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Thread: TWD 2x13 "Beside The Dying Fire" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #46
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    You guys must have not noticed but the RV burned down with the barn.

    I never read the comics so i didn't know who Michonne was but when i first saw her it really reminded me of the feeling i got the first time i saw she predator Machiko.

    And hats off to Kirkman for practically telling us merle is coming back in season 3. A caller asked if we would see Merle, or Morgan and his kid and he said theres 100% chance that 33% of them will be in season 3.
    Last edited by Trancelikestate; 19-Mar-2012 at 08:50 PM. Reason: ...

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Also - yes - I do hope they go back for the RV. It's such an iconic vehicle from the series, and it'd be sad to leave it on the farm with Jimmy's guts smeared all over it ... but then again, how would they write such a thing into the show and justify it narratively? Hmmm...
    Could be wrong but on one of the long shots of the barn burning to the gound there was a shot of what was left of the RV burning up. It was just a frame and looked a bit like part of the barn but I am almost certain it was the RV. Shame because I thought Andrea passing the keys to glen last week was symbolic of him taking over Dales role as RV owner.

    Great episode though and a top end to a great series, and when Andrea was seemingly done for I knew what was coming there was no alternative way out of it and the execution of the reveal was perfect. I almost resembled the soutpark image MinionZombie posts.

    Roll the hell on October.
    If Goonies never die are they all Zombies??!!

  3. #48
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    Couldn't wait till Friday watched it just now and it was a great ending to the second season.

    Sigh October seems so far away, still least theres another resident evil film to tide me over

  4. #49
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    The idea was to get the walkers to follow the cars around and off the farm so i don't think accuracy was really the intention. Worked for dramatic purposes though.
    If that was the plan it then they didn't need to fire a single shot. They wasted a shitload of ammo for no good reason. Also, it didn't look to me as if they were trying to lead them of the farm at all. It looked as if they were trying to kill them all and when they saw their ammo was running low and they hardly made a dent they had no plan b and scattered. Bottom line is they were ill prepared for what happened. They had no plan or exit strategy. No one knew what to do or where to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    I'd never thought of a prison as a viable holdout until i read TWD. It was one of those "Oh shit. Of course" moments. Never even crossed my mind so i don't think it would be immediately obvious to someone like Herschel.
    Well, between being a zombie buff my whole life and actually being in prison that's actually the first thing i thought of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trancelikestate View Post
    You guys must have not noticed but the RV burned down with the barn.

    And hats off to Kirkman for practically telling us merle is coming back in season 3. A caller asked if we would see Merle, or Morgan and his kid and he said theres 100% chance that 33% of them will be in season 3.
    Give the man a prize. Tls is correct. About 23 minutes in the rv is clearly FUBAR.

    Yeah, and i caught what kirkman said. It had to be merle. I doubt it would be morgan or the boy solo.

    Side thought. This new "bad ass" Rick contradicts his vow that they would honor dale by doing things his way. I didn't agree with the way shane went about things even though he was mostly right. And i didn't agree with Rick's way of doing things either. Truth is the right path lies somewhere in the middle. Yes, survival is the number one priority but it shouldn't come at the cost of completely gutting the compassion, humanity and morality of the group. That is after all what makes us human.

    LEt us not forget that if not for the compassion and feeling of moral obligation of others Rick would still be trapped in that tank in Atlanta. Glenn and the others didn't have to save him. In fact, just speaking cold logic, it was the exact wrong thing to do. You see the pickle they put themselves in as a result. They nearly didn't make it out of that store alive. But they did it anyway.

    Being a badass "Ricktator" is all well and good but it would serve rick well to remember why he's alive going forward.


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  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post

    Side thought. This new "bad ass" Rick contradicts his vow that they would honor dale by doing things his way. I didn't agree with the way shane went about things even though he was mostly right. And i didn't agree with Rick's way of doing things either. Truth is the right path lies somewhere in the middle. Yes, survival is the number one priority but it shouldn't come at the cost of completely gutting the compassion, humanity and morality of the group. That is after all what makes us human.

    LEt us not forget that if not for the compassion and feeling of moral obligation of others Rick would still be trapped in that tank in Atlanta. Glenn and the others didn't have to save him. In fact, just speaking cold logic, it was the exact wrong thing to do. You see the pickle they put themselves in as a result. They nearly didn't make it out of that store alive. But they did it anyway.
    Ive been struggling with the whole "Dale's way" thing ever since he stalled the convoy on the highway to "avoid discussions for the greater good of the group". To me his particular way of doing things is self centered, because in his quest for morality he disregards the lives of the very people he travels with. Fake a breakdown - Dale gets his shot at calibration of the group's moral compass but the group is exposed in a place that has been hit at least twice. In pleading for Randall's life he is clearly disregarding facts that the other group is bellicose, heavily armed and have a penchant for a bit of a rape and pillage. I cannot fathom how would one run risk of, for instance, Andrea and Lori having a bit of R&R with Merle and his pals just to preserve principles. Terribly self centered.

