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Thread: Unfair Treatment at Work

  1. #1
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Unfair Treatment at Work

    I recieved my mid year performance appraisal on Tuesday and it was a really good attempt to rip my balls off to say the least. Last month I was injuried at work (metal part cut one of my fingers pretty bad - 5 stitches). Well this appraisal has catagories where you rate yourself (1 to 4) and then turn it into your supervisor who then gives you his score. (your score doesn't count)

    Well, only two blocks pertain to safety. I was expecting to get screwed on the first one but what happened....I was given a 1 on 7 of 19 different blocks all citing safety as why I got a low grade. We're talking like accountability, teamwork, example setting, decision making...Well here's the catch. I have never been written up for safety or even verbally counciled on a safety related issue. I have even reported quite a few potential safety issues that could have prevented injury. So anyways, I filed a rebuttal and we'll see what happens. Fill you in as this goes on.

    Anyone else been royally screwed at work? What did you do?

  2. #2
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Not only me, but the entire crew at the place I worked were repeatedly falsely accused of shit by an owner who is a pathological lying narcissistic psychopath and by thugs from 2 other of his underperforming stores. I worked at the shithole for 6 years, showed up when I was scheduled, did my job, only missed 2 days due to sickness and only took 3 vacation days. That wasn't good enough for him. I got canned 2 days before christmas because I wasn't willing to kiss his ass and look the other way while he blatantly violated laws. I wish terminal ass cancer upon him, all of his family and everyone at the other stores.

    It sounds like they were told by some shyster to start a paper trail accusing you of unsafe practices so they can wave it around in court if you decide to sue them for your injury due to an unsafe work environment. They may even use it to force you to resign or outright fire you. I have seen this shit before and it usually means that the company either is carrying very inadequate (or none at all) insurance, not been paying into workers comp, or violating other laws.

    Document everything that you can now. Everyone you talked to. What they said, times, dates, etc.
    Last edited by Sammich; 16-Aug-2012 at 11:37 PM. Reason: a

  3. #3
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Jesus. I'd hate to work in the States. The employee doesn't stand a chance, it seems.

    If your numbers don't count Clean, the WTF is the point in filling out the bloody form?

    Sounds like they're arming themselves with information making it look like the injury is YOUR fault, in case you sue at a later date.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  4. #4
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    I recieved my mid year performance appraisal on Tuesday and it was a really good attempt to rip my balls off to say the least. Last month I was injuried at work (metal part cut one of my fingers pretty bad - 5 stitches). Well this appraisal has catagories where you rate yourself (1 to 4) and then turn it into your supervisor who then gives you his score. (your score doesn't count)

    Well, only two blocks pertain to safety. I was expecting to get screwed on the first one but what happened....I was given a 1 on 7 of 19 different blocks all citing safety as why I got a low grade. We're talking like accountability, teamwork, example setting, decision making...Well here's the catch. I have never been written up for safety or even verbally counciled on a safety related issue. I have even reported quite a few potential safety issues that could have prevented injury. So anyways, I filed a rebuttal and we'll see what happens. Fill you in as this goes on.

    Anyone else been royally screwed at work? What did you do?
    Well, first thing I'd say is stay level headed and calm about the matter and - as it seems you're doing - have the reasons why you think elements of the appraisal are unfair.

    What do you think of your supervisor? The concern I'd have is if he's not doing very well in his position, is he basically attempting to point the finger of blame down the line. ie: "No wonder this didn't go very well, look at these folk, it's their fault..." Is that feasible?

    How has he rated your colleagues? Do they feel they've been rated fairly?

    But I would emphasise again, don't risk make this a personal battle, instead be as fair and accurate as possible.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  5. #5
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Well, came into day with a huge surprise. We had a big meeting and was notified that the scum bag slave driver who made 99% of the employees life a living hell was terminated. Everyone is smiling and in great spirits. I am uncertain if my rebuttal had anything to with it...but was probably among the contributing factors.

    Talked to Day Shift Employees about their meeting (I work nights)....and I guess about half the crowd started unprofessional clapping and cheering at the end.

    I still haven't really got a response yet about my rebuttal. I would assume HR will end up talking to me but are perhaps working out the legal kinks portion about my rebuttal to cover their own ass.

    @Sammich - The main reason I did my rebuttal was so in 6 months when I get another review they couldn't give me a low rating and say " didn't improve so see ya"

    @Shootem - Yeah, I dunno why they allow you to rate yourself and then have a supervisor go back and spit in your face about it. Pretty dumb. Your allowed to comment on why you rate yourself a certain way so maybe to remind your supervisor of some things that perhaps he had forgotten.

    @Neil - Yeah, the whole thing really hurt/disappointed me at first. After getting over that, I just figured I needed to cover my ass and stop the bs at this point before it got out of hand. Plus I didn't feel that it was fair in the sense that it seemed like I was being punished for an accidental injury even though I did nothing wrong in the company's eyes.

