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Thread: A plea to our American posters...

  1. #1
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    A plea to our American posters...

    Can somebody please put Sean Penn back in his box, nail the lid down, and tell him to stop talking shit about things he is clearly not educated enough or important enough to be shouting about on the world stage?

    The Falkland islands are British territory, the islanders themselves consider themselves British and are very proud of it, more so than a lot of people actually in Britain! Penn needs to shut up and go back to his day job

  2. #2
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    What day job?

  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't keep up with Penn's personal life. He's a fantastic director and actor, though! Even if he does sometimes seem to try too hard with his acting gigs...
    Last edited by bassman; 17-Feb-2012 at 12:21 PM. Reason: .

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ugh, tell me about it - I've been following this story for a couple of days now, and the guy is making a collossal arse out of himself ... but then this is the guy who apparently said that anyone who called Hugo Chavez a dictator should be sent to prison.

    The guy quite clearly has zero idea what's he's on about, and incredibly for such a 'do-gooding celebrity', has totally neglected to consider the views of the people who actually f*cking live on the FALKLAND ISLANDS!!! ... Sean Penn needs to go and do some acting in a movie, he's very good at that ... but his distinct arrogance, lack of any sense of irony or hypocrisy, and general sense of self-importance illustrate him to be a total berk of epic proportions who's sticking his uneducated nose into the business of other people. Argentina were chased off in 1832 (prior to which the British had already long-since staked a claim to the island, as far back as 1690 in fact ... before which it was seemingly first discovered by the Dutch in 1600 - but you don't see the Dutch kicking up a fuss).

    Clearly Argentina are getting this issue going again because of:

    1) Problems on their home turf (that was part of the reason they invaded in 1982)
    2) Oil ... interesting how it's okay for Argentina (a nation of millions) to intimidate a colony of a few thousand when black gold is there, but it's very wrong for anyone else to stick an oar into another nation for the same reason.

    And another thing - Sean Penn attempting to lecture the British on colonialism is a bit rich coming from an American actor (no offence to our American friends - I have no beef with you or your country - but let's be honest, you have a bloody history, just like all western nations, including Britain).

    So in short - Sean Penn needs to f*ck off back to his mansion, discover a sense of irony, hypocrisy, and humour, and then learn to keep his beak out of other people's business ... the prat.

  5. #5
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ugh, tell me about it - I've been following this story for a couple of days now, and the guy is making a collossal arse out of himself ... but then this is the guy who apparently said that anyone who called Hugo Chavez a dictator should be sent to prison.

    The guy quite clearly has zero idea what's he's on about, and incredibly for such a 'do-gooding celebrity', has totally neglected to consider the views of the people who actually fucking live on the FALKLAND ISLANDS!!! ... Sean Penn needs to go and do some acting in a movie, he's very good at that ... but his distinct arrogance, lack of any sense of irony or hypocrisy, and general sense of self-importance illustrate him to be a total berk of epic proportions who's sticking his uneducated nose into the business of other people. Argentina were chased off in 1832 (prior to which the British had already long-since staked a claim to the island, as far back as 1690 in fact ... before which it was seemingly first discovered by the Dutch in 1600 - but you don't see the Dutch kicking up a fuss).

    Clearly Argentina are getting this issue going again because of:

    1) Problems on their home turf (that was part of the reason they invaded in 1982)
    2) Oil ... interesting how it's okay for Argentina (a nation of millions) to intimidate a colony of a few thousand when black gold is there, but it's very wrong for anyone else to stick an oar into another nation for the same reason.

    And another thing - Sean Penn attempting to lecture the British on colonialism is a bit rich coming from an American actor (no offence to our American friends - I have no beef with you or your country - but let's be honest, you have a bloody history, just like all western nations, including Britain).

    So in short - Sean Penn needs to f*ck off back to his mansion, discover a sense of irony, hypocrisy, and humour, and then learn to keep his beak out of other people's business ... the prat.
    sean penn highlights yet another american cultural idiocy: many americans believe that anyone with money and fame must know what they are talking about whether it is acting, global politics, or quantum mechanics. doesn't matter.

    sean penn is also (and no one seems to be intelligent enough to realize this in the places he visits) a perfect example of american paternalism. he goes down there, pats everyone on the head and tells them what good boys they are and what a fabulous job they are doing; then makes a bunch of statements in support of their socio-economic situation while touring factories.

    sean penn is also a perfect example of the vacuous and childish nature of cultural relativism that arose in the intellectualy empty 80s and early 90s, when everything was about blaming "europeans" and "colonialism" for all of the world's problems.

    anyone with any sense and a bit of knowledge on the subject knows that the people in the falklands speak english and consider themselves part of the UK. full stop on that. anyone who thinks this is the UK lording it over a bunch of spanish speaking locals is a total fuckin' idiot.

