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Thread: "Doomsday Preppers" National Geogrpahic Cable Series Premieres Feb. 7th

  1. #1
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    "Doomsday Preppers" National Geogrpahic Cable Series Premieres Feb. 7th

    I searched and didn't come up with any hits, so maybe this is new news on the boards. Thought it might be of interest to some.

    About the Show
    Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life’s uncertainties. And with our expert’s assessment, they will find out their chances of survival if their worst fears become a reality.
    Episode Guide:

    Bullets, Lots of Bullets
    TUE FEB 7 9P et/pt

    I Hope I Am Crazy
    TUE FEB 7 10P et/pt

    Back to the Stone Age
    TUE FEB 14 9P et/pt

    Nine Meals Away from Anarchy
    TUE FEB 21 9P et/pt

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  2. #2
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    "Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it."

    People like this do nothing to strengthen my resolve in the intelligence of humanity. "ordinary" Americans? I think not.

    I guess this show could be entertaining to those who want to watch a bunch of half-wits prepare for just another day in December. My how they're going to be deeply disappointed.

  3. #3
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Though hardcore 'preppers' tend to be bugf*ck crazy, I do find it interesting, a topic a lot of good things can be learned from, and generally feel an ounce prevention is worth something (i.e. I think bug out bags are a good idea), but I know what you mean.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  4. #4
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    I watched the pilot episode last year and it was marginal at best. The show was somewhat balanced but it was evident that the producers still tried to present them in a bad light. Another thing that bothered me was that their "survival expert" that critiqued the preppers was never shown or named.

    Many of the people on the show have had prepping oriented youtube channels for years. Christopher Nyerges goes back to the late 80s early 90s and was a regular contributor to American Survival Guide featuring articles about food that can be easily found in urban/suburban areas.

    I have been a prepper off and on ever since 1999, mainly due to the fact I live in an earthquake zone. If you really think FEMA or some other govt agency is going to spring into action and give you everything you need within 72 hours, all you have to do is look at Katrina or any of the other major disasters that have occured in the past 20 years. You have to understand when, not if, there is a major disruption be it economic, natural or manmade, what you see on the store shelves is ALL there is. Chain grocery stores no longer have big storerooms in back and have been replaced with the kanban, or just in time, system of inventory. If the nightly delivery trucks cannot or will not arrive then naysayers are going to be in a world of hurt.

    People that say preppers are "crazy" or "extremists" are ALWAYS the first ones after a disaster pounding on the prepper's door demanding to be let in. It is just like Charleton Heston's account of all of the hardcore anti-gun hollywood types begging for him to loan them firearms during the L.A. riots. Do you really think a prepper, after being chastised and denegrated, is going to give you anything short of the business end of a shotgun if you try to barge your way into his house after tshtf?

    If you haven't seen The Twilight Zone episode called The Shelter, it demonstrates mentality of prepper vs naysayer during a crisis.

  5. #5
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    People that say preppers are "crazy" or "extremists" are ALWAYS the first ones after a disaster pounding on the prepper's door demanding to be let in.
    My problem with "preppers" aren't, for example, the people prepping for earthquakes when they live in an area prone to them, or people preparing for hurricanes or other imminent disasters when they in the areas that are constantly met with these kinds of things. The "preppers" I refer to as loons and crazies are the ones screaming that 12/21/12 will be the "END OF THE WORLD!" Those are the nutty ones.

    Don't worry. I'll be here posting on 12/22 asking how everyone enjoyed their "doomsday" and we'll discuss how their "end of the world" prediction went for them. Then we can discuss the weather coming later in the week and early in the new year.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 06-Feb-2012 at 01:02 PM. Reason: bacon doomsday

  6. #6
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    My problem with "preppers" aren't, for example, the people prepping for earthquakes when they live in an area prone to them, or people preparing for hurricanes or other imminent disasters when they in the areas that are constantly met with these kinds of things. The "preppers" I refer to as loons and crazies are the ones screaming that 12/21/12 will be the "END OF THE WORLD!" Those are the nutty ones.

