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Thread: It begins...

  1. #106
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    That'll piss the traditionalists off, all these zombies sound like runners!!

  2. #107
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    That'll piss the traditionalists off, all these zombies sound like runners!!
    OMG, I never thought about that angle! Good catch, Andy!

  3. #108
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    Gospel Oak/Chalk Farm (around that area), Camden, London
    So I know it's those legal high doohickeys that is causing this (god knows how many times I've gone through Camden Market and I see market stalls selling them!) but I like to think that perhaps it's begun... just let me live in my fantasy world and leave me alone!

  4. #109
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Another incident. Notice they have finally stopped repeating the "bath salts" stupidity.

    Naked man, 22, 'leaps from roof, dents truck and urinates on floor before biting chunk out of another man's stomach'

    After being unable to restrain Haughee, the officers then attempted to Taser him.

    He fell down after each five-second shock, only to get up and begin attacking them again, the report noted.

    When three additional officers arrived on the scene, they still struggled to control the man and he bit one officer on the lower leg. He required medical treatment.

    Police said Haughee is not being tested to see if was under the influence of illegal drugs as there is no statute for such a test.

  5. #110
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    Honestly part of me wonders if this being the hottest summer in history isnt part of the cause, but 'mass hysteria' is such a out and out admission of how we are still just a dumb ape that can get fucked with by climate change on a base level that im sure the very idea is offensive to some people.

  6. #111
    Just been bitten

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    EDS more likely than bath salts

    I am a recently retired police officer from a large department that had a number of "In Custody"-"Tazer" death incidents involving out of control, violent and surprisingly, nude suspects. The vast majority were subsequently ruled to be E.D.S related incidents since few had any detectable narcotics in their systems. We had to undergo tons of extra training and learned several new control and restraint techniques to avoid positional asphyxia.
    Many of this current string of reported "Bath Salt Zombies" seem fall right into that category.
    The signs and symptoms for excited delirium may include:[2][10][16][4][17]

    Incoherent speech or shouting
    Seemingly superhuman strength or endurance (typically while trying to resist restrain efforts)
    Hyperthermia (overheating)/profuse sweating (even in cold weather)

    Other medical conditions that can resemble excited delirium are panic attack, hyperthermia, diabetes, head injury, delirium tremens, and hyperthyroidism.[18]

    A 2010 systematic review published in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine argued that the symptoms associated with excited delirium likely posed a far greater medical risk than the use of tasers, and that it seems unlikely that taser use significantly exacerbates the symptoms of excited delirium.[19]
    Last edited by rgc2005; 11-Jul-2012 at 07:01 AM. Reason: linked to Wiki

  7. #112
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Not convinced yet? Well, another zombie in Florida (at least this time they aren't screaming "BATH SALTS!" throughout the article):

    Naked man arrested after rampage and attack in St. Augustine
    Posted: July 10, 2012 - 10:00am | Updated: July 10, 2012 - 12:06pm
    By Dan Scanlan

    A naked man went on a rampage Saturday, biting a chunk out of a man’s stomach after leaping from a roof onto a truck on Palmetto Avenue, according to the St. Augustine Police Department.

    After it took several officers to subdue him, 22-year-old Jeremiah Aaron Haughee of North Central Avenue in Flagler Beach was booked into the St. Johns County jail on five counts of battery, according to the arrest report. Three of the batteries were against a police officer, while Haughee was also charged with burglary and criminal mischief before he was released Sunday on $32,000 bail.

    Police were called to the scene about 4:30 a.m. to find a naked man being restrained by two men outside their home on Palmetto Avenue, the arrest report said. The men said they were asleep when they heard someone destroying their lawn furniture, then climbing on their roof before leaping onto a truck and denting its hood.

    When the men came out of their house to see what was happening, Haughee ran in and tackled them. He urinated on the floor before biting one of them in the stomach as they held him for police, according to the report.

    It took five officers with two sets of handcuffs, leg shackles, a spit-prevention hood and Taser strikes to control Haughee, police said. Three officers were kicked, hit or bitten during the arrest. Haughee was taken to Flagler Hospital and anesthetized to calm him down, then jailed.

    There is no initial indication if he was on any substance during his rampage, police said.

    Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, my friends..
    i think the fact that he was released on a $32,000 bond precludes the idea that he was a zombie. it also means he was over what ever set him off. they usually don't let people out of jail when they are still attacking/biting people in rages. people, in your words, "flip their shit" all time for all different manner of reasons. there are a lot of folks out there right now under tremendous pressure, mostly of the financial kind. i'm surprised there aren't more people losing it.
    Last edited by Mike70; 12-Jul-2012 at 04:36 PM. Reason: g
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #113
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    i think the fact that he was released on a $32,000 bond precludes the idea that he was a zombie.

    It's ok everyone, relax. I've got everything under control. I got my permit today and I'm ready:

  9. #114

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    there are a lot of folks out there right now under tremendous pressure, mostly of the financial kind. i'm surprised there aren't more people losing it.
    Absolutely!! You just wouldn't think it would look like this. I'd expect it to look more like traditional post office rampages, workplace shootings, assaults on banks or insurance offices or something like that. Not face eating and excited delirium.

