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Thread: QUESTION - What have you seen enough of in the zombie genre?

  1. #16
    Fresh Meat

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    the words "virus", "infected", and "zombie apocalypse". hahah.

  2. #17
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombieparanoia View Post
    Shotguns. Look, I get it, they're "badass" but nobody is going to stick with a shotgun as a primary weapon for more than a day or 2. Again, TWD, Rick grabs a bag of rifles and shotguns and all they seem to use is shotguns.
    A shotgun would be my firearm of choice for close quarters zombie combat. IRL, head shots are incredibly difficult.

    Back on track,

    The group member who is bitten and will eventually turn. It's even worse when the group doesn't know that the bitten member will turn. This might be situationally realistic for the group/story (who aren't HPOTD members) but it's been done to death. Better yet, let's just completely eliminate bites turn you into a zombie.

    Zombies eating people. Do they always have to be cannibals? I get it, it was creepy and shocking back in the 60's but I'd like to see more originality and growth in the genre. Why exactly do they eat people anyway?

    Military and other stereotypes as the bad guys. When the world goes to hell the US Army becomes a gang of murdering rapists.

    Stupid people doing stupid stuff. Contrived stories. Yes, shit does need to hit the fan for the fun stuff to happen but at least elevate the survivors to more than a cast of morons. Let them make the right and/or smart choices and still end up knee deep in zombie poo.

    Civilians who become super ninja special forces sharp shooters.

    Contained stories. Due to budget limitations more than anything else but it's nice to get a look at the bigger picture from time to time.

    Give me some fresh locations, scenarios and characters. I want to see the crew of The Deadliest Catch return to dock.... zombie antics ensue, etc...

    I wouldn't mind an apocalyptic road trip.

    Zombie fans condemning everything that isn't a Romero-clone. The genre is becoming a re-cycled parody of itself.

    When all else fails, unnecessary topless shots are always a bonus.
    Last edited by Christopher Jon; 24-Dec-2012 at 06:33 AM. Reason: e

  3. #18
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixxxer7082 View Post
    the words "virus", "infected", and "zombie apocalypse". hahah.
    I'm watching Zombie Apocalypse right now on Discovery Channel. Amazed I haven't turned it off yet.
    I'm going to say enough zombie documentaries. These people talk like it's coming, and are a bit kookoo. One lady talks about having to shoot her man if he turns like (a) it's an actual possibility in the future to even ponder and (b) like it's no biggie to put him down if needs be.
    Lonely people looking for a camera to share their superior undead savvy, or bat poo crazy people in need of meds?
    I'd have a hard time describing my detailed escape plans without yucking it up here and there, let alone keep a straight face.

  4. #19
    Dying dracenstein's Avatar

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    Zombies with contact lenses. I hate how dead people reactivate with glowing yellow eyes.
    Sprinters. 'nuff said.
    People doing stupid things, like splitting up to search a deserted building for supplies and copping it.

    Things I want see more;
    outbreak where people recognise the walking dead but have hard time doing what is necessary.
    Where people don't have quick, easy access to guns. Living in UK with strict gun laws, if I need to defend myself from a zombie, I'll probably be stuck with a sword.
    Hot naked girls getting splinters in their eye...
    "and I looked and beheld, a zombie stamped with the number of the Beast"

  5. #20
    Fresh Meat

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    i am sick of obviously set up 'novelty zombie kills'. this is probably the worst sin imagineable to you guys ,but the helicopter cutting the zombies' head offin 'dawn' is a good example of what i'm talking about.

  6. #21

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    I'll a point Deadmonkey,
    Though when Romero did it in the original Dawn, it came off as creepy and original because a) Nobody HAD done it before, and b) Because it wasn't a consciously taken action. Instead it came off as a stark reminder of the zombie's inhumanity and mindless lack of self-preservation. Walking right into the chopper blades, while a gore-trick on one hand, WORKED in that movie...and that's all Romero can be asked to be responsible for.

    On the other hand, the guy in the Dawn REMAKE shoving the shaft of a broken croquet mallet completely through the zombie's head from underneath the jaw was a gag kill done to provide an opportunity for CGI gore. To make the scene worse, they hang a lamp on the gag by deliberately pausing to show him laying down a sturdy, about-as-ideal-an-improvised-weapon as one can lay hands on CROWBAR in favor of said cheap pinewood croquet mallet. THAT kind of "novelty kill" I have had FAR more than enough of.

    Not to say in recent years Romero hasn't been guilty of it however. Shooting the zombie in the mouth with a FLARE GUN on board the ferry headed for Plum Island in Survival absolutely made me cringe. Especially the almost Looney Tunes-like way they had the light from the burning flare somehow completely illuminate the bone of the skull in X-Ray-like fashion/clarity.

    TWD has brought zombie novelty kills back to where they belong. During believable combat events, as the most effective/least risky/least costly means of causing terminal head trauma. (Like Daryl pulling the one that crawled into the vehicle via the open-back trunk backward until its head was lined up with the trunk top, and then slamming it closed on the zombie's head, crushing it to jellied gore.) Or the more understated, logically occurring if repeated several times methods seen in the show. Like stabbing Walkers in the eye socket with a length of rebar or some sort of blade while they're pressing themselves against the fence at the prison.

    My current zombie movie/show hatred: Villains/Antagonists with Hammer Space -like manpower and equipment...basically allowing the villain/antagonist(s) to become or remain whatever level of threat to the protagonist(s) which is currently convenient for the said writers don't have to actually ::GASP:: THINK or EXPLAIN how said villain/antagonists overcome X-setbacks in order to threaten the protagonists in a timely fashion.

    The original Dawn is a good example of this. We're already into the grisly montage of the bikers who did stupid things like plop in chairs and stick their arm into a blood-pressure-checking band with dozens of zombies nearby, and become completely focused on their looting to the point they aren't even casually watching out for the zombies all around...getting slaughtered. We clearly see like 7-9 die like this in a 30-45 second montage...yet when Stephen took that potshot at said bikers there was a tight knot of them returning a barrage of fire almost instantly. To be fair it's not a terrible example of the principle...but it is a well-known one, so I pointed it out.

    In a living breathing setting, to retain viewer immersion the bad guys have to be just as much a part of the setting as the good guys...and therefore susceptible to things like: the consequences of poor decision-making, good & bad luck, ironic plot twists etc etc. When the villains/antagonists become as static and their status as unaffected as say, the number of zombies in the endless horde...they can't have anymore impact than said zombies...which rather defeats the purpose of introducing human adversaries in conflict with the protagonists during the zombie apocalypse being featured.

  7. #22
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    People who don't know how to select single shot on an assault rifle...I mean, I'm British and have never handled weapons, but FFS, stop pissing away half a dozen rounds for every walker you encounter. Aim, squeeze, rinse and repeat...even I know that that just brapping away at full auto is going to reduce your chances of an accurate shot!
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  8. #23
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    i'm sick of casts selected more for racial and gender balance. movies in which everyone seems to be close friends with exactly one person from each race - with the gay person thrown in for good measure here and there.

    i'm sick of one obvious trend in not just zombie horror but in the whole genre: the "tough chick who is in black ops" character. yeah, we fookin' get it: women can be tough too. now let's move on to the next character of the week.

    i'm pretty well sick of the entire zombie genre and think there should be a 5 year moratorium on all zombie themed things.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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