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Thread: Jim O'Rear

  1. #181
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Monrozombi View Post
    2 people just got 24 hour bans on FB for mentioning O'Rear in the comments of a topic in the Dawn of the Dead group. It'll never end.
    I was just hit by a 3-day ban for a post that I made at the same time that I got hit with the first 24 hr ban. FB's auto-ban functionality is too easy for Jim O'Rear and his misguided minions to exploit in a terroristic fashion since, unlike HPOTD it is an automated system bereft of any human component or actual review by an actual human who can make a judgement call about the validity of each report of violation
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  2. #182
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Makes you wonder why X like minded people don't return the favour then if the system is that daft?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  3. #183
    Mall Security capncnut's Avatar
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    Chat log from East Coast Horror Group today. O'Rear being his usual unclassy self and mocking cancer victims and overweight people. The sooner folks see him for the scum that he is, the better. Monrozombi has full screen grabs, if needed. This is how it panned out when he tried to promote his latest film. He has since removed the entire thread.

    Edit: And as a certain LIAR just branded me a hack for obscuring some of this thread. I have decided to post it all completely unedited. And like I said, Monrozombi has full scans. I think we're all agreed that this twerp is digging his grave deeper and deeper.

    Brad Thacker Fuck off baldy.
    11 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Thanks! Love to hear from my fans!
    11 hours ago via mobile

    Brad Thacker You don't have fans.
    11 hours ago via mobile · 2

    Jim O'Rear Obviously. That's why I keep working continuously.
    11 hours ago via mobile

    Brad Thacker 3 people isn't a fanbase.
    3 hours ago via mobile · 1

    Lee Karr So, are you ACTUALLY in this "movie"?(and I use that word very loosely). BTW, stil curious if the shirts are free. I'm low on toilet paper, so I think the shirt would come in handy.
    3 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear I have to apologize to the people in this forum for Brad... He has an unhealthy obsession with me. He'll get over it when he finally gets a girl to look at him.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Cool! Another member of the cancerous peanut gallery chimes in. Keep posting! The more you do the longer this plug for my new film and the convention stays at the top of the forum... the larger my friend list grows... and the more DVDs we sell!
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Look at that! I just received 2 more friend requests! You're making this way too easy. Thanks!
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr Sure, keep telling yourself that. People now know the truth about you and your alleged film resume. Do you really believe your own b.s or are you so pathetic and desperate for attention that you'll literally say anything? I should show you an email I got from someone who knew you in high school. They told me how full of crap you are. Not a pretty portrait at all, but most of us already know that.
    2 hours ago via mobile · 2

    Lee Karr By the way, care to tell all of your "fans" all about your experience on Day of the Dead? Why don't you entertain everyone with your memories from set?
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr By the way, do you ever take a photo where you don't have your mouth wide open?
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear High school? Really? Ha ha ha.... Haters all have an axe to grind, don't they? Some people just can't stand it when others are more successful than them in a particular field. It's the way of the world. You'll have to get used to it.
    Post again! I'm selling more DVDs!
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear I do not, Lee. As I've said in the past, if you knew how to do actual research you'd know that. A pic with my mouth closed is VERY rare, indeed.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr Sure you are.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear By the way, do you ever take a photo where you don't look like someone dying of cancer?
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Ouch! Sorry. That was rude of me.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr Won't answer my question about DAY. How many times do I have to call you out? If you'd just come clean about lying maybe some people would gain some respect for you. I DOUBT it, but maybe.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Bryan Layne Jim, was this filmed in South Pittsburg, TN, by any chance?
    2 hours ago

    Jim O'Rear If you'd have approached me respectfully in the first place instead of like a bully then I may have discussed it with you. You need to learn to play nice instead of harassing everyone for information. But you blew it... so, you're the self-proclaimed "expert." I have no desire to speak with you. Figure it out.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr I actually beat cancer. And I've beat you too. You're just too dumb to realize that. So say anything you want to, it doesn't change the fact that I outed you for being the liar you are.
    2 hours ago via mobile · 2

