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Thread: The Walking Dead - Does anyone else...

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    This is is more tough then a piss flavored popsicle. I love it. ONE DAY before the first episode of season 2 was about to prem. My cable was downgraded and wasnt eligable for AMC. I conceded defeat and rented it on zune.

  2. #17

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    Yea I'll give TWD the title of Best TV Show at present. I really liked a lot of the Battlestar Galactica remake, but some of the existential stuff surrounding Cylon beliefs/motivations, and the convoluted nature of the human-model Cylons origin didn't really do a lot for me, but I concede that's more a personal taste issue. Even the stuff I didn't much care for in the remake I recognize as being well-made. Their casting choice for Adama was PERFECT for the grimmer more dramatic/edgy direction they chose to go in.

    I'm still up in the air about which is my favorite Zombie movie. Some days I think Original Dawn, but others I swing toward Savini's Night-remake. Day was fairly good, and liked it much better than Original NotLD, but never understood the people who its their #1 Zombie Movie of All Time. Then again, I actually like/enjoy SOME of the Resident Evil movies, so my taste is certainly suspect. (For the record: RE #1: Good, RE #2: All right/sometimes re-watchable, RE #3: Good (except for the whole Alice-as-psychic thing, though the scene where she firestorms the undead crows IS cool)). The last RE movie made me want to bleach the long-term memory section of my brain.

    I just wish that they'd do larger seasons than like 6-8 for TWD. 6 Episodes over 1 @ 1/2 months, with a 10-10 @ 1/2 month gap until the next season IMO kills off creative momentum. When the viewer is taken out of the show's happenings for nearly a year at a time it (IMHO) damages one's ability to fully immerse in the viewing experience overall. However, it is what it is, and I certainly don't want to reanimate the beaten-to-a-pulp dead horse that is/was the debate about TWD season-size.

  3. #18
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they filmed 13 episodes for this season; 7 to air before until the holidays (dec. & jan.) and then the other 6 afterwards.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 02-Nov-2011 at 11:02 PM. Reason: ed
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  4. #19
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    that's the last thing i heard, also. a midseason break is still needless time between episodes, if you ask me....unless they are planning on having a mini-finale lined up to take care of a certain issue fans of the TWD comics are probably anxious to see.

    here's the way i see it going down (major spoilers for those unaware of the story from the comics, click at your own risk):

    mid season finale: death of shane
    season finale: discovery of the prison

  5. #20
    Fresh Meat Mr. Blue's Avatar

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    I'm still up in the air about which is my favorite Zombie movie. Some days I think Original Dawn, but others I swing toward Savini's Night-remake. Day was fairly good, and liked it much better than Original NotLD, but never understood the people who its their #1 Zombie Movie of All Time. Then again, I actually like/enjoy SOME of the Resident Evil movies, so my taste is certainly suspect. (For the record: RE #1: Good, RE #2: All right/sometimes re-watchable, RE #3: Good (except for the whole Alice-as-psychic thing, though the scene where she firestorms the undead crows IS cool)). The last RE movie made me want to bleach the long-term memory section of my brain.

    Lmao, I totally agree with you on the last Resident Evil movie. I'm just glad I didn't waste any money at the theater for it. Overall though, I do enjoy the Resident Evil movies.

  6. #21
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue View Post
    I'm still up in the air about which is my favorite Zombie movie. Some days I think Original Dawn, but others I swing toward Savini's Night-remake. Day was fairly good, and liked it much better than Original NotLD, but never understood the people who its their #1 Zombie Movie of All Time. Then again, I actually like/enjoy SOME of the Resident Evil movies, so my taste is certainly suspect. (For the record: RE #1: Good, RE #2: All right/sometimes re-watchable, RE #3: Good (except for the whole Alice-as-psychic thing, though the scene where she firestorms the undead crows IS cool)). The last RE movie made me want to bleach the long-term memory section of my brain.

    Lmao, I totally agree with you on the last Resident Evil movie. I'm just glad I didn't waste any money at the theater for it. Overall though, I do enjoy the Resident Evil movies.
    I think it can drive zombie fans nuts trying to decide which zombie flick was their ultimate favorite. Personal taste will vary as each film has its good and bad parts; scenes that are compelling only to be followed by scenes that are not. A flick that can establish a compelling premise and solid storyline early on, then maintain momentum for the majority of the movie will do well with its fan base.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 04-Nov-2011 at 09:46 PM. Reason: ed
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  7. #22
    Fresh Meat Mr. Blue's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarr View Post
    I think it can drive zombie fans nuts trying to decide which zombie flick was their ultimate favorite. Personal taste will vary as each film has its good and bad parts; scenes that are compelling only to be followed by scenes that are not. A flick that can establish a compelling premise and solid storyline early on, then maintain momentum for the majority of the movie will do well with its fan base.
    I really think my favorite zombie movie is the original Night of the Living Dead. It was just so creepy, and the other movies out there hasn't really matched the creepy factor for me. I enjoy most all zombie movies... well, I am gonna have to re-watch Survival of the Dead. I fell asleep a couple of times on that one... lol!!! The Walking Dead has come very close to the creepy factor I am looking for.

