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Thread: FBI knew of plot to kill OWS activists, but did nothing.

  1. #1

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    FBI knew of plot to kill OWS activists, but did nothing.

    Only one month into the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations last year, plans were formulated to identify key figures in the movement and execute them with a coordinated assault using sniper rifles, new documents reveal.
    But they weren't even informed that there were assassination plots against them. Wonder why that would be!?
    This is the government that we're supposed to trust our lives to. And the government that we're supposed to believe wants to ban firearms for the good of the people..
    Last edited by babomb; 09-Jan-2013 at 10:17 PM. Reason: .

  2. #2
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Being a US citizen living abroad, and recently coming home from a trip to that very same country, I'd have to say this ties in with the feelings I had when I went over there.

    The US free market is great on paper, but the society itself is all about consuming and giving money to those who already have it. If only to make sure that the money and power stays in the hands of the same people who already have it. Literally, I didn't really notice how much consuming was going on until I got back home and started reflecting on my trip.

    It's a big problem. Much of the US society depends on it, and yeah it bleeds into most other countries as well. But the mentality in the US is different. There's just no questioning the constant consuming. Money goes everywhere and you can never get a hold of it. So I'm not surprised that people like the OWS movement were targeted by potential enemies and that the FBI decided to ignore it. They probably had orders to do so. A movement like OWS which were against the coorporatism of US society is potentially dangerous to the people in power because suddenly people didn't focus their anger against the politicians, or a foreign power but towards the people with the actual power.

    It's crazy how much money some people make, and I honestly believe that the US and much of the world is run by money and not in a good way. I believe that many of the rights you take for granted are illusions and if you were to excercise those rights in a manner that would displease people who were making money from your ignorance, you'd get stopped. And by that I mean killed or locked up.

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    I agree Ned. And it's only getting worse. More people are starting to wake up today too. Which threatens the status quo even more. Which is why I think all this stuff is going on now. That's why rights are being stripped away. It was fine when people just payed them lip service. But now people are trying to exercise them, and they want proof that they actually have them. So they're being legislated away in order to prevent them from becoming a problem, or to prevent people from realizing that they never actually had them.

  4. #4
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    I don't have a problem with how much money someone makes. It's an agreement between you and your employer so really it has nothing to do with me. Sure, I think it's ridiculous some of these Bank CEOs are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for running the company into the ground which is why I'm so against bailouts.

    I do have a problem with people not getting a job. I have a REALLY big problem with a system that gives people more money than a mininum wage job so it makes unemployed people's choice of action a rather easy one.

    Most of these OWS protestors are a bunch of tards. Reguardless......Conspiracy to commit murder or terroristic threatening is just that and not seeking punishment on a known crime is pretty shitty of the FBI.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 10-Jan-2013 at 04:44 PM. Reason: .....

  5. #5
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    To be honest im more surprised that occupy wall street is still going... i thought that ended years ago?

  6. #6
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    To be honest im more surprised that occupy wall street is still going... i thought that ended years ago?
    I'm really unsure if it actually ended or if the media just stopped covering it... or if it DID actually end, but now it's more of an "underground movement." Y'know?

  7. #7
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    I do have a problem with people not getting a job. I have a REALLY big problem with a system that gives people more money than a mininum wage job so it makes unemployed people's choice of action a rather easy one.

    Most of these OWS protestors are a bunch of tards. Reguardless......Conspiracy to commit murder or terroristic threatening is just that and not seeking punishment on a known crime is pretty shitty of the FBI.
    There's fewer jobs now, so I think you're approaching this from the wrong angle.

    I didn't know that welfare secured you an income that rivaled minimum wage, that's crazy as hell tho if that's the case. Where'd you read that!?

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    I don't have a problem with how much money someone makes. It's an agreement between you and your employer so really it has nothing to do with me. Sure, I think it's ridiculous some of these Bank CEOs are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for running the company into the ground which is why I'm so against bailouts.

    I do have a problem with people not getting a job. I have a REALLY big problem with a system that gives people more money than a mininum wage job so it makes unemployed people's choice of action a rather easy one.

    Most of these OWS protestors are a bunch of tards. Reguardless......Conspiracy to commit murder or terroristic threatening is just that and not seeking punishment on a known crime is pretty shitty of the FBI.
    I agree. I don't have a problem with how much money a person makes. As long as they're actually earning that money. Unlike, say, congress, that votes themselves raises and doesn't actually do anything they're supposed to be doing.

