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Thread: Alert: EBS Test for 9 Nov. 2011

  1. #16
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    here it is 7:20pm and no martial law, no nullification of the constitution, none of the crazy and quite ignorant shit that the usual paranoid morons run on about.

    when even a simple test of the emergency broadcast system can cause such paranoia and fear in some people, it is really time to take a step back and think about how people can get so frigging wrapped up in this kind of govt. "conspiracy" business.

    i don't believe in any sort of govt. "conspiracies" - period. folks who do are either seriously mentally ill or just plain stupid. just think about the simple, straightforward things govts. fuck up all the time. given that, we are expected to believe that the same bureaucratic morons are capable of keeping and engaging in secret conspiracies, some spanning decades? puh-leeze.

    I never get how the states is full of conspiracy theorists who rant about dark rooms and black helicopters like the government is constantly out to get them just because. I would hate to see these people after watching a film like 'this film is not yet rated' theres a flick about the folks who like to manipulate you and they dont need to run for office to do it. Though i suppose thats the point.

  2. #17
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    I never get how the states is full of conspiracy theorists who rant about dark rooms and black helicopters like the government is constantly out to get them just because. I would hate to see these people after watching a film like 'this film is not yet rated' theres a flick about the folks who like to manipulate you and they dont need to run for office to do it. Though i suppose thats the point.
    dude true story here:

    i used to have a friend who is all wrapped up in this kind of shit. he was never preachy about it, so things were cool between us. we were pretty close friends (put it this way, his brother is my son's god-father), well i went to work for ATF and he instantly stopped being friends with me. seriously. wrote me the most ridiculous e-mail i've ever seen about how he doesn't associate with federal employees or trust them, etc. etc. the whole thing was crazy. after being pissed for like 2 seconds, i laughed my ass off at it because it was just soooo childish and silly. the guy isn't even man enough to explain himself face to face or even over the phone. so, as well as being a paranoid nut, he's a pussy that can't even face up to folks.

    what does the fact that i work for the feds have to do with what kind of person i am? how does that negate the fact that we were friends for years and years?

    i guess in the long run it's a good thing though. someone that fucking stupid, paranoid, and ignorant isn't really worth wasting one's time on anyway.
    Last edited by Mike70; 09-Nov-2011 at 11:55 PM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #18
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Big Brother, here we come...

    I personally think Manson was right, just a few decades off. We's all pawns in the game, baby.

  4. #19
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    I saw the emergency broadcast. Gotta admit I was a bit confused. Lady Gaga was the background music and no actual beep beep noises. Weird much?
    It's kinda embaressed, after all the fuss, I had my TV on mute.
    Besides that, the actually transmission was a 'Blink n You Miss it. " Affair.

    Besides, everyone know ( at least those who watched the X-Files ) that FEMA is the true secret government.

    Wayne Z

    “Extreme times, as they say darlin. “ the senator countered dryly. “And I must say, You look mighty pretty when yer pissed off. “

    “Damn Yank Pride. “ she giggled, though not without following it with a deep sigh. “But still it has it’s time. Especially when we’re preparing to go off the deep end … “

    “Sink or Swim, we’ll go as one nation. “ he conceded with soft certainty, though cut by a cautious undertone. “Of course, when you think you’ve hit bottom, there’s always more bottom. “

    DeadFall; Fools on The Hill

  5. #20
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    I saw it 2:00pm and it was all of 3 seconds long.
    I think it is a good thing for the govt to be able to inform us in a moments notice if anything happens here.
    It wil give us a good "heads up" when the zomb acop happens. LOL j/k
    "This just in to our newsroom: zombies yes ZOMBIES are in the streets attacking the living."
    "Word here is :Shoot em' in the head is what the authorities are saying to do if you come across any zombies." LOL
    Sorry, I HAD to say that it was actually killing me when I saw this thread.


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