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Thread: TWD 2x06 "Secrets" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #31
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    As fun as the scene was with the walking in the chemists, I thought it was daft as hell from the point of view of:-
    a) How did it get in there? The place looked secure!
    b) Why didn't they notice it on earlier visits if it was there all the time?
    c) Why didn't it make any noise before, or at least come into sight earlier. It sort of stinks of the stupid contrived stealth zombies in the Dawn remake. They know how to sneak up on people without being seen, and when not to make noise etc...

    I thought the barn was explained well though. I sort of rolled my eyes a bit at the end of the previous episode. But when (and more importantly how) it was explained why they were keeping them, it seemed fairly viable!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  2. #32
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    Yeah, this episode was MUCH better than the last..and that makes no sense, as Daryl is pretty much the strongest character in the show..weird.
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  3. #33
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    As fun as the scene was with the walking in the chemists, I thought it was daft as hell from the point of view of:-
    a) How did it get in there? The place looked secure!
    b) Why didn't they notice it on earlier visits if it was there all the time?
    c) Why didn't it make any noise before, or at least come into sight earlier. It sort of stinks of the stupid contrived stealth zombies in the Dawn remake. They know how to sneak up on people without being seen, and when not to make noise etc...

    I thought the barn was explained well though. I sort of rolled my eyes a bit at the end of the previous episode. But when (and more importantly how) it was explained why they were keeping them, it seemed fairly viable!
    I liked the barn explanation as well, and wondered where the pharmacy zombie came from as well. I kind of dismissed it as maybe he was in a store room and finally managed to bust out or someone else looted the place in between their run and left the door open... maybe Sophia she is pretty useless so that makes sense

    As for the "guy" in front of the pharmacy, if you watch it it certainly catches your eye even if it is just the horse and other stuff at an angle that makes it look like a person, it had me going "here we go... walkers" of course nothing came of it so I dismissed it until the post here. Still not sure what it is.

  4. #34
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    As fun as the scene was with the walking in the chemists, I thought it was daft as hell from the point of view of:-
    a) How did it get in there? The place looked secure!
    b) Why didn't they notice it on earlier visits if it was there all the time?
    c) Why didn't it make any noise before, or at least come into sight earlier. It sort of stinks of the stupid contrived stealth zombies in the Dawn remake. They know how to sneak up on people without being seen, and when not to make noise etc...
    A) We've seen that the walkers can open doors, so maybe he came in after Glenn and Maggie's first trip to the pharmacy?
    B) Same as above, I suppose.
    C) As always, the main reason is to startle the audience. Much like the screwdriver zombie calming posing as a mannequin in Dawn. In terms of the story, one could probably argue that he was at the back of the store and came up on the other side of the shelf so she never noticed....

    In the end it's all just to give the audience a "boo", really...

  5. #35
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    As fun as the scene was with the walking in the chemists, I thought it was daft as hell from the point of view of:-
    a) How did it get in there? The place looked secure!
    b) Why didn't they notice it on earlier visits if it was there all the time?
    c) Why didn't it make any noise before, or at least come into sight earlier. It sort of stinks of the stupid contrived stealth zombies in the Dawn remake. They know how to sneak up on people without being seen, and when not to make noise etc...
    My thoughts exactly.

    Also, I'm getting kind of sick at how blasé some of the characters are in this zombie apocalypse. It doesn't seem to be that bad in many areas. In fact, there's nothing happening at all in some places.

    But, Andrea just getting out of a car a WALKING?


    Wouldn't happen in GAR's universe.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  6. #36
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    My thoughts exactly.

    Also, I'm getting kind of sick at how blasé some of the characters are in this zombie apocalypse. It doesn't seem to be that bad in many areas. In fact, there's nothing happening at all in some places.

    But, Andrea just getting out of a car a WALKING?


