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Thread: Batten down the hatches UK folk, its gonna get messy...

  1. #16
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by erisi236 View Post
    Just from an outsiders perspective, I'm dumbfounded that place like Greece and Italy just sit back and take it as their elected Governments are sacked and replaced by unelected technocrats installed by outside powers. Were these countries invaded and annexed while no one was looking? When did the EU morph into the USSR, or was it always that from the start?
    Its sad to see countries like Greece rolling over and taking it like that, I bet their Spartan ancestors are rolling in their graves! Its the same in Britain though, everyone grumbles about the EU and criticism of it fills column space in the papers daily, yet nobody in power from one government to the next will dare challenge it, almost like it has some kind of sinister hold over all politicians. As far as I know the EU hasnt started killing off its opponents so I don't know why!

  2. #17
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    I Think the "hold" the EU has over politicians has alot more to do with backhanders than fear or anything else, you take blair for example.. the man most responsible for sailing our country down the EU river, he is well on his way to being a billionaire now. You look at Cameron, when he was in opposition he was very vocal in his disgust at the way we had been railroaded into the EU and made it clear he would do everything he could to pull us out, now that he is PM he's completely uturned and even refused to back the conservative MP's who did call for a referendum. I bet you alot of EU money is going into his personal pockets now.

    Its unfortunately how the world works.

  3. #18
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Im actually the proudest ive been of david cameron since the election today. He has taken a great step for the UK.

    No doubt if the reds had won the last election instead (god forbid) and brown or millibland where still in power, we would have been 1 very large step further into the european reich.

    Well done cameron

  4. #19
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Can people stop spreading that myth around? Fucking Enemy at the Gates.
    i was kidding Ned. thus the grin at the end of my sentence.

    sort of like if i'd said that the lambda on spartan hoplons stood for "laid back."
    Last edited by Mike70; 09-Dec-2011 at 05:25 PM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #20
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Cameron made a good choice and despite the loud shouting in protest by europhiles, there seems to be a lot of support for his decision from across the political spectrum. Europe (and certain news channels) are spouting that Cameron is now very isolated and alone, but I beg to differ because as far as this decision goes he is definitely not isolated among his own people which is what counts, and is what should have counted over the past 20-30 years when Britains powers and authority were just handed over to Europe by various governments. He isnt as anti-EU as I'd like and in no way a Churchill like figure, but at least he's actually stood up for Britain today which he deserves credit for. Europe will still trade with us despite this, the Germans will want us to carry on buying all their shiny BMW & Mercedes cars, the French will still want to flog us Peugeots, Citreons and Renaults by the thousand, and we will still export all our produce both within the EU and outside of it!

  6. #21
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    I have a facebook page dedicated to this topic, id really appreciate the member numbers if some of you guys could sign up.

  7. #22
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Im actually the proudest ive been of david cameron since the election today. He has taken a great step for the UK.

    No doubt if the reds had won the last election instead (god forbid) and brown or millibland where still in power, we would have been 1 very large step further into the european reich.

    Well done cameron
    is this the story you are on about, andy?

    interesting and i'm not sure i get the whining from some of the papers both inside the UK and outside. the UK doesn't use the friggin' euro, so why should the UK be paying to buck it up???

    i've always thought the main problem with the euro was how can a currency that isn't backed up by a single state's govt. have any long term stability or value? you have countries in the eurozone with giant economies and countries that are two steps away from the third world (OK, that might be an overstatement but i think you can see my point). how can such a mishmash ever succeed?
    Last edited by Mike70; 09-Dec-2011 at 11:42 PM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #23
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Major clusterfuck avoided here, well done Prime Minister.

    Gonna be fun watching these EU leaders sell the idea that their national budgets will be inspected and approved by the EU before their own national Parliaments and MP's have seen them, a lot of countries will (by law) have to go to the ballot box in referendums over this. Also be interesting to see how the fuck the EU is going to punish nations that are already broke with more fines if they don't tow the line.

    The Guardian editorials are spitting blood about Cameron not pissing our sovereignty away to the anti-democratic EU vanity project...fucking hilarious.

    Oh, and they keep banging on about how we will be all "isolated" when the actual reality is that our relationship with Europe is no different than it was 48 hours ago...we still account for a huge amount of their import and export trade and we will continue to do so - Funny how these pro-EU types need to peddle fear and horror stories to try and get people on board...almost like they don't really have anything of real value to tempt us in...

    As for the ordinary European man on the street, if he is from southern Europe he will see levels of austerity that he couldn't imagine in years to come imposed on him by technocrats in Brussels. Poor bastards, I genuinely feel for them because my hatred for the EU is for the institution itself, not the ordinary European folks who are just like the rest of us.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  9. #24
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Gonna be fun watching these EU leaders sell the idea that their national budgets will be inspected and approved by the EU before their own national Parliaments and MP's have seen them, a lot of countries will (by law) have to go to the ballot box in referendums over this.
    if the past is any predictor of the future, the EU will simply ask for vote after vote until it gets the result it wants. it will also resort to all manner of scare tactics and propaganda to convince the average person on the street to back this.

    this whole thing is turning into a complete and total clusterfuck. matter of fact it's beyond a clusterfuck. it's a macrocosmfuck of galactic proportions.

    again, i'm glad to live in north america.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  10. #25
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    I think the European electorate are getting a bit bored of fear mongering EU politicos to be honest. I'm hopefull that the Eucrats will recieve some deeply unpleasnt kicks to the face from individual European nations over the next several months.