    Don't worry. I'll be here posting on 12/22 asking how everyone enjoyed their "doomsday" and we'll discuss how their "end of the world" prediction went for them. Then we can discuss the weather coming later in the week and early in the new year.
    Did you watch the pilot show last year? The re-occuring theme with all of the preppers was concern of an economic disaster and subsequent breakdown of society.

    So what if people are prepping for 2012. They are not forcing you or anyone else to do the same. The whole prepping movement is about SELF-SUFFICIENCY, not dependency upon government or the need for "popular" acceptance.

    I can tell you for a fact that on all of the prepper forums there are never ending discussions about how to deal with their extended family/co-workers who crack jokes about preparedness activities followed with "if anything happens, I am coming to your house". Suggestions range from meeting the obnoxious future door pounders with deadly force to just giving them enough food for their kids and told never to come back. The current strategy is not to tell anyone, except like minded people that one is a prepper.

    There are countless numbers of preppers who were victims of rampant unemployment and were subsequently thankful of their long term storage food and other supplies to help get them through the rough times. The chances of a global economic meltdown coming within near future is much greater than the 12/21/2012 unknown. If either does happen guess who is going to fair much better than the current complacent population? It comes down to the comparison with car/home/health insurance and firearm ownership. It is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

  7. #7
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    "Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it."

    People like this do nothing to strengthen my resolve in the intelligence of humanity. "ordinary" Americans? I think not.

    I guess this show could be entertaining to those who want to watch a bunch of half-wits prepare for just another day in December. My how they're going to be deeply disappointed.

    the whole thing is just another advertisement for how fucking paranoid and whacked out a decent number of americans are.

    if this is just an ounce of prevention, then fine. i keep a handy supply of ammo and some food on hand just in case BUT i do not believe that there is anything special about 21 dec 2012 and if you do, then you are a fucking dipshit. period. none of that shit has even a shred of what could be called evidence behind it.

    as for the Mayan calendar: who gives a fuck? seriously. calendars are one of the most arbitrary things in the world, not in the motions of the sun/moon but in the starting point.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    is this even a morbid fascination/ freak show deal anymore? the American people are the most scared, neighbour fearing people on the planet as is, do they really need more proof the people outside their door are "crazy" and/or are sure 'the next american civil war is on the way' or something?

    -bear in mind i dont mean that as an insult, but at its best Americas isolationist frontier roots influence the people in strongly independant leanings. in the past its been a good source of strength for a community. but those communities aint around no more, most Americans today would think 'post 9/11' as a prefix to 'america' purely through the almost palpable culture of fear thats rampant in the country. This kind of stuff reinforces these ideas in some people -and lets be honest, for some folks outside america just validates their 'Americans are backwards, paranoid, anti education fundamentalist redneck bigots' tirades.

    -which of course is often a 'people in glasshouses'- deal, but we all saw the kind of shit caused by the millennium bug panic, something people PRODUCE YOUTUBE GUIDES ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR IT TO THIS DAY, you gotta know that a certain percentage of the audience is just fuel for a fire with this kind of show in such a powder keg political climate for the people.

    I men am i talking shit or do you get what i mean? i dont mean some kind of crazy tv censorship, just why make this 'crazy fuel' content at a time when its just going to make some people even more tetchy and aggressive?

    but i guess thats more a complaint about media as a whole right now- in the west, not just america, than one show about a few crackpots.

    -- -------- Post added at 07:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    if this is just an ounce of prevention, then fine. i keep a handy supply of ammo and some food on hand just in case BUT i do not believe that there is anything special about 21 dec 2012 and if you do, then you are a fucking dipshit. period. none of that shit has even a shred of what could be called evidence behind it.

    as for the Mayan calendar: who gives a fuck? seriously. calendars are one of the most arbitrary things in the world, not in the motions of the sun/moon but in the starting point.
    Mystical dates are bullshit and anyone who even 'in the back of my mind' waveringly believes them remotely are complete tools.

    was there a friday the 13th back when dinosaurs were around and didnt have a culture that gave a numerical value to the planets rotational orbit around our star? we gave a date to a specific point in this planetary movement system to keep track. not to imbibe it with mystical energies. -or was this alwasy a series of magical days we just happened to cotton onto at random?
    the calendar is how we record the passage of time as our planet orbits its star to allows us better record keeping and to monitor environmental and seasonal changers for farming. it is not 'magic' it is simple numerical addition.