  10. #115
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    Absolutely!! You just wouldn't think it would look like this. I'd expect it to look more like traditional post office rampages, workplace shootings, assaults on banks or insurance offices or something like that. Not face eating and excited delirium.
    we live in a culture where zombies are not only one of our main "monsters", they've entered the popular consciousness on a deeper level than most people would guess. in the mid 18th century there was a series of rabies outbreaks in central/eastern europe that were attributed at the time to vampires. hysteria tends to model itself after the boogeyman of the times.

    if anyone seriously believes that this is the beginning of some zombie outbreak (keep in mind these folks are getting released on bail in some cases) or evidence of some govt. cover-up of aforementioned zombie outbreak, then the only thing i can do is recommend some mental health treatment for you. people have done far sicker things than anything contained in these news reports without needing to be undead. check out Edmund Kemper. he performed fellatio on himself with his mother's severed head. that is only one example.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  11. #116

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    we live in a culture where zombies are not only one of our main "monsters", they've entered the popular consciousness on a deeper level than most people would guess. in the mid 18th century there was a series of rabies outbreaks in central/eastern europe that were attributed at the time to vampires. hysteria tends to model itself after the boogeyman of the times.

    if anyone seriously believes that this is the beginning of some zombie outbreak (keep in mind these folks are getting released on bail in some cases) or evidence of some govt. cover-up of aforementioned zombie outbreak, then the only thing i can do is recommend some mental health treatment for you. people have done far sicker things than anything contained in these news reports without needing to be undead. check out Edmund Kemper. he performed fellatio on himself with his mother's severed head. that is only one example.
    I don't personally beleive that any of this is the start of a zombie situation in any form. Or a cover up of a zombie outbreak. I think it's a unique situation in itself, that just happens to have similarities to a zombie outbreak which is why it's being compared to it.
    But I also think that we aren't being told the whole truth about it. But that's more because I know that our GOV views us as children, whose ideas on things need to be carefully guided in order to come to the conclusions they want us to come to. And since they won't actually address peoples concerns about stuff like this, people apply their usual logic to the situation. Something that has the potential to cause widespread concern or even panic, especially when it has the potential to influence peoples decisions on whether or not to continue to go out and spend money, will always be downplayed. As in the case with the "Causeway Cannibal", that happened in an area that was just getting ready to host a large social gathering. So of course they're gonna be careful not to cause too much concern over it or they risk jeopardizing the success of the event. There does seem to be a situation surrounding these events taking place in that specific state. When you consider the other incidents that may or may not be related.
    And if there ever was a situation that could be considered a zombie outbreak, it wouldn't really look like it does in the movies. It would only be a "zombie outbreak" in a very loosely affiliated way, because things are never actually the way they're portrayed in movies or other fiction.
    The dead do not rise. So in that sense there will never be a zombie outbreak. But it's not too outlandish of an idea to think that something like the "Rage" virus could actually happen. That more closely resembles rabies, which is already in existence. So while I do not think this to be the start of a zombie outbreak, I do reserve the possibility that there's more to the situation than we're being told, and possibly more cause for concern than is being portrayed.
    Plus, it's just fun to look at it as a zombie outbreak, albeit in a lighthearted tongue-in-cheek manner. Which is what I think people are doing here. I don't think anyone TRULY believes this to be "the begginning"...

  12. #117

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    I get the feeling the sun is causing this shit. Mutating peoples brains, making them go nuts. OR, perhaps the binary solar system theory (Planet X / Nibiru) that many think the Mayans and Sumerians were warning us about is true. As this celestial body drives closer to Earth, (first discovered in 1983, as far as modern technology is concerned) it drives every country into further and further debt, as they scramble for ways to stop the impending doom. Animals start dying off in droves, their instinctual migration path having been fucked up by the intrusion of a second star. Increasingly bizarre weather patterns continue to show up, the government tracks when and where it will be visible and sprays chemtrails to block it out. As it continues to drive inward, the government starts concocting distractions to gauge the publics reaction. Comet Elenin comes to mind. (ELE = extinction level event)

    Watch Deep Impact again. That shit was mocking us. All in all, reality is a matrix, we are all part of a Truman Show, and Earth is a Reality TV program.

  13. #118
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Watch Deep Impact again.
    nothing will ever induce me to insult my brain like that again.

    as for planet X/nibiru theories, i hope you were kidding/being sarcastic about that. there is less than zero evidence for such a thing. the maya calendar horseshit is just a way for people to sell books to the same idiots that read the national enquirer.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #119
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Ya'll are nothin' but a big

    Stop interjecting logic into this discussion! It has no place here!

  15. #120
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Ya'll are nothin' but a big

    Stop interjecting logic into this discussion! It has no place here!

    sorry, i didn't realize that "deep impact" fell under the heading of logic.

    i'm a bit perplexed by how seriously people are taking some of these stories. also, i can never pass up a shot at planet X talk either...even if it was in jest.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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