  6. #6
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    @Neil - Yeah, the whole thing really hurt/disappointed me at first. After getting over that, I just figured I needed to cover my ass and stop the bs at this point before it got out of hand. Plus I didn't feel that it was fair in the sense that it seemed like I was being punished for an accidental injury even though I did nothing wrong in the company's eyes.
    Sounds like the exact point you want to clearly put over to HR or whomever you speak to,
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  7. #7
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    We had a big meeting and was notified that the scum bag slave driver who made 99% of the employees life a living hell was terminated. they're gonna throw you out after all?

    ha...just kidding. Good news. Perhaps your say went over well. But, if this person was making a "living hell", then perhaps their cards were already marked.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #8
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    Well, came into day with a huge surprise. We had a big meeting and was notified that the scum bag slave driver who made 99% of the employees life a living hell was terminated. Everyone is smiling and in great spirits. I am uncertain if my rebuttal had anything to with it...but was probably among the contributing factors.
    Just to settle my curiosity, did the terminated nobhead happen to be a MBA?

    -- -------- Post added at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Jesus. I'd hate to work in the States. The employee doesn't stand a chance, it seems.

    If your numbers don't count Clean, the WTF is the point in filling out the bloody form?

    Sounds like they're arming themselves with information making it look like the injury is YOUR fault, in case you sue at a later date.
    These are the kinds of things labor unions were born out of, to make sure workers didn't get screwed over by psychopathic MBAs and money junkies. The reason big unions have become disliked by so many is that they are nothing but political machines rather than looking out for worker rights.

  9. #9
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    Just to settle my curiosity, did the terminated nobhead happen to be a MBA?
    Umm...I believe it was some sort of engineering degree but that was just hear-say. So in reality, I do not know. Whatever it was, doesn't mean as much as it did before when you have to explain a termination during the job seeking process.

    I think quite a few people had mixed feelings about the whole deal. (including myself even though I despised his dumb-ass.) When you boiled the matter down to it's skeletal components....He was a man, who had a family with kids. So, to say that he is the only one affected by this would be a lie. Now, on the other hand...."HE" did this to himself and to his family. So, my sorrow for the man is absolutely minimal....actually, my grief on the matter is for his family....not him.

    -- -------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammich View Post
    These are the kinds of things labor unions were born out of, to make sure workers didn't get screwed over by psychopathic MBAs and money junkies. The reason big unions have become disliked by so many is that they are nothing but political machines rather than looking out for worker rights.
    The public unions (Teachers, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, ect) seem to be a much bigger political machine then private unions....which is really sad...Now, the defense for those workers will have less credibility.

  10. #10
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Possibly not as bad as you but I don't feel like I get treated fairly at work (who does?), I've had three appraisals in the past two years, and in each one I have stated that I would like to see development in my role, and that I would like further training to help with my job and I would like to have my salary regraded to include all the extra responsibilities I've taken on in the past few years (I've been there 5 & a half years now). I'm not overly demanding and I put it in a positive way, but it just falls on deaf ears as the company seem to want me to stay where I am doing the same routine for the rest of my life, rather than let me develop & move upward, its really frustrating after all the work I've put in and is the reason I am desperately trying to find a new job now so I can leave. I can guarantee that the day I hand my notice in they will panic and suddenly pay rises, bonuses and promotions will be on the table, but its already too late for that.
    For an idea of what I do I work for one of the biggest dry bulk haulage companies in europe in the repairs/maintenance department, I'm responsible for organising the servicing and annual testing of our large trailer fleet across the UK, europe & scandinavia, as well as looking after all the parts, processing all repair & maintenance costs for the companys haulage equipment, dealing with equipment breakdowns all over europe, sending parts out when & where they are needed, keeping all the records updated, negotiating costs of repairs and parts, and a whole load of other stuff thats too long to list. I've compared my job and salary to my counterparts in other companies and I should be on at least £5000 - £6000 a year more than the peanuts I am currently getting, and the more time goes on with no pay rises the more frustrated I'm getting, as at 30 years old I should be doing a lot better than I am, considering my experience & reliability. To make it worse the company brings new starters in with no experience but pays them more than me while expecting me to teach them how to do their job. Its not hell working there, but the lack of reward, progression or hope for the future just makes me long for the day I can throw the towel in and move on.

  11. #11
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    To clarify my last statement....all workers should be treated fair in the work place and be payed a fair salary for the position + recieve adequate raises for raising inflation in all markets. If public employees get screwed....only people these jobs will attract are those who really have a passion to do such a thing or those not really not qualified to do the job due to lowering standards to fill positions. Do you really want sub-standard Teachers teaching your children....or poor firefighters attempting to control a forest fire....or unacceptable police officers doing a horrible job at keeping you and your family safe? It makes absolutely no sense.... Owell.....