    Michael Exler I have kept quiet on this. Jim your comment on the photo goes beyond what I am willing to take. You call this upon yourself day in and day out. You won't come clean on your involvement on day and to go further you call it a shitty zombie film. Normally I don't feed into your madness that you create on all the horror boards but take a hint. So many people have an issue with you. Is it a coincidence that so many people do have an issue with you or is it just you in general? I think you might want to look in a mirror. Keep telling yourself all the above things and keep going to your para cons. No one cares. I have a copy of the hospital coming to me so a true review will be given. A low blow to Lee like you just did is ridiculous. That shows you have no class.
    2 hours ago via mobile · 2

    Jim O'Rear Bryan.... I can't disclose the location where it was filmed, but I can confirm that it was shot in an abandoned building somewhere in the vicinity of the South Pittsburg area.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Bryan Layne Gotcha. I have a house in Marion County, TN, as well as one in Nashville! I reaqd you loud and clear.
    2 hours ago · 1

    Bryan Layne I thought you were going off on myself there for a second!
    2 hours ago · 1

    Jim O'Rear Michael... You couldn't give an unbiased view if someone else wrote it for you. You obviously always have an agenda behind everything you do. You'll trash it just out of spite.
    But, that's okay. We actually expected to get several bad reviews because its not a film made for everyone. Nit everyone is going to like it. That's the way with ALL films. Doesn't matter, though. We've signed a worldwide distribution deal with a major distributor and it will reach its desired fan base.
    We appreciate everyone's support of the film over the past couple of months and all of the great reviews that have already poured in.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Michael Exler What is my agenda Jim?
    2 hours ago via mobile · 1

    Jim O'Rear You tell me, Michael.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr Thanks, Mike. It's no secret that O'Rear has no class. But it's not a low blow. I actually take great pride in being a cancer survivor. But I appreciate you defending me none the less!
    2 hours ago via mobile · 1

    Jim O'Rear It's very clear to everyone in this forum that its okay to call me every name in the book and try to trash me in every way possible, but when I make 1 single rude comment you flip out. Hmmmmm.... What's that agenda, Mike?
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Michael Exler And all you got out of my post was about the movie you were in. That's sad. I don't have an agenda. I am part of ECHG. We cover cons and do podcasts. I don't want to be an actor or director. I do this for fun. So where is my agenda
    2 hours ago via mobile · 2

    Jim O'Rear Again... You tell me, Michael.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Oh, look. Another friend request! Thank you!
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Michael Exler You made fun of a Vance survivor Jim. The other comments are nothing as low as that. And Lee I have a lot of admiration for you in beating cancer and outing O'Rear.
    2 hours ago via mobile · 2

    Lee Karr Mike, O'Rear can't answer a question. That's his schtick.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Ooh... Post some more. We're all waiting to see what witty and wise things you have to say next! PS... Come by the DVD! Whoooo Hooooo!
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Lee Karr Thank you, Mike.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Thank you, Mike.
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Michael Exler Jim your a child that's acting is lower than your class. You continue to prove countless people correct by these posts. You aren't worth my time. Lee your welcome and good luck with this famous jackass.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Lee Karr Damn, O'Rear. If you're selling this many DVDs you should be in a mansion by the end of the week. Guess you can move out of your roommates place then, with all that cash you've got pouring in.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Jim O'Rear Geez... chill out, Mike. High BP will kill you. Just saying thanks for picking up The Hospital to review. Any press is good press!
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Brad Thacker Jim, leave these boards. No one gives a shit about your awful movies. You spam every board everyday with plugs for your shitty movies. You are a fucking con artist.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Brad Thacker Your friend count hasn't gone up since yesterday. Another thing you are lying about.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Jim O'Rear Already in a mansion, Lee. Where have you been? Didn't that person I went to high school with tell you I was fortunate... and spoiled? Ha ha
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Yet I continue to work steadily. By the way, learn to count, Brad. It's gone up today. What kind of obsessive stalker are you, anyway, if you can't keep track of the numbers?
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel i'm sorry guys but what kinda childish behavior is this,the guy made a movie either you like it or you don't,but please stop this noncens,this is plain stupid,kids from 8/9 year old have better conversations than this.Best of luck to you Jim,hope it sells great
    about an hour ago · 1

    Brad Thacker WOW! You showed me. Go pick up all the hair off your pillow that fell out while you slept last night. A double wide trailer is not a mansion.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Brad Thacker San, with all due respect this guy is a liar & a con artist who most of us are sick of his spamming everyday in every board related to horror. And San 8 and 9 year olds have better spelling & grammer than you.
    about an hour ago via mobile · Edited