    In that light, after being overrun, having serious casualties and being all kinds of stressed out, Im not wondering that Rick kinda put that whole thing on the back burner. Shane, while he was right about many things was someone I would oppose on the grounds of being the "when you have the hammer every problem looks like a nail" sort of guy where soon enough every single problem would be solved with an execution or two.
    Last edited by Afterglow; 19-Mar-2012 at 10:05 PM. Reason: Additional stuff

  6. #51
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Well, enjoyed the episode. Others this season have been stronger, but still enjoyed it. And definately looking forward to October
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  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by darth los View Post
    Yeah, and i caught what kirkman said. It had to be merle. I doubt it would be morgan or the boy solo.
    Comic Spoiler
    In the comic, the boy dies. Rick swings back through after the prison falls apart and Morgan isn't able to put his son down and just unchains him and leaves. Given that everyone refers to the dead as no longer the person on the show (i.e. all the talk about that not being Sophia, etc), he could conceivably meant Morgan would be in the season but the boy won't be because the boy is dead.

    Theoretically. But that's probably stretching it and you're probably right about Merle.

  8. #53
    Being Attacked

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    Loved the episode, exactly what I wanted for TWD season finale. Some fantastic makeup and effects going on in this one too , specially when Andrea was beating the zombies head in with the gun.

    To clear some things up
    Michael Rooker who plays Merle said he will be back in series 3 in an interview recently. Apparently he had to drop 20 pounds for the role
    Glen Mazzara stated in his live tweeting that the RV was on fire as well as the barn. Another sad loss for the group.

    I'm hoping as per the comic we see the helicopter that started the horde again, that and I hope they do some more webisodes before series 3

  9. #54
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    I don't know. Love this series overall and consider myself a fan (here it comes...) BUT every once in awhile a character does something completely OUT of character, For instance, Lori. C'mon writers, she's all afraid of Shane enough to have that talk with Rick in the tent ("Rick, he's dangerous") and now she's all wigged out that Rick killed Shane to save himself?? Or Rick, good hearted, steadfast and the best husband/father in the entire world now saying, "this is a dictatorship"?? TWD writers are snorting waaay too much coke imo. There is no other explanation I can come up with to justify some of the "hey let's try this" out-of-the-blue ideas they've been writing. And now, Ninja Girl and her light saber...I mean, katana! Like I said, love the show and will watch it next season, but the writers need a 12-step program pronto imo.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 20-Mar-2012 at 12:31 AM. Reason: ed
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  10. #55
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarr View Post
    I don't know. Love this series overall and consider myself a fan (here it comes...) BUT every once in awhile a character does something completely OUT of character, For instance, Lori. C'mon writers, she's all afraid of Shane enough to have that talk with Rick in the tent ("Rick, he's dangerous") and now she's all wigged out that Rick killed Shane to save himself?? Or Rick, good hearted, steadfast and the best husband/father in the entire world now saying, "this is a dictatorship"?? TWD writers are snorting waaay too much coke imo. There is no other explanation I can come up with to justify some of the "hey let's try this" out-of-the-blue ideas they've been writing. And now, Ninja Girl and her light saber...I mean, katana! Like I said, love the show and will watch it next season, but the writers need a 12-step program pronto imo.
    How to distinguish someone who hasnt read the comics from someone who has

  11. #56
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    Quite possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen on tv.

    And I actually cheered Rick like he was Muhammad Ali at the end. It had to be said. Everyone always thinks "oh, I know better". Okay, then go fucking DO it, ain't no anchor tied to your ass. In reality, Rick is under no obligation to provide jack shit to any of these clowns. If he'd have just walked into camp, grabbed Lori and Carl, and left way back when, these geeks would still be standing around with a thumb in their ass waiting out the end. Maybe now some of the deadweight (like Carol) will realize that. With the exception of Darryl, every last one of them would be lunchmeat within a week on their own.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trancelikestate View Post
    You guys must have not noticed but the RV burned down with the barn.

    I never read the comics so i didn't know who Michonne was but when i first saw her it really reminded me of the feeling i got the first time i saw she predator Machiko.

    And hats off to Kirkman for practically telling us merle is coming back in season 3. A caller asked if we would see Merle, or Morgan and his kid and he said theres 100% chance that 33% of them will be in season 3.

    That makes me more sad than any of the character deaths to date.

  13. #58
    Just been bitten childofgilead's Avatar

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    *slow clap*
    If Kim Kardashian died tommorrow from a dick overdose I'd call her a dumb whore and move on, because that's what she was - Darth Los

  14. #59
    Being Attacked

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    Glen Mazzara is answering questions on Twitter at th moment. Some interesting info about season 3 and answers some questions asked in this thread ( including my thinking about the helicopter) , oh and seems they finally have plans for T-Dog

    Nicotero is also writing more webisodes. Surprised Glen is giving so much away and how candid he is as well, quite refreshing. Apparently he dislikes the flashbacks
    Last edited by Knighty; 20-Mar-2012 at 02:51 AM. Reason: Updated

  15. #60

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Even without her face, the introduction of Michonne was just simply amazing. Straight from the comics, yet it actually worked! It felt like it fit with the show. Bravo Mazarra, Kirkman, and company. Many people wondered if Michonne could have the comic introdcution in the show without it coming off as cheesy, but they pulled it off....

    When it comes to actors, it's their likeness that makes the $$$. So not showing her face could've been a budget concern as well. Although you can see her lips very well. But they could've signed her for the 3rd season, and used a stand-in or stunt woman for the finale since the character is copyright. That's what I would've done if I were the producer.
    There's so much focus on Michonne right now! People I've known since I was a kid that I never would've pegged as TWD fans/watchers are making a big deal about her on facebook right now. They have no idea of the significance of her character, yet they are acting like she's Jesus.


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