    -- -------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    To make it worse the company brings new starters in with no experience but pays them more than me while expecting me to them how to do their job.
    This would be enough for me to give my notice. Money Talks......Bullshit walks

    Something similar actually happened at my work but not as bad for the reason I was more qualified than the veteran employee (his 3 years in a factory vs my 6 years working on aircraft) but he had to show me the ends and outs of their machines because I had never worked on most of them (the machines are dinosaurs) and their products were somewhat dangerous if someone wasn't aware of the hazards.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 17-Aug-2012 at 09:17 PM. Reason: ...

  12. #12
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    This would be enough for me to give my notice. Money Talks......Bullshit walks
    Its definitely how I feel, but unfortunately we're still in recession here and jobs are hard to come by, so at the moment its better to just suck it up and keep my mouth shut until such a time I bag an opportunity and can tell them where to shove it. It will happen, its just taking a lot longer than I was hoping for due to the current climate. I'd rather be getting underpaid than have no income at all in the short/medium term.

  13. #13
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    I think quite a few people had mixed feelings about the whole deal. (including myself even though I despised his dumb-ass.) When you boiled the matter down to it's skeletal components....He was a man, who had a family with kids. So, to say that he is the only one affected by this would be a lie. Now, on the other hand...."HE" did this to himself and to his family. So, my sorrow for the man is absolutely minimal....actually, my grief on the matter is for his family....not him.[COLOR="Silver"]
    It really should make you wonder if he treats his family with the same amount of contempt and hostility. It isn't like that kind of narcissistic behavior can easily be turned off.

    -- -------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    To clarify my last statement....all workers should be treated fair in the work place and be payed a fair salary for the position + recieve adequate raises for raising inflation in all markets. If public employees get screwed....only people these jobs will attract are those who really have a passion to do such a thing or those not really not qualified to do the job due to lowering standards to fill positions. Do you really want sub-standard Teachers teaching your children....or poor firefighters attempting to control a forest fire....or unacceptable police officers doing a horrible job at keeping you and your family safe? It makes absolutely no sense.... Owell.....
    In the U.S., CEOs pay is upwards of 231-380 times the amount of pay that regular joe workers are getting and is the highest disparity of all industrialized nations. Do most execs actually deserve this amount of income due to their increasing of business? No. Their pay increases and bonuses are due to the illusion given to stockholders that revenues are going up, when in reality it is the result of cutting payroll from downsizing and outsourcing. Do the workers who have to do the jobs of 2 or more other employees get a pay raise? No. All they get is the temporary satisfaction of remaining employed, that is until they are eventually told to train their foreign replacements. The main problem with execs today is that they are only interested in immediate/short term gain. They either don't care or are incapable of realizing that by destroying the backbone of their companies (the workers) they are cutting their own throats, because eventually there won't be any company left.

    Here is something that should make your blood boil which is once again being done by the infamous Bain Capital, the company co-founded by Mitt Romney:

    'I'm sick to my stomach': anger grows in Illinois at Bain's latest outsourcing plan

    The Sensata plant in Freeport is profitable and competitive, but its majority owner, Bain Capital, has decided to ship jobs to China – and forced workers to train their overseas replacements

    U.S. CEO's pay 231 times higher than that of average workers

    So much for the new austerity.

    The average U.S. chief executive earned more than $11 million last year in salary, stock options and other compensation, according to a new analysis by the Economic Policy Institute. That’s about 231 times more, on average, than workers.

  14. #14
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    I believe that CEOs should get a hefty sum of money because what they do not earn through work they make up for responsiblity. Yet there seems to be no longer any accountability so all companies should have some kind of clause stating that if the companies condition worses under his/her leadership then they forfit 1/2 of their projected salary(repay money if need be).

    I do agree that they tend to be paid in excess and if a 1/5 of it was divided amongst the workers....workers would be better off but they would just want MORE! It's a terrible cycle and not even a satisfactory solution to the problem.

  15. #15
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post

    Anyone else been royally screwed at work? What did you do?
    Oh yes... and the final screwing was me suing my former employer and getting PAID like a mutherfucker.

    Of course my situation was a tad different, I turned my former employer, a $25,000,000,000 a year company, into the FDA for falsifying documents.

    couple of months after I did that, and btw, gave them fair warning if they didn't correct it I would go to the fda, so I didn't just run the minute I found it, anyway, my mom passed away, and when I returned from funeral leave, I was fired.

    Needless to say I keep a record of everything, and in the eyes of the court they couldn't defend my firing and ended up settling to make it go away, and my employment files was wiped clean as if I simply resigned and moved on to bigger and better things.

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*


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