    Jim O'Rear Thank you, San.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel ur welcome jim
    about an hour ago

    San Jekel i know one thig for sure Brad,i know scott sadly i don't know jim,but i know scott well enough to go with the good guys,besides that i think you need to treat people with respect
    about an hour ago · 1

    Jim O'Rear Then block us, Brad. You don't have to see our posts and you don't have to constantly visit my page. It's your choice.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Brad Thacker Whoever the distributor is I smell Chapter 11 for them very soon.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Brad Thacker I don't visit your page. I'd rather visit a gas chamber.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 2

    Jim O'Rear That's the problem with these guys, San. They only think of themselves. That's why they hate and are jealous of the people who are more successful than them.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel brad thats low very low,thank god on ur knees hat u weren't part of world war 2 then y would know what a gas chamber is
    about an hour ago · 1

    Brad Thacker Not jealous. You annoy the shit out of me. My life is pretty awesome. I don't have to lie or spam groups to prove my talents. Notice San didn't say she planned on watching your movie. Did fleecing people about being in Day of The Dead help pay for your mansion?
    about an hour ago via mobile · Edited · 1

    Jim O'Rear Ha ha. Brad says he doesn't visit my page, yet a couple of posts earlier he claims to have kept track of how many friends I have. Contradict yourself much? Ha ha.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Lee Karr I've never seen anyone as delusional as O'Rear. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Brad Thacker San, gas chambers are used for more than that.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Jim O'Rear Yet, I can write 4 books and have them distributed in the same amount of time that you haven't been able to write just one, Lee. Ha ha
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Brad Thacker I mean gass chambars are used forr moree that than. They have commas, periods, etc on your phone keys you can use so you don't sound so dumb. Worth the extra 2 seconds it takes to hit the key.
    about an hour ago via mobile · Edited · 1

    Jim O'Rear On that note, I must leave this "classy" company. I'll be back again to remind you how to buy the DVD.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Lee Karr My book doesn't require crayons though, O'Rear.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 1

    Brad Thacker No one needs instructions or a reminder on how to order a shitty movie.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel elementry school would be a good option,this is the most worhtless conversaton i ever heard
    about an hour ago

    Brad Thacker If you're dumb enough to need instructions on how to order a DVD, you are dumb enough to watch The Hospital.
    about an hour ago via mobile · Edited

    Michael Exler Funny thing is this San person just asked to join the group. I am sure she is just a plant.
    about an hour ago via mobile · 3

    San Jekel yep i did,because that was the only way i could leave a comment
    about an hour ago

    Lee Karr No, Mike. O'Rear would never do that!
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Brad Thacker You aren't hearing this conversation you are reading it San. And you continue to call me childish but you have the grammar & spelling skills of a chimp.
    about an hour ago via mobile · Edited

    Brad Thacker Would love to see the begging messages O'Rear sends to friends to get them to defend his honor.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel yeah well try and write dutch bet you cant beat my english
    about an hour ago

    Brad Thacker Huh? Go to night school or get a tutor. I had to ask the drunk hobo in my neighborhood to translate that last one.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel thats what i mean you cant even read it,write in dutch and you get the perfect answer
    about an hour ago

    Brad Thacker I am not Dutch nor do I care what the translation is.
    about an hour ago via mobile

    San Jekel ik kan tenminste engels en nederlands
    about an hour ago

    William L. Bozarth San, Carrot Top asked for his hair back
    24 minutes ago via mobile · 1

    William L. Bozarth So let's see... we attack his unprofessional career, and he attacks my house fire, Lee's cancer, and Exler's weight. Yup. "Stay classy", you nobody.
    22 minutes ago via mobile · 1
    Last edited by capncnut; 04-Apr-2013 at 07:35 PM.

    The George A. Romero Fan Assembly @ Facebook:

  4. #184
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    I'm confused how he still manages to appear at conventions without people pulling him up on is suppose Day appearance, and making a scene!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  5. #185
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    By the way, do you ever take a photo where you don't look like someone dying of cancer?

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  6. #186
    Mall Security capncnut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I'm confused how he still manages to appear at conventions without people pulling him up on is suppose Day appearance, and making a scene!
    Well, many horror conventions are in the loop about his dishonesty and if he does attend, he is usually tucked away in the corner. So he now attends paranormal conventions (another genre he's faked his way into) based on a couple of books he wrote. By the way, check out some of the glowing reviews from 'Sarcophagi' on Amazon. If anyone has visited the Dusk Til Con thread, that name will be very familiar to them.

