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Thread: A project idea...

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

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    Lightbulb A project idea...

    So, I have this idea to do a ZOMBIE SERIES. Not films, but a SERIES. And before you go saying it's not possible cause of cost and whatever, you might be amazed to find out it won't be. Not as long as whoever is interested in exploring this idea already has a camera capable of putting video on their computer and might have some open space in their home. And can get a cast willing to work for free. Of course there will be some costs though. Costs I as a project member would chip in on. But if cards are played right, this could be a FOR PROFIT project.

    I'm not sure I wanna just blurt out the idea, and not to waste time if noones interested, I'll just leave it at that and if anyone's seriously interested, I guess just message me or something and I'll explain...

    If not, no harm no foul.

  2. #2
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    A few members have tossed this around. I have always been down for something like this and I think a few others are too all ya have to do is wait for replies.

    I know I am going into pre-production on DEADLANDS 2 in Fall 2006, but something like this will take months to plan anyway. So you got one filmmaker here very interested.

    1 question are we writing our own stories or is someone going to be the single writer?
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat

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    A few members have tossed this around. I have always been down for something like this and I think a few others are too all ya have to do is wait for replies.
    Hopefully not suggested the method I wish to use

    1 question are we writing our own stories or is someone going to be the single writer?
    Well, I wish I could say I've thought about that. Since it would be a series, there'd be the need for atleast a couple writers. I'd volunteer to do do some of it and pitch story ideas, but I'm certainly not going to be the emperor of writing.

    Honestly, I don't even have an idea for the series. I'd want that to be something that people on the project can talk about.

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat

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    Ok, to maybe get a bit more interest, I spent my wednesday of computer off time to think about the series. I don't know how to do a series bible so this is just the basics of the idea.

    Setting: a fictional American city. Or a city that will be renamed. If it's fictional, we could make it as large or small as needed. The population of this city would be around fifteen hundred. It is an ungoverned city, except for a sherriff who keeps the peace. Unlike LOTD, the rich do not rule over the people in this city, in fact it's the reverse. The people have gotten sick and tired of things working that way. The city is protected by a large military force that relocated to an installation in the city when the crap realy hit the fan.

    About the people in the city: life is not great for them. It's not good either, but it's not a nightmare. The people of this city, unlike those in LOTD, realize that the world is screwed and are working for their long term survival. They grow food on rooftop gardens, fish in the surrounding ocean, have livestock, and generate their own electricity through renewable, yet kind of primitive methods. They're surviving. Just scraping by, but they're surviving.

    Time it would be set in: present day. The "plague" or whatever you call it, has only been going on for about seven months. Things really got bad about four months into it and got out of control.

    Government: the government is actualy still mostly intact somewhere, but noone cares. Just like they didn't care before the crap hit the fan. As the series progresses, we'll find out that the government is as big a problem as the zombies. Or maybe more of a problem.

    Series charachters: CJ, a young blond woman who we know almost nothing about other then the fact she was trapped in the city when things got bad. She's a volunteer leader of a "scavenger" group who leave the city to gather whatever resources they can find. She's sort of like Riley from LOTD, but a much different person. She's the kind of person who cares about people, but wouldn't put a bullet in your head if you got bitten. Not if that bullett could save her, or someone elses life. She's very bitter about her situation, and we'll get a hint of her past and why she is the way she is as the show goes on. A man everyone just calls "Slugger" is a pro baseball player who didn't last long in the big leagues. Not cause he sucked, but because of other reasons. His method of dispatching the zombies is with an aluminum bat. He protects the other scavengers this way since guns need reloading, and there's always the possibility of missing. Those two, and some other charachter ideas is all I have right now. And all I have time to write down here.

    Scavenger vehicles: not sure if they should have a kick ass truck like dead reckoning or not, but these vehicles are actually marvels of engineering. Since the massive stockpile of gasoline is reserved for military or other emergency use, the scavenger vehicles are custom built electric motor driven vehicles with solar panels on the roofs and back up batteries. As a result of them being electric, they can only go out in the day time. And they have to hope for clear weather. Otherwise they may be stuck, and pretty much screwed.

    Guns: they got all kinds.

    Long running series plot: zombies not the only problem. All I got for now.

    How all this will be accomplished? classfied.

    Ok, these are the basic ideas. They could change at any time, or become completely different. Hopefully this will generate a little more interest...
    Last edited by Anarchist86ed; 29-Jun-2006 at 08:21 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  5. #5
    Fresh Meat

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    <--- has begun a first draft of a premiere script

    I'm not letting this project go that easily.

  6. #6
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    If you're interested in/looking for writers I'd be interested in contributing.

    Nothing published yet. I get lots of "That was awesome! But we can't use it." rejection letters. And I had one serious interest from a publisher in 2003 that petered out after about three months.

    Anyway, let me know.

  7. #7
    Fresh Meat

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    Mar 2006
    If you're interested in/looking for writers I'd be interested in contributing.

    Nothing published yet. I get lots of "That was awesome! But we can't use it." rejection letters. And I had one serious interest from a publisher in 2003 that petered out after about three months.

    Anyway, let me know.
    Same here. But I was to "radical", or whatever.

    I'll message you.

    Come on, y'all. We need a film maker...

    This aint no fanfiction ya know

  8. #8
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    "CJ, a young blond woman "
    That;s, Pam Anderson I think, on Baywatch.
    I would suggest the main pronlem with this is using various filmmakers that use the same Actors and town. That rules out
    Anyone who doesn''t live near the actors
    or the town
    And lives nowhere near a small town.

    Maybe you need more of a thread that connects the different stories, but doesn;t neccasarily need the same actors in every episode
    1 main plot and other subplots. the main plot has this Slugger, sheriff etc and the sub plots are unrelated and have limited arcs. That way one person could do the sluuger bit and others could do the subplots and they could be woven together. Though that might lead to a jarring clash of styles.

  9. #9
    Fresh Meat

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    That;s, Pam Anderson I think, on Baywatch.

    I modelled her after a friend of mine who goes by the name CJ, which are actually just initials or whatever. The charachter CJ is a pain in butt just like my friend CJ is a pain in the butt.

    1 main plot and other subplots. the main plot has this Slugger, sheriff etc and the sub plots are unrelated and have limited arcs. That way one person could do the sluuger bit and others could do the subplots and they could be woven together. Though that might lead to a jarring clash of styles.
    I dunno. Everything about the plot is likely to change so who knows.

  10. #10

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    I'm not much of a director, but if you want a little input for story ideas or script, just say so. I have a few ideas I've been messing around with, might be useful.

  11. #11
    Fresh Meat

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    I'm not much of a director, but if you want a little input for story ideas or script, just say so. I have a few ideas I've been messing around with, might be useful.
    We'll see

    It's been a bad, hot day today. I've been trying to deal with the other most important component of this idea and let's just say those kinds of people are not people I wish to interact with and they're sucking my will to do this away.

    I first thought I'd need to show their work before I could get a film maker, but now it's the other way around.

    Headache... big headache.

    I need a film maker!

  12. #12
    Fresh Meat

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    Mar 2006

    Teaser trailer

    Ok, film makers. You forced me into it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to put up a teaser trailer. Nothing amazing, but maybe it'll get one of you interested...


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