, and yet it's incredibly rare for anyone to cause a modicum of grief in the theatre. Not to say it hasn't happened, but in my personal experience - for which I'm most certainly grateful as a film fan - I've never really had any bother with idiots.

    At most there was one time, I think Pineapple Express, and there was this double date going on a few rows back, with the two lads on either side of the two girls - and the girls wouldn't shut the fuck up nattering and chuckling at anything and everything that wasn't funny from the first advert to the end credits ... fortunately, the speakers were so loud that I couldn't hear them for 95% of the movie.

    What annoys me though, are the people who insist on getting a hotdog covered in onions and mustard and all that rank crap - it stinks out the entire theatre, and barely anyone buys a hotdog, so it's a special kind of idiot who buys one - at cinema prices - and offends the olifactory senses of everyone else.

    A funny one way back - seeing Doomsday - was this guy who commented something like "have you got it up loud enough?" when the film first began, because it was ridiculously fucking loud - I've never heard a film so loud in a theatre so small. Now, everyone laughed at that, but then the guy got cocky and thought he was a comedian, and he made two more comments along a similar line in quick succession, but nobody laughed and his ego was thus returned to its previous station ... which made me smile again.


    However - I did recently experience a very annoying audience experience, but not at the cinema; in fact it was in Edinburgh during the Festival, and I'd gone to see one of the 'Best of the Fest' events (one hour, five different acts, and a compere). Now, in the row directly in front of us there was this group ... maybe a family, or maybe two couples ... anyway, throughout the entire show practically, they wouldn't shut the fuck up amongst themselves. Going to get a drink became a massive ordeal, they kept telling jokes mongst themselves (AS A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL COMEDIAN IS DOING HIS SET ON STAGE NOT 50ft AWAY) ... boy, was I getting pissed.

    Everytime I was getting close to being decidedly un-British about the whole thing, they'd shut up, but then they'd get going again later and blimey - I was a nano-second away from leaning over the guy's shoulder to say "excuse me, but we all paid to listen to professionals, not a bunch of cunts, now shut the fuck up" - but the show ended. I was extremely close to telling them off, and I wish I had ... although I did make sure I said on the way out to who I was there with "the twats in front of us wouldn't shut the fuck up" or something like that, whilst said twats were behind us on the way out ... but I do wish I'd told them off now. In fact one of them looked remarkably like an American actor - although it wasn't the actual person - but the resemblance was quite striking from my viewpoint.

    The show itself was surprisingly unruly though - and not in a good way where everyone is laughing together - rather, many people seemed more intent on getting their fourth drink and making a lot of noise doing so, rather than watching the actual fucking show. The line-up wasn't as good as the one in 2010 though, but that's not an excuse ... thankfully when we went to see Ed Byrne later on the crowd was great and respectful of each other (and there was alcohol served there too - but everyone was much more polite about everyone else having a good time too).

    They were kind of young-middle-aged and seemingly upper-middle-class, so it wasn't about not wanting to get my head kicked in or anything, but I am a very polite sort of person day-to-day ... although if pushed far enough, I'll fucking explode ... it's only happened a couple of times, and I'm not proud of it. For instance, in first year uni living in res, two of my housemates came back drunk and one of them smashed my window trying to get my attention for some stupid reason - and I was in a foul mood anyway at the time - and I. FUCKING. BLEW. UP. I've not since felt a rush of adrenaline and fury like it. I shouted my head off until my voice literally just cut out, and - the part that really disturbed me and for which I was really sorry the following morning - all the girls in the hall (who naturally came out of their rooms to see what was going on) were genuinely scared. I was quite disturbed by that ... but then on the other hand, I did manage to stun the stone thrower (who's about a foot taller than me) so much that he thought he was going to get chucked out of halls. That part made me chuckle a bit ... however, unintentionally scaring four very concerned female friends of mine was something that shocked me and something that I've always regretted - indeed I never saw the reaction coming, but I was in a very foul mood that was quite persistent at the time that I'd been bottling up, so it just all came out that night.

    Point being - if I'm pushed far enough, I'm liable to go absolutely fucking mental ... thankfully it's only happened a couple of times in my life.

    Blimey ... got a bit deep there.

    Where was I? Oh yeah, noisy twats in cinemas/theatres ... aye, they're twats, and deserve the collective wrath of the audience. I don't understand people who go to a cinema or theatre - PAY to go as well - and then do everything they can to ignore what they've paid for. These people should not be allowed to breed.

  4. #19
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post

    And also the fact that good manners and respect for our fellow human beings are some kind of arcane magic that escapes the grasp of most people these days.