    I have a huge problem with bailouts!! I don't like the extreme amount of taxes that come out of my pocket going to big corporations that give huge bonuses to assholes that see me as nothing more than a slave.
    And yeah, the occupy people are mostly morons. They're there for the party, and the circus atmosphere, and most of them have no idea what they're even protesting. The worst part is that they're creating a situation where laws are passed to deal with protesting, and they're giving protesters a horrible name. So when the people want to come together to protest something real, and have clear concise goals in mind that make things better for everyone, they're gonna be looked at like a bunch of jerk offs because the OWS movement ruined it for everyone, and brought on a bunch of laws like the Trespass Bill that make protesting a federal offense.

    But the idea that the FBI completely ignored the fact that there were plans to kill people, simply because this government doesn't value the lives of certain types of people is what's really disturbing here. IMO, it shows what to expect from this government in the future. Makes you wonder who exactly it is that put together this assassination plot, and why they were "above the law" so to speak. In todays anti-gun, anti-dangerous activity atmosphere, if they were just average citizens the government and the media would've been all over this, if for no other reason than to use it to serve their own agendas. So it's likely that this plot was put together by people with influence.

  9. #9
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    There's fewer jobs now, so I think you're approaching this from the wrong angle.

    I didn't know that welfare secured you an income that rivaled minimum wage, that's crazy as hell tho if that's the case. Where'd you read that!?
    I don't think that's true at all. My Mom is on SSI (which I've been told is higher than Welfare) and she only receives around $1,100 a month, which isn't even enough to cover her rent.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I'm really unsure if it actually ended or if the media just stopped covering it... or if it DID actually end, but now it's more of an "underground movement." Y'know?
    Took the words right out of my head. The media really never did cover it. They only covered it when protesters did things like damage property or got arrested, or caused a situation by refusing to leave an area.
    The "mainstream" media really didn't even give coverage to all the civil rights violations by police. makes sense though. Because the OWS movement itself established that its main enemy was the "1%", by which the media is owned. Just another case of how ill conceived the whole OWS thing really was. They thought their cause would get alot of media coverage which would help to make the movement grow. But never really factored in that they were protesting the same people that own the media.

  11. #11
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    There's fewer jobs now, so I think you're approaching this from the wrong angle.

    I didn't know that welfare secured you an income that rivaled minimum wage, that's crazy as hell tho if that's the case. Where'd you read that!?
    Unemployment payouts vary from state to state. Weekly unemployment cap for New Jersey is $624. That's not saying you will get $624 a week if your on unemployment but you could.

    Weekly Benefit Rate

    The amount of unemployment
    benefits you may receive each week is your Weekly Benefit Rate (WBR). The amount
    will be 60% of the average weekly earnings during your base year period, up to a
    maximum of $624 (in 2013). The maximum amount may change each year.

    The total amount of benefits you may collect is called your Maximum Benefit
    Amount (MBA). The MBA is equal to the WBR times the total number of weeks worked
    in the base year period. Generally, for every week you worked during your base
    year period, you may be entitled to a week of benefits, up to a maximum of 26
    times your Weekly Benefit Rate.
    Calculator -

    The whole principle of unemployment is not forcing you to take a job that is under your former pay grade. So you don't go from a $24/hr construction foreman job to a $8/hr Mcdonalds job at least for a short period of time. I don't have a problem with 3 months of benefits while you look for another foreman job but before your 3 months are up you better have another foreman job or considering another career......instead of this sucking up money for watching Judge Judy and All My Children. The government keeps extending benefits so why would you go bust your ass in a greasy fast food work environment for less money then you get from the government? You wouldn't....I wouldn''s a pretty easy choice.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I don't think that's true at all. My Mom is on SSI (which I've been told is higher than Welfare) and she only receives around $1,100 a month, which isn't even enough to cover her rent.

    SSI is "It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income."

    It's not the same benefit as unemployment nor is it meant to replace income just assist. $1,1000 would be extremely difficult to live on a month. My motherinlaw is a cook at a hospital and makes $800 a month but still somehow manages.

  12. #12

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    SSI is supplemental security income. It's what you get when you don't have the proper amount of tax credits to qualify for full on social security disability. It's what most people get when they have a disability that makes them unable to work for the majority of their life.


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