    @MZ - the history of every country is written in blood. that is why they are called countries.

    oh and if the shit looks like it will go down, i think the US owes your country enough favors to do something about it. have you ever read or seen the effect of american aid packages being cut off does to change a central or south american countries outlook? it usually brings them to heel immediatley. ask brazil about that...
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  6. #6
    Chasing Prey

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    This is one of those issues....
    But not many people really think that Argentina is the "owner" of the Falklands.
    In fact, and this is 100% true, Argentinian feet have only ever stepped foot on the Falklands in the 80s, when they invaded it. The fact is, the first "islanders" to inhabit this island, were in fact, British and no doubt descendants of these people are living there today.

    My ex-gf was from there, there's only 2000 people on the whole island. It's an inbred, hick island full of teen pregnancy. It's more British than Britain, sometimes.

    The bottom line is, the inhabitants of that island have been living there longer than the Argentinians who have NEVER occupied this land. It wasn't stolen from them, it was claimed early on - way before them. I'm not a big fan of anyone walking up to something and proclaiming it "theirs" just because they saw it first - but in this case it's hardly fair for Argentina's government to pretend they suddenly have a greater right to ownership.

    As for Sean Penn - he's an AMAZING actor and director, and a very accomplished filmmaker overall. Perhaps that's where his skills lie. People like him and George Clooney should really have a think about how qualified they are to impose their opinions on others just because they have the luxury of fame.
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  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    If I remember correctly in 1982 America initially tried to be impartial on the whole thing, but ended up supporting we Brits.

    Then Penn says he registers the people of the island (but seemingly with disinterest in their right to self-determination - the ultimate end of the argument, quite frankly), but says that the resources should be shared ... now if that was the case, any old country who once set foot on someone else's land, or has some wacky 'claim' to the land, could rock up (invasion optional, either via boots or via self-important hypocrite movie stars) and demand a share of the resources ... ... now that just flat-out doesn't make sense.

    The potential for £111 billion worth of oil in the Falkland's seas is the ultimate motivator for Argentina, whose childish tactics and graffiti claiming that the island (and islanders!) were, are, and always will be Argentina's show them up to be acting like the kid in the playground who didn't get what he wanted when he had no right to be claiming it.

    Sean Penn - professional arse, so it seems.

    Team America's message of 'involved' movie stars once again proves potently true ... but at least Alec Baldwin got the joke.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 17-Feb-2012 at 03:52 PM.

  8. #8
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I think Argentina would do well to remember the footage and photos of all those terrified looking young Argentine conscripts at the end of the 1982 conflict while they're doing all this sabre rattling, and remember the bloody nose they were given then. If they think the British forces they came up against in '82 were tough, they'd be in for a really rough ride against our current battle hardened army in which most soldiers will have two or three tours of Afghanistan under their belts, not to mention the hardware we field now despite the SDSR military cuts. As far as I'm aware Argentina is still using most of the same equipment it was in '82, they would get pounded! I doubt it will come to conflict, but they either need to make their move or shut up (including Penn) because the Falklands aren't going to be handed over any time soon, and they have no legal claim to them.

  9. #9
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    this f*cking guy is becoming almost as embarrassing as hanoi jane fonda.
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  10. #10
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    It's a cheese pizza.

  11. #11
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    this f*cking guy is becoming almost as embarrassing as hanoi jane fonda.
    Hollywood is overflowing with lefty idiots who are out of touch with reality.

  12. #12
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Jon View Post
    Hollywood is overflowing with lefty idiots who are out of touch with reality.
    Troo dat.

    Seems like Penn plays full retard in real life, not just in I Am Sam...
    I pretty much only liked him as Spicoli and in Bad Boys, where that guy rubbed a booger in his green beans, my favorite part.

  13. #13
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Jon View Post
    Hollywood is overflowing with lefty idiots who are out of touch with reality.
    granted. the only things these fools should be allowed to say on camera are what is in the script for whatever movie they are working on.

    i'm pretty much a hater of celebs and all their bullshit. the fascination with these people i really don't get. are people's lives so empty that they have to follow celebs and emulate them?

    again, i don't get celeb fascination. there are bands i've been listening to for 25 years that i'd be hard pressed to name all the members of.

    it's the art that's important. not the person peforming it. as far as acting goes, they are simply mocking birds, doing what a director says and reading what someone else (in most cases) wrote.

    too bad we aren't like the romans. actors were considered the scum of the earth and about as low as you could go in society without being a prostitute. no one gave a fuck what they had to say about anything. then again, the romans were not cursed by modern mass media and don't know how lucky they are for it.
    Last edited by Mike70; 17-Feb-2012 at 09:38 PM. Reason: d
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #14
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    the romans were not cursed by modern mass media and don't know how lucky they are for it.
    Could be entertaining:

    @nero just crucified some #christians. screamed like bitches. shout out to #spartacus killing it in the arena. off to play my #fiddle. anybody smell smoke?
    Last edited by Christopher Jon; 17-Feb-2012 at 11:46 PM. Reason: e

  15. #15
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Jon View Post
    Could be entertaining:
    nero on twitter. that would be entertaining. he could've sent snappy, glib execution notices to his intended victims.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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