    Edit: And it's kicking off again at the ECHG page. You only have to look at a few comments to see that O'Rear is really on the ropes!
    Last edited by capncnut; 03-Apr-2013 at 03:21 PM.

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  7. #187
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Makes you wonder why X like minded people don't return the favour then if the system is that daft?
    I can only speak for myself, but I would never condone silencing folks by exploiting the severely flawed structure of the FB reporting system. I do also believe that O'Rear is so egotistical and irrational that allowing him to continue to put up posts will make clear the truth of his delusion to all who read them. Since Cap's posting of the text of O'Rear's classless shots at Lee and others - a thread, by the way, which O'Rear eventually tried to hide by deleting, only to later put up other posts on which likewise he eventually made so many hot headed and insulting posts toward anyone who dared to question him - he soon enraged so many people and even went as far as to insult the moderators of that page culminating in him getting banned which he promptly whined about on his own page.

    My posts about O'Rear were never of a personal nature - unless calling him out as a liar can be considered a personal insult. He responded to my posts by insulting me and my wife (who had nothing to do with this) and launching a campaign of harrassment against me that caused me to be auto banned on numerous occasions. So, challenge O'Rear and you will be besieged with personal, uncalled for insults and auto-bans. I refuse to respond in kind.
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 04-Apr-2013 at 06:06 PM. Reason: yes
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  8. #188
    Mall Security capncnut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    My posts about O'Rear were never of a personal nature - unless calling him out as a liar can be considered a personal insult. He responded to my posts by insulting me and my wife (who had nothing to do with this) and launching a campaign of harrassment against me that caused me to be auto banned on numerous occasions.
    I only got personal when he made it personal. I was courteous to begin with (as evidenced in the transcript Larry posted earlier in this thread) but it was only when my posts started disappearing (and a subsequent ban for absolutely NOTHING) that I decided that I was being silenced by someone who is trying to cover up his tracks. Never did I want to be in a war with this guy but, at the end of the day, he is the one who started this shit. All we wanted was for O'Rear to ease our concerns and just tell us what scene he was in, but he won't.

    Oh, and here's O'Rear's latest film. I'm presuming he doesn't mind me posting this as he is proudly plastering it all over the internet. Just wondered what y'all think?
    Last edited by capncnut; 04-Apr-2013 at 06:49 PM.

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  9. #189
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    ^^ Ummm.... Oh dear!

    I seem to recall on his website there's a list of his martial arts achievements... I wonder how genuine those are?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  10. #190
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Looks horrible, but whadya expect from a guy with the word "REAR" in his name?

    If some of these places are hip to his jive, then why do they even let him set up? Could I set up a booth and pretend to be in stuff too?

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    If some of these places are hip to his jive, then why do they even let him set up? Could I set up a booth and pretend to be in stuff too?
    The thing about (at least some of) the conventions it has tables at, is that anyone who has content (DVDs, photos, craft wares, etc) to sell can purchase a vendor table. Most cons I've attended have a room for guests (the bigger names) and then a separate vendor/dealer room. The dealers' room holds the tables of everyone from independent actors and companies to Joe Schmo off the street who has a ton of memorabilia for sale.

    He skates by on technicalities. He's usually in a dealers' room, so technically, he doesn't have to have credit one. He happens to have a few legit credits (quality notwithstanding) so... he skates.

  12. #192
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    I love reading the threads on his pages, good work exposing him guys.

    Im surprised he hasnt tried to register here yet, he obviously visits the place and checks on this topic because we have had emails whining about it.

  13. #193
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    I only got personal when he made it personal. I was courteous to begin with (as evidenced in the transcript Larry posted earlier in this thread) but it was only when my posts started disappearing (and a subsequent ban for absolutely NOTHING) that I decided that I was being silenced by someone who is trying to cover up his tracks. Never did I want to be in a war with this guy but, at the end of the day, he is the one who started this shit. All we wanted was for O'Rear to ease our concerns and just tell us what scene he was in, but he won't.