    I know its still hypocritical to roll the eyes when society still has its cults, groups and churches to modern religious deities based on faith alone- but believing in any centuries old end of the world prophecy is as good as believing mummification will aid you when you die and your soul goes into the sun to sit at the right hand of Ra...

    Is it mystical? then its bunkum. end of. You would think after the hundreds of millennia we have been a species the complete lack of any and all evidence would have dissuaded such backwards, primitive fears in our species.

    maybe in about 20,000 years we will get there...

  9. #9
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    It is evident that you all DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THE SHOW. 2012 IS NOT, again, IS NOT what these people are preparing for. They are preparing for a financial collapse and large scale natural and man made disasters. It may be hard for people living outside America to understand that many citizens (not subjects) of the U.S. have a individualist mentality and do not want to depend upon government for everything from cradle to grave.

    I find it interesting that the "backwards, paranoid, anti education fundamentalist redneck bigots" Americans (not the U.S. government) are always the ones that donate the most in disaster relief to countries in need.

    Is all of the open hostility to preppers due to the accusers own emotional insecurities?

    If you feel so strongly that preppers are "crazy", "tools", and "freaks", then here is an entire forum for you to strut around your self-imposed superiority:

  10. #10
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    the whole thing is just another advertisement for how fucking paranoid and whacked out a decent number of americans are.

    if this is just an ounce of prevention, then fine. i keep a handy supply of ammo and some food on hand just in case BUT i do not believe that there is anything special about 21 dec 2012 and if you do, then you are a fucking dipshit. period. none of that shit has even a shred of what could be called evidence behind it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    It is evident that you all DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THE SHOW. 2012 IS NOT, again, IS NOT what these people are preparing for.
    I brought up the 2012 thing and others are commenting on what I said. Calm down.

    Quote Originally Posted by sammich
    Is all of the open hostility to preppers due to the accusers own emotional insecurities?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich
    If you feel so strongly that preppers are "crazy", "tools", and "freaks", then here is an entire forum for you to strut around your self-imposed superiority:
    No thanks. If I want to read about whack-jobs, I'll read the Heaven's Gate website.

    Also, just because I'm not a "prepper" doesn't mean I have self-imposed superiority. You, however, are showing yours by being so belligerent about this subject. Relax, it's just a TV show.

    As I said in my previous posts, I have no problems with people who want to be "prepared" (you might want to read that twice before you reply and tear me a new one. Again, i'm all for people who want to be prepared for certain things.) - but even you, Sammich, have to admit that most of these "preppers" they're showing on TV are the extremist preppers, and most of them are slightly to totally out-of-whack. I don't need to "see" the show to know this. They wouldn't put them on TV if they weren't. "Normal" people do not create high ratings for TV shows. Stupid, insane, crazy people do. Jersey Shore anyone? Real Housewives? Toddlers and Tiaras? Give to me a large break.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 15-Feb-2012 at 03:58 PM. Reason: .

  11. #11
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I watched an episode or two last night. It's actually really funny. Saw one with a redneck guy that had to be 500 pounds. Apparently he's going to be able to keep a farm when the world ends?...

    Also some stripper that thinks she's going to stroll out of the middle of a major city with nothing but a backpack?

    From what I saw, this show is actually unintentionally funny. Borderline pathetic.

  12. #12
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    If I want to read about whack-jobs, I'll read the Heaven's Gate website.

    the movie or the whack jobs who followed the space ship that was hiding behind hale-bopp?

    both are totally fucking whack.

    -- -------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I watched an episode or two last night. It's actually really funny. Saw one with a redneck guy that had to be 500 pounds. Apparently he's going to be able to keep a farm when the world ends?...

    Also some stripper that thinks she's going to stroll out of the middle of a major city with nothing but a backpack?