    As for us British, our island mentality has seen us through once again...the pro-eu cheerleaders can call us little englanders and all the other nasty names they want, fact is we will exert a greater control over our own destiny than most of our European nieghbours in the long run.

    (now if we were offered a slot as that 51st state people often refer to, I might have to think about it).
    Last edited by Legion2213; 10-Dec-2011 at 01:01 AM. Reason: .
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  11. #26
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    All that is happening right now is the equivalent of paying off a credit card by putting it on a new credit card. It is just delaying the inevitable collapse. Until the crooks that caused this mess have all of their assetts seized and they are put in jail, it will just happen again. If you saw what happened with MF Global, it is just the beginning. These psychopathic money junkies are so well connected that they know they will get off scott free like John Corzine. All roads lead back to Goldman Sachs.

  12. #27
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post

    (now if we were offered a slot as that 51st state people often refer to, I might have to think about it).

    then you'd have to deal with our bullshit as well as that of europe.

    seriously though, i wouldn't mind seeing the US, Canada, and the UK throw their lot in together. call it a sort of north atlantic union or whatever. won't ever frickin' happen but it still makes for an interesting "what if" discussion.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  13. #28
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    All that is happening right now is the equivalent of paying off a credit card by putting it on a new credit card. It is just delaying the inevitable collapse. Until the crooks that caused this mess have all of their assetts seized and they are put in jail, it will just happen again. If you saw what happened with MF Global, it is just the beginning. These psychopathic money junkies are so well connected that they know they will get off scott free like John Corzine. All roads lead back to Goldman Sachs.

    The European project probably would have worked out relatively fine, if various banking sectors had been properly regulated and their dealings accounted for in the first place. Deregulation of these entities was one of the most irresponsible actions that was ever allowed.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #29
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post

    The European project probably would have worked out relatively fine, if various banking sectors had been properly regulated and their dealings accounted for in the first place. Deregulation of these entities was one of the most irresponsible actions that was ever allowed.
    Indeed, they were in so much of a rush to bring in the Euro and "unite" its members that all sensible rules & regulations were brushed aside, then they let countries like Greece, Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria etc in whose economies were bad enough beforehand, and those countries have spent the money contributed by other EU members like it was going out of fashion leading to where we are now. I hated Gordon Brown but the one good thing he did was keep us out of the Euro currency, his reasons for doing so were not to protect Britains interests but just to spite his arch rival Tony Blair, but regardless it kept us out of it which now leaves the UK in a position to defend its own interests outside of the collapsing house of cards.
    Also has anyone else noticed what a spiteful, childish horrible little man the French leader Nicholas Sarkozy is? Its always been apparent but his dealing with Britain throughout this Euro crisis have really highlighted it. He'd do well to remember that a hell of a lot of British (and American) blood was spilt to free his country from the last European takeover bid...
    Last edited by Tricky; 10-Dec-2011 at 10:55 AM. Reason: spelling

  15. #30
    Banned User

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    I see this as a hidden in plain sight move by the various "aristocratic mafia" (also known as political parties or movements)
    to hopefully secure their increasingly shaky futures in the troubled time we have been in for 5 years so far.

    That's jumping to a conclusion that you do not buy the outright fabrication of the media meme that a recovery began in 09 June.

    Rage video interlude nsfw

    THEY will say anything but not until it's been focus groped 30 ways until Sunday!
    If you haven't been paying attention they take turns winning the polls and things never EVER get better : you will not win an office unless you are a "made man" a pre-selected puppet yes-man,IE sociopath (How else can you justify continually rewarding FAILURE with success,BTW has Tony Blair achieved sainthood yet?)

    Ask yourself is it just and right that a man who steals a carton of fags or a turkey from a shoppe get's a 5 years sentence?While a Jon Corzine is only called before some stupid committee (with guarantees of many more FUTURE COMMITTEES which = more $ distributed to the ruling class,to investigate the crimes the original committee should have taken care of?) of his "ex gov't BUDDIES" and former business colleagues and associates for pulling the Tommyknockers "make my brother disappear trick" with who knows how many billion?
    note I do not see this as only a GENETIC flaw in humans,some among us are raised from birth to think this type of
    existence is all "okey dokey mighty fine toe the line,toe the line"

    Things can/will get better by voting for these serpents?
    I think not,not until ordinary people regardless of education or blue blood heritage form new coalitions and legislative or judicial bonds.In other words things won't change until people of all stripes throw all the btards out,take the pitchforks out of the barn and light a torch or gather in the 100's of thousands and cry out the world famous "STOP THE LOOTING AND START PROSECUTING"

    Rah Rah Cameron all you want this is just a blatant reach around move to protect the bankers of "THE CITY"
    (one of several global CENTRAL financial Sodom and Gommorah's) from oncoming taxes and fees on all Eurozone transactions.

    It's a WIN!Increasing victory gin ration from 150 ML to 75ML.

    End Transmission (apologies for formatting site only gave me a 3 line make a post window)
    Last edited by Bad Ronald; 10-Dec-2011 at 11:05 AM. Reason: SNABU


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