    Oh, and here's O'Rear's latest film. I'm presuming he doesn't mind me posting this as he is proudly plastering it all over the internet. Just wondered what y'all think?
    WOW -so a fat gamer stalks people through a disused hospital and kills them. so O'rear is openly ripping people off with this z grade rubbish or is he that deluded that he thinks this
    is a decent film?

    Btw rap songs themed to the movie -a tad bit dated.

  14. #194
    Mall Security capncnut's Avatar
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    It's quite an interesting scenario. I checked out his page the other day and he has a screen grab of the time Larry altered Wikipedia to include a bunch of his merry men as extras in Day, just as a joke to prove anyone can say they were in the film, and O'Rear is using it as an example of how everybody is doing the same as him. Erm, no. It's a big difference to purposely dupe fans, get your foot in the door on the back of films you never appeared in, thus destroying thousands of dollars of merchandise when you sign them.

    I never really had a beef with this new film he's in, but what he doesn't realise is that he is destroying it. He thinks he's being cute and funny by recruiting his fans to spam his attackers pages with homosexual porn (probably from his own collection) and threatening females ("take down your status otherwise I will step up attacks on you at my page" - BIG GUY!), but he is just coming off desperate and pathetic.
    Last edited by capncnut; 08-Apr-2013 at 01:26 PM.

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  15. #195
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    It's quite an interesting scenario. I checked out his page the other day and he has a screen grab of the time Larry altered Wikipedia to include a bunch of his merry men as extras in Day, just as a joke to prove anyone can say they were in the film, and O'Rear is using it as an example of how everybody is doing the same as him. Erm, no. It's a big difference to purposely dupe fans, get your foot in the door on the back of films you never appeared in, thus destroying thousands of dollars of merchandise when you sign them.

    I never really had a beef with this new film he's in, but what he doesn't realise is that he is destroying it. He thinks he's being cute and funny by recruiting his fans to spam his attackers pages with homosexual porn (probably from his own collection) and threatening females ("take down your status otherwise I will step up attacks on you at my page" - BIG GUY!), but he is just coming off desperate and pathetic.
    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    It's quite an interesting scenario. I checked out his page the other day and he has a screen grab of the time Larry altered Wikipedia to include a bunch of his merry men as extras in Day, just as a joke to prove anyone can say they were in the film, and O'Rear is using it as an example of how everybody is doing the same as him. Erm, no. It's a big difference to purposely dupe fans, get your foot in the door on the back of films you never appeared in, thus destroying thousands of dollars of merchandise when you sign them.

    I never really had a beef with this new film he's in, but what he doesn't realise is that he is destroying it. He thinks he's being cute and funny by recruiting his fans to spam his attackers pages with homosexual porn (probably from his own collection) and threatening females ("take down your status otherwise I will step up attacks on you at my page" - BIG GUY!), but he is just coming off desperate and pathetic.
    Some one hipped me to that post - quite funny that he thinks that this is some sort of big gotcha find. Here the thing- he isn't even telling his devoted followers the whole story about what the dispute is actually about making it seem as if Lee is a rude cyberbully who's only issue is that O'Rear claims that we was in Day of the Dead as a background zombie- one of hundreds. He conveniently does not share that the issue is that he not only claims that he was an extra zombie who performed stunts in the film but that he has signed the merchandise of gullible fans at the cons - most of whom are incensed that he did so and feel that their merchandise has been devalued or ruined under false pretenses. O'Rear claims to his followers that he no longer even mentions his association with such an old, unimportant film because he had such a small role in it- instead blaming promoters at cons for publicizing this credit. He has also posted a photo of what appears to be the credits from the film that lists him along with Taso as having done stunts - I wonder how Taso would react to this since it is common knowledge that Taso was the stunt coordinator and has no recollection of O'Rear being on set or performing stunts in any way. Finally he is dismissive of Savini's admission that O Rear begged Tom to lie for him on this issue, saying that Tom is under duress to say this by Lee and merely is telling Lee that he lied for O'Rear just to get Lee off of his back - a claim that is laughable given the big stink that happened once Lee made his communiques with Savini public. He does not even address that Tom and Lee have made their peace on this issue, making it seem that Lee is bullying Savini.

    His "army" has vowed to launch attacks on anyone who clashes with O'Rear who has been pitching them to purchase t shirts from him emblazoned with "Jim's Army". So I think it is only a matter of time that we will hear from them on these pages
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 08-Apr-2013 at 08:44 PM.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."


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