    Wouldn't happen in GAR's universe.
    Yes, it's a common problem across many zombie flicks. In the real world you'd go to the n'th degree to be careful. Yet we have characters taking needless risks, or not seemingly caring they are taking risks... It sort of bursts the believability bubble a bit...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  7. #37
    Chasing Prey

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    i knew there was a geek in the pharmacy for the jump......the scene was just too quiet.....props to them for prolonging before when he jumped out at maggie. it was pretty cool

  8. #38

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    Here's the thing,
    There's a saying that encompasses what a lot of you that are "pro-morality" are saying. "It's easy to be a saint in Paradise." The morality we've all grown up with is a direct product of us being the most spoiled human beings who have ever lived. All the necessities of life are available to us with next to no difficulty. Food? 10 minute drive to the grocery store or fast food place. Water? Comes fresh and sanitized from the tap. Shelter? All but the utterly destitute have homes that would be the envy of 99% of the humans who have ever lived, and even homeless shelters are of vastly higher quality than the shelter(s) of 99% of all the humans who have lived since we developed on this planet. Safety and Security? Interconnected, overlapping law enforcement agencies with the wherewithal to deter the vast majority of individuals from committing any serious crimes. Health? Modern medicine is able to deal in the short-term with all but the most serious of health problems.

    NONE OF THIS has been true for 99% of humanity's history. Modern society in the "first world" is the exception to human behavior that proves the rule of savagery. For thousands and thousands of years humanity saw no need to move beyond the tribe structure. Even when it did, it was only essentially expanding the tribe into what amounted to a very large extended family. Only in the most recent 5% of human history has our species decided to form social structures more advanced than the tribal, and this as a DIRECT RESULT of life's necessities becoming easy to obtain for almost everyone.

    If you take away these necessities you'll quickly discover that there has been next to no real development morally speaking in the last 20,000 years. The most moral woman alive who also happens to be a mother will kill without qualm, as often as she needs to, to provide what her child/children need. Right or wrong won't even enter into it. Same goes for most men that are fathers, and most men and women in regards to looking after the people they personally care for.

    We're not talking about a temporary interruption in society's continuity here. Society is OVER in TWD world, for good...or at least the next 200-300 years. Yes, at first the very apocalypse that winnowed down the population to 1% of its pre-apocalypse size will allow the survivors to live by scavenging off the remains of the fallen civilization. That won't be the case 6-12 months after the fact though. The antibiotics and modern medical supplies will have been used up, canned good/other non-perishables will have been stripped clean from stores etc etc.

    To be blunt, I simply DO NOT BELIEVE that 99.999% of the people here would, in the situation Rick and Co. find themselves in, would perceive any problem with a leader whose decisions are made using the sole criteria of what is in the best interests of the group said leader is responsible for.

    It's easy to SAY you'd have a problem with a leader who killed an old man and exiled said old man's family to take their resources after the old man and his family prove adamant in their refusal to peacefully coexist. In reality, I believe most of us would actually find our belief in the strength and quality of our leaders INCREASED by witnessing them make whatever decision is necessary to look after us and everyone we care about.

    To be correct about your morality arguments you are in reality stating the following:
    1) I choose for myself, my friends, and my loved ones to die of starvation and/or dehydration rather than take food and/or water that belongs to the stranger(s) I've encountered.
    2) I choose for myself, my friends, and my loved ones to die of treatable medical issues rather than take medical supplies belonging to others, or forcing an unwilling medical practicioner to treat me, my friends or loved ones when suffering from life-threatening illness or injury.
    3) I choose for myself, my friends, and my loved ones to die of exposure to life-threatening weather, or hostile actions by others we're forced to face and are helpless against, rather than take a secure shelter belonging to strangers.
    4) I choose for myself and the people I care for to be raped, killed and/or eaten by hostile entities because we lack the means to effectively defend ourselves, and are not willing to seize said means of defense from strangers we've encountered.

    See what I mean? Over and over and over again, "Modern Morality" = Suicide. Modern morality is a product and inseparable part of Modern SOCIETY. Far from losing confidence in or not trusting the leadership of one willing to take what is needed from others to provide for the people he's responsible for, for the vast majority of human history (where subsistence/survival was a personal responsibility not provided by civilization) we as human beings have actually lauded and made immortal the names of leaders who had no qualms about destroying outsiders to provide for THEIR people.

    In a world where the 99.5% of the 6 billion people who just died are now cannibal corpses, I contend that since such an environment is far more lethal/dangerous than what our ancestors faced, we would respond with a greater degree of what modern society would call "savagery, brutality etc etc." than the most brutal civilizations of the past.

