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Thread: TWD 3x04 "Killer Within" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #46
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Yeh...I'm with Bassman on that.

    The guy's not mellowing. He's scheming.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #47
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I get the feeling he's only more mellow now because The Governor has put him in his place and he won't dare cross him again. I also can't help but feel that not only does he want to find his brother, but he wants to find Rick to get his revenge.
    ^^^^This, this, this. 100% agree, this.

  3. #48
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Some great stuff and some stupid stuff. I like the way the shows kills off characters, but with so many characters going down the drain in such a short time it almost takes away from the suspense. I'm no longer that surprised when somebody is killed. Almost as if the show has gone too far in the other direction. I remember when Dale got offed - That was big. Shane was expected, but still dramatic. These two deaths? One was expected, the other was uneventful. But I've noticed that what I like about this show is usually not the episodes themselves, but rather my interest in how all these shifts and changes will change the show and the group.

    Speaking of the group, the Group is a character is way more interesting than any one particular character in the show. There aren't really any great characters except for maybe Daryl and Carol. But the group is what's fun to watch develop. Especially with all the deaths going on, and the recent injections of fresh blood via the two prisoners. I welcome them warmly!

    Michonne had one big scene in this episode. I don't know why, but for some reason the showrunners have decided to play her character as if she was on a daytime soap. Seeing her being snorty to the Governor in that one scene just made me want to fast-forward until a time when this character was no longer on this show. Such horrible dialoge and such horrible acting. Needless to say, the Woodboro stuff doesn't interest me at all - even if it's mostly about Andrea (another lackluster character, by the way).

    The Walker "reveal" was kinda cheap IMO. How come Rick and the guys failed to notice those zombies? It annoys me that the show keeps making these simply oversights (see the "play dead" walker in episode 1).

  4. #49
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Minion zombie I am I'm complete agreement on the acting performed by Rick when he says "oh no". I'm not sure why but I understand exactly where he was coming from. I mean the overwhelming power of that situation was nailed by Lincoln. I cant form the words to justify how that moment was so damn heart wrenching. It's obvious he still loved Laurie they just lost their way as a couple. Again just amazing acting.

    My concern now is will the success of the show be its demise. By that I wonder if the actors, and there are some good ones, are going to use this show as a springboard to greener pastures? They are going to be a marketable group. I hope AMC will fund everyone and everything to keep this the best zombie story ever

  5. #50
    Just been bitten

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    Now that the comics storylines are mostly diverged from the television show I find myself strangely content. Whoever dies next just dies...........

  6. #51
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Minion zombie I am I'm complete agreement on the acting performed by Rick when he says "oh no". I'm not sure why but I understand exactly where he was coming from. I mean the overwhelming power of that situation was nailed by Lincoln. I cant form the words to justify how that moment was so damn heart wrenching. It's obvious he still loved Laurie they just lost their way as a couple. Again just amazing acting.
    The "oh no" moment works on different levels too. He realises he's lost his wife, he knows he wasn't there for her, he realises that Carl had to lose his mother, help deliver his sibling, and shoot his own mother in the head, but it's also like there's an almost child-like quality to Rick's breakdown - by which I mean, that all-consuming disbelief in something happening in a way that you'd never wanted it to, and then his entire body just giving up and him crumpling into the foetal position ... it was extremely powerful stuff!

    I've watched that scene several times now and I just marvel at it. Cohan, Riggs, and Lincoln were just bringing it by the truck load in that scene (and a big old hats off to Callies, whose final speech was simply heart-breaking - any son or daughter, or mother/wife, or even father/husband, can be affected by that moment and relate to it in different ways - "what if it was my mother/wife/me?" you know?

    Powerful, powerful stuff. I'm going to be thinking about this all week, that's for sure - a sign of great television.