  8. #23
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I concur, good sir. I'd rank it along with the new "Battlestar Galactica" as being one of the finest television shows of the last 20 years. In my opinion, it's the finest zombie and horror-related thing to have happened since the greatest zombie and horror film ever made came out in 1985.

    Agreed! However, just curious, have you seen theFord Brothers' The Dead? I think you will love it. It is way more tense than TWD. Love that show as well BTW.

  9. #24

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    If you watch the extended behind the scenes clips on youtube, Gale Anne Hurd says that they're doing 13 episode seasons from now on. We're only 3 episodes in right now, 4th is tomorrow. So there's gonna be some shit to come within the next 9 weeks.
    Mr. Blue, where abouts in central IL? I'm here in the Lasalle-Peru area.

  10. #25
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    babomb I see your in Lasalle, Peru area...I am from North Carolina but I lived in Lasalle...well actually de pue for 3 years back in the 90's. I drove a truck for a company right near the Sapp Bros Truck Stop. I used to go to Lasalle and Bureau County speedway every southern accent worked the charm on the ladies up there..

  11. #26

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    That's awesome ZS!!! I actually live in Spring Valley, born and raised here, graduated from Hall HS in 94. I just always say the L-P area since more people are familiar with it than Bureau cty . I go to the speedway a few times a year. My girlfriend is from Depue. Did you used to go to the Silver Dome? I'm sure you went to the boat races, I still go although they aren't what they used to be.
    Was it DD you drove for? I forget what the other trucking company is. I know there's also Dohrn, I have a few friends that drive for them. That's crazy that there's someone here who knows what a shithole I come from!!! hahaha
    Last edited by babomb; 06-Nov-2011 at 03:44 PM. Reason: .

  12. #27
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Agreed! However, just curious, have you seen theFord Brothers' The Dead? I think you will love it. It is way more tense than TWD. Love that show as well BTW.
    I did see it. I thought it was decent and better than most zombie efforts but it just didn't do too much for me. Honestly, I thought there were too many zombies. Aren't they supposed to be near the Saharan desert? I didn't know there were that many people every where you go in the Sahara - with the number of zombies constantly around you would think they are in the suburbs of a major metropolitan area.

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  13. #28
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    I drove for JCJ/MCT...the company owner lived in Spring Valley...Jerry DaFoe, his brother Steve DaFoe and me used to run around and hit all the bars..For anyone who doesnt know Per Capita L-P used to have more bars per person than anywhere in the USA...and more divorces per capita also...LOL. I wound up bringing a girl back to North Carolina with me but we still get back to visit every now and then...Her family is in Ladd and mendota.

  14. #29
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    TWD is awesome, but I usually feel absolutely physically and emotionally drained after watching Breaking Bad, just incredible, possibly the most intense TV show I have ever seen (praying that Season 5 doesn't drop the ball with so much already tied up/resolved).

    As for nBSG, loved it, bought the whole series on DVD then upgraded to BD when I got my BD player.

    Edit: Welcome to HPOTD, Mr Blue, stick around, you'll get used to the inmates in no time!

    -- -------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue View Post
    I'm still up in the air about which is my favorite Zombie movie. Some days I think Original Dawn, but others I swing toward Savini's Night-remake. Day was fairly good, and liked it much better than Original NotLD, but never understood the people who its their #1 Zombie Movie of All Time. Then again, I actually like/enjoy SOME of the Resident Evil movies, so my taste is certainly suspect. (For the record: RE #1: Good, RE #2: All right/sometimes re-watchable, RE #3: Good (except for the whole Alice-as-psychic thing, though the scene where she firestorms the undead crows IS cool)). The last RE movie made me want to bleach the long-term memory section of my brain.

    Lmao, I totally agree with you on the last Resident Evil movie. I'm just glad I didn't waste any money at the theater for it. Overall though, I do enjoy the Resident Evil movies.
    You'll find a lot of love for "Night 1990" on here, I have no shame in admitting that watch and enjoy it far more than the original

    As for the Resi flicks - Turn off brain and don't expect too much and they are boss movies.
    Last edited by Legion2213; 06-Nov-2011 at 10:23 PM. Reason: Forgot my manners.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  15. #30
    Fresh Meat Mr. Blue's Avatar

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    Lol Legion, thanks!!! I can't believe over the years I haven't seen NOTLD 1990... I admit it is strange.


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