    Going to the movies used to be a treat, something I looked forward to, I haven't been to the pictures for around a decade now though, I'd rather wait for something I can watch at home on my own terms in peace and quiet.
    i am still lured out to the cinema from time to time. i saw "the thing" recently and took my 5 year old to see "cars2" over the summer.

    what most folks are saying about time is spot on. if you go early in the day, you can almost guarantee peace and quiet. hell, when "land" came out, i went to a 2pm showing of it on a tues. afternoon and fuck, it was like having a private showing of the film. i remember that because i took the day off of work specifically to see "land" (first romero zombie flick in eons, etc.).
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #20
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    I just saw 30 Minutes or Less again at the $2.50 theater...
    Well, my kid was with me.
    Sorry, even if I had all that fancy schmancy equipment to watch movies at home, I'd still go. I like the experience. You just gotta know when and where to go. Friday nights are the big hangout night for the tweeners around here. When I go on Fridays, I either see a rated R movie so they can't get in, or suck it up and get baked enough that I don't even notice them.
    My wife likes to shush them. This only starts a chorus echo of shushing that ends in giggles and my wife further pissed. Kind of funny, actually.

  6. #21
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    The midnight premiere I went to was Tron Legacy and many of those attending, like me, had been waiting a good 20+ years for this sequel to come out. Any rowdy morons disrupting the movie would have probably experienced a real life derezzing by 50-100 angry users.

  7. #22
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    The midnight premiere I went to was Tron Legacy and many of those attending, like me, had been waiting a good 20+ years for this sequel to come out. Any rowdy morons disrupting the movie would have probably experienced a real life derezzing by 50-100 angry users.
    *high five*

    Incidentally, did you see it in 2D or 3D? I went to see it in 3D, however the effect was minimal at best - I loved the movie - but the 3D was rubbish.

  8. #23
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Never had a single ounce of trouble in a cinema. That said, Irish cinema audiences are usually rather quiet. People rarely even walk out!

    Honestly, I don't get out to the flicks much these days though, as the quality of the product is generally bloody awful. Might go along an see 'The Thing'. It's not out here til December though! I may have interwebbed by then.
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  9. #24
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    *high five*

    Incidentally, did you see it in 2D or 3D? I went to see it in 3D, however the effect was minimal at best - I loved the movie - but the 3D was rubbish.
    Since I only go to movies that I really want to see, it happens only maybe once every 2 years. Up until this point I had only experienced the old red/blue glasses type 3d, so I splurged $17 and went to the real 3d screening. It just gave increased depth to the picture in some scenes and I didn't feel any of the much touted immersion that movies filmed with this technique are supposed to have.

    As for the plot, I was very disappointed that Tron had very little to do with the story. I really wished it would have covered the time period after the first movie up until Flynn disappeared. A retro 80's atmosphere would have been fun to see again.

  10. #25
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    *high five*

    Incidentally, did you see it in 2D or 3D? I went to see it in 3D, however the effect was minimal at best - I loved the movie - but the 3D was rubbish.
    I own the movie in 3D (a side by side 3D...need to get the blu-ray for Dual Stream 3D...). I don't know the cinema version personally, but I found the 3D in the home side by side version to be pretty good. It certainly beat out Alice's 3D (the 40% which was shot natively in 3D of course) which was horrid.

    I thought it was quite effective, bearing in mind that the world we were seeing was inside another world....whereas something like Avatar was an outside the paralaxing thing was far more reserved, and I believe, in keeping with the idealogy of the movie. Personally I thought it was reall effective.

    Never seen a 3D film at cinema though. Last film I saw at cinema was Bruno.....I hate the cinema, too expensive, and too many idiots like the ones mentioned here...and it's too loud.
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  11. #26
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    The movie theater is the bane of my existence because of modern technology. You can't go to a movie today and not notice that at least several people are texting throughout the film (like it can't wait? In my day we had to wait to get home to call someone about the freakin movie and its still my day and i still effin wait) and then there's the teenagers that act like jackasses screaming at the seemingly scary parts that aren't and gabbing and maybe the couple is in there cooing each other... euuw...

    Worst times in theater:

    Avatar... I was sitting on the aisle seat and there was barely a seat to be had in the joint... this lady shows up and the movies starting and her family is all standing there like fools and she just audibly says 'well if these freaking people would just all move over' ... and then her husband took a call on his cell phone... I wasn't seeing Avatar because I'm a fan of the genre really so I just sat there and 'people watched' but yeah that lady ticked me off...

    I was watching I don't remember what movie but it was getting towards the end and I remember this intense buildup towards finding out all the details and stuff and maybe there was like fifteen minutes to go when in walks two of the ushers waiting to clean the theater and they stood at the bottom texting and bitching about the ending and totally gave away the ending... well yeah I got up and curtly told them to stfu and whatever but I mean come on... what kind of jackass works at a theater and does that?

    And of course there's just multiple random times when I've been at the theater and someone takes a call or whatever that just irks me but whatever... be the change you want to see in the world seems to be a notion of the past... where the hell did manners and courtesies go?
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  12. #27
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Never had a single ounce of trouble in a cinema. That said, Irish cinema audiences are usually rather quiet. People rarely even walk out!
    They're probably all passed out...


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