  7. #52

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    @Whoever mentioned Rick taking vengeance on Andrew's body:
    If Andrew were a Walker it would make a great scene, but Oscar shot Andrew in the head with Rick's .357. I always keep track of whether someone dies by head trauma or not, because if they DON'T die by head trauma my brain is compelled to begin a "Time until reanimation or human prevents reanimation of corpse" countdown. At least for me, I would almost feel cheated after losing so much because of one person...and have to shoulder part of the blame myself, AND not even be able to take my revenge on them in a meaningful way...

    They didn't just traumatize/crush Rick emotionally. They did that, and then penned him in that emotional Hell with no easy scapegoats/ways to hide from the pain via retreating into fury. Yes, madly bashing Walkers might help somewhat (however incredibly dangerous such an activity would be in such an emotionally compromised state)...but it would (again, at least for me) lack the visceral relief of emotional torment being released via physical retribution upon the person/thing that hurt you. Random Walkers make great in-general consequence-free (morally I mean) targets, but it just isn't the same as splitting an Andrew-Walker's head open would be.

    Unless they want to pull some cheap-ass, totally-lose-my-respect "Yea, Oscar's headshot killed Andrew, but didn't do enough damage to keep him from reanimating and getting up/wandering around" schtick. I could see an Andrew-twitcher/brain-damaged-Walker, but please, PLEASE no more "Headshot, but still active and full-speed dangerous Walkers."

    As for Merle, agree 100% he's scheming, not mellowing. He knows he doesn't have the Governor's a) brains, b) support-base/firepower, c) other resources, including reputation/hold on the Woodbury Merle is laying in the weeds waiting for his chance. Again, agree if he re-encountered the group it would just devolve into a firefight with Rick...and devastating consequences to the Ricktatorship when Daryl implodes after Merle got dead.

    Best if Merle just doesn't manage to quite catch up with them.

  8. #53
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I think if Rick does take vengeance upon Andrew's body, it would be to simply desecrate it, and a version of punching a wall out of frustration for instance. Andrew took a headshot, he won't be coming back as a zombie. In the 3x05 preview, it seemed as if Glenn was shocked by what Rick was up to (Rick being covered in blood and angry) - plus we saw him, in the preview, grab his axe and start in the direction of their cellblock.

    I'd wager we see him take out his fury on Andrew's totally dead body - a "fuck you" statement, if you will - and then Glenn will convince him that Lori wouldn't want such action from Rick (who is clearly in a state of temporary insanity at worst, and total emotional upheaval at best), and Rick will visit Lori's body. That's what I imagine will happen/hope will happen.

    As for Merle, there's many possibilities - naturally I'm inclined not to trust him and be very wary of his motivations.

  9. #54

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    This seemed to be the most explosive episode yet. But the discussion on it seems be slower than previous episodes.

  10. #55
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    This seemed to be the most explosive episode yet. But the discussion on it seems be slower than previous episodes.
    I noticed there was less debate, as people seem to be agreeing on a lot more things on this episode, at least the surface aspects. This seemed, to me anyway, to be probably the most approved of and least contentious episodes to date. Heck, I was just really happy that so many of us appreciated it in such thorough a fashion.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #56

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I noticed there was less debate, as people seem to be agreeing on a lot more things on this episode, at least the surface aspects. This seemed, to me anyway, to be probably the most approved of and least contentious episodes to date. Heck, I was just really happy that so many of us appreciated it in such thorough a fashion.
    Agreed. What about Carl and the hat still? He's fucking glued to it!!! Makes me wanna kick him in the chest and take it and burn it.

  12. #57
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I noticed there was less debate, as people seem to be agreeing on a lot more things on this episode, at least the surface aspects. This seemed, to me anyway, to be probably the most approved of and least contentious episodes to date. Heck, I was just really happy that so many of us appreciated it in such thorough a fashion.
    I was interested to see some folks who had previously slammed Lori felt a sense of guilt or whatever after her death scene, and it was also good to see that everyone took the episode to heart and was fully emotionally invested in it. This is a prime example of treating the genre with respect and giving it quality scripts that are in-turn given life by high quality actors - strive for the best, not for the lowest common denominator. If you give the audience something to really chew on and invest in, they will readily do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    Agreed. What about Carl and the hat still? He's fucking glued to it!!! Makes me wanna kick him in the chest and take it and burn it.
    Awww, no way, that's an iconic image from the comics. I dig it. For one thing, it's an interesting little sign that - despite everything going on - this is still a child, and a child who looks up to his father, and wants to be like his father when he grows up (relatively speaking).