    From what I saw, this show is actually unintentionally funny. Borderline pathetic.
    no. he'll die when he inevitably contracts diabetes and there's no one to manufacture insulin.

    you are right: it is unintentionally funny and i think it's way over the border and has had its passport stamped by pathetic's customs people.

    oh and it is inevitable that 2012 is going to come up in this thread. do you think it some sort of accident that this show is on this year, the year that is supposed to usher in all manner of unpleasantness. that kind of coincidence doesn't happen on TV.

    i'll just add on, once again, that it makes americans look like a bunch of paranoid, wild-eyed, doomsday believers. not what we need.

    and you can "prep" all you fucking want. none of it will do you a shit's bit of good if the "end" comes while you are waiting in rush hour traffic on your way home from work. you'll be just as fooked as everybody else.

    the show encompasses the two true dangers to the republic: paranoid people and the morbidly obese.
    Last edited by Mike70; 16-Feb-2012 at 01:55 AM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  13. #13
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Good points, Danny.

    Well, as I kind of alluded to, I think being prepared for likely eventualities and/or expanding your skill set as a hobby is great.

    That said, there's preparing to survive and then there's giving up your life for the pursuit of a doomed and alienating mindset you've bought into.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    the show encompasses the two true dangers to the republic: paranoid people and the morbidly obese.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  14. #14
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Good points, Danny.

    Well, as I kind of alluded to, I think being prepared for likely eventualities and/or expanding your skill set as a hobby is great.

    That said, there's preparing to survive and then there's giving up your life for the pursuit of a doomed and alienating mindset you've bought into.

    well i was more ranting about reality tv and zeitgeist in general, but well put.

  15. #15
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    is this even a morbid fascination/ freak show deal anymore? the American people are the most scared, neighbour fearing people on the planet as is, do they really need more proof the people outside their door are "crazy" and/or are sure 'the next american civil war is on the way' or something?

    -bear in mind i dont mean that as an insult, but at its best Americas isolationist frontier roots influence the people in strongly independant leanings. in the past its been a good source of strength for a community. but those communities aint around no more, most Americans today would think 'post 9/11' as a prefix to 'america' purely through the almost palpable culture of fear thats rampant in the country. This kind of stuff reinforces these ideas in some people -and lets be honest, for some folks outside america just validates their 'Americans are backwards, paranoid, anti education fundamentalist redneck bigots' tirades.

    -which of course is often a 'people in glasshouses'- deal, but we all saw the kind of shit caused by the millennium bug panic
    this is all truth, danny. unfortunately. being a highly educated American, i fucking literally cringe over the shit that many of the people in this country "believe" in or the basic knowledge stuff that they are completely ignorant of. most Americans are backwards and paranoid. in my view there really is no argument about that. fuck the complex political issues of the third world, i've known people with MBAs in this country who didn't even know how far the earth is from the sun. it won't make them any money, so who cares about basic knowledge.

    the only thing most americans are worried about is how to screw people out of money, so they can put it in their pocket. that is the truth. to many, many americans if you can't make a dime off of it, it isn't worth knowing. to a person like me who considers knowledge the ultimate currency, that is a fucked way of looking at things.

    i stopped going to the local barber shop because i got tired of both the paranoid political talk and the stupid old men who think they know more than doctors, scientists, researchers who have spent decades pursuing their chosen fields. the experts get dismissed because most dipshits in this country have no idea what a scientific theory is or how it gets expanded. so science, engineering, etc. is all reduced to guess work by these people in which their opinion matters as much as someone like myself with an advanced degree in the subject. i have literally had arguments with people who cannot even read latin about the way the romans did things and the things they were capable of.

    it also centers around the abysmally stupid american idea that somehow working with one's hands makes one better than someone who works with their mind. to me it is the other way around, though both matter in the long run.

    great example of america: that fat, paranoid, ex-dope fiend rush limbaugh is a perfect example of your average american. boorish, loud-mouthed, will shout down anyone with a point counter to his, paranoid, anti-intellectual (dude carries a big chip for not being able to graduate from college- he left after 2 semesters after failing out). but YET somehow this dude winds up as a climate "expert" on nightline and folks with doctorates who've spent their whole lives studying meteorology suddenly find themselves reduced to dealing with this backward attack dog.

    so yeah, i really hate the idea of this show. it shows americans in the worst light possible. i might have some serious psych issues but i'm not nearly half as much off my rocker as your average, walking down the street american.

    i love this country but really despise a lot of the people in it sometimes.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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