    Why? It's HUMAN NATURE to take care of the people we care and feel responsible for, and everyone else be damned if necessary for that to happen.

    Take a modern person, strip away the fat reserves easy living has deposited beneath the skin of their abdomen. Take away water until their tongue swells, their lips crack and bleed....Take away health, security, stability...and you will INVARIABLY find a "savage" that, even if they wouldn't do so only on their own behalf, will have NO QUALMS about taking whatever action is necessary to preserve the ones they love.

    How is it even possible to contend otherwise, when 99.999% of everything we are, have been, and remain as a species cries out our capacity to destroy the outsider to preserve "OUR" people?

  9. #39
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    To be correct about your morality arguments you are in reality stating the following...

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  10. #40
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    Hmm... I think it's the horse smoking a cigarette. I guess zombie apocalypses tend to make horses feel uneasy too.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 22-Nov-2011 at 06:56 PM. Reason: ed
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  11. #41
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  12. #42
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Wyld, you think the likes of Glen, Dale and Carol, will be okay with this sort of taking by force and murdering anybody who gets in your way?

    Shane might be up for it, but let's be honest, he's becoming a bit of twat who was at one point willing to murder his best friend to take his wife and kid, has murdered Otis and threatened to murder Dale.

    Hell, I think even Daryl would have problems with this. People with your attitude would make any PA situation so much worse for everyone involved. You'd be Merle in this sort of situation.
    Last edited by Legion2213; 22-Nov-2011 at 09:20 PM. Reason: .
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  13. #43
    Being Attacked botc's Avatar

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    im with wyldwraith on this one... to a degree! in a shtf or wrol situation it would not hurt me to take what i needed if there was no other choice. i have my family to look after and im sorry but rick is weak if he makes everyone leave. though we already know what is going to happen its the fact of the matter. wraith i need permission to copy and distribute that text of yours.... its powerful stuff and i agree with it about 85 percent!

  14. #44
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by botc View Post
    im with wyldwraith on this one... to a degree! in a shtf or wrol situation it would not hurt me to take what i needed if there was no other choice. i have my family to look after and im sorry but rick is weak if he makes everyone leave. though we already know what is going to happen its the fact of the matter. wraith i need permission to copy and distribute that text of yours.... its powerful stuff and i agree with it about 85 percent!
    Everything they need is around them, plenty of isolated farm houses around, the way some of you guys are going on about it, you'd think it was the last standing building near a watersource on the planet. Seems the only reason it's so clear of walkers is because the ocupiers operate in a totally different way than our travellers. Or let me put it another way, how many children would you "survival at any cost" types kill or steal food from to "protect" your own loved ones?
    Last edited by Legion2213; 22-Nov-2011 at 09:46 PM. Reason: .
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  15. #45
    Being Attacked botc's Avatar

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    good question good one... hmmm i actually have to think about this one. if someone is an expendable loss at the survival of my loved ones then i guess it would need to be done. kids... i dont know if i could bring myself to slaughter children. no i couldnt. but "SOMEONE" else could see it as a mercy killing in a world like that. hell it would be better to be dead then let any sick fuck child molesters get their hands on them. thats just the only answer i could come up with. in all honesty i dont think i could take from another family unit in a shtf situation. i would find myself possibly trading with them or i dont know. there is this gray area there that a decision would be made then and there.

    i live my life every day hating to help other people. i work in auto parts retail so im always dealing with helping people even if our moto is "do it yourself"! i guess in my ventures day to day i pick and choose who is worthy of assitance like i could see someone picking and choosing who lives and who dies. but its not my place to pick someones elses fate thats why i said about 85 percent kid!

    i just know that when push comes to shove and i need to lift my hand i wont be weak. ive been weak all my life and i wont let a little thing like someone having what i need stop me. youd do the same given the situation. youd feed your family and you know it AND BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

    if that statement makes me evil then you tell that to your nagging wife or husband thats bitching at you becasue she and the kids havent ate for days. love of your family makes you do crazy things. and above all my son will live no matter if an army of insert your creature, person, or godly figure says other wise!

    editing i guess i really wouldnt know what to do because i contradicted myself several times... i guess we will see when the time comes!
    Last edited by botc; 22-Nov-2011 at 10:35 PM. Reason: contradiction!!!


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