  13. #58
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    From here on out, Carl is like Indiana Jones - the hat and the character are one.
    Last edited by bassman; 10-Nov-2012 at 11:54 AM. Reason: .

  14. #59

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    I watched it again. This episode was INTENSE, really strong season so far. Really nailing the intensity of the comic, for once.

    Only complaint is Andrea. I don't like that actresses personality. It's...generic snobby bitch. Usually I kind of ignore her on episodes, just thinking "Don't worry, they'll make her the badass, lovabale sniper eventually." But I actually paid closer attention to her this episode, and the way that actress acts is so annoying. The exaggerated head movements, the snarky tone of voice, the way she whores it up with the Governor and Merle...I don't know, terrible choice to portray one of my favorite characters from the comic. Thinking back, she's always annoyed me, but I really paid closer attention this time, and she just seems like such a generic actress for a drama, from the mannerisms and the attitude to the body language and timing.

    It reminds me of that Mortal Kombat reboot. You know, when they did "Mortal Kombat: CSI" online? And it was all "gritty and realistic" because everyone was so obsessed with the Dark Knight at the time? They had Sonya Blade being played by Jerri Ryan. Her took me out of that Mortal Kombat short, really pissed me of and rustled my jimmies. I liked her in other things, but the way she portrayed Sonya felt so fake, generic, and cookie-cutter. Here, I'll post the scene so you guys can tell me what you think.

    Skip to 6:30. That shit is just so corny, so horribly bad. (Walks in, slams down file report, acts like a smug cunt, rinse, repeat.) Reminds me EXACTLY of what annoys me about Andrea. The exaggerated facial expressions. The condescending attitude. That smug face, and over-acted dialogue. It's annoying as hell, brahs
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 10-Nov-2012 at 10:23 PM. Reason: to prevent the apocalypse

  15. #60
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    I watched it again. This episode was INTENSE, really strong season so far. Really nailing the intensity of the comic, for once.

    Only complaint is Andrea. I don't like that actresses personality. It's...generic snobby bitch. Usually I kind of ignore her on episodes, just thinking "Don't worry, they'll make her the badass, lovabale sniper eventually." But I actually paid closer attention to her this episode, and the way that actress acts is so annoying. The exaggerated head movements, the snarky tone of voice, the way she whores it up with the Governor and Merle...I don't know, terrible choice to portray one of my favorite characters from the comic. Thinking back, she's always annoyed me, but I really paid closer attention this time, and she just seems like such a generic actress for a drama, from the mannerisms and the attitude to the body language and timing.

    It reminds me of that Mortal Kombat reboot. You know, when they did "Mortal Kombat: CSI" online? And it was all "gritty and realistic" because everyone was so obsessed with the Dark Knight at the time? They had Sonya Blade being played by Jerri Ryan. Her took me out of that Mortal Kombat short, really pissed me of and rustled my jimmies. I liked her in other things, but the way she portrayed Sonya felt so fake, generic, and cookie-cutter. Here, I'll post the scene so you guys can tell me what you think.

    Skip to 6:30. That shit is just so corny, so horribly bad. (Walks in, slams down file report, acts like a smug cunt, rinse, repeat.) Reminds me EXACTLY of what annoys me about Andrea. The exaggerated facial expressions. The condescending attitude. That smug face, and over-acted dialogue. It's annoying as hell, brahs
    I hear you.
    I find the actress really attractive to look at but i've been struggling with her performance for a few seasons now. She seems to be playing it sassy which really seems out of place to me.
    Last edited by kidgloves; 10-Nov-2012 at 10:51 PM